Military Battles and Campaigns

Title Index

From(No. 2) Map of the battlefield of Antietam to The approaches from Washington, to Richmond
FromThe approaches from Washington, to Richmond to [August 4, 1944 , HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map
From[August 5, 1944 , HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map to Battle of Pittsburg Landing. Tennessee
FromBattle of Pittsburgh Landing [i.e., Shiloh to Captain Snow's scetch of the country by himself, and the best accounts he could receive from the Indian traders
FromCapture of Mobile, Alabama to Chickamauga battlefield. [Sept 19-20, 1863
FromA chorographical map of the Northern Department of North-America to [December 26, 1944 , HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map
From[December 27, 1944 , HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map to [February 27, 1945 , HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map
From[February 28, 1945 , HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map to [Geological map of the state of Virginia
FromGeological section across Potts Creek Valley ; to J. H. Colton's map of the southern states. Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas. Showing also part of adjoining states & territories locating the forts & military stations of the U. States & showing all the rail roads, r. r. stations, & other internal improvements
FromJ. H. Colton's topographical map of North and South Carolina. A large portion of Georgia & part of adjoining states. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1861 by J.H. Colton to [July 6, 1945 , HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map
From[July 7, 1944 , HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map to Lloyd's official map of the state of Virginia from actual surveys by order of the executive, 1828 & 1859
FromLloyd's topographical map of Georgia from state surveys before the war showing railways, stations, villages, mills, &c to [Map of Fairfax and Alexandria counties, Virginia, and parts of adjoining counties
FromMap of Falls Church and vicinity of Lewinsville, Virginia : to Map of Rockbridge Co. Va
From[Map of Rockbridge County, Virginia . to Map of part of Fulton, Fayette, and Campbell counties, from surveys, state map, and information
FromMap of part of Fulton, Fayette, and Campbell counties, from surveys, state map, and information, extra copies to be filled up and returned for second edition to Map of the Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers and their tributaries explored by Capt. W. F. Raynolds, Topl. Engrs., and 1st Lieut. H. E. Maynadier, 10th Infy. Assistant, 1859-60
FromMap of the action at Drainsville, Va., December 20th 1861 : to [Map of the environs of Marietta, Georgia. June 10-July 3, 1864 .
From[Map of the environs of Olley Creek near Marietta, Georgia . to Map of the vicinity of Petersburg
FromMap of the vicinity of Petersburg : to A map, Somerset County
FromMap[s exhibiting part of the operations of the Army of Virginia under the command of Major General John Pope. Battlefield of Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9th 1862. The positions of the troops on the night of Aug. 27th and at sunset Aug. 28th 1862, and the battlefield of Manassas, Va. at the close of the action on the 29th of Aug. 1862 to Military map of Philadelphia 1861-1865
From[Military map of Richmond and vicinity to Nord de l'Ile de New-York
FromNorfolk, Virginia Sept. the 12th, 1861 to [October 30, 1944 , HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map
From[October 31, 1944 , HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map to Perspective view of Gettysburg National Military Park
FromPetersburg to [Plan of Fort Powhatan, Prince George County, Virginia
FromPlan of Fort Pownal at Penobscot built 1759 to Plan of the Rebel prison pen at Savannah Georgia
FromPlan of the Second Battle of Bull Run, Va to Plan showing positions of Union and Rebel armies 8th and 9th April 1865, to the surrender of Lee
FromPlan showing the defences of the fort on Red River to Preliminary map of Orange County, Virginia
FromPreliminary map of Prince Edward County, Virginia to Route from Manassas to Centreville, August 28th to 31st
FromRoute of 3rd Corps from Cattlet's [sic to Greenwich, Va to Situation at Harper's Ferry, Sep't 15 - 1862, 7A.M.
FromSkecth [sic of the road from Kings Bridge to White Plains to Sketch of the entrenched lines in the immediate front of Petersburg, Virginia
FromSketch of the entrenched lines in the immediate front of Petersburg. [1864-5 to [Survey of the property of George Poffenberger and Mrs. Nicodemus in Washington County, Md.
FromSurveys of the military defences, vicinity of Washington, D.C. to Union and Confederate campaigns in the lower Shenandoah Valley illustrated :
From[Union and Confederate works astride the Dallas and Marietta Road near Pine Hill, Georgia, June 1864 . to [Zehn Karten und Ansichten den Schlachtfelden des amerikanischen Unabhangigkeitskreiges in den Staaten Pennsylvanien und New York