Products and Services > Trademark Daily XML Files - Weekly Status Report
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Information Products Division
Data Dissemination
Trademark Daily XML Migration

March 12, 2004

Trademark Daily XML Files - Weekly Status Report

Inquiries can be made to: Ed Johnson at - (703) 306-2621 or Marva Dubar at - (703) 305-1669 or sent to

The following is a status update on new inquiries and outstanding items.

Note: Each inquiry is given a USPTO Control # for tracking purposes.

New This Week:

*The status on the availability of the 2003 Annual Trademark (Retrospective) files is as follows:

-The 2003 Trademark Retrospective Assignment/XML file is available for purchase.

-The 2003 Trademark Retrospective Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB)/XML file is available for purchase.

-The 2003 Trademark Retrospective Live/XML and the Trademark Retrospective Dead/XML files. Note: As of this date (3/12/2004) these files are in the process of being created but are not yet completed.

There are 2 new inquiries in this Weekly Status Report. Reference New Inquiries:

There are 14 inquiries dating back to June 6, 2003.

*4 have been resolved. Reference Inquiries (Control #18, #19, #20, #22).

*2 are open and are being investigated to determine why applications are missing from the daily files. Reference Inquiries (Control #23, #25).

*1 is open for a software update to eliminate error records from being present in the daily files (Control #12).

*2 are being analyzed to ensure that valid UTF-8 characters are used. These 5 remain on schedule to be resolved by March 30, 2004. Reference Inquiries (Control #13, #14).

*1 is open that requires software and documentation changes to provide appropriate information that is present in TESS, TARR and BISX (Control #16).

*1 is open and is awaiting a policy decision from the Commissioner for Trademarks Office (Control #17).

*1 “The use of Country Codes” is open with the appropriate staff evaluating a resolution. Reference Inquiry (Control #21).

*1 is open concerning the content of the 24 Hour Box. Reference Inquiry (Control #30).

*1 is open because the file abp040311.xml was abruptly truncated and not available. Reference Inquiry (Control #31).

Inquiries that have been resolved will have the resolution in black, bold, italicized and underlined.

Any inquiries that require additional research and/or response are considered outstanding inquiries and will appear in red, bold and italicized.


New Inquiries:

Inquiry – 03/12/2004: (Control #31)

The file abp040311.xml is abruptly truncated after the end of the case-file for serial no 76010320.

At minimum we are missing the following tags:

At worst we are missing records.

3/12/2004: This problem appears to be isolated to the one daily file for 3/11/2004 and was reported to the appropriate area for immediate resolution.


Inquiry – 03/11/2004: (Control #30)

1. We've noticed something different with the 24 Hour Box. It looks like there are records in the root directory that may belong in the Amended folder -- 75919455 dates back to 2000 -- why would this be considered a Pending Application?

3/12/2004: This has been given to the appropriate area to investigate. A status update will be provided in the next Weekly Status Report of 3/19/2004.

2. Also there is a folder TEST which contains 79 series records. Is this something we should expect?

The development staff of the 24 Hour Box is using the TEST folder. That is why you see additional test data there.


Outstanding Inquiries:

Inquiry – 03/03/2004: (Control #23)

03/11/2004 - An update on the missing records that were reported 03/03/2004. These records that appear in TESS/TARR come staggering in a very untimely manner on the daily application file. They all appear as images in the 24 Hour Box.

78367250 - 78367349


78367475 - 78367549


78367650 - 78367725


78368075 - 78368374


78368400 - 78368524


78368550 - 78368700


78373025 - 78373049
Sub-total for 78


76575350 - 76575374
76575500 - 76575674
76575698 - 76575849
76577625 - 76577649
76577675 - 76577699

Sub-total for 76


Total missing Serial Numbers:

3/12/2004: An investigation into why the timeliness of records to the daily application file is so disrupted continues. A resolution has yet to be determined. A status update will be provided in the next Weekly Status Report of 3/19/2004.


Inquiry – 03/04/2004: (Control #22)

Within the last week, we've seen 3 records come in with design code 271707:

1. 76569844
2. 78364427
3. 78365776

We've found no description or information on this code. Please inform us as to what this code means.

3/12/2004: All records that contained an invalid design code 271707 were corrected to 261707 the week of March 8, 2004.


Inquiry – 02/27/2004: (Control #25)

Application 78326480 was never present on the Daily Application file.

Application 78326480 appeared in the Trademark Image 24 Hour Box on December 2, 2003 and on the December 2003 Trademark Monthly Status created and disseminated Tuesday, January 6, 2004.

Why was it never present on the Daily Application file?

3/12/2004: An investigation continues to determine why it was never present in the daily application file. This record will be forced to the daily file while the investigation continues. A status update will be provided in the next Weekly Status Report of 3/19/2004.


Inquiry – 02/26/2004: (Control #12)

In the file, there are three numbers (proceeding-entry) with no property-information. They are 92042952, 91159572 and 91159577. Using BISX on the USPTO website, none of these are available. We've been having about three of these a day within the TTAB daily feed -- they are different proceeding numbers but it is almost a daily occurrence that we see a proceeding number with no property-information present.

3/12/2004: These records have been created in error and should not be present. The software is being changed to eliminate these errors from appearing in the daily disseminated file. A status will be provided in the next Weekly Status Report of 3/19/2004.


Inquiry – 02/05/2004: (Control #13)

Characters such as diacritical marks appear not to be handled properly. In the daily file dated 20040120 two examples (SN 79000127 and SN 7900022) the umlauted lu (ü) and the circumflexed a (â) that appear in
the city names Zürich and Neuchâtel are not provided as ISO entity variables "&#252;" and "&#226;" respectively. Meanwhile, other characters, such as punctuation, are rendered correctly, e.g. the ampersand "&" is sent as "&#38;".

3/12/2004: The Application Daily DTD’s is being analyzed to ensure that valid UTF-8 characters are being used and corrected by March 30, 2004.


Inquiry – 02/06/2004: (Control #14)

While processing XML File xml\040205\ap040205.xml an invalid UTF-8 character (Unicode: 0x4) was found in the element content of the document.

3/12/2004: The Application Daily DTD’s is being analyzed to ensure that valid UTF-8 characters are being used and corrected by March 30, 2004.


Inquiry – 11/12/2003: (Control #16)

This inquiry was initially received 11/12/2003. A further clarification (as defined below) of the initially inquiry was received 03/02/2004.

There are fields available on TARR for an Application/Registration that has requested protection into a Madrid Protocol country that do no appear in the current DTD of the daily application file being disseminated. They are:

USPTO Control Number:
Original Filing Date with USPTO:
Date of Last Irregularity:

The other data fields included in the Madrid Protocol Information section on TARR are fields that appear in the current DTD of the daily application file being disseminated.

What we'd like is to have this information sent to us in the daily file being disseminated when the application/Registration has been applied for and then updated with the additional Madrid related fields upon BIRTH from the IB.

The second part of the question goes to timing -- how long from the time the Applicant/Registrant requests protection under Madrid Protocol to another country will this information become available to us?

And how long before the USPTO sends it to WIPO? How long before WIPO makes it available in their Madrid Express database?


1. A decision has been made by management that the Daily XML files will contain appropriate information that is present on TESS, TARR and BISX including the above 3 data fields. Software and documentation must be evaluated and updated. Status of this effort will be reported each week until completed.

2. The answer to the second part is currently rather difficult due to the enormous backlog volume at the International Bureau (IB). The USPTO has just recently processed applications with IB filing dates for the beginning of November 2003.


Inquiry – 10/31/2003: (Control #17)

Correspondent and owner information are provided.

It is requested that the telephone number, the fax number and email address, if available information, for the correspondent and owner be provided.

3/12/2004: This inquiry is awaiting a policy decision from the Commissioner for Trademarks Office.


Inquiry – 10/9/2003: (Control #18)

The TTAB daily file continues to contain illegal characters. I thought this issue would be resolved by now. Here is an excerpt from my log: 2003-10-09 02:09:14 tt031008.xml error: Parse error occurred - An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x12) was found in the element ...

3/12/2004: The Trademark-TTAB-v1.0-2004-02-13 DTD has been updated to ensure that all valid UTF-8 characters are being used.


Inquiry – 9/17/2003: (Control #19)

All the XML files are supposed to be in UTF-8 format.

The following file TTAB tt030701.xml has ASCII value 146 twice in the following line.

code><name>PAT O'BRIEN'S BAR, INC.</name><property-

The single quotes being sent to us are not in UTF-8 format.

This type of error can also be found in other TTAB xml files:


This is brought up because the TTAB files are still being produced with invalid characters

3/12/2004: The Trademark-TTAB-v1.0-2004-02-13 DTD has been updated to ensure that all valid UTF-8 characters are being used.


Inquiry - 7/16/2003: (Control #20)

Here is some more information/errors....

Processing XML File ==> xml\030620\tt030620.xml
start:: Wed Jul 16 12:05:31 EDT 2003
[Fatal Error] tt030620.xml:145:67181: An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x12)
was found in the element content of the document.
error: Parse error occurred - An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x12) was
found in the element content of the document.

[Fatal Error] tt030621.xml:144:390195: An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x12) was found in the element content of the document.
error: Parse error occurred - An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x12) was found in the element content of the document.

Processing XML File ==> xml\030625\tt030625.xml
start:: Wed Jul 16 12:14:58 EDT 2003
[Fatal Error] tt030625.xml:141:728318: An invalid XML character (Unicode:
0x12) was found in the element content of the document.
error: Parse error occurred - An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x12) was
found in the element content of the document.

Processing XML File ==> xml\030626\tt030626.xml
start:: Wed Jul 16 13:05:46 EDT 2003
[Fatal Error] tt030626.xml:143:292294: An invalid XML character (Unicode:
0x12) was found in the element content of the document.
error: Parse error occurred - An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x12) was
found in the element content of the document.
All of the characters 0 through 31 and character 127 are nonprinting control
characters. With the exception of characters 09, 10, and 13, (Ox09,
Ox0A, and Ox0D) the others may NOT appear anywhere in an XML document.

3/12/2004: The Trademark-TTAB-v1.0-2004-02-13 DTD has been updated to ensure that all valid UTF-8 characters are being used.


Inquiry – 6/06/2003: (Control #21)

In reviewing the country codes for each of the 3 XML files and discovered the following

*Trademark-Applications XML

Uses 3 digit code from TWTF file

*Trademark-Assignments XML

Uses no codes at all, they expand all codes (Spelling out countries)

*Trademark-Proceedings XML

Uses officially designated country as prescribed by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Standard ST.3

3/12/2004: Evaluation of this inquiry continues in the Office of Data Architecture and Services. A status update will be provided in the next Weekly Status Report of 3/19/2004.

Note: This is being evaluated along with Inquiry – 11/12/2003: (Control #16)


If you have any questions or need additional information please contact one of the following individuals:

Ed Johnson Marva Dubar
Information Products Division Information Dissemination
Data Dissemination Branch Systems Division
(703) 306-2621 (703) 305-1669
(703) 306-2737 Fax (703) 308-5164 Fax

Is there a question about what the USPTO can or cannot do that you cannot find an answer for? Send questions about USPTO programs and services to the USPTO Contact Center(UCC). You can suggest USPTO webpages or material you would like featured on this section by Email to the While we cannot promise to accommodate all requests, your suggestions will be considered and may lead to other improvements on the website.


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