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Title: Indian Health Service Research Program
Quick Links
Research Events
& Conferences:

Aug. 25 - 28 2008, Portland, OR

20th Annual Native Health Research Conference

Jan 7 - 18 2008, Baltimore, MD

Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health-Winter Institute 2008

Nov. 7 - 8 2007 Bethesda, MD

Fall Science meeting for NARCH investigators and project directors

August 22 - 23 2007 Denver, CO

Research for Native Health

July 23 - 27 2007 Baltimore, MD

Social Determinants Of Health In Indigenous Populations

June 11 - 29 2007 Portland, OR

Summer Research Training Institute

June 4 - 7 2007 Phoenix, AZ

19th Annual IHS Research Conference

Check here often for future Research related events and updates

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Human Research Participant Protection in the Indian Health Service

Forms and Other IRB Resources

Important IRB Links
If the file is not accessible, please contact the Research Program website coordinator at 301-443-1561.

Annual Status Report and Renewal Application for Investigators [WORD - 38K]

Informed Consents

Sample consent forms

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Other Human Research Participant Protection Information

For further information please feel free to contact:
Indian Health Service
Office of Public Health Support
Division of Planning, Evaluation, and Research

Dr. Alan Trachtenberg (301) 443-0578
801 Thompson Avenue, TMP, Suite 450
Rockville, Maryland 20852
Fax: (301) 443-0114