U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans

A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Eisenhower Professional Development Program - 2002

CFDA Number: 84.281 - Eisenhower Professional Development State Grants

Goal 8: To improve the quality of classroom teaching through professional development.
Objective 8.1 of 4: Classroom instruction is improved through effective professional development.
Indicator 8.1.1 of 2: Teachers' knowledge and skills: Increasing percentages of teachers will show evidence that participation in Eisenhower-assisted professional development improved their knowledge and skills.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Subject Area Content
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
Districts SAHE Grantees
Districts SAHE Grantees
48 68
50 50
60 60

Instructional Methods
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
District SAHE Grantees
District SAHE Grantees
63 79
50 50
60 80

Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
District SAHE Grantees
District SAHE Grantees
56 64
50 50
60 68

Approaches to Assessment
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
District SAHE Grantees
District SAHE Grantees
46 48
50 50
60 60

Use of Technology
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
Districts SAHE Grantees
Districts SAHE Grantees
24 50
50 50
60 60

Approaches to Diversity
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
Districts SAHE Grantees
Districts SAHE Grantees
26 35
50 50
60 60
Status: Unable to judge

Explanation: These data were to have been provided on the ESEA Consolidated Performance Report for School Year 2001-2002. The report has yet to be submitted.  
Additional Source Information: These data are collected by the ESEA Consolidated State Performance Report for School Year 2001-2002.

Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2002 - 2003
Data Available: 2004
Validated By: No Formal Verification.

Indicator 8.1.2 of 2: Teachers' classroom instruction:: Teachers who receive high quality professional development focused on higher order teaching strategies are more likely to change their teaching practices.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Teaching strategy: Use of calculators or computers to develop models.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
Extent teachers who participated in professional development used teaching strategy in classroom Extent teachers who did not participate in professional development used teaching strategy in classr
Extent teachers who participated in professional development used teaching strategy in classroom Extent teachers who did not participate in professional development used teaching strategy in classr
50 50

Teaching strategy: Use of problems with no obvious solution
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
Extent teachers who participated in professional development used teaching strategy in classroom Extent teachers who did not participate in professional development used teaching strategy in classr
Extent teachers who participated in professional development used teaching strategy in classroom Extent teachers who did not participate in professional development used teaching strategy in classr
50 50

Teaching strategy: Use of mathematics and science projects to determine student grades.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
- No Data -
Status: Unable to judge

Explanation: These data were to have been provided on the ESEA Consolidated Performance Report for School Year 2001-2002. The report has yet to be submitted.  
Additional Source Information: The ESEA Consolidated State Performance Report for School Year 2001-2002.

Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2002 - 2003
Data Available: 2004
Validated By: No Formal Verification.


Objective 8.2 of 4: Professional development is sustained, intensive, and high quality and has a lasting impact on classroom instruction.
Indicator 8.2.1 of 2: High quality: Increasing percentages of teachers will participate in Eisenhower-assisted professional development activities that reflect best practices.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Major emphasis on academic content
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
Districts SAHE Grantees
Districts SAHE Grantees
51 68
50 50
56 72

Involves all teachers in grade, department, or school
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
Districts SAHE Grantees
Districts SAHE Grantees
50 50
56 56

Is followed up with other activities
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
Districts SAHE Grantees
Districts SAHE Grantees
53 70
50 50
56 75

Involves: a) Planning classroom implementation
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
Districts SAHE Grantees
Districts SAHE Grantees
66 83
50 50
56 86

b) Presenting, leading, and writing
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
Districts SAHE Grantees
Districts SAHE Grantees
40 67
50 50
56 70

c) Observing and being observed
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
Districts SAHE Grantees
Districts SAHE Grantees
19 35
50 50
56 56

d) Reviewing student work
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
Districts SAHE Grantees
Districts SAHE Grantees
30 38
50 50
56 56
Status: Unable to judge

Explanation: These data were to have been provided on the ESEA Consolidated Performance Report for School Year 2001-2002. The report has yet to be submitted.  
Additional Source Information: The ESEA Consolidated State Performance Report for School Year 2001-2002.

Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2002 - 2003
Data Available: 2004
Validated By: No Formal Verification.

Indicator 8.2.2 of 2: Sustained professional development: Increasing percentages of teachers participating in Eisenhower-assisted activities will participate in activities that span 6 months or longer.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Percentage of teachers in activities that span 6 months or longer
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
Districts SAHE Grantees
Districts SAHE Grantees
20 46
35 35
39 50
Status: Unable to judge

Explanation: These data were to have been provided on the ESEA Consolidated Performance Report for School Year 2001-2002. The report has yet to be submitted.  
Additional Source Information: The ESEA Consolidated State Performance Report for School Year 2001-2002.

Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2002 - 2003
Data Available: 2004
Validated By: No Formal Verification.


Objective 8.3 of 4: High-quality professional development is provided to teachers who work with disadvantaged populations.
Indicator 8.3.1 of 1: High-poverty schools: The proportion of teachers participating in Eisenhower-assisted activities who teach in high-poverty schools will exceed the proportion of the national teacher pool who teach in high-poverty schools.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Percentage of Eisenhower participants who teach in high poverty* schools
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
Districts SAHE Grantees
Districts SAHE Grantees
23 13
23 23
25 25
27 27
29 29
31 31

* High-poverty schools are those where 50 percent or more of the students are eligible for free lunches. **In FY 1995-96, 21 percent of teachers in the Nation taught in high-poverty schools. Targets are based on this baseline.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
- No Data -
Status: Unable to judge

Explanation: These data were to have been provided on the ESEA Consolidated Performance Report for School Year 2001-2002. The report has yet to be submitted.  
Additional Source Information: The ESEA Consolidated State Performance Report for School Year 2001-2002.

Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2002 - 2003
Data Available: 2004
Validated By: No Formal Verification.


Objective 8.4 of 4: Measurement of integrated planning and collaboration.
Indicator 8.4.1 of 1: Increasing percentages of states will adopt performance indicators for professional development, demonstrate a technical understanding of such indicators, and have data (or plans to collect data) for their indicators.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Increasing percentages of states will adopt performance indicators for professional development, demonstrate a technical understanding of such indicators, and have data (or plans to collect data) for their indicators.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
Status: Unable to judge

Explanation: These data were to have been provided on the ESEA Consolidated Performance Report for School Year 2001-2002. The report has yet to be submitted.  
Additional Source Information: The ESEA Consolidated State Performance Report for School Year 2001-2002.

Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2002 - 2003
Data Available: 2004
Validated By: No Formal Verification.


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