Products and Services > Trademark Daily XML Files - Weekly Status Report
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Information Products Division
Data Dissemination
Trademark Daily XML Migration

February 6, 2004

Trademark Daily XML Files - Weekly Status Report

Inquiries can be made to: Ed Johnson at - (703) 306-2621 or Marva Dubar at - (703) 305-1669 or sent to

The following is a status update on new inquiries and outstanding items.

New This Week:

There were 4 new inquiries since the last Weekly Status Report. Reference New Inquiries below.

There are 13 outstanding inquiries dating back to June 6, 2003. Every effort will be made to have a resolution to the outstanding inquiries for next week’s status report dated February 13, 2004.


Inquiries that were previously considered outstanding and have been resolved will have the resolution in black and bold.

Any inquiries that require additional research and/or response are considered outstanding inquiries and will appear in red and italicized.


New Inquiries:

Inquiry – 02/03/2004:

In the status report on 12 Dec, the following statement was made: Note: Party-Type-Codes used prior to November 2, 2003 will be changed.

Could you explain what that means please? Will there be some across the board change of all party type codes?

There are 2 sets of Party-Type-Codes. One set for transactions dated prior to November 2, 2003 and one set for transactions dated on or after November 2, 2003.

Reference the Trademark-Applications-Documentation-v.11.doc under Trademark Daily XML Documentation "B" of the TDXF DTD's, Documentation, and Sample Data page.


Inquiry – 02/05/2004:

Characters such as diacritical marks appear not to be handled properly. In the daily file dated 20040120 two examples (SN 79000127 and SN 7900022) the umlauted lu (ü) and the circumflexed a (â) that appear in
the city names Zürich and Neuchâtel are not provided as ISO entity variables "ü" and "â" respectively. Meanwhile, other characters, such as punctuation, are rendered correctly, e.g. the ampersand "&" is sent as "&".

See response to the following inquiry.

Inquiry – 02/06/2004:

While processing XML File xml\040205\ap040205.xml an invalid UTF-8 character (Unicode: 0x4) was found in the element content of the document.

All 3 Trademark Daily DTD’s will be analyzed to ensure that valid UTF-8 characters are being used.


Inquiry – 02/06/2004:

Invalid data appears in the following applications:

. <case-file-owner>
<composed-of-statement> ƒ @Š `ù</composed-of-statement>
<name-1>Gilead Sciences, Inc.</name-1>
<address-1>333 Lakeside Drive</address-1>
<city>Foster City</city>

This will be forwarded to the appropriate area for resolution.


Outstanding Inquiries:

Inquiry – 01/26/2004 (initially received 01/14/2004):(1)

1. Cropped Images for paper applications filings: Is there any estimate as to when we may be receiving these images in the next day supplemental file?

A supplemental file to the 24 hour box will be provided each day that will contain the cropped images of paper application filings. These cropped images will be present one day after the full application appear in the 24 hour box.

Work continues toward this effort but did not get completed for this 2/6/2004 status report. It is our intention to place it into production the week of February 9, 2004 with an appropriate announcement.

A retrospective file of cropped images since the beginning of January 2004 will be made available.

2. Cropped Images for amended drawings: Are there plans to crop amended drawings?

Paper filings of amended drawings will be cropped.

3. We just realized that the mark drawings codes have been changed in the following manner:

a. Applications prior to Nov. 2, 2003
1 - Typeset (Text Only)
4 - Block Form

All marking drawing code 4 had previously been changed to marking drawing code 5.

b. Application on or after Nov. 2, 2003
1 - No longer used
4 - Standard Character Mark

Can you elaborate on what is meant by 'standard character mark'? Would mark drawing code of 4 indicate 'no design', text only, typeset, etc.? Has the Block Form description been discontinued? If not, is there anyway to distinguish between Block Form provided by owner and a text only mark which would both come in with a value of 4?

standard character format An applicant may submit a standard character format representation of a mark if (1) All letters and words in the mark are depicted in Latin characters; (2) all numerals in the mark are depicted in Roman or Arabic numerals; (3) the mark includes only common punctuation or diacritical marks; and (4) the mark does not include a design element. -- see Exam Guide 1-03 Section IA <>for more

Here’s the URL of the Exam Guide 1-03 …

See the last 7 pages of the following PDF link for the listing of standard characters.

NOTE: If further information of any of the above is required please advise.


Inquiry – 01/26/2004 (initially received 01/22/2004)

The average number of ‘Stylized Text’ marks (mark-drawing code 5), filed per month, going back prior to November, 2003 was about 700. The number of these types of marks for the months of November and December of 2003 averaged at about 4,000 per month. Viewing some of these records, the designs don’t appear to be stylized and many un-related marks appear to be from the same typeset. The number of marks with this code, filed in the first few weeks of January 2004, is about 500, indicating a return to normalcy.
Any explanation for this?

This increase in the number was due to the fact the application made no indication of a mark drawing code and “Stylized Text” was assumed. Electronic filings required a marking drawing code.


Inquiry – 01/20/2004:

We have been watching most carefully for the first arrival of these Madrid Protocol applications in the XML version "B" in order to test our programs and although we are aware there have been quite a few TM applications filed
designating US via Madrid Protocol since November 2003, we have received nothing so far from the USPTO.

The USPTO processes Series 79 (IB) applications as they are received from the International Bureau (IB).

Since November 2, 2003, 3 batches of IB, Series 79 applications have been processed and provided to customers receiving the Trademark Daily data files. The 3 batches accounted for 148 applications. 90 additional applications are currently in the pipeline Not sure where the 1600 figure is derived.

*The first batch appeared on the daily files the week of December 23, 2003.
*The second batch appeared on the daily files the week of January 12, 2004
*The third batch appeared on the daily files the week of January 19, 2004.


Inquiry – 01/20/2004:(2)

In the apb040120 and apb040121 there is a new type-code included in the case-file-statement section -- it is TNSF. Can you tell us what this is?

This inquiry is being investigated.


Inquiry – 11/12/2003:(3)

1. Using the Serial Number 78244966 as an example, this application has made a request for extension under Madrid Protocol to another country. Out on TARR you have the following Madrid Protocol Information:

USPTO Control Number: Z1230001
International Registration Number:
International Registration Date: (DATE NOT AVAILABLE)
Original Filing Date with USPTO: 2003-11-02
Priority Claimed: No
Date of Section 67 Priority Claim: (DATE NOT AVAILABLE)
International Registration Status: Application For
International Registration Certified
Date of International Registration Status: 2003-11-03
International Registration Renewal Date: (DATE NOT
Date of Automatic Protection: (DATE NOT AVAILABLE)
Date International Registration Cancelled: (DATE NOT
Date of Last Irregularity: (DATE NOT AVAILABLE)
First Refusal: No

Will we be receiving this information on an existing application/registration that has requested protection outside the U.S.? If so when and where?

Will the IB Update the information that states (DATE NOT AVAILABLE) with the appropriate information? and will that then be received in the daily feeds?

There appear to be three fields listed here that are not included in the Applications DTD v0.10 -- they are USPTO Control Number, Original Filing Date with USPTO, and Date of Last Irregularity. And the last issue with this particular Serial Number, have you sent this record to WIPO yet, as it is not on the WIPO's Madrid Express database?

Available resources do not currently permit the necessary software changes at this time. Continued evaluation will be taken for possible future enhancement.


Inquiry – 10/31/2003:(4)

Correspondent and owner information are provided.

It is requested that the telephone number, the fax number and email address, if available information, for the correspondent and owner be provided.

This has been forwarded to the appropriate trademark area for investigation.


Inquiry – 10/9/2003:(5)

The TTAB daily file continues to contain illegal characters. I thought this issue would be resolved by now. Here is an excerpt from my log: 2003-10-09 02:09:14 tt031008.xml error: Parse error occurred - An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x12) was found in the element ...

A correction is awaiting official authorization to be implemented and will not require a change to the DTD’s and should take place during the next maintenance update release.


Inquiry – 9/17/2003:(6)

All the XML files are supposed to be in UTF-8 format.

The following file TTAB tt030701.xml has ASCII value 146 twice in the following line.

code><name>PAT O'BRIEN'S BAR, INC.</name><property-

The single quotes being sent to us are not in UTF-8 format.

This type of error can also be found in other TTAB xml files:


This is brought up because the TTAB files are still being produced with invalid

This has been presented to the appropriate area for investigation.


Inquiry – 9/05/2003:(7)

We have noted some discrepancies between the weekly text files and the daily XML files. The following is a case in point.

In the weekly text files Serial Number 78102397 (ASPEN) appeared in the TKAB section of the wt030805.txt, wt030812.txt and wt030826.txt files. (See attachment, weekly.txt, for excerpts of this record from these 3 files). The last file (wt030826.txt) shows that the TTAB status is 009(Terminated) and the decision code is 803 (Board's Decision: Dismissed w/ Prejudice).

In the daily XML files the last TTAB update for this record was in the tt030801.xml daily file with a <status-code> of 2 (pending) and a<status-update-date> of 20021223. No further TTAB updates were received for that record since that file. (See attached file, tt030801_78102397.xml, which is an excerpt from tt030801.xml file showing this record.)

It seems that this record slipped through the cracks in the daily xml updates.

We've found cases where some records are more up-to-date via the xml files, and others which are more up-to-date via the weekly text files. If a record is updated via the weekly text file, shouldn't we expect that same record in the xml files during that same week? In general, how soon after a record is updated by the PTO should we see that record in the xml daily files?

This has been presented to the appropriate area for investigation.


Inquiry – 8/01/2003:(8)

The XML for the proceedings 76186764-EXT and 76186764-EXA do not match the USPTO Board Information System Index (BISX) online system (

The USPTO BISX system shows 2 prosecution entries for 76186764-EXT while in the XML there are 8 <prosecution-entry> entries.

The USPTO BISX system shows 6 prosecution entries for 76186764-EXA while in the XML there are 8 <prosecution-entry> entries.

The <prosecution-history> entries for these TTAB records seem to have been merged in the XML generation.

This was determined to be an error in the software that maintains the data prior to the xml conversion. A correction will take place October 10, 2003.

NOTE: Due to additional changes the maintenance update release has been extended beyond October 10, 2003.


Inquiry - 7/16/2003:(9)

Here is some more information/errors....

Processing XML File ==> xml\030620\tt030620.xml
start:: Wed Jul 16 12:05:31 EDT 2003
[Fatal Error] tt030620.xml:145:67181: An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x12)
was found in the element content of the document.
error: Parse error occurred - An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x12) was
found in the element content of the document.

[Fatal Error] tt030621.xml:144:390195: An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x12) was found in the element content of the document.
error: Parse error occurred - An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x12) was found in the element content of the document.

Processing XML File ==> xml\030625\tt030625.xml
start:: Wed Jul 16 12:14:58 EDT 2003
[Fatal Error] tt030625.xml:141:728318: An invalid XML character (Unicode:
0x12) was found in the element content of the document.
error: Parse error occurred - An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x12) was
found in the element content of the document.

Processing XML File ==> xml\030626\tt030626.xml
start:: Wed Jul 16 13:05:46 EDT 2003
[Fatal Error] tt030626.xml:143:292294: An invalid XML character (Unicode:
0x12) was found in the element content of the document.
error: Parse error occurred - An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x12) was
found in the element content of the document.
All of the characters 0 through 31 and character 127 are nonprinting control
characters. With the exception of characters 09, 10, and 13, (Ox09,
Ox0A, and Ox0D) the others may NOT appear anywhere in an XML document.

A correction is awaiting official authorization to be implemented and will not require a change to the DTD’s and should take place during the next maintenance update release.


Inquiry - 7/14/2003:(10)

Is it possible to put in more line breaks into this file. The file is unable to be loaded into a normal text editor due to the line lengths (this is not true for the other xml files). Here is an example:

tt030701.xml, length of the longest line: 1309721, new line count: 252

A correction is awaiting official notification to be implemented.


Inquiry - 7/03/2003:(11)

Poorly formatted addresses in XML

You are trying to fit unstructured data into a structured format, I propose you add an address-2 tag to hold the data in cases like this.



<address-1>280 N OLD WOODWARD SUITE 400</address-1>

<name>EDGAR A. ZARINS</name>
<orgname>MASCO CORPORATION</orgname>
<address-1>21001 VAN BORN ROAD</address-1>
<city>TAYLOR MICHIG</city>

<name>JOHN R GARBER</name>
<orgname>COOPER &amp; DUNHAM LLP</orgname>
<address-1>1185 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS</address-1>
<city>NEW YORK NEW YO</city>

<name>STEVEN A. GIBSON</name>
<address-1>400 S FOURTH ST 3RD FL</address-1>
<city>LAS VEGAS NEVA</city>

You aren't validating the state code field.

<name>SALLY M. ABEL</name>
<orgname>FENWICK & WEST LLP</orgname>
<address-1>TWO PALO ALTO SQUARE</address-1>
<city>PALTO ALTO</city>
<state>C</state> INVALID STATE CODE

<name>KRISTI A. ZENTNER</name>
<orgname>FAFINSKI AND WALLRICH, P.A.</orgname>
<address-1>STE. 100 DUNNE MANSION 337 OAK GROVE STREET</address-1>
<state>M</state> INVALID STATE CODE

What code list are these from?

<orgname>FROSS ZELNICK LEHRMAN &amp; ZISSU, P.C.</orgname>
<city>NEW YORK</city>
<state>N7</state> INVALID STATE CODE

<name>PETER L. COSTAS</name>
<orgname>PEPE &amp; HAZARD LLP</orgname>
<address-1>225 ASYLUM STREET</address-1>
<state>CN</state> INVALID STATE CODE

<name>ROLAND W. BAGGOTT III</name>
<orgname>THE BAGGOTT LAW OFFICES, L.L.C.</orgname>
<address-1>1316 CHRISTOPHER COURT</address-1>
<state>LO</state> INVALID STATE CODE

A correction has been presented to the data management area. Upon approval it will be implemented.


Inquiry - 6/09/2003:(12)

After analyzing the most recent Trademark Daily XML TTAB DTD related data files, we found the following issues:

1. The <filing-date> field (which is part of the <proceeding-entry> tag) does not always have the correct value. Here are some examples of this issue:

a. For the Proceeding Number 92042024, which can be found in last Tuesday's (June 3) TWTF file, the value of the DT-FIL field (which is located in the TWTF TTAB record) is "20030310". In the TTAB data file called TT030529.xml, which contains the most up-to-date version of this TTAB Proceeding, the value of the <filing-date> field is "20030529". This is incorrect since this Proceeding was filed on March 10th, 2003.

b. For the Proceeding Number 92042025, which can be found in last Tuesday's (June 3) TWTF file, the value of the DT-FIL field (which is located in the TWTF TTAB record) is "20030430". In the TTAB data file called TT030529.xml, which contains the most up-to-date version of this TTAB Proceeding, the value of the <filing-date> field is "20030529". This is incorrect since this Proceeding was filed on April 30th, 2003.

c. For the Proceeding Number 92042026, which can be found in last Tuesday's (June 3) TWTF file, the value of the DT-FIL field (which is located in the TWTF TTAB record) is "20030424". In the TTAB data file called TT030529.xml, which contains the most up-to-date version of this TTAB Proceeding, the value of the <filing-date> field is "20030529". This is incorrect since this Proceeding was filed on April 24th, 2003.

This was reported in the 6/27/2003 Status Report as being corrected. A correction is planned to take place October 10, 2003.

NOTE: Due to additional changes the maintenance update release has been extended beyond October 10, 2003.

2. The <status-update-date> field (which is part of the <proceeding-entry> tag) does not always have the most up-to-date value after the value of the <status-code> field (which is also part of the <proceeding-entry> tag) changes. Here are some examples of this issue:

a. For the Proceeding Number 91154190, which can be found in last Tuesday's (June 3) TWTF file, the value of the DT-STAT field (which is located in the TWTF TTAB record) is "20030529" and the value of the STAT field (which is also located in the TWTF TTAB record) is "9" (Terminated). In the TTAB data file called TT030528.xml, the value of the <status-update-date> field is "20030103" and the value of the <status-code> field is "2" (Pending) for this TTAB Proceeding. In the TTAB data file called TT030529.xml, which contains the most up-to-date version of this TTAB Proceeding, the value of the <status-code> field is changed to "9" (Terminated), but the value of the <status-update-date> field remains the same ("20030103") for some reason. Instead, this field should have the value "20030529" just like in last Tuesday's (June 3) TWTF file.

b. For the Proceeding Number 91154593, which can be found in last Tuesday's (June 3) TWTF file, the value of the DT-STAT field (which is located in the TWTF TTAB record) is "20030529" and the value of the STAT field (which is also located in the TWTF TTAB record) is "9" (Terminated). In the TTAB data file called TT030528.xml, the value of the <status-update-date> field is "20030122" and the value of the <status-code> field is "2"
(Pending) for this TTAB Proceeding. In the TTAB data file called TT030529.xml, which contains the most up-to-date version of this TTAB Proceeding, the value of the <status-code> field is changed to "9" (Terminated), but the value of the <status-update-date> field remains the same ("20030122") for some reason. Instead, this field should have the value "20030529" just like in last Tuesday's (June 3) TWTF file.

The value of the <status-update-date> is in error. A correction is planned to take place October 10, 2003.

NOTE: Due to additional changes the maintenance update release has been extended beyond October 10, 2003.


Inquiry - 6/06/2003:(13)

In reviewing the country codes for each of the 3 XML files and discovered the following

*Trademark-Applications XML

Uses 3 digit code from TWTF file

*Trademark-Assignments XML

Uses no codes at all, they expand all codes (Spelling out countries)

*Trademark-Proceedings XML

Uses officially designated country as prescribed by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Standard ST.3

Each DTD is currently maintained within the appropriate area of responsibility and uses country codes and names differently.

These differences have been presented to management and a decision to adhere to the WIPO Standard ST. 3 is being investigated.

If a decision is made to use the WIPO Standard ST. 3 changes would be required to have a separate field for the country code and a separate field for the state code.


If you have any questions or need additional information please contact one of the following individuals:

Ed Johnson Marva Dubar
Information Products Division Information Dissemination
Data Dissemination Branch Systems Division
(703) 306-2621 (703) 305-1669
(703) 306-2737 Fax (703) 308-5164 Fax

Is there a question about what the USPTO can or cannot do that you cannot find an answer for? Send questions about USPTO programs and services to the USPTO Contact Center(UCC). You can suggest USPTO webpages or material you would like featured on this section by Email to the While we cannot promise to accommodate all requests, your suggestions will be considered and may lead to other improvements on the website.


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