USDA Forest Service

Mt. Hood National Forest


Mt. Hood NF
16400 Champion Way
Sandy, OR 97055

(503) 668-1700

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Projects & Plans

Forest-wide Projects

Palomar Gasline Transmission Project

Proposed Forest Plan Amendment

Posted December 11, 2008

The Proposed Palomar Gasline Transmission Project (PGT) that is being evaluated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) crosses east/west through the middle of the Mt. Hood National Forest (Forest). The Forest Service is a cooperating agency on the environmental impact statement (EIS) that is being prepared by the FERC and we have identified aspects of the proposed pipeline that would not be consistent with the Mt. Hood National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan (Forest Plan).

PGT has proposed constructing and operating a new natural gas pipeline and associated structures. The project would be located in northwest Oregon and consist of a 211-mile-long, 36-inch-diameter pipeline running from near Shaniko, Wasco County, Oregon to the Bradwood send-out pipeline in Clatsop County, Oregon. Approximately 47 miles of the pipeline would be located on the Forest.

The staff of the FERC is preparing the EIS that will discuss the environmental impacts of the PGT project that could result from the construction and operation of a new underground natural gas pipeline. An initial Notice of Intent (NOI) for the proposed pipeline was issued by the FERC on October 29, 2007. An analysis of a Forest Plan amendment will be included in the EIS being prepared by the FERC.

The FERC is the lead federal agency in the preparation of the EIS, and is preparing the EIS to satisfy the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The FERC will use the EIS in its decision-making processes to determine whether or not to authorize the Project. The Forest Service will use the EIS to evaluate the proposed amendments to the Mt. Hood Forest Plan and for any forest plan amendment decisions made subsequently if the FERC authorizes this project.

The timeline to receive comments concerning the scope of analysis for the proposed Forest Plan amendment has been extended from January 5, 2009 to February 4, 2009. For additional information on the proposed Forest Plan amendment and the scoping comment period please see the scoping letter below.


Aquatic Restoration

Decision Notice

Posted January 6, 2009

The Mt. Hood National Forest has prepared an Environmental Assessment to improve hydrologic function and reduce adverse impacts to aquatic habitat by decommissioning unneeded roads in eight high priority sixth-field subwatersheds. Forest Supervisor Gary Larsen has decided to implement Alternative 3, with some modifications, which will result in decommissioning approximately 76 miles of unneeded roads. This alternative was selected because it best meets the need to restore impaired hydrologic function on the Forest , while also minimizing the impacts to recreation access.


This decision is subject to appeal pursuant to Forest Service regulations at 36 CFR 215. Any individual or organization that submitted comments during the comment period may appeal. Any appeal of this decision must be in writing and fully consistent with the content requirements described in 36 CFR 215.14. The Appeal Deciding Officer is the Regional Forester. An appeal should be addressed to the Regional Forester at the following address:


Appeal Reviewing Officer: Regional Forester

USDA Forest Service, Region Six

ATTN: 1570 Appeals/Objections

P.O. Box 3623

333 SW First Avenue

Portland , OR 97208-3623


Hand delivered appeals must be presented to the above address between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm Monday through Friday, except legal holidays. Appeals can be sent via fax to 503-808-2255. Also, appeals can be filed electronically at: . Electronic objections must be submitted as part of the actual e-mail message, or as an attachment in Microsoft Word (.doc), rich text format (.rtf), or portable document format (.pdf) only. E-mails submitted to email addresses other than the one listed above, or in formats other than those listed or containing viruses, will be rejected. It is the responsibility of the appellant to confirm receipt of objections submitted by electronic mail .


The appeal, including attachments, must be postmarked or received by the Appeal Deciding Officer within 45 days of the date legal notice of this decision was published in the Oregonian.

Off-highway Vehicle Travel Management Plan

Update Letter Posted September 4, 2008

Posted August 29, 2007, Updated September 18, 2007

The Mt. Hood National Forest will prepare an Environmental Impact Statement to document and disclose the potential environmental effects of establishing and designating a system of roads, trails and areas for off-highway vehicles (OHV). The Proposed Action will change OHV access through much of the Forest in order to meet the intent of the Travel Management; Designated Routes and Areas for Motor Vehicle Use; Final Rule that was published on November 9, 2005 (70 FR 216). The Proposed Action focuses on travel management within six proposed OHV areas and motorized access to dispersed (undeveloped) camping. Within each area, specific OHV routes are proposed by motor vehicle class, and new trails are proposed for construction where they would create trail loop opportunities.


Good Things Are Happening in the Sandy River Basin. 

Find Out More.

Bull Run Watershed Management Unit Agreement

The USDA Forest Service (Mt. Hood National Forest) and Portland Water Bureau have prepared a new Bull Run Watershed Management Unit Agreement pursuant to Public Law 95-200, commonly known as the Bull Run Act. This Agreement serves as a partnership guide for the long-term stewardship of the Bull Run watershed and will replace a 1979 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).  The Agreement provides the revised administrative direction and agreements needed to structure the roles, responsibilities, functional processes, and working relationships for the Forest Service and City of Portland as joint managers of the Bull Run. 


Drafts of the Agreement were first submitted for public review in June 2005 and again in February 2006. The most recent draft of the Bull Run Watershed Management Unit Agreement was made available for public review and comment during a two-month period in the spring of 2007. The public was also provided the opportunity to learn more about the draft agreement or to provide comment at two public meetings held on March 20, 2007 in Portland and March 21, 2007 in Sandy , OR . The public was asked to submit written comments by April 16, 2007.


Based on public input, staff from the Water Bureau and from the Mt. Hood National Forest have made changes to the final draft of the agreement. Click on the link provided to access the Report to the Community , a short history of the interactions and relationships among the City of Portland , the Mt. Hood National Forest and interested stakeholders in the Bull Run watershed.


You may also access a Response to Comments document which summarizes the public comments received during the spring 2007 public review period with responses from the agencies. 


The Portland City Council considered the Bull Run Watershed Management Unit Agreeement at the regular City Council meeting on October 3rd, 2007.  Public testimony  was also heard by the City Council at this time.  The Council voted to adopt the Bull Run Watershed Management Unit Agreement during the regular City Council Meeting on October 10, 2007.  The Agreement was signed by Commissioner Randy Leonard, Regional Forester Linda Goodman, and Mt. Hood National Forest Supervisor Gary Larsen on December 17, 2007. 



Restoration 2003

District Projects

Barlow RD | Clackamas River RD | Hood River RD | Zigzag RD

Barlow Ranger District

Cooks Meadow Trail Restoration


Badger Grazing Allotment

Posted September 21, 2007

Billy Bob Hazardous Fuels Reduction

Posted January 31, 2008

Decision Letter

Decision Notice

Environmental Assessment


The Dalles Watershed Hazardous Fuels Reduction

Posted June 27, 2007

       179 kb (Posted 6/27/07)

       405 kb (Posted 6/27/07)

Environmental Assessment

Cover Letter - Availability of the EA and the Objection Process

Posted January 4, 2007

Zip File - All Documents

Eightmile Salvage

(Posted April 14, 2006)

Sportsman's Park

(Posted April 14, 2006)

Expired Special Use Permits

(Posted July 6, 2004)

Juncrock Timber Sale

(Posted April 14, 2004)

Final Environmental Impact Statement


Clackamas River Ranger District

2008 Clackamas Road Decommissioning for Aquatic Restoration

(Posted August 5, 2008)



(Posted September 30, 2008)


Upper Clack Thinning

(Posted August 20, 2008)

  • Decision Notice Letter - Adobe PDF file, 38 kb
  • Decision Notice - Adobe PDF file, 104 kb
  • Environmental Assessment - Adobe PDF file, 1,609 kb
    • A Response to Comments - Adobe PDF file, 55 kb
    • B Wildlife Biological Evaluation - Adobe PDF file, 367 kb
    • C Fish Biological Evaluation - Adobe PDF file, 1,283 kb
    • D Botany Biological Evaluation - Adobe PDF file, 177 kb
    • E Maps - Adobe PDF file, 1,690 kb

2007 Clackamas Restoration Project


Cascade Crest Shaded Fuel Break Project

(Posted March 19, 2008)


Side Channel and Culverts Restoration Projects

(Posted July 2, 2007)


Plantation Thinning - 2007

(Posted March 12, 2007)

  • Decision Notice Letter - Adobe PDF file, 97 kb
  • Decision Notice - Adobe PDF file, 158 kb
  • Environmental Assessment - Adobe PDF file, 1,158 kb
  • Appendices
    • A Response to Comments - Adobe PDF file, 572 kb
    • B Wildlife Biological Evaluation - Adobe PDF file, 360 kb
    • C Fish Biological Evaluation - Adobe PDF file, 9,117 kb
    • D Botany Biological Evaluation - Adobe PDF file, 297 kb
    • E Other Documents - Adobe PDF file, 1,362 kb
    • F Maps - Adobe PDF file, 10,608 kb



Summit and Wildcat Thinning

(Posted December 5, 2005)

No Whisky Thinning

(Posted April 17, 2006)

  • Decision Notice Letter - Adobe PDF file, 98 kb
  • Decision Notice - Adobe PDF file, 132 kb
  • Environmental Assessment - Adobe PDF file, 2,121 kb
  • Appendices
    • A Response to Comments - Adobe PDF file, 205 kb
    • B Wildlife Biological Evaluation - Adobe PDF file, 560 kb
    • C Fish Biological Evaluation - Adobe PDF file, 467 kb
    • D Botany Biological Evaluation - Adobe PDF file, 252 kb
    • E Other Documents - Adobe PDF file, 2,898 kb



South Fork Thinning

(Posted February 5, 2006)

  • Decision Notice Letter - Adobe PDF file, 98 kb
  • Decision Notice - Adobe PDF file, 84 kb
  • Environmental Assessment - Adobe PDF file, 626 kb
  • Appendices
    • A Response to Comments Adobe PDF file, 164 kb
    • B Wildlife Biological Evaluation - Adobe PDF file, 213 kb
    • C Fish biological Evaluation - Adobe PDF file, 653 kb
    • D Botany biological Evaluation - Adobe PDF file, 165 kb
    • E Other Documents - Adobe PDF file, 767 kb



Collawash Thinning

(Posted September 6, 2005)

  • Decision Notice Letter - Adobe PDF file, 95 kb
  • Decision Notice One - Adobe PDF file, 110 kb
  • Decision Notice Two - Adobe PDF file, 102 kb
  • Environmental Assessment- Adobe PDF file, 691 kb
  • Appendices
    • A Response to comments - Adobe PDF file, 304 kb
    • B Wildlife Biological Evaluation - Adobe PDF file, 202 kb
    • C Fish Biological Evaluation - Adobe PDF file, 146 kb
    • D Botany Biological Evaluation - Adobe PDF file, 196 kb
    • E Other Documents - Adobe PDF file, 280 kb

Precommercial Thinning FY05 through FY09

Slip Plantation Thinning

(Posted December 27, 2004)

Cloak Thinning

(Posted November 16, 2004)
  • Decision Notice Letter - Adobe PDF file, 91 kb
  • Decision Notice - Adobe PDF file, 110 kb
  • Environmental Assessment- Adobe PDF file, 993 kb
  • Appendices
    • A Response to comments - Adobe PDF file, 314 kb
    • B Wildlife Biological Evaluation - Adobe PDF file, 234 kb
    • C Fish Biological Evaluation - Adobe PDF file, 190 kb
    • D Botany Biological Evaluation - Adobe PDF file, 117 kb
    • E Other Documents - Adobe PDF file, 321 kb


Site Inspection of Kiggins-Nisbet Mines


  • February 22, 2008 - Kiggins-Nisbet Removal Action Memo

  • April 2007 - Reply to: Notice to Current and/or Past Owners and Operators of Proposal to Add Contaminated Property to DEQ's Confirmed Release List (CRL) and Inventory

  • August 2006 - Letter to DEQ - NW Region Portland Office

  • November 2005 - Engineering Estimate / Cost Analysis

  • March 2004 - Site Inspection Report - Final

  • Sept. 2003 - Field Operations Plan - Adobe PDF file, 980kb

  • May 2003 - Nisbet Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment - Adobe PDF file, 634kb

  • April 2003 - Kiggins Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment - Adobe PDF file, 907kb

  • Feb. 2003 - Memorandum: Initiation of CERCLA* Investigation
* Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (1987)


Orchard Project


Hood River Ranger District

Red Hill Bridge Replacement

Posted December 30, 2008

Lake Branch Thin

Posted October 27, 2008


North Fork Mill Creek - Restoration Project

Revisions and additions posted January 5, 2009

Middle Fork Irrigation District (MFID) Maintenance Projects



Robinhood Creek Helicopter Log Delivery Project

Posted June 13, 2008

Posted May 13, 2008


FY 2008 Precommercial Thinning

Posted March 28, 2008


DB Cooper Fuel Reduction Demonstration Project

Posted April 11, 2008

Long Prairie Grazing Allotment

Posted September 14, 2005


Bear Knoll Thinning Project

Updated April 12, 2005

Lift 21 at Mt. Hood Meadows Ski Area



Zigzag Ranger District


Bull Run Road Decommissioning


Chute Access Improvement and Cutbank Restoration

Government Camp Trails Project

Posted Jan 12, 2006

Precommercial Thinning FY05 through FY09


Tamarack Quarry Expansion Project

Final Environmental Impact Statement

Appendix A-Visual Report

Appendix B-soil water report

Appendix C - Fish - Wildlife Biological Evaluation Report

Appendix D-wildlife BA

Appendix E - Botanical Biological Evaluation - Noxious Weed Report

Appendix F - Response to Comments

Appx G - Reclamation Plan

Record of Decision

Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Maps and Photos

  • Figure 1 - Vicinity Map (4.12mb)
  • Figure 2 - Alternatives Under Consideration ( 4.51mb)
  • Figure 3 - Wintertime View from Timberline Lodge ( 505kb)
  • Figure 4 - Summertime View from Timberline Lodge (525kb)
  • Figure 5 - Visual Simulation of Alternative 1 in Winter (500kb)
  • Figure 6 - Visual Simulation of Alternative 1 in Summer (524kb)
  • Figure 7 - Visual Simulation of Alternative 2 in Winter (500kb)
  • Figure 8 - Visual Simulation of Alternative 2 in Summer (525kb)
  • Figure 9 - Vascular Plant Communities in the Tamarack Quarry Study Area (2.21mb)
  • Figure 10 - Noxious Weeds Along Tamarack Quarry Haul Route (2.84mb)
  • Figure 11 - Noxious Weeds in the Tamarack Quarry Study Area (2.23mb)


  • Appendix A - Visual Resources Technical Report (42 pages - 303kb)
  • Appendix B - Soil and Water Resources Technical Memorandum ( 37 pages - 297kb)
  • Appendix C - Fish and Wildlife Biological Evaluation and Report ( 29 pages - 127kb)
  • Appendix D - Wildlife Bilogical Assessment ( 10 pages - 345kb)
  • Appendix E - Botanical Biological Evaluation and Noxious Weed Report ( 15 pages - 262kb)


US Forest Service - Mt. Hood National Forest
Last Modified: Wednesday, 07 January 2009 at 19:23:21 EST

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