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Human Health

For links to information on preventing lead poisoning, please refer to the Related Links page.

Brief overview of lead in the environment

Lead is a naturally-occurring element that can be harmful to humans when ingested or inhaled, particularly to children under the age of six. Lead poisoning can cause a number of adverse human health effects, but is particularly detrimental to the neurological development of children. To learn more about the effects of lead poisoning and EPA's role in reducing the presence of lead in the environment, visit the EPA's Lead Web page.

For hundreds of years, lead has been mined, smelted, refined, and used in products (e.g., as an additive in paint, gasoline, leaded pipes, solder, crystal, and ceramics). Natural levels of lead in soil are usually below 50 parts per million (ppm), but mining, smelting, and refining activities have resulted in substantial increases in lead levels in the environment, especially near mining and smelting sites, near some types of industrial and municipal facilities, and adjacent to highways (Chaney et al., 1984). Soil lead concentrations of more than 11,000 ppm have been reported (National Research Council, 1980).

Lead particles in the environment can attach to dust and be carried long distances in the air. Such lead-containing dust can be removed from the air by rain and deposited on surface soil, where it may remain for many years. In addition, heavy rains may cause lead in surface soil to migrate into ground water and eventually into water systems.

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How might I be exposed to lead?

Everyone is exposed to "background" levels of lead, given its widespread distribution. Possible routes of lead exposure include:

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What health concerns are associated with lead contamination?

Lead poisoning is a particularly insidious public health threat because there may be no unique signs or symptoms. Early symptoms of lead exposure may include:

Failure to treat lead poisoning in the early stages can cause long-term or permanent health damage, but because of the general nature of symptoms at early stages, lead poisoning is often not suspected.

In adults, lead poisoning can cause:

In children, lead poisoning can cause:

Although the effects of lead exposure are a potential concern for all humans, young children (less than seven years old) are most at risk (Reagan and Silbergeld, 1989). This increased vulnerability results from a combination of the following factors:

The current blood lead level of concern in children is 10 micrograms (µg) of lead per deciliter (dL) of blood (10 µg/dL); however, since adverse effects may occur at lower levels than previously thought, various federal agencies are considering whether this level should be lowered further.

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Is there a medical test to determine if I have been exposed to lead?

Yes. Your doctor can conduct blood tests to determine lead concentrations in your blood. Blood tests are inexpensive and sometimes free; however, please consult your insurance provider to determine coverage of such tests. Lead in bone and teeth can be measured using x-ray techniques, but this test is not used very often.

In communities where houses are old and deteriorating, residents are encouraged to take advantage of available screening programs offered by local health departments and to have children checked regularly for lead poisoning. Because the early symptoms of lead poisoning are similar to those of other illnesses, it is difficult to diagnose lead poisoning without medical testing.

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What recommendations has the Federal government made to protect human health?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that screening for lead poisoning be included in health care programs for children under 72 months of age. This screening is especially critical for children under 36 months of age. Screening should start at six months of age if the child is at risk for lead exposure (e.g., if the child lives in a home built before 1960, with peeling or chipping paint). Decisions about further lead testing should be based on previous blood-lead test results, and the child's risk of lead exposure. In some states, more frequent lead screening is required by law.

To help protect small children who might swallow paint chips, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) does not allow the amount of lead in most paints to exceed 0.06 percent. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests testing paint on the inside and outside of residential buildings for lead.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), EPA, and states are required by the 1988 Lead Contamination Control Act to test drinking water in schools for lead, and to remove the lead if levels are too high. Drinking water coolers must be free of lead contamination and any water coolers that are tainted with lead have to be removed. EPA regulations limit lead in drinking water to 15 micrograms per liter (15 µg/L).

EPA has established standards designed to limit the amount of lead in air. Over a three-month period, the amount of air that the public inhales cannot contain more than 1.5 micrograms of lead per cubic meter of air (1.5 µg/m3). The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommends that workers not be exposed to lead levels of greater than 100 µg/m3 for up to ten hours. Because lead can be released into the air with automobile exhaust, EPA limits the amount of lead in unleaded gasoline to 0.05 grams of lead per gallon of gasoline (0.05 g/gal). Lead emissions from automobile exhaust now contribute only marginally to lead levels in the environment, but before leaded gasoline was banned in the United States, exhaust emissions were a significant problem. Lead emitted from past burning of leaded fuel is still present in the environment today.

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Chaney, R.L. et al. 1984. The potential for heavy metal exposure from urban gardens and soils, pp. 37-84. In: J.R. Preer ed. Proceedings of the symposium on heavy metals in urban gardens. Agricultural Experiment Station, University of the District of Columbia, Washington.

National Research Council. 1980. Lead in the human environment. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences. Report Number PB-82-117136. OSTI Identifier: 5455381; ISBN No. 0309030218.

Reagan, P.L. & E.K. Silbergeld. 1989. Establishing a health based standard for lead in residential soils. In: Hemphill and Cothern, eds. Trace substances in environmental health, supplement to Volume 12, (1990) of Environmental Geochemistry and Health.

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