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Age–adjusted death rates from all liver cirrhosis by race, and sex, United States, 1970–2004.

Year Age–adjusted deaths
per 100,000 population
White, male White, female Black, male Black, female
2004 13.0 6.2 11.9 5.0
2003 13.5 6.3 12.6 5.4
2002 13.4 6.5 12.3 5.8
2001 13.4 6.5 14.1 5.8
2000 13.7 6.2 13.7 6.4
1999 13.8 6.2 15.2 6.6
1998 13.2 6.0 15.0 5.9
1997 13.4 6.0 15.6 6.8
1996 13.6 6.0 16.7 7.0
1995 14.0 6.0 17.9 7.6
1994 14.1 6.2 19.3 8.3
1993 14.2 6.3 19.5 8.3
1992 14.5 6.2 21.1 8.5
1991 14.7 6.5 20.9 10.1
1990 15.0 6.6 24.1 10.5
1989 15.8 6.9 25.5 10.5
1988 16.0 6.8 25.5 11.6
1987 15.9 6.9 26.9 10.9
1986 16.0 7.2 25.5 11.1
1985 16.4 7.4 28.3 12.2
1984 17.1 7.7 27.1 12.4
1983 17.3 7.8 27.1 12.8
1982 18.0 8.0 27.5 12.9
1981 19.0 8.6 31.9 14.9
1980 19.8 9.0 35.5 16.5
1979 19.6 8.8 35.8 15.7
1978 20.2 8.9 36.0 16.7
1977 20.8 9.2 38.9 17.7
1976 21.7 9.5 39.2 17.8
1975 22.3 9.7 39.1 18.0
1974 23.6 10.5 41.2 19.9
1973 23.8 10.6 40.8 20.9
19722 23.7 10.5 42.3 20.0
1971 23.5 10.7 37.1 19.2
1970 23.4 10.7 37.5 20.0

1 Rates per 100,000 population computed by direct method, using as the standard population the age distribution of the total population of the United States as enumerated in 2000.
2 Deaths based on a 50–percent sample.

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