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Health Center Controlled Networks > Peer to Peer Technical Assistance

Peer to Peer Technical Assistance is free assistance provided by individuals in health center controlled networks to other health center controlled networks.

Newly-funded grantees have priority for technical assistance, which may be conducted by e-mail, telephone or a recipient network or TA provider site. The assistance focuses on integrating across network membership

  • administrative,
  • clinical,
  • managed care,
  • finance and/or
  • information systems.

HRSA supports costs related to the provision of TA, including travel.

Areas of Expertise

Peer to peer technical assistance providers include executive directors, chief executive officers, medical directors, clinicians, information system specialists, and chief financial officers of networks or member health centers.

Their expertise includes:

  • Governance
  • Board communications
  • Clinical protocols
  • Continuous quality improvement
  • Risk assumption and managed care contracting
  • Fiscal information systems
  • Information system assessments
  • Electronic medical records
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Related Links

Health Information Technology Initiatives (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)

Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)

National Resource Center for Health Information Technology (Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality)

America's Health Care Safety Net: Intact but Endangered (Institute of Medicine)

Rural Health Care Pilot Program (Federal Communications Commission)

State Alliance for e-Health (National Governors Association - not a U.S. Government Web site)

Health Information Technology CHampions (National Conference of State Legislatures - not a U.S. Government Web site)

EHR Presentations & Information for Health Centers (not a U.S. Government Web site) from the Health Disparities Collaboratives