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Presidents Address to the Peoples House

I believe that one way for our government to regain the trust of the citizenry is to borrow something from the Parlimentary system of Government.

Just as the Prime Minister of Great Britain addresses the House of Commons on a weekly basis I believe that the President of the United States and the members of the Cabinet should address direct and public questioning in the House of Representatives.  Because the President of the United States has far more on his or her plate than does the British Prime Minister I would be greatful if such a Q&A were done on a bi-weekly or even monthly basis - but at least once per month.  I do not believe that it should be an address to both houses but simply to the Peoples House - the United States House of Representatives. 

Only by bringing real reform, real transparency, and real action will the government of this great land revive the peoples trust in it.  It will further hold the President and Cabinet more responsible for their actions and policies at the same time it would also hold the members of the House more accountable to the people.

If memory serves me, I believe that President Obama stated some months back that he had the intention to do something like this - so, I shall not take credit for this idea - for it belongs to the President-Elect (again, if memory serves me).


1/13/2009 8:41 AM
 Great idea. I actuallly was thinking the same thing while watching the British Prime Minister on C-Span.  Once a month would be fine with me.  This would really revolutionize the office in terms of public transparacy.  But I would also add one more thing. It would be nice to include an actual "civilian" to sit in on each session and possibly pose a question to the POTUS.  
1/13/2009 9:30 AM
I'm not impressed by the opportunity for the opposing party to have a televised 'hour of insults' but I would like to see a 'Power Point' presentation done by each member of the cabinet, maybe the Majority and Minority Leaders, to 'show and tell' exactly what they are doing, if it's working or not, and what they're going to do about it.  Then ask for comments.  I would like to seed graphs, date, tables and everything in a form that could be checked out.
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