Products and Services > Trademark Daily XML Files - Weekly Status Report
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Information Products Division
Data Dissemination
Trademark Daily XML Migration

February 7, 2005

Trademark Daily XML Files - Weekly Status Report

The following is a status update for all inquiries.

Inquiries can be made to: Ed Johnson at - (571) 272-5471 or Jazmin Stanback at - (571) 272-5477 or sent to

*The format of the Weekly Status Report will appear as follows:
1. Each inquiry is given a USPTO Control # for tracking purposes.
2. The summary portion of “Status of Inquiries” will be “grouped” by the current status.
3. The detail portion of the report will be in sequence Control # (for easier reference).


Any inquiries that require additional research and/or response are considered outstanding inquiries and will appear in red, bold and italicized.

Inquiries that have been resolved will have the resolution in black, bold, italicized and underlined.


For Your Information – FYI:


Control #96:

Servers and other hardware are being moved to the USPTO Data Center in Crystal City in preparation of the subsequent move to the Alexandria Campus.

The majority of the equipment maintained by OEIP is used to produce the CASSIS line of optical disc products and the equipment that is used to disseminate the daily trademark files is being replaced.

Phase 1: September 20, 2004 - Hardware used to produce CASSIS products was successfully moved.

Phase 2: September 23, 2004 - Hardware used to produce USAApp and USAPat products was successfully moved.

Phase 3: September 29, 2004 - Hardware used to produce NTAF products was successfully moved.

Phase 4: October/December 2004 – A new server to support the Data File Delivery (DFD) FTP system has been delivered, installed and configured.

Note: All Trademark Daily XML Files have been successfully disseminated through the new server since Tuesday, December 14, 2004.


Control #96 is being closed as Phase 4 above has been completed. The Computer Operations move to the Alexandria campus will be closely monitored.



Requirements and Proposed Schedule for the updated Trademark Daily Applications product – Control #61


Proposed Schedule:



"The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is processing paper Madrid filings within a week of receipt and electronic applications within hours. Information is generally viewable on the USPTO website within 24 hours of the completion of Trademark processing. In addition to the work done on Madrid filings at the USPTO, there is also processing at the International Bureau of WIPO. Thus, in certain circumstances pendency is influenced by any backlogs that might develop at WIPO."


Availability of Files:


All Trademark Daily XML Files have been disseminated through a new server since Tuesday, December 14, 2004.

The Trademark 24 Hour Box and the Trademark 24 Hour Box Supplemental files dated 02/07/2005 are not yet available and is be investigated.


Status of Inquiries:


In Process:

Closed Inquiries: Control #96, #186, #187, #189, #190, #191

Open Inquiries: Control #156, #177, #179, #186, #188, #192


Control #156

The file apc041118.xml contained Serial No.: 76/520716 with its trademark defined using the following XML Escape Sequences:


The escape sequence &#191; is an 'Inverted Question Mark', this application is supposed to have a 'Euro' symbol displayed at that location:

(words only): ¥€$

Please look at TARR for the correct mark-identification text:

02/07/2005, this continues to be investigated in an event to have characters on TARR and those disseminated daily to be the same.

Control #177

The <attorney-name> element is not present for all “C” records beginning the 1st of December 2004.

02/07/2005 - Being investigated and a supplemental corrected file will be disseminated.

Control #179

I checked the status file against the data we received in December and the Monthly Status File had 111 status dates updated on December 5th, 2004, yet the XML "C" daily for the 5th of December contained NO Serial Numbers. They are included in the list below.

The status file also contained 19 Serial Numbers which had their status updated on December 16th, 2004, we have never received any XML "C" daily data to update those. They are also included in the list below.

A list of Serial Numbers is attached with our current transaction date, and status date which contains the value from the monthly status file. The transaction date should be greater than or equal to the status date received in the monthly status. The list is sorted by STATUS_DATE, SERIAL_NUMBER.

02/07/2005 – This status issue has been resolved and a corrected data will be provided on a supplemental file.

Control #186

In a number of instances in both the nationality and owner address information, we have received specific Other codes (mostly GB1-GB7), each with its specific corresponding text. We have found that the TARR system displays United Kingdom for all entries of these Other codes. Please explain the discrepancy

Example 1: 76-560889
For the applicant both the nationality other field and the other field are set to GB3, which maps to "Great Brittan". This record displays on tarr as being United Kingdom.

Example 2: 78-103686
Both nationality Other and Other for the applicant are set to GB4 (ISLE OF MAN). The TARR shows it as United Kingdom.

02/07/2005 – The Daily Application files and TESS and TARR receive the 3-position country codes. This is to accommodate the actual addresses, the Canadian provinces and other agencies such as USA for the U.S. Army.

There are those commerical vendors who want to receive these actual addresses. For those commerical vendors who would rather see all addresses within the United Kingdom as “UK” it is their choice to make that conversion.

Control #187

Two of our clients have commented in an open industry forum about a descrepancy they found in our database and what is showing up on the USPTO's own web site. For the same mark "VITABLAST", we has two numbers 76457773 (abandoned) and 76437045 (active) while the USPTO has only 76457773 (dead). Beyond that, our version of 76457773 is different from the USPTO's version in several details. I attach a word document below with the relevant displays. We have verified that our database accurately reflections what you have provided for us to pull from the USPTO ftp site.

02/07/2005 – If a vendor’s data base is updated each day with the Daily Application “B” files and also updated each month with the Monthly Status file it would be the as present on the USPTO’s databases.

Control #188

We have found some additional issues with the latest common Serial Numbers were compared between the apc050112.xml and the recent Trademark-Applications "B" file named apb050113.xml.

1. The <intent-to-use-current-in> field (which is part of the <case-file-header> field) does not always have the correct value in the latest Trademark-Applications "C" files. For example, in the recent Trademark-Applications "B" file named apb050113.xml, Serial Number 76977325 contains an <intent-to-use-current-in> field (which is part of the <case-file-header> field) where the value is "F”.

For the same Serial Number in the apc050112.xml file described above, the <intent-to-use-current-in> field contains the value “T” instead. The same issue occurs for a number of other Serial Numbers (i.e. 78344574, 78345797) that are found in both of the Trademark-Applications files described above.

2. The entire <case-file-owner> group field (which is part of the <case-file-owners> field) for certain <party-type> field values (i.e. 11, 21, 32, 41, 42, etc.) is sometimes being excluded from the latest Trademark-Applications "C" files. For example, in the recent Trademark-Applications "B" file named apb050113.xml, Serial Number 76976499 contains a <case-file-owner> group field (which is part of the <case-file-owners> field) where the <party-type> field value is 11. For the same Serial Number in the apc050112.xml file described above, a <case-file-owner> group field where the <party-type> field value is 11 does not exist. A <case-file-owner> group field where the <party-type> field value is 11 also does not exist for a number of other Serial Numbers (i.e. 78152486, 78153333) in the apc050112.xml file described above. This issue where the entire <case-file-owner> group field is missing in the apc050112.xml file described above also occurs for a number of Serial Numbers with other <party-type> field values like 21 (i.e. 75982652, 75983187, 78093660), 32 (i.e. 75264264, 75327931, 73514267), 41 (i.e. 74495669, 73415979), 42 (i.e. 74229344), and even 10 (i.e. 79004805).

3. The <correspondent> field information that is found in the latest Trademark-Applications "C" files does not always match up to the appropriate <case-file-owner> group field information (where the <party-type> field value is 70) that is found in the latest Trademark-Applications "B" files.

For example, in the recent Trademark-Applications "B" file named apb050113.xml, Serial Number 78975770 contains the following <case-file-owner> group field information where the <party-type> field value is 70:

<name-1>KENNETH L. MITCHELL</name-1>
<name-2>WOODLING KROST &#38; RUST</name-2>
<name-3>9213 CHILLICOTHE ROAD</name-3>
<address-1>KIRTLAND, OHIO 44094</address-1>

For the same Serial Number in the apc050112.xml file described above, the correspondent> field information is:

<address-1>Enginuity, Inc.</address-1>
<address-2>77 Taylor Street</address-2>
<address-3>Needham MA 02494</address-3>

The same issue occurs for a number of other Serial Numbers (i.e. 74383290, 76459453) that are found in both of the Trademark-Applications files described above.

4. The <mark-identification> field (which is part of the <case-file-header> field) does not always have the correct value in the latest Trademark-Applications "C" files. For example, in the recent Trademark-Applications "B" file named apb050113.xml, Serial Number 78312766 contains a <mark-identification> field (which is part of the <case-file-header> field) where the value is "AL AND DESIGN”. For the same Serial Number in the apc050112.xml file described above, the <mark-identification> field contains the value “AL” instead. The same issue occurs for some other Serial Numbers (i.e. 78312776, 78312783) that are found in both of the Trademark-Applications files described above.

5. The <mark-drawing-code> field (which is part of the <case-file-header> field) does not always have the correct value in the latest Trademark-Applications "C" files. For example, in the recent Trademark-Applications "B" file named apb050113.xml, Serial Number 78318065 contains a <mark-drawing-code> field (which is part of the <case-file-header> field) where the value is "4000”. For the same Serial Number in the apc050112.xml file described above, the <mark-drawing-code> field contains the value “1000” instead. The same issue occurs for some other Serial Numbers (i.e. 76597174, 76584222, 79004805) that are found in both of the Trademark-Applications files described above. We also noticed that in the recent Trademark-Applications "B" file named apb050113.xml, Serial Number 79004805 (which is referenced above) contains a <filing-date> field (which is part of the <case-file-header> field) where the value is "20040714”, and this Serial Number also contains a <design-searches> group field. For the same Serial Number in the apc050112.xml file described above, both a <filing-date> field (which is part of the <case-file-header> field) and a <design-searches> group field do not exist.

6. The <nationality> field (which is part of the <case-file-owner> group field) does not always have the correct value in the latest Trademark-Applications "C" files. For example, in the recent Trademark-Applications "B" file named apb050113.xml, Serial Number 78312766 contains a <nationality> field (which is part of the <case-file-owner> group field) where the value is "DE”. For the same Serial Number in the apc050112.xml file described above, the <country> portion of the <nationality> field contains the value “US” instead.

The same issue occurs for some other Serial Numbers (i.e. 78312776, 78312783, 78312836, 78312843) that are found in both of the Trademark-Applications files described above.

7. Both the <first-use-anywhere-date> field and the <first-use-in-commerce-date> field (which are both part of the <classification> field) do not always have the correct value in the latest Trademark-Applications "C" files. For example, in the recent Trademark-Applications "B" file named apb050113.xml, Serial Number 78271477 contains a <first-use-anywhere-date> field (which is part of the <classification> field) where the value is "20030501”, and this Serial Number also contains a <first-use-in-commerce-date> field (which is also part of the <classification> field) where the value is "20030501”. For the same Serial Number in the apc050112.xml file described above, both the <first-use-anywhere-date> field and the <first-use-in-commerce-date> field contain the value “0” instead. The same issue occurs for some other Serial Numbers (i.e. 76533474, 76510343) that are found in both of the Trademark-Applications files described above.

8. The <published-for-opposition-date> field (which is part of the <case-file-header> field) is sometimes being excluded from the latest Trademark-Applications "C" files. For example, in the recent Trademark-Applications "B" file named apb050113.xml, Serial Number 78273453 contains a <published-for-opposition-date> field (which is part of the <case-file-header> field) where value is "20050222”. For the same Serial Number in the apc050112.xml file described above, a <published-for-opposition-date> field does not exist.

A <published-for-opposition-date> field also does not exist for some other Serial Numbers (i.e. 76478417, 76146264) in the apc050112.xml file described above.

9. The Disclaimer with Predetermined Text is sometimes being excluded from the latest Trademark-Applications "C" files. The Disclaimer with Predetermined Text is found in the <text> field for the occurrence of the <type-code> field where the first two characters are equal to "D1" for the appropriate <case-file-statement> field. For example, in the recent Trademark-Applications "B" file named apb050113.xml, Serial Number 78282897 contains a Disclaimer with Predetermined Text (where the value is: CLINICAL ENGINEERING) that is found in the <text> field for the occurrence of the <type-code> field where the first two characters are equal to "D1" for the appropriate <case-file-statement> field. For the same Serial Number in the apc050112.xml file described above, the <type-code> field where the first two characters are equal to "D1" for the appropriate <case-file-statement> field does not exist. The same issue occurs for some other Serial Numbers (i.e. 78415107) that are found in the apc050112.xml file described above.

10. Some of the fields (i.e. <us-code-total-no>, <international-code>, <us-code>, <primary-code>) that are part of the <classification> group field do not always have the correct value in the latest Trademark-Applications "C" files. For example, in the recent Trademark-Applications "B" file named apb050113.xml, Serial Number 76582711 contains the following <classification> field information:



For the same Serial Number in the apc050112.xml file described above, the <classification> field
information is:



Above, you will notice the differences (in bold) for the <us-code-total-no> field, the <international-code> field, the <us-code> field, and the <primary-code> field (which are all part of the <classification> group field). The same issue occurs for a number of other Serial Numbers (i.e. 76588879, 78356072) that are found in both of the Trademark-Applications files described above.

11. The <section-8-filed-in> field (which is part of the <case-file-header> field) does not always have the correct value in the latest Trademark-Applications “C” files. For example, in the recent Trademark-Applications “B” file named apb050113.xml, Serial Number 75526462 contains a <section-8-filed-in> field (which is part of the <case-file-header> field) where the value is “T”. For the same Serial Number in the apc050112.xml file described above, the <section-8-filed-in> field contains the value “F” instead. The same issue occurs for a number of other Serial Numbers (i.e. 75359877, 75362336) that are found in both of the Trademark-Applications files described above.

12. The <dba-aka-text> field (which is part of the <case-file-owner> group field) is sometimes being excluded from the latest Trademark-Applications “C” files. For example, in the recent Trademark-Applications “B” file named apb050113.xml, Serial Number 74721969 contains a <dba-aka-text> field (where the value is “DBA Revetment Systems”) for the <case-file-owner> group field where the Party Type is equal to 10. For the same Serial Number in the apc050112.xml file described above, the <dba-aka-text> field does not exist for the <case-file-owner> group field where the Party Type is equal to 10. The same issue occurs for a number of other Serial Numbers (i.e. 74361942, 74362494, 74301891) in the apc050112.xml file described above.

13. The <renewal-date> field (which is part of the <case-file-header> field) is sometimes being excluded from the latest Trademark-Applications "C" files. For example, in the recent Trademark-Applications "B" file named apb050113.xml, Serial Number 74503540 contains a <renewal-date> field (which is part of the <case-file-header> field) where value is "20050919”.

For the same Serial Number in the apc050112.xml file described above, the <renewal-date> field does not exist. The <renewal-date> field also does not exist for a number of other Serial Numbers (i.e. 74471629, 73520044) in the apc050112.xml file described above. We also noticed that in the recent Trademark-Applications "B" file named apb050113.xml, Serial Number 72450787 contains a <renewal-date> field (which is part of the <case-file-header> field) where the value is "20050513”. For the same Serial Number in the apc050112.xml file described above, the <renewal-date> field contains the value “19950513” instead.

14. The <entity-statement> field (which is part of the <case-file-owner> group field) is sometimes being excluded from the latest Trademark-Applications "C" files. For example, in the recent Trademark-Applications "B" file named apb050113.xml, Serial Number 74498566 contains an <entity-statement> field (where the value is "NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION") for the <case-file-owner> group field where the Party Type is equal to 10 (and the <legal-entity-type-code> field is equal to 99). For the same Serial Number in the apc050112.xml file described above, the <entity-statement> field does not exist for the <case-file-owner> group field where the Party Type is equal to 10. The same issue occurs for some other Serial Numbers (i.e. 74354761) in the apc050112.xml file described above.

15. Some of the address related fields (i.e. <address-1>, <city>, <postcode>) that are part of the <case-file-owner> group field do not always have the correct value in the latest Trademark-Applications "C" files. For example, in the recent Trademark-Applications "B" file named apb050113.xml,

Serial Number 78120762 contains the following <case-file-owner> group field information where the Party Type is equal to 20:

<name-1>AbleNet, Inc.</name-1>
<address-1>2808 Fairview Avenue N.</address-1>


For the same Serial Number in the apc050112.xml file described above, here is the <case-file-owner> group field information where the Party Type is equal to 20:

<party-name>AbleNet, Inc.</party-name>
<address-1>1081 Tenth Avenue SE</address-1>


Above, you will notice the differences (in bold) for the <address-1> field, the <city> field, and the <postcode> field (which are all part of the <case-file-owner> group field). The same issue occurs for some other Serial Numbers (i.e. 78367032) that are found in both of the Trademark-Applications files described above.

Control #192

In addition to the list of issues that I sent you above, we have found some more issues with the latest Trademark-Applications “C” files. To find the issues described below, over 5000 common Serial Numbers were compared between the recent Trademark-Applications "C" file named apc050112.xml and the recent Trademark-Applications "B" file named apb050113.xml.

16. The <registration-number> field (which is part of the <foreign-application> group field) does not always have the correct value in the latest Trademark-Applications "C" files. For example, in the recent Trademark-Applications "B" file named apb050113.xml, Serial Number 78154454 contains a <registration-number> field (which is part of the <foreign-application> group field) where the value is "TMA609755”. For the same Serial Number in the apc050112.xml file described above, the <registration-number> field contains the value “TMA609782” instead. The same issue occurs for some other Serial Numbers (i.e. 78154455) that are found in both of the Trademark-Applications files described above.

17. The <registration-date> field (which is part of the <foreign-application> group field) does not always have the correct value in the latest Trademark-Applications "C" files. For example, in the recent Trademark-Applications "B" file named apb050113.xml, Serial Number 76513126 contains a <registration-date> field (which is part of the <foreign-application> group field) where the value is "20030502”. For the same Serial Number in the apc050112.xml file described above, the <registration-date> field contains the value “20030520” instead.

18. The <country> field (which is part of the <foreign-application> group field) does not always have the correct value in the latest Trademark-Applications "C" files. For example, in the recent Trademark-Applications "B" file named apb050113.xml, Serial Number 78225115 contains a <country> field (which is part of the <foreign-application> group field) where the value is "EMX”. For the same Serial Number in the apc050112.xml file described above, the <country> field contains the value “ ” instead.

19. The <first-refusal-in> field (which is part of the <international-registration> group field) does not always have the correct value in the latest Trademark-Applications "C" files. For example, in the recent Trademark-Applications "B" file named apb050113.xml, Serial Number 79003117 contains a <first-refusal-in> field (which is part of the <international-registration> group field) where the value is "T”. For the same Serial Number in the apc050112.xml file described above, the <first-refusal-in> field contains the value “F” instead.

20. The Section 2(f) Limitation Statement is sometimes being excluded from the latest Trademark-Applications "C" files. The Section 2(f) Limitation Statement is found in the <text> field for the occurrence of the <type-code> field where the first two characters are equal to "TF" for the appropriate <case-file-statement> field. For example, in the recent Trademark-Applications "B" file named apb050113.xml, Serial Number 76563656 contains a Section 2(f) Limitation Statement (where the value is: As to "BONE &#38; JOINT HOSPITAL" and the CROSS DESIGN) that is found in the <text> field for the occurrence of the <type-code> field where the first two characters are equal to "TF" for the appropriate <case-file-statement> field. For the same Serial Number in the apc050112.xml file described above, the <type-code> field where the first two characters are equal to "TF" for the appropriate <case-file-statement> field does not exist.

21. The Translation of Words in Mark field is sometimes being excluded from the latest Trademark-Applications "C" files. The Translation of Words in Mark field is found in the <text> field for the occurrence of the <type-code> field where the first two characters are equal to "TR" for the appropriate <case-file-statement> field. For example, in the recent Trademark-Applications "B" file named apb050113.xml, Serial Number 76552926 contains a Translation of Words in Mark field (where the value is: The English translation of the Cantonese language wording "KAM WAH"is "Gold and Brilliance.") that is found in the <text> field for the occurrence of the <type-code> field where the first two characters are equal to "TR" for the appropriate <case-file-statement> field. For the same Serial Number in the apc050112.xml file described above, the <type-code> field where the first two characters are equal to "TR" for the appropriate <case-file-statement> field does not exist.

22. The Certification Mark Statement is sometimes being excluded from the latest Trademark-Applications "C" files. The Certification Mark Statement is found in the <text> field
for the occurrence of the <type-code> field where the first two characters are equal to "CS" for the appropriate <case-file-statement> field. For example, in the recent Trademark-Applications "B" file named apb050113.xml, Serial Number 76467643 contains a Certification Mark Statement (where the value is: The certification mark, as intended to be used by authorized persons, is intended to certify pillows, soft furnishings and accessories therefor, window treatments, bedding and accessories therefor, floor covering; toys, and buildings, and rooms and areas of a building that meet prescribed standards.) that is found in the <text> field for the occurrence of the <type-code> field where the first two characters are equal to "CS" for the appropriate <case-file-statement> field. For the same Serial Number in the apc050112.xml file described above, the <type-code> field where the first two characters are equal to "CS" for the appropriate <case-file-statement> field does not exist.

23. Both the <supplemental-register-in> field and the <supplemental-register-amended-in> field (which are both part of the <case-file-header> field) do not always have the correct value in the latest Trademark-Applications "C" files. For example, in the recent Trademark-Applications "B" file named apb050113.xml, Serial Number 76510343 contains a <supplemental-register-in> field (which is part of the <case-file-header> field) where the value is "T”, and this Serial Number also contains a <supplemental-register-amended-in> field (which is also part of the <case-file-header> field) where the value is "T”.

For the same Serial Number in the apc050112.xml file described above, both the <supplemental-register-in> field and the <supplemental-register-amended-in> field contain the value “F” instead.

24. The <amend-to-register-date> field (which is part of the <case-file-header> field) is sometimes being excluded from the latest Trademark-Applications "C" files. For example, in the recent Trademark-Applications "B" file named apb050113.xml, Serial Number 76510343 contains an <amend-to-register-date> field (which is part of the <case-file-header> field) where the value is "20050105”. For the same Serial Number in the apc050112.xml file described above, the <amend-to-register-date> field does not exist.

25. Some of the fields (i.e. <address-2>) that are part of the <correspondent> group field are missing commas in the latest Trademark-Applications "C" files. For example, in the recent Trademark-Applications "B" file named apb050113.xml, Serial Number 76545631 contains a <name-2> field (which is part of the <case-file-owner> group field where the Party Type is equal to 70) where the value is "Alonso, Andalkar &#38; Kahn, P.C.”. For the same Serial Number in the apc050112.xml file described above, the <address-2> field (which is part of the <correspondent> group field) contains the value “ALONSO ANDALKAR &amp; KAHN P.C.” instead. For the value of this <address-2> field, you will notice that two commas are missing from the text.

02/07/2005 under investigation

Control #189

The following codes belonging to Table 2 of the Applications Documentation are appearing in the data
but don't exist in the Dec 14, 2004 documentation:

WIPO Country Codes, Table 2B: NJ, GG, OO, JE, CE

Other Codes, Table 2C: YTC

02/07/2005 – Trademark-Applications-Documentation-v2.0-02012005, Table 2 has been updated to account for “GG”,”OO”, “JE” and “YTC”.

“JE” and “CE” appear to be in error and will be further investigated and corrected.

Control #190

For the serial numbers: 78-238396 and 78-227405 it appears that Foreign applications with duplicate application numbers (and in some cases duplicate data save for entry number) were sent through in the daily files. There are some 1,633 serial_no's exhibiting this behavior. This behavior also appears to be affecting the APC files too. The earliest transaction date is 2001/01/23.

Question: is this an expected behavior for Foreign Application records?

Serial No 78-227405
From the file:

418122 <foreign-applications>
418123 <foreign-application>
418124 <filing-date>20020924</filing-date>
418125 <registration-date>20040114</registration-date>
418126 <registration-expiration-date>20190114</registration-expiration-date>
418127 <registration-renewal-date>00000000</registration-renewal-date>
418128 <registration-renewal-expiration-date>00000000</registration-renewal-expiration-date>
418129 <entry-number>002</entry-number>
418130 <application-number>1153713</application-number>
418131 <country>CAX</country>
418132 <registration-number>599386</registration-number>
418133 <foreign-priority-claim-in>T</foreign-priority-claim-in>
418134 </foreign-application>
418135 <foreign-application>
418136 <filing-date>20020924</filing-date>
418137 <registration-date>00000000</registration-date>
418138 <registration-expiration-date>00000000</registration-expiration-date>
418139 <registration-renewal-date>00000000</registration-renewal-date>
418140 <registration-renewal-expiration-date>00000000</registration-renewal-expiration-date>
418141 <entry-number>001</entry-number>
418142 <application-number>1153713</application-number>
418143 <country>CAX</country>
418144 <foreign-priority-claim-in>T</foreign-priority-claim-in>
418145 </foreign-application>
418146 </foreign-applications>

Tarr displays:
Foreign Application Number: 2313600
Foreign Filing Date: 2002-10-19

Serial No 78-227405
From the file:

802639 <foreign-applications>
802640 <foreign-application>
802641 <filing-date>20021019</filing-date>
802642 <registration-date>00000000</registration-date>
802643 <registration-expiration-date>00000000</registration-expiration-date>
802644 <registration-renewal-date>00000000</registration-renewal-date>
802645 <registration-renewal-expiration-date>00000000</registration-renewal-expiration-date>
802646 <entry-number>002</entry-number>
802647 <application-number>2313600</application-number>
802648 <foreign-priority-claim-in>T</foreign-priority-claim-in>
802649 </foreign-application>
802650 <foreign-application>
802651 <filing-date>20021019</filing-date>
802652 <registration-date>00000000</registration-date>
802653 <registration-expiration-date>00000000</registration-expiration-date>
802654 <registration-renewal-date>00000000</registration-renewal-date>
802655 <registration-renewal-expiration-date>00000000</registration-renewal-expiration-date>
802656 <entry-number>001</entry-number>
802657 <application-number>2313600</application-number>
802658 <foreign-priority-claim-in>T</foreign-priority-claim-in>
802659 </foreign-application>
802660 </foreign-applications>

Tarr displays:
Foreign Application Number: 1153713
Country: Canada
Foreign Filing Date: 2002-09-24

Foreign Application Number: 1153713
Foreign Registration Number: 599386
Foreign Registration Date: 2004-01-14
Country: Canada
Foreign Filing Date: 2002-09-24
Foreign Expiration Date: 2019-01-14

When an applicant files via TEAS (and note that these were both filed via TEAS), and applicant files for multiple classes, applicant must indicate the basis for each class, as well as any section 44(d) priority claim (if any). If the basis is section 44, applicant must also indicate the foreign application/Registration information for each class. This is because each class in an application may have a different basis, so the TEAS form has to have away of distinguishing basis info between classes. We chose redundancy.

In these records, the applicant provided us with foreign information for 2 classes - so the information appears twice in our records. In one of them, applicant gave us slightly different information in one class than he did for the other (foreign registration # in one; not the other). We dutifully record what was sent.

Control #191

Would it be possible to supply subscribers with some available literature that explains all of the Madrid history items that appear on the Madrid International Processing History Event Code List in Table 6 of the TRADEMARK APPLICATIONS DAILY XML DTD ELEMENT DOCUMENTATION (V2.0)(dated 12/14/2004) ?

Each item of the pairs of codes that appear below is identical – in meaning if not in actual text. Could you explain the differences?

AICXM Amended image created for IB
AMDDR Amended image created
CRCVM Correction transaction received from IB
CRRCV Correction transaction received from IB
CRREF Correction refusal has been created
CRRRP Correction refusal created
FBARP Replacement of national registration created, sent to IB
FBASP Replacement of national registration sent to IB
PLINX Declaration that limitation has no effect process IB
PLNNX Declaration that limitation has no effect processed by IB

02/07005 – Attached please find the Madrid History Event Codes. This list will be checked for accuracy and placed on the: TDXF DTD's, Documentation, and Sample Data Page.


If you have any questions or need additional information please contact one of the following individuals:

Ed Johnson Jazmin Stanback
Office of Electronic Information Products Office of Electronic Information Products
(571) 272-5471 (571) 272-5477
(571) 273-0110 Fax (571) 273-0110 Fax

Is there a question about what the USPTO can or cannot do that you cannot find an answer for? Send questions about USPTO programs and services to the USPTO Contact Center (UCC). You can suggest USPTO webpages or material you would like featured on this section by E-mail to the While we cannot promise to accommodate all requests, your suggestions will be considered and may lead to other improvements on the website.