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New Dems Offer Roadmap Forward on Health IT Set goal of fully interoperable nationwide Health IT exchange with 75% adoption by 2018
- WASHINGTON, DC-- ...more

Progress Report: New Democrat Coalition Agenda for the 110th Congress
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New Democrats Join House Leadership In Launching The Innovation Agenda For The 110th Congress
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New Dems “Key Vote” U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans’ Health and Iraq Accountability Act
- Today, the leadership of the New Democrat Coalition announced that it will be key voting the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans’ Health and Iraq Accountability Act.  ...more

New Dems Bolster Influence by Securing Key Committee Slots Coalition Secures 6 New Seats on Ways & Means; 4 on Energy & Commerce
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New Democrat Coalition Re-elects Leadership; Releases Detailed Agenda for 110th Congress
- Today, in preparation for the Democratic Majority, the New Democrat Coalition took a series of moves to strengthen their role as Congress’ largest centrist coalition in the 110th Congress.  ...more

New Democrats Congratulate Democratic Leadership Team for the 110th CongressTwo of Five Leadership Posts Held by New Democrats
- {New Democrat Coalition Chair Ellen Tauscher  (CA-10) , along with Co-chairs Joseph Crowley (NY-07), Artur Davis (AL-03), Ron Kind (WI-03), and Adam Smith (WA-09), issued the following statement regarding today's Democratic leadership elections.  Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (CA-09) was nominated to be Speaker of the House; Representative Steny Hoyer (MD-05) was elected as Majority Leader; Representative Jim Clyburn (SC-06) was tapped as Majority Whip ; Rahm Emanuel (IL-05) was chosen to chair the Democratic Caucus;  and  Representative John Larson (CT-01) was elected Vice Chair .  ...more

House New Democrat Coalition Grows to 63 Members
- Across the country last night voters issued in a new direction in Congress- and overwhelmingly the candidates they elected are moderates who have pledged to become active members of the House New Democrat Coalition (NDC). ...more

- In push to regain Congress, Democrats take a more centrist tack ELECTIONS 2006 ...more

New Democrat Coalition Co-Chairs Back The Health Information Technology Promotion Act
- Today, the Co-Chairs of the House New Democrat Coalition; Rep. Ellen Tauscher (D-CA), Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA), and Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI) made strides toward improving a healthcare system that is plagued by risisng costs and declining quality of care by voting for H.R.4157, The Health Information Technology Promotion Act. ...more

New Democrat Coalition Urges House Leaders to Include Senate Reform of Highly SkilledWorkers Visa Program in Final Version of Immigration Bill
- WASHINGTON, DC-- Sixteen members of the New Democrat Coalition have sent a letter to Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in support of reforms to the visa program for highly skilled workers contained in the Senate immigration bill.  The letter urged that when the House and Senate conference on this bill that the Senate language pertaining to this issue be included in the final reconciled version of the bill.  ...more

New Democrat Coalition Pushes For Bipartisan Health It Legislation
- WASHINGTON, DC--  Today, the Co-Chairs of the House New Democrat Coalition; Rep. Ellen Tauscher (D-CA), Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA), Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI), made strides toward improving a healthcare system that is plagued by risisng costs and declining quality of care by voting for H.R.4157, The Health Information Technology Promotion Act. ...more

New Democrat Coalition Introduces “Choice for America’s Seniors Act”
- Today, twenty-five members of the New Democrat Coalition (NDC) introduced the “Choice for America’s Seniors Act – HR 5116.”  With the May 15th deadline looming, seniors are being forced to choose from anywhere between 40 and 100 prescription drug plans offered under the newly enacted Medicare Prescription Drug Law.  “Only 27 out of 42 million eligible seniors have signed up for a prescription drug plan.  As the May 15th deadline quickly approaches, it is clear that seniors need more time to choose.  Denying them this much needed time forces them to rush a critical decision and does seniors a disservice. ” said NDC Chairwoman Ellen Tauscher (D-CA).  The selection process has been both confusing and overwhelming for America’s seniors, prompting many seniors to ask for more time to make this crucial decision.  This bill would extend the enrollment period by six months – from May 15, 2006 through November 14, 2006.  Given that the enrollment period opened November 15, 2005, this legislation provides a full year to make an informed decision about which plan is right for them. “While the prescription drug law needed a dramatic overhaul, this new legislation would give seniors additional time to process the complications in the current plan," said NDC Co-chair U.S. Representative Artur Davis (AL)  "The bill will also guarantee that once seniors pick a plan, they will not be subjected to unfair surprises regarding the medications available to them.” ...more

New Democrat Coalition Leadership Release Statement Praising USTR For Filing WTO Case Against China
- Today, the leaders of the New Democrat Coalition (NDC) released the following statement. ...more

New Democrat Coalition Touts Dem. Innovation Agenda: Real Ideas For A Competitive America
- WASHINGTON, D.C.- Today, the co-chairs of the New Democrat Coalition (NDC) derided the Republican high-tech agenda as inadequate to meet the needs of the new global economy.  New Democrats have consistently been leaders on high-tech and innovation issues including access to broadband, patent reform, expanding and making permanent the research and development (R&D) tax credits and supporting initiatives to attract the best and brightest talent the world has to offer. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) laid out an ambitious and pioneering high tech and innovation agenda last fall. In it, the Leader advocated new proposals to continue America's leadership in this arena and proposed ideas that would unleash the next generation of discovery, invention and growth in this country. Democrats clearly have a superior vision for broad-based economic growth and bolstering our nation’s competitiveness. ...more

New Democrat Leaders Tauscher, Kind, and Smith Vote to Ensure Worker Pensions
- Today, NDC Leaders U.S. Reps. Ellen O. Tauscher (D-CA), Ron Kind (D-WI) and Adam Smith (D-WA) voted to advance critical reforms to the nation’s private pension system that bolster the financial stability of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) and strengthen the funding of corporate pension plans.  The NDC leaders were three of 21 NDC members supporting the bill. ...more

New Democrats Call for Adoption of McCain Language on Torture
- Today, 15 members of the New Democrat Coalition (NDC) urged the Chairmen and Ranking Members of the House and Senate Armed Services Committees to include Senator McCain’s provision that would provide clear rules for interrogation and treatment of detainees captured in the war on terror.  ...more

NDC Statement in Congressional Record Regarding Bahrain FTA
- Today, Rep. Ellen O. Tauscher, chair of the New Democrat Coalition, entered the following statement into the Congressional Record on behalf of the top four leaders of the NDC.  Their statement praises passage of the free trade agreement with Bahrain: ...more

New Democrats Back Bahrain Free Trade Agreement: Trade deal strengthens relations with key ally; Ensures fair labor standards
- Today, the New Democrat Coalition voted overwhelmingly in support of H.R. 4340, the United States - Bahrain Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Implementation Act.  The agreement reduces most tariffs and duties between the two countries, lowers barriers to services, and increases labor protections for Bahrain workers. Beyond the economic benefit, the U.S.-Bahrain FTA enhances U.S. trade relations with a proven ally of the United States in a key strategic region.  ...more

New Democrat Coalition Praises Passage of TRIA Extension
- Today the New Democrat Coalition issued the following statement on the passage of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act: ...more

New Democrat Coalition Leadership Decries Mere 1-Year Extension of Alternative Minimum Tax Relief Today’s Republican Tax Cuts Don’t Help American Families Most in Need
- Today, the four co-chairs of the New Democrat Coalition (NDC) criticized the Republican House majority’s failure to bring lasting and substantive tax relief to America’s working families.  ...more

New Democrat Coalition Supports Action on TRIA
- Today, the New Democrat Coalition released the following statement: ...more

New Democrat Coalition Leadership Denounces Cuts to R&D Tax Credit, Severe Limits on H1-B Visa Program: Touts Democratic Innovation Agenda to Strengthen U.S. Economic Competitiveness
- Today, the four co-chairs of the New Democrat Coalition (NDC) condemned Republican attempts to cut important technology innovation initiatives from the highly partisan Budget Reconciliation bill. These attempts include cutting the Research and Development (R&D) tax extension and severely curtailing the highly regulated, and effective, H1B visa program.  While top Republicans are trying to strip these provisions, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has introduced an innovation agenda that advances these critically important policies and will ultimately keep our U.S.-based technology companies competitive in a global market. ...more

New Democrat Coalition Unveils Website
- Today, the House New Democrat Coalition launched its new website, found at  The site is designed to provide resources to journalists, Hill staff, and representatives of trade, technology, and national security industries.  ...more

House New Democrat Coalition Meets with USTR Portman
- WASHINGTON, DC--Today, members of the House New Democrat Coalition (NDC) met with U.S. Trade Representative Rob Portman to lay the groundwork for future dialogue on trade issues.  Portman discussed upcoming and ongoing trade negotiations and labor concerns with NDC members on the Hill. ...more

NDC Members Outline Objectives for Telecom Reform
- Recently, thirty-three members of the New Democrat Coalition (NDC) signed a letter to the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Energy and Commerce outlining their vision for the revision of the nation’s new telecommunications policies. ...more

House New Dems Call for Education to be atop G8 Summit Agenda
- The House New Democrat Coalition (NDC) sent a letter to President Bush today emphasizing the importance of education in a successful foreign policy agenda and urging the President to work with the heads of state attending next week's G8 Summit in Scotland to affirm the global commitment to education in developing countries. ...more

House New Democrats, Financial Services Industry Identify Common Ground during Landmark Meeting
- Members of the House New Democrat Coalition met with representatives of the financial services industry to discuss issues relevant to providing optimal consumer services and protections during a scheduled morning meeting today. ...more

House New Dems Call For Patent Reform
- The House New Democrat Coalition this week released a letter to the House Judiciary Committee calling for sweeping reform of the nation’s patent laws. ...more

House New Democrat Leadership Announce Opposition to CAFTA
- Citing concerns for protecting workers’ rights abroad and eroding investment in American workers at home, leaders of the House New Democrat Coalition today announced their opposition to the Dominican Republic – Central American Free Trade Agreement in a letter sent to President George W. Bush....more

House New Democrats Support Incentives for Healthcare Technology: Budget leadership urged to keep reserve fund encouraging efficiency, innovation
- With an aim towards increasing the efficiency of administering healthcare nationwide, members of the House New Democratic Coalition today submitted a letter to the House and Senate Budget Committee leadership encouraging them to preserve the Health Information Technology Reserve Fund during the current budget resolution negotiations. ...more

New Democrats Urge Speaker to Advance Bankruptcy Bill
- With consumer debt reaching record highs of more than $2 trillion, members of the New Democrat Coalition (NDC) sent a letter today to Speaker Dennis Hastert, urging him to schedule House action on the bankruptcy reform legislation as soon as the Senate completes its consideration of the bill.  The letter, signed by twenty NDC members, including the four NDC leaders, reiterates New Democrats’ long-standing support for common-sense bankruptcy legislation and states an intention to work across the aisle to pass bankruptcy reform into law. ...more

NDC Supports House Passage Of S.5, The Class Action Fairness Act Of 2005
- Yesterday, the House of Representatives passed S. 5, The Class Action Fairness Act by a wide bi-partisan margin of 279 to 149.  This legislation passed the Senate on February 11, 2005.  It will now be sent to the White House to be signed into law by the President. ...more

House New Democrat Coalition Announces New Leaders, Membership For 109th: Ellen Tauscher, Artur Davis, Ron Kind, And Adam Smith To Lead Group
- The New Democrat Coalition (NDC) in the U.S. House of Representatives today announced its leadership and membership for the 109th Congress: ...more

Financial Services Committee New Dems Lead the Way on Permanent Reauthorization of the Fair Credit Reporting Act with Passage of the FACT ACT; Financial Services New Dems Provided Initial Momentum
- New Democrat Coalition members helped provide the momentum and the votes necessary for the House to approve the reauthorization of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, entitled the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (HR 2622). Eighty-six percent of New Democrats (64 of 74 voting) voted for final passage of the bill, which was approved overwhelmingly by a vote of 392 yeas - 30 neas - 1 present. ...more

New Democrat Coalition Leads House Democrats Toward Permanent Reauthorization of the Fair Credit Reporting Act with Passage of the FACT ACT; Financial Services New Dems Provided Initial Momentum
- New Democrat Coalition members helped provide the momentum and the votes necessary for the House to approve the reauthorization of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, entitled the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (HR 2622). Eighty-six percent of New Democrats (64 of 74 voting) voted for final passage of the bill, which was approved overwhelmingly by a vote of 392 yeas - 30 neas - 1 present. ...more

United States Trade Representative Robert Zoellick to Address New Democrats: Free Trade Agreements, International Relations Among Topics for Discussion
- Today, the New Democrat Coalition (NDC) will welcome U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) Robert Zoellick. Ambassador Zoellick is part of a long-standing dialogue between the NDC and trade proponents that has previously included guests such as Ambassador Pascal Lamy, European Union Commissioner of Trade, and Ambassador Charlene Barshefsky, former USTR under President Bill Clinton. Chief among topics for discussion will be the Chile and Singapore “fast-track” free trade agreements that are being considered by various House committees. ...more

Robert E. Rubin, Former Secretary of Treasury, to Meet With New Democrats Rubin will discuss the state of the economy
- oday at its Top of the Week meeting, the New Democrat Coalition (NDC) will welcome former Secretary of the Treasury Robert E. Rubin. Rubin will discuss the flawed economic policies of the Bush administration as well as pressing issues such as the continuing rise in unemployment rates, trade agreements facing Congress and the implications of the enormous federal budget deficits. ...more

New Democrat Coalition Releases "e-genda 2003": Plan for Growth and Prosperity in the New Economy
- In the absence of attention to critical New Economy issues, the New Democrat Coalition today releases “e-genda 2003,” its fifth comprehensive technology policy agenda. The New Democrat Coalition is committed to continuing to lead the way in promoting policies to grow and expand the New Economy and to ensure that all Americans have the opportunity to succeed in it. ...more

New Democrat Coalition Adds 10 Freshmen Members To Its Ranks
- New Democrat Coalition Co-Chairs Jim Davis (D-FL-11), Ron Kind (D- WI-03), and Adam Smith (D-WA-09) are pleased to announce the addition of 10 new members, expanding the number of New Democrats in the House to 75. ...more

New Democrat Leaders Frustrated by Lack of Movement on Critical Legislation Urge House Republican Leadership to Take Action
- he leaders of the New Democrat Coalition expressed their frustration today with the inactivity in the House of Representatives on critical legislation. Since Congress’ return to session, the Republican leadership has failed to schedule a vote on legislation that enjoys broad bipartisan support and that they themselves have declared to be high priorities - Bankruptcy Reform and the Export Administration Act. Meanwhile, with the fiscal year on the verge of expiring, the leadership has allowed intra-party politics to bring the appropriations process to a grinding halt. ...more

New Democract Coalition Calls On Administration To Fully Fund IDEA
- Today, the New Democrat Coalition (NDC) called for the administration to live up to its commitment to fully fund educational services provided to children with disabilities under the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA). ...more

New Democrats Call On President For Economic Summit
- As Office of Management and Budget Director Mitch Daniels testified before the House Budget Committee to release poor mid-session budget figures, members of the New Democrat Coalition (NDC) called on the President and his economic team for a budget summit to discuss America’s economic health and to chart a course towards a fiscally responsible, wartime budget. A copy of the letter to President Bush is attached. ...more

New Democrats Call On Administration For Actions -- Not Words -- To Restore Investor Confidence
- The leadership of the New Democrat Coalition today applauded the Administration’s “tough talk” on the WorldCom scandal, but implored President Bush and House Republicans to finally move to restore trust in the marketplace by requiring action from the leadership of corporate America. ...more

New Democrat Coalition Unveils "E-Genda 2002;" Promoting Growth of the New Economy
- Today, the New Democrat Coalition unveiled its 2002 "e-genda," marking the fourth release of a comprehensive New Economy policy agenda, and the Coalition’s continuing efforts on familiar fronts, such as trade, privacy, education and research funding. New issues include public-private partnerships to improve homeland security and win the war against terrorism, a balanced approach to digital rights management and restoring investor confidence in our financial markets. ...more

New Democrat Coalition Unveils "E-Genda 2002": Promoting Growth of the New Economy
- On Thursday, June 27, 2002 at 11:00 a.m, the New Democratic Coalition will unveil its "e-genda." ...more

NDC Members Seek To Work With Bush To Pass Export Administration Act Letter Asks for Meeting with President Bush
- In a letter yesterday to President Bush, members of the New Democrat Coalition (NDC), a group of 74 centrist pro-growth Democratic members of the House of Representatives, requested a meeting with the President to discuss passing effective Export Administration Act (EAA) legislation in the House of Representatives. ...more

NDC Announces Leadership Change
- On Wednesday at 11:30a.m. on the House Triangle, the current co-chairs of the New Democrat Coalition, Reps. Cal Dooley, (D-Calif.), Jim Moran (D-Va.) and Tim Roemer (D-Ind.) will formally pass the leadership of the Coalition to new co-chairs Reps. Jim Davis (D-Fla.), Ron Kind (D-Wis.) and Adam Smith (D-Wash.). ...more

NDC Members Urge Bush to Make Trade Adjustment Assistance a Priority Pro-Trade Democrats Send Letter to Bush
- Members of the New Democrat Coalition (NDC), a group of 72 centrist, pro-growth Democratic members of the House of Representatives, signed a letter to President George W. Bush calling on him to make Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) a priority on his Administration's trade agenda. ...more

New Democrats Release "e-genda 2001"
- Members of the New Democrat Coalition (NDC), a group of 72 centrist, pro-growth Democratic members of the House of Representatives, today released e-genda 2001, the third annual edition of their New Economy policy agenda. The unveiling was led by NDC leaders Reps. Cal Dooley (CA), Jim Moran (VA), Tim Roemer (IN), and Adam Smith (WA). ...more

New Democrats Hail Education Bill: Bill Includes Principles of Group's "Three R's" Plan
- Leaders of the New Democrat Coalition (NDC), a prominent group of 72 centrist, pro-growth Democratic members of the House of Representatives, hailed the education bill approved by the House today for its consensus approach to reforming our schools and noted its similarities to their own education plan. New Democrats also played a leading role in turning back efforts to weaken the bill. ...more

New Democrats Urge Energy Agenda For The 21st Century: Plan focuses on investment in new technologies and modernizing regulations
- Members of the New Democrat Coalition - a group of 72 pro-growth Democrats in the House of Representatives -- today released principles and proposals for a long-term energy agenda, focusing on embracing energy technologies for the future and new regulatory frameworks. ...more

New Democrats Provide Key Support For Bankruptcy Reform
- Members of the New Democrat Coalition (NDC), a group of 70 centrist, pro-growth Democratic members of the House of Representatives, today provided key Democratic votes for legislation to overhaul the nation's bankruptcy laws. New Democrats cosponsored the legislation, which places a new emphasis on personal accountability and requires some individuals to enter repayment plans, and helped "whip" Democratic votes to secure passage. ...more

House New Democrats Join Senate In Unveiling Education Reform Plan
- Leaders of the New Democrat Coalition (NDC), a prominent group of centrist, pro-growth Democratic members of the House of Representatives, today joined members of the Senate New Democrat Coalition in unveiling a bicameral education reform proposal aimed at refocusing federal education programs on raising academic achievement and providing more funding and flexibility to states and local districts. ...more

Senate And House New Democrats Outline Policy Priorities
- Key members of the House and Senate New Democrat Coalitions (NDC), the leading groups of centrist, pro-growth Democratic members of Congress, today wrote to President-elect George W. Bush outlining several key areas of potential bipartisan agreement including education reform, responsible fiscal policy, and free trade expansion. ...more

New Democrats Unanimously Support Digital Signature Conference Report
- After over a year of working on the issue, the New Democrat Coalition, a group of 65 pro-growth, centrist Democrats in the House of Representatives, unanimously supported legislation to facilitate the use of digital signatures. ...more

New Democrats Hail Passage of Stock Option Incentive Bill
- embers of the New Democrat Coalition (NDC), a group of 65 centrist, pro-growth Democratic members of the House of Representatives, today joined a bipartisan and bicameral coalition in passing legislation, S. 2323, the Worker Economic Opportunity Act, which will remove barriers that currently hinder employers' ability to make stock option programs available to employees. The bill, which was approved today by a 421-0 margin, is identical to H.R. 4182, legislation introduced in April by several key New Democrats. ...more

New Democrats Applaud Extension of Research and Development Tax Credit
- Members of the New Democrat Coalition (NDC), a group of 64 centrist, pro-growth Democratic members of the House of Representatives, today applauded an agreement reached yesterday between the White House and Congress to extend the research and development (R&D) tax credit for an additional five years. ...more

New Democrats Hail China WTO Agreement
- Members of the New Democrat Coalition (NDC), a group of 64 centrist, pro-growth Democratic members of the House of Representatives, today hailed President Clinton and U.S. Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky for reaching agreement with Chinese officials on China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO). ...more

New Democrats Instrumental in Passage of Digital Signatures Bill
- Members of the New Democrat Coalition (NDC), a group of 64 centrist, pro-growth Democratic members of the House of Representatives, were instrumental in passing legislation to facilitate the use of digital signatures, and to defeating a weaker version of the legislation. Ninety percent of the NDC's membership supported final passage of the bill. ...more

New Democrats Urge Swift Reconsideration Of Digital Signature Bill
- embers of the New Democrat Coalition (NDC), a group of 64 centrist, pro-growth Democratic members of the House of Representatives, today sent a letter to Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, Majority Leader Dick Armey, and Majority Whip Tom DeLay urging them to bring digital signature to the floor under regular order. ...more

New Democrats Applaud President's Remarks on Trade and WTO Negotiations
- The New Democrat Coalition is lauding President Clinton's remarks on trade and the administration's objectives in the upcoming World Trade Organization (WTO) ministerial meeting in Seattle. ...more

New Democrats Set Record Straight on GOP TV Campaign
- The 64-member New Democrat Coalition today responded to this week’s contradictory announcements of a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) analysis revealing that Republican budget plans would siphon off at least $18 billion next year from the Social Security surplus and a $5 million National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) campaign to accuse moderate Democrats of “raiding” the Social Security surplus. ...more

New Democrat Coalition Responds to Encryption Policy Change
- The New Democrat Coalition (NDC) applauded the Clinton Administration's recently announced change in encryption export policy, while awaiting more details and continuing to support the SAFE Act. ...more

New Democrats Score High On Trade
- Members of the New Democrat Coalition, a group of 63 centrist Democrats, have been recognized as consistent supporters of free trade and international economic engagement. ...more

Republicans Wrongly Exclude Permanent Extension of Research and Development Tax Credit, Say New Democrats
- Today, members of the New Democrat Coalition (NDC), a group of 63 centrist, tech-savvy Democrats, criticized House and Senate Republicans for excluding a permanent extension of the research and development (R&D) tax credit from the conference report of their $792 tax cut package. The plan approved by members of a House-Senate conference committee yesterday extends the R&D tax credit for only five years. ...more

New Democrats Support Continued Trade With China
- Today, members of the New Democrat Coalition, a group of 63 centrist Democrats, led the charge in the Democratic caucus to continue normal trade relations (NTR) with China. NDC members joined a majority of their House colleagues in defeating a resolution disapproving President Clinton’s request to extend China’s NTR trade status for an additional year. ...more

House Passes New Democrat Amendment To Hire Teachers
- The House of Representatives today overwhelmingly approved an amendment offered by U.S. Reps. Jim Davis (FL) and Tim Roemer (IN) to help mid-career professionals change careers to become teachers. ...more

New Democrats Outline E-genda; Criticize Republicans For Failing To Prioritize Permanent Extension Of Research And Development Tax Credit
- Fresh off a recent tour of Silicon Valley, the New Democrat Coalition unveiled their “e-genda” today and criticized House Republicans for failing to include a permanent extension of the research and development tax credit in their tax cut package. ...more

New Democrats Lead On Technology Issues
- The New Democrat Coalition, a group of 63 centrist Democrats, is demonstrating its leadership on high-technology issues this week as the Joint Economic Committee hears from numerous high-technology executives and experts. ...more

New Democrats Key to Bankruptcy Reform Package
- The New Democrat Coalition, the largest Members’ organization in the House of Representatives, provided the key Democratic voting bloc to pass bankruptcy reform legislation today by a veto-proof margin of 313-108. ...more

'SAFE' Legislation A Top Priority For New Democrat Coalition
- The New Democrat Coalition today announced its support behind the Security and Freedom through Encryption Act, sponsored by Representatives Zoe Lofgren and Bob Goodlatte. ...more

New Democrats Unite Behind Four Legislative Initiatives This Week: R&D Tax Credit, Encryption, Ed-Flex, Bankruptcy Reform priorities for group of centrist Democrats
- The New Democrat Coalition pledged support to four legislative proposals this week: permanent extension of the Research and Development tax credit, relaxing export controls on encryption technology, extending the Ed-Flex program, and reforming bankruptcy laws. ...more