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Dear Mr. President

My name is Gary Byrnes. I do listen to Sean Hanity every chance I get. I don't agree with everything he has to say. However, I agree with 95% of it. I didn't vote for you. I don't think you have a clue to what your getting into. Here is your chance to prove me wrong. Since the poeple have voted, I do consider you my President. I don't drink beer, wine or liquor. However you and your family are welcome in my house anytime. ( Just let us know when you are coming so we can clean the house first,) The invitation is there but, I really need to know this. Can you please tell me why someone who is elected to Congress, only has to spend one term in Congress to retire ( not getting reelected) with full pay and benifits? The brave men and women we ask to give thier lives for our freedom, don't have it as good.  You ask one in Congress to vote to send the other to war when justified. But, you under compensate the soldier while over compensating the Congressperson. We need to fix that. I really don't think you will give any consideration to the military pay. So, why don't we revaluate Congresses compensation. We could start by having them pay into SS and Medicare. That would help both of those systems. Then we could set thier retirement pay at 65 years old with Social Security. We could raise the military pay by at least 150%. If we are going to allow one to retire with full pay and benifits, then the other needs to as well. 
1 Comment  »  Posted by sparky to Veterans on 1/12/2009 4:07 PM


Larry B
1/12/2009 6:08 PM

Mr. Gary Byrnes

I’m a sixty year old veteran and also have listened to Mr. Hannity and disagree with him most of the time. Hannity talks the talk but he never walked the walk. He will argue with those that did serve that know much more about the military than he could know they were there he was not. I do give him credit for the things he does for our armed forces personal and some veterans.

It would be interesting to know what branch of our armed forces you served in?

Larry D Buchite

U.S. Army 1966/1969

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