Products and Services > Trademark Daily XML Files - Weekly Status Report
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Information Products Division
Data Dissemination
Trademark Daily XML Migration

July 2, 2004

Trademark Daily XML Files - Weekly Status Report

The following is a status update for all inquiries.

Inquiries can be made to: Ed Johnson at - (703) 306-2621 or Jazmin Rexrode at - (703) 306-2626 or sent to

*The format of the Weekly Status Report will appear as follows:
1. Each inquiry is given a USPTO Control # for tracking purposes.
2. The summary portion of “Status of Inquiries” will be “grouped” by the current status.
3. The detail portion of the report will be in sequence Control # (for easier reference).


Any inquiries that require additional research and/or response are considered outstanding inquiries and will appear in red, bold and italicized.

Inquiries that have been resolved will have the resolution in black, bold, italicized and underlined.


"The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is processing paper Madrid filings within a week of receipt and electronic applications within hours. Information is generally viewable on the USPTO website within 24 hours of the completion of Trademark processing. In addition to the work done on Madrid filings at the USPTO, there is also processing at the International Bureau of WIPO. Thus, in certain circumstances pendency is influenced by any backlogs that might develop at WIPO."



All Trademark Daily Files were available for FTP dissemination in a timely manner the week ending 06/25/2004.


Status of Inquiries:


In Process:

Control #61 - Identifies the requirements for the Daily Application File to support the appropriate information that is present on the TESS and TARR data bases.

Control #64 – The use of un-documented country codes in the Daily Application File.


Closed: Control #63


Inquiry - 06/25/2004: (Control #61)

Requirements for the Daily Application File to support the appropriate information that is present on the TESS and TARR data bases:

*Include the Madrid Protocol Information that is present for U.S. Applications/Registrations that are requesting protection through the International Bureau (IB) – (Allowing for multiple occurrences and Madrid History).

*Use of the 2-position country code as defined by the World Intellectual Property Organizational (WIPO) Standard ST. 3.

*Provide all status code changes on a daily basis that are now only received in the Monthly Status File.


This requirement is currently being analyzed. A schedule for deployment/parallel and production will be announced ASAP.


Inquiry - 06/22/2004: (Control #63)

The current party type table codes are variable depending on when the application was filed or whether or the owner information has changed. Our system cannot work with this variable interpretation of codes so we map the codes to our specified value table. Months ago, the PTO announced that they would convert owner sequence party type codes on “old records” to the new values. We sent an inquiry asking if the proposed conversation of the old records would establish absolute code values, but PTO has not responded.

So the codes changed basically with notice, with a delay in definition, with confusing definition, and finally with no schedule for ultimately cleaning it all up.


New Party Type Codes to accommodate Madrid Protocol were introduced effective November 2, 2003. As “old records” require a necessary change/modification the new Party Type Code will appear in the updated record. The Daily Application documentation identifies the Party Type Codes used prior to November 2, 2003 and also the new Party Type Codes effective on or after November 2, 2003. There were never any plans to convert the entire retrospective file to the new Party Type Codes.


Inquiry - 06/22/2004: (Control #64)

We noticed in the applications daily xml files for 040625 and 040628, country codes not specified in your documentation:

JAX - SNs (79002742, 79002760, 79002768, 79002777)
SWX - 75033908

DRX - SNs (76597151, 76597152)
DTX - SNs (76597317, 76597318)

Please let us know if these are key entry errors, new codes or changed codes.


It appears that country codes that were in affect prior to January 1978 are being used. Further investigation must take place to resolve why these country codes are present.


If you have any questions or need additional information please contact one of the following individuals:

Ed Johnson Jazmin Rexrode
Office of Electronic Information Products Office of Electronic Information Products
(703) 306-2621 (703) 306-2626
(703) 306-2737 Fax (703) 306-2737 Fax

Is there a question about what the USPTO can or cannot do that you cannot find an answer for? Send questions about USPTO programs and services to the USPTO Contact Center(UCC). You can suggest USPTO webpages or material you would like featured on this section by Email to the While we cannot promise to accommodate all requests, your suggestions will be considered and may lead to other improvements on the website.