Products and Services > Trademark Daily XML Files - Weekly Status Report
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Information Products Division
Data Dissemination
Trademark Daily XML Migration

November 19, 2004

Trademark Daily XML Files - Weekly Status Report

The following is a status update for all inquiries.

Inquiries can be made to: Ed Johnson at - (703) 306-2621 or Jazmin Rexrode at - (703) 306-2626 or sent to

*The format of the Weekly Status Report will appear as follows:
1. Each inquiry is given a USPTO Control # for tracking purposes.
2. The summary portion of “Status of Inquiries” will be “grouped” by the current status.
3. The detail portion of the report will be in sequence Control # (for easier reference).


Any inquiries that require additional research and/or response are considered outstanding inquiries and will appear in red, bold and italicized.

Inquiries that have been resolved will have the resolution in black, bold, italicized and underlined.


For Your Information – FYI:


Control #96:

Servers and other hardware are being moved to the USPTO Data Center in Crystal City in preparation of the subsequent move to the Alexandria Campus.

The majority of the equipment maintained by OEIP is used to produce the CASSIS line of optical disc products and the equipment that is used to disseminate the daily trademark files is being replaced.

Phase 1: September 20, 2004 - Hardware used to produce CASSIS products was successfully moved.

Phase 2: September 23, 2004 - Hardware used to produce USAApp and USAPat products was successfully moved.

Phase 3: September 29, 2004 - Hardware used to produce NTAF products was successfully moved.


Phase 4: October/November 2004 - New hardware to support the Data File Delivery (DFD) FTP system has been delivered and installed and is presently being configured.



Requirements and Proposed Schedule for the updated Trademark Daily Applications product – Control #61


Proposed Schedule:

NOTE: Once the updated Daily Application product is accepted and placed into production, the Monthly Status File and the Monthly Contractor Reports will be discontinued in a timely manner.



"The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is processing paper Madrid filings within a week of receipt and electronic applications within hours. Information is generally viewable on the USPTO website within 24 hours of the completion of Trademark processing. In addition to the work done on Madrid filings at the USPTO, there is also processing at the International Bureau of WIPO. Thus, in certain circumstances pendency is influenced by any backlogs that might develop at WIPO."


Availability of Files:


The HVAC was repaired and operational Monday, 11/15/2004. The Data File Delivery (DFD) FTP System staging server was returned to service Monday, 11/15/2004 @ 7:30 P.M.

The Trademark Daily XML Files and the Trademark 24 Hour Box Files have returned to their normal availability - 02:00 AM Eastern Time each day.


Status of Inquiries:


In Process:

Control #61 – Requirements for Applications “C” version,
Control #96 – Equipment move to the new Alexandria campus.


Inquiry – 08/13/2004: Control #61 – Requirements Trademark Daily Applications “C” version.

1. The updated Trademark Daily Applications product will include all data fields provided in the current product. Reference the “B” Trademark Applications Daily XML DTD Element Documentation (v1.2) located on the TDXF DTD's, Documentation, and Sample Data page. - Completed.

2. Provide all MADRID PROTOCOL INFORMATION (including Madrid History and Multiple transactions) for applications going to the International Bureau (IB). - Control #16, #41 and #55 - Completed.

3. Provide all MADRID PROTOCOL INFORMATION for applications received from the International Bureau (IB). - Completed.

4. Provide status code changes on a daily basis that are now only provided in the Monthly Status file. - Control #51 and #76 - Completed.

5. Provide the <location-date> equating to the “Date In Location” on TARR.
Provide <law-office-assigned-location-code> equating to Law Office Assigned on TARR. Reference translation on page 15 Trademark-Applications-Documentation-v2.0-10152004.doc on the TDXF DTD's, Documentation, and Sample Data page. - Control #68 - Completed.

Note: The <current-location> tag containing the text as it appears in TARR is now present in the Trademark-Applications-DTD-v2.0-11052004 and will be present in the Daily Applications XML file dated November 8, 2004 - Control #134 Completed.

6. Provide the Abandonment-Date and Mis-Assigned Numbers. This information is currently only available in the Monthly Contractor Reports.

Note: The Abandonment Date is being provided and Mis-Assigned Numbers are provided with a status-code of “622”

- Control #66 - Completed.

7. Provide 2-character WIPO Standard ST. 3 country codes in the <nationality> field and the <country> field of the <case-file-owner>. Note: The data in the Correspondent Address is free form text and will remain that way.

The use of Table 2 – US States, Countries and Other

Table 2A will contain a 2-position code of all US States, Territories and Agencies.

Table 2B will contain a 2-position code of all Countries.

Table 2C will contain “Other Codes” a 2-position or 3-position code as defined below.

If the third character is a "C", the code is a province of Canada. (e.g., ABC for Alberta and PQC for Quebec).

If the third character is a number, the code is a geographic region of the code that is in the first two positions (e.g., GB1, GB2, CN1, OM1).

If the third character is anything other than a "C" or a number, the code is a Government Agency code (e.g., USA, USN, USF for U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force). Additionally if the code is only two characters, it can be a Government Agency code (e.g., UA, UN, UF for U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force).

Note: The country code for Ukraine is “UA” and will appear in the <country> tag. The code for the U.S. Army is also “UA” and will appear in the <other> tag.

The code “XP” can be present in the <country> tag, the <state> tag and the <other> tag and denotes “Stateless” that a Country Code or State Code was not provided. - Completed.


The Trademark-Applications-Documentation-v2.0-11192004 has been updated to identify the use of Countries, US States, Territories and Agencies in the <foreign-applications>, the <nationality> and the owner-information fields.

- Control #21 – Completed

8. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>

The above statement will be included inside the XML files but not the current “B” version of the Daily Applications file.

- Control #84 - Completed.

9. Reference Control #’s 85, 86, 91 and 97 that were closed in the Trademark Status Report of Friday 10/01/2004. These control numbers are being applied to the daily applications requirements.

#85 - Note: name-1, name-2, name-3, name-overflow will be removed and replaced by: name

The party type and entry-number handle different owner names.

And, if there were a second owner the <entry-number> would equal 02 and the <party-type> would still equal 10.

If there were a subsequent owner that caused a new party-type the <party-type> would increment accordingly and the <entry-number> would start anew at 01.

- Completed.

#86 – A valid party-type code will be included with the correspondent party-type. - Completed.

#87 – The <!ELEMENT madrid-international-filing-record will include a international-renewal-date? field and the <!ELEMENT madrid-history-event will include a number field. - Completed.

#88 - The following element <Madrid-international-filing-request> will be renamed to <Madrid-international-filing-requests> - Completed.

#89 –

1. The data elements listed in the international-registration group are for incoming requests from the IB. The new group madrid-international-filing-requests is for outgoing requests to the IB.

2. Records that have abandonment dates are present in the test data file: TestData-v2.0-10082004.xml

3. Table 2 in the Applications Documentation will be updated to accommodate the 2-position Country and State Codes. This table will be edited until all codes are properly identified.

- Completed.

#91 – The correspondent change of Control #91 will be included in the new requirements. If you want to
review the entire Control #91 please reference the weekly status report dated October 01, 2004. - Completed.

#97 –

1. Missing status-date element: Serial No.: 71/194337, 72/123294

Note: This was corrected in the test data dated and provided 09/24/2004.

2. The <correspondent> group doesn't contain the following tag <person-or-organization-name>

Note: All of those <correspondent> tags are missing and instead <address-1>, <address-2>, <address-3>, <address-4>, <address-5> are used.

The DTD will refer to five lines of address (person-or-organization-name has been changed). It cannot be guaranteed that the value found in this field contains a person or organization. The field name has been changed to address-1. Reference Control #91.

3. The <case-file-owner> contains a tag named <party-name> this should display as <name>. Reference Control #85.

Note: This has been corrected in the test data dated and provided 09/24/2004.

4. The <correspondent> group doesn't match what had been discussed in Control #91

The Status Report should have been updated to reflect the tag names that are being used in the DTD and the Documentation. They are not in sync at the moment. I am referring to #3 and 4 in my list above.

Note: The DTD dated and provided 09/24/2004 has been updated accordingly.

- Completed.

10. The international-renewal-date? field has been included and the number field will contain an ascending sequence number. Reference Control #87 that was closed in the Trademark Status Report of Friday 10/01/2004.

- Control #87 - Completed.

11. <Madrid-international-filing-requests>. The “s” has been added to be consistent with the naming convention being used. . Reference Control #88 that was closed in the Trademark Status Report of Friday 10/01/2004.

- Control #88 - Completed.

12. Empty optional tags will not be present in the 2.0 XML data. Reference Control #98 that was closed in the Trademark Status Report of Friday 10/01/2004.

- Control #98 - Completed.

13. The <employee-name> will be provided. Reference Control #100 that was closed in the Trademark Status Report of Friday 10/01/2004.

- Control #100 - Completed.

14. Control #107 remains open to resolve Country and State Code issues.

- Control #107 - Completed.

15. In each daily XML file the End Of Line character will be a UNIX Linefeed character, hexadecimal “0A”, the decimal 10

- Control #125 - Completed.

16. The dates being sent in <location-date> always contains 2 Leading zeros. All 5093 applications with location dates from apc041012.xml are like this.


Warning:: DateFormat.isValid() bad date :: 00910404
Warning:: DateFormat.isValid() bad date :: 00910114
Warning:: DateFormat.isValid() bad date :: 00900305

- Control #135 - Completed.


a. The October 17, 2004 “C” daily file contained 1,294 transactions while the “B” daily file for October 17, 2004 contained 2,097 transactions – Why did the “B” contain more transactions? The October 16, 2004 “C” contained more transactions than the “B” for October 16, 2004. 9,295 vs. 3.076 which seems very appropriate.

b. After downloading and processing the “C” version files I have encountered a possible problem specific to the file apc041010.xml. The version "B" for that date had 1501 applications while version "C" had 344 applications. I didn't think the number of applications would decrease when comparing the “B” version and the “C” version for a given date.

The files provided on October 10, 2004 and October 17, 2004 were “weekend data” and the time of day that the “B” production file and the “C” parallel files were extracted caused the difference in the volume of transactions.

- Control #128 - Completed.

18. Can you say when the “C” daily files will be available consistently around 12:00 p.m. ET, and is it possible to regenerate any of the prior “C” now that the data content has been cleaned up significantly?

a. The week ending October 29, 2004 saw an improvement on the time of day the “C” file was available and this will continue to improve.

b. It is possible to regenerate prior “C”. Please remember subsequent status changes could make the applications different.

- Control #139 - Completed.

19. The “C” daily file has many more transactions/records than the “B” daily file. Is this due to receiving status changes on a daily basis – while the “B” status changed were received monthly? -Yes - Control #138 - Completed.

20. The following code OM7 appears inside <law-office-assigned-location-code> tags and is not documented. The code exists on the following Serial Numbers 76/491065 and 78213916. These marks both have transaction dates of 2003/03/07. The TARR online system displays the law office as M7D -TMO Law Office 116 – Docket Clerk

The code “0M7” has been added to the documentation.

Control #140 - Completed.

21. Reference the apc041101 file. There appears to be an issue with the classification dates. Sometime included are the 8 digit while other times only 7 digits are present. There are many within this file that have only 7 digits. As an example SN 74409984 has the following data included <first-use-in-commerce-date>9340000</first-use-in- commerce-date>. As you see this is not a valid century.

This is a data content problem and the data provided was what was available. The data field being identified numeric allows any length. The trademark business area must resolve this data content problem.

Control #145 – Completed.

22. There seems to be some issue sending multibyte characters (UTF-8 encoding) with the XML "C" daily version.

The XML "B" daily files currently in production appears OK. But there appears to be a difference between the "B" version and the "C" version.

Version “B” encodes characters (UTF-8 encoding).

<address-1>29, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré</address-1>

Version "C" encodes characters (XML Escape Sequences).

<address-1>29, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honor&#233;</address-1>

Control #147 – Completed.

23. The file apc041108.xml gives the following error:

Fatal Error at file apc041108.xml, line 5707122, char 42
Message: Expected entity name for reference

Here is the portion of the file showing an improper use of an ampersand character

<registration-expiration-date>20131202 </registration-expiration- date>
<registration-number>980593 & 986</registration-number>

The program was not escaping characters properly and has been corrected as of the APC file dated November 15, 2004.

Control #148 – Completed.

24. Words are being squeezed together in the XML daily. Serial No. 78/508904 is an example. This Serial No. on TARR appears correct.

<text>Play articles and accessories for use in swimming, swimming pools and beach useincluding masks, snorkels, fins, combined mask, snorkel and fins; flippers for swimming, swimming webs (flippers); inflatable including kickers, bubbles being swimming aids, EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) bubbles being swimming aids, rings tubes, kiddie floats, balls, pools including inflatable pools and shade pools, repair kits for pools, squirting/spraying novelty devices, floating toys, water slides, floating mats, floating boards, floating boats, plastic oars, dive sticks and seahorses, water game sets, foam toys, foam pool noodles, inflatable pool toys, plastic buckets, plastic rakes, plastic spades, plastic sand moulds, plasticwatering cans, plastic sieves, flying disks, plastic shapes, plastic shovels, plastic hoes, plastic sandpits, kickboards, surf boards, body boards, body board leashes, mini soft balls, playthings made of foam, ring games, pool games, gymnastic articles and assorted novelty pool toys</text>

The program is being reviewed for a possible solution.

Control #149


25. It seems that the <dba-aka-text> field (which is part of the <case-file-owner> field) is being excluded from the latest Trademark-Applications "C" files. I could not find this field in the following Trademark-Applications "C" files:
apc041108.xml, apc041109.xml, apc041110.xml, and apc041111.xml. But I was able to find this field in all of the following Trademark-Applications "B" files: apb041108.xml, apb041109.xml, apb041110.xml, and apb041111.xml.

For example, in the recent Trademark-Applications "B" file named apb041108.xml, Serial Number 76618555 contains a <dba-aka-text> field (where the value is "TA Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.") for the <case-file-owner> field where the Party Type is equal to 10. For the same Serial Number in the apc041108.xml file, a <dba-aka-text> field cannot be found.

The program has been fixed and a replacement file will be provided.

Control #150 – Completed.



A. I wanted to confirm that there are no "new" records in the file: i.e., there are no new trademark filings today. Normally we get from 500-1500 new records daily. Today's file showed zero new and 5979 updated records.

B. As a suggestion for future development, it would be a great help if the header of each file (apb, asb and tt) would provide stats on the total number of records in the file. In this way, we can verify that the counts we load into our Oracle database are correct against the counts in the file header.

The applications file dated November 11, 2004 was for Thursday, Veterans Day. No new applications were processed that day.

All files being disseminated including to the USPTO’s TESS and TARR databases are created in the same manner with the same transactions each day. To provide totals as header information would be a major undertaking and will not be considered at this time.

Control #151 – Completed.


If you have any questions or need additional information please contact one of the following individuals:

Ed Johnson Jazmin Rexrode
Office of Electronic Information Products Office of Electronic Information Products
(703) 306-2621 (703) 306-2626
(703) 306-2737 Fax (703) 306-2737 Fax

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