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Electronic Health Records: Selection Guidelines for Health Centers

Instructions for Downloading and Use

EHR: Selection Guidelines for Health Centers was developed using Microsoft Word (2003) table format, is configured to use legal size paper in landscape mode, and contains the following columns:

  1. Specification – the functional requirement the system should meet
  2. PRI – priority assigned to the requirement by the organization. As designed, this column can contain one of the following values and can be modified to suit your particular needs:
    • H – Function is highly desirable.
    • D – Function is desirable.
  3. Vendor Response Columns:
    • Yes, Included – function is available and it is included in the system.
    • Yes, Additional Cost – function is included but requires system modifications at an additional cost. This cost will appear in the vendor's cost proposal.
    • No – function is not available.

To use the document, you must download and save it. Once this is accomplished, you should carefully review each statement and determine how it applies to your organization and your particular request for proposal.

  • If the requirement does not apply to your request, simply highlight the row, and use the MS Word Table Menu > Delete > Rows function to delete it
  • If you wish to modify the requirement, use MS Word to make the necessary modifications
  • If you wish to add a new statement, use the MS Word Table Menu > Insert > Rows Below function to add the new row. You can then enter the information you wish.

Finally, when ready to print the document, keep in mind that it is formatted for letter size paper in landscape orientation.

Please note that this is meant to be a rich menu of possible features. Each line in the table of guidelines is a feature that an EHR may or may not possess. It is your responsibility to determine how each guideline applies to your situation. HRSA may modify the guideline periodically, so it is suggested that you visit the website frequently and review it to determine if it has been modified.

We encourage you to also verify that products are certified by the Certification Commission of Health Information Technology (not a U.S. Government Web site). This represents a minimum feature set but does not guarantee that each feature you need is included. The guideline is meant to go beyond the basic set of criteria set by CCHIT.

In creating your contract, CCHIT has granted a limited number of HRSA grantees the ability to reprint the appropriate year's criteria as an addendum to an electronic health record (EHR) contract between a grantee and their vendor. The following criteria may be included in PDF formats only: CCHIT Final Ambulatory EHR Criteria 2006, CCHIT Final Ambulatory EHR Criteria 2007, CCHIT Final Ambulatory EHR Criteria 2008, or CCHIT Final Child Health EHR Criteria 2008. These may be downloaded from the CCHIT Web site (not a U.S. Government Web site).

The material must be reprinted from the PDF format in its entirety maintaining all Commission identification and copyrights. The document may not be reformatted in any way. The Certification Commission also requires that grantees include the following copyright notice as part of their contract:

Reprinted with permission of the Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology. [Title here for document selected]. Copyright © 2008 by the Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology All rights reserved.

Related Links

Health Information Technology Initiatives (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)

Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)

National Resource Center for Health Information Technology (Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality)

America's Health Care Safety Net: Intact but Endangered (Institute of Medicine)

Rural Health Care Pilot Program (Federal Communications Commission)

State Alliance for e-Health (National Governors Association - not a U.S. Government Web site)

Health Information Technology CHampions (National Conference of State Legislatures - not a U.S. Government Web site)

EHR Presentations & Information for Health Centers (not a U.S. Government Web site) from the Health Disparities Collaboratives