Products and Services > Trademark Daily XML Files - Weekly Status Report
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Information Products Division
Data Dissemination
Trademark Daily XML Migration

July 16, 2004

Trademark Daily XML Files - Weekly Status Report

The following is a status update for all inquiries.

Inquiries can be made to: Ed Johnson at - (703) 306-2621 or Jazmin Rexrode at - (703) 306-2626 or sent to

*The format of the Weekly Status Report will appear as follows:
1. Each inquiry is given a USPTO Control # for tracking purposes.
2. The summary portion of “Status of Inquiries” will be “grouped” by the current status.
3. The detail portion of the report will be in sequence Control # (for easier reference).


Any inquiries that require additional research and/or response are considered outstanding inquiries and will appear in red, bold and italicized.

Inquiries that have been resolved will have the resolution in black, bold, italicized and underlined.


"The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is processing paper Madrid filings within a week of receipt and electronic applications within hours. Information is generally viewable on the USPTO website within 24 hours of the completion of Trademark processing. In addition to the work done on Madrid filings at the USPTO, there is also processing at the International Bureau of WIPO. Thus, in certain circumstances pendency is influenced by any backlogs that might develop at WIPO."


07/16/2004: (Control #73)

The Trademark 24 Hour Box for July 12, 2004 and July 13, 2004 are not available for dissemination. A resolution of this matter is ongoing.


Status of Inquiries:


Closed: Control #65 and Control #70

In Process:

Control #61 - Identifies the requirements for the Daily Application File to support the appropriate information that is present on the TESS and TARR data bases.

Control #64 and Control #67 – The use of un-documented country codes in the Daily Application File.

Control #66 – Requesting that an Abandonment Date field be included in the Daily Application XML file.

Control #68– Requesting that a Date-In-Location field be included in the Daily Application XML file.

Control #69 – Requesting that the Daily Application File Status-Code Table be updated.

Control #71 – Inquiring why 2 applications share a single International Registration Number.

Control #72 – Expired serial numbers reappearing on the Daily Application XML file and the TARR data base.

Control #73 - The Trademark 24 Hour Box for July 12, 2004 and July 13, 2004 are not available for dissemination.

Control #74 – Application 78447494 appeared in the Daily Application XML file with erroneous Good and Service information.


Inquiry - 06/25/2004: (Control #61)

Requirements for the Daily Application File to support the appropriate information that is present on the TESS and TARR data bases:

*Include the Madrid Protocol Information that is present for U.S. Applications/Registrations that are requesting protection through the International Bureau (IB) – (Allowing for multiple occurrences and Madrid History).

*Use of the 2-position country code as defined by the World Intellectual Property Organizational (WIPO) Standard ST. 3.

*Provide all status code changes on a daily basis that are now only received in the Monthly Status File.


This requirement continues to be analyzed to ensure that everything is being covered. A schedule for deployment/parallel and production will be announced ASAP.


Inquiry - 06/22/2004: (Control #64)

We noticed in the applications daily xml files for 040625 and 040628, country codes not specified in your documentation:

JAX - SNs (79002742, 79002760, 79002768, 79002777)
SWX - 75033908

DRX - SNs (76597151, 76597152)
DTX - SNs (76597317, 76597318)

Please let us know if these are key entry errors, new codes or changed codes.


It appears that country codes that were in affect prior to January 1978 are being used. This inquiry remains under investigation.


Inquiry - 07/08/2004: (Control #65)

In reviewing the monthly contractor reports the following has been encountered:

SERIAL NUMBER: 75/558100 FILING DATE: 1998/09/24
STATUS DATE: 2004/06/09
STATUS DESCRIPTION: Reinstated - Awaiting further action


Current Status: Abandoned: A petition to revive has been filed.
Status Date: 2004-06-23

#3. Trademark Daily XML

Status Code: 612
Status Date: 2004-06-23
STATUS TEXT: Petition to revive - received

Is the fact that the status differs from the REPORT run on July 1, 2004 correct?


The Monthly Contractor Reports were run on July 1, 2004 but the status date for serial number 75/558100 on that report is 06/09/2004. Thus the status date of 06/23/2004 on TARR and the Trademark Daily XML is the most recent and correct.


Inquiry - 07/08/2004: (Control #66)

We received the following in the Monthly Contractors Report that accompanies the Monthly Status File:


SERIAL NUMBER: 78/436272
FILING DATE: 06/16/2004

The abandonment date we receive in the status file is put into the cancellation-date element of the XML schema since I don't have anywhere else to store it and the status file documented that date column as a cancellation date. When the document is received again from the USPTO daily feed the abandonment date (which I store in the cancellation-date element) is wiped out as you have no place to store it inside the XML schema. Could this (abandonment-date) be added to the new schema?


This request to include an Abandonment Date field will be reviewed for consideration.


Inquiry - 06/09/2004: (Control #67)

The following serial number appears with 2 different country codes for Japan. Which one is correct?

Serial No.: 79/002760

<name-1>Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd.</name-1>
<address-1>1-1, 3-chome, Marunouchi,</address-1>
<address-2>Chiyoda-ku; Tokyo 100-8321</address-2>
<entity-statement>Company limited</entity-statement>


This inquiry along with Control #64 is being addressed for the use of country codes that were in affect prior to January 1978 and therefore 2 different codes are appearing for the same country.


Inquiry - 07/12/2004: (Control #68)

The following data is not disseminated by the USPTO but is available on TARR:

Date In Location: 2004-04-27

We do however receive the following information in the current XML schema:

Current Location: L6D -TMEG Law Office 106 - Docket Clerk


This request to include a Date In Location field will be reviewed for consideration.


Inquiry - 07/12/2004: (Control #69)

Can an updated list of Status Codes be provided status codes? A recent Daily Application XML file contained application 79001699 with a status code of 402. We added this status type after reviewing the application on TARR.


The documentation for the Daily Application XML file will be updated with a current Status Code Table the week of July 19, 2004.


Inquiry - 07/12/2004: (Control #70)

Can you please add the brief code into the xml assignment data or explain why it was removed? All we are getting is conveyance-text.


The Brief Code is no longer available and is present as text in the Conveyance-Text field.


Inquiry - 07/13/2004: (Control #71)

There are 2 applications 79/002625 and 79/002834 that share a single International Registration Number 0809661. Is this correct? Why would an international filing be split into more than a single application? We received both of these marks in June 2004.


This inquiry has been forwarded to the appropriate Trademark area for clarification or resolution.


Inquiry - 07/13/2004: (Control #72)

We continue to see long expired serial numbers come back under newly derived serial numbers but stripped of meaninful data, i.e. trademark, goods, owner etc.

Another example is original application 72383452, filed 2/10/1971 with registration number 929951. This record came in as serial number 81929951. Viewing the record on TARR, the record is virtually empty with the exception of assignment links.


This latest inquiry concerning old cancellations reappearing with an "8" was initially closed on 05/07/2004 as Control #44.

This new inquiry has been forwarded to the appropriate Trademark area for resolution.


Inquiry - 07/15/2004: (Control #74)

In the Daily Application file apb040714, there is a record 78447494, where the goods has information included that appears to be an email and other Serial Number information. This is also present on TARR in the same manner.


This new inquiry has been forwarded to the appropriate Trademark area for resolution.


If you have any questions or need additional information please contact one of the following individuals:

Ed Johnson Jazmin Rexrode
Office of Electronic Information Products Office of Electronic Information Products
(703) 306-2621 (703) 306-2626
(703) 306-2737 Fax (703) 306-2737 Fax

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