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LIN - Section on Behavioral Science and Genetics (BSG)

Andrew Holmes, Ph.D., Section Chief, Principal Investigator

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

National Institutes of Health

5625 Fishers Lane, Room 2N09

Rockville MD 20852-9411

telephone: +1 301 402 3519

fax: +1 301 480 1952


Mission Statement

We are utilizing animal models to determine how exposure to stress and emotional trauma can subsequently impair an individual’s capacity for high-level cognitive and so-called executive functions. Executive functions include the ability to inhibit inappropriate behaviors such as aggression and excessive fear, and the capacity for controlling and avoiding potentially self-destructive activities as often occurs in drug and alcohol addiction. One goal of this research is to uncover the genes that increase a person’s susceptibility to these detrimental effects of stress in order to identify individuals who are particularly at-risk. Another objective is to elucidate the neural systems and molecules that are compromised by stress as a first step to developing new medications for stress-related neuropsychiatric diseases ranging from post-traumatic stress disorder to alcoholism.

Current staff

Elizabeth Kirby ; Secretary;

Jonathan Brigman, PhD, Post-doctoral fellow,
    Current projects : Neural basis of cognitive flexibility; the role of NMDA receptors.

Jonathan Brigman 

Marguerite Camp, PhD, Post-doctoral fellow,
    Curent projects : Role of glutamate signaling in ethanol dependence and addiction.

Marguerite Camp

Paul Fitzgerald, PhD, Post-doctoral fellow,
Post-doctoral fellow, 
    Current projects : Neurophysiology of affect and addiction.

Paul Fitzgerald

Carolyn Grabeal, BSc, Graduate student (Brown University - NIH Graduate Partnerships Pogram) 
    Current projects: Effects of stress on executive function.

Carolyn Grabeal

Rose-Marie Karlsson, MSc, Graduate student (Laboratory of Clinical and Translational Studies and Karolinska Institute-NIAAA graduate program) 
    Current projects: Role of the glutamate system in modulating anxiety stress and alcohol-related behaviors.

Rose-Marie Karlsson

Jessica Ihne, BSc, Post-baccalaureate IRTA, 
    Current projects: Glutamatergic and monoaminergic modulaltion of EtOH-related behaviors.

Tara Wright, BSc, Post-baccalaureate IRTA, 
    Current projects: Effects of stress on conditioned reinforcement of reward-seeking. Role of NMDA receptors in hippocampal synaptic plasticity.

Michael Feyder, BSc,
Special Volunteer, 
    Current projects: Role of intracellular glutamate signaling molecules in behavior and drug-seeking behaviors.

Michael Feyder

Section alumni

Alicia Izquierdo, PhD, currently Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, California State University, Los Angeles

Janel Boyce-Rustay, PhD
, currently Associate Research Pharmacologist, Abbott Laboratories

Rachel Millstein, BA
, currently at Harvard University

Lisa Wiedholz, BA
, currently Reserch Pharmacologist, Abbott Laboratories

Rebecca Yang, BA
, currently at The Mayo Clinic

Kathryn Hefner, BA
, currently at University Wisconsin-Madison

Poonam Mathur, BA,
currently at
Nova Southeastern University

Benjamin Palachick, BSc,
currently at Drexel University

Yi-Chyan Chen, MD, National Defense Medical Center, Taiwan


Dr. Timothy J. Bussey and Dr. Lisa M. Saksida, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge; Weblink

Dr. Heather Cameron, Unit on Neuroplasticity, NIMH; Weblink

Dr. Lynette C. Daws, Department of Physiology, The University of Texas Health Science Center; Weblink

Dr. Seth Grant, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute; Weblink

Dr. Kazutoshi Nakazawa, Unit on Genetics of Cognition and Behavior, NIMH; Weblink

Dr. David Lovinger, Dr. Rui Costa, Dr. Veronica Alvarez, Dr. Margaret Davis, Laboratory for Integrative Neuroscience, NIAAA; Weblink

Dr. Cara Wellman, Department of Psychology, Indiana University; Weblink

Dr. Danny Winder, Department of Pharmacology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center; Weblink

Dr. Ted Usdin, Laboratory of Genetics, NIMH; Weblink

Ten recent key publications

Karlsson RM, Tanaka K, Heilig, MA, Holmes A Loss of mouse GLAST (EAAT1) mediated glutamate reuptake causes locomotor hyperactivity and exaggerated responses to psychotomimetics in mice. Biological Psychiatry 64:810-814
Pubmed.  (For example of media coverage of this article, see

Hefner KM, Whittle N, Juhasz J, Norcross M, Karlsson RM, Saksida LM, Bussey TJ, Singewald N, Holmes A Impaired fear extinction learning and cortico-amygdala circuit failure in a common genetic mouse strain. The Journal of Neuroscience 28:8074-8085.  Pubmed

Wiedholz LM, Owens WA, Horton RE, Feyder M, Hefner KR, Sprengel R, Celikel T, Daws LC, Holmes A (2008) Mice lacking the AMPA GluR1 receptor exhibit hyperdopaminergia and schizophrenia-related behaviors. Molecular Psychiatry 13:631-640. Pubmed. (Commentary: Fisher Y, Andre VM, Cepeda C, Levine MS (2008) Dopamine-glutamate interactions at the forefront of schizophrenia research. Cellscience Reviews 5:7-16 Journal website).

Brigman J, Feyder M, Saksida LM, Bussey TJ, Mishina M, Holmes A (2008) Impaired discrimination learning in mice lacking the NMDA receptor NR2A subunit. Learning and Memory 15:50-54.  Pubmed

Wellman CL, Izquierdo A, Garrett JE, Martin KP, Carroll J, Millstein RA, Lesch K-P, Murphy DL, Holmes A (2007) Impaired stress-coping and fear extinction and abnormal corticolimbic morphology in serotonin transporter knockout mice. The Journal of Neuroscience
27: 684-691. Pubmed

Hariri AR, Holmes A (2006) Genetics of emotional regulation: the role of the serotonin transporter in neural function. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10: 182-191.

Izquierdo A, Wellman CL, Holmes A (2006) Stress causes rapid dendritic retraction in infralimbic cortex and impairs fear extinction in mice. The Journal of Neuroscience 26: 5733-5738.

Daws LC, Montañez S, Munn JL, Owens WA, Baganz NL, Boyce-Rustay JM, Millstein RA, Wiedholz LM, Murphy DL, Holmes A (2006) Ethanol inhibits clearance of brain serotonin by a serotonin transporter-independent mechanism. The Journal of Neuroscience 26: 6431-6438.
Pubmed. (News Highlight: McGown D (2006) Neurophysiology: Under the influence. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 7:593 Journal website).

Cryan, JF, Holmes A (2005) The ascent of mouse: advances in modeling human depression and anxiety. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 4: 775-790. Pubmed

Esaki T, Cook M, Shimoji K, Murphy DL, Sokoloff L, Holmes A (2005) Developmental disruption of serotonin transporter function impairs cerebral responses to whisker stimulation in mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 102: 5582-5587.

Additional publications

Holmes A, Wellman CL Stress-induced prefrontal reorganization and executive dysfunction.  Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews in press. Pubmed

Chen, YC, Holmes, A (2008) Effects of topiramate and other anti-glutamatergic drugs on the negative intoxicating actions of ethanol in mice: modulation by genetic strain and stress. Neuropsychopharmacology in press.

Crusio WE, Goldowitz D, Holmes A, Wolfer D (2008) Standards for the publication of mouse mutant studies. Genes, Brain & Behavior, in press. Pubmed

Murphy, DL, Fox MA, Timpano KR, Moya P, Ren-Patterson R, Andrews A, Holmes, A, Watts SW, Wendland J, Lesch KP (2008) How the serotonin story is being rewritten by new gene-based discoveries principally related to SLC6A4, the serotonin transporter gene, whose functions influence the entire serotonin system. Neuropharmacology 55:932-960. Pubmed

Mathur P, Graybeal C, Feyder M, Holmes A (2008) Effects of systemic treatment with the NMDA NR2B subunit antagonist, Ro 25-6981, on mouse fear memory: attenuation with ageing. Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior 91:453-460.  Pubmed

Davis AR, Shields AD, Brigman J, Norcross M, McElligott ZA, Holmes A, Winder DG (2008) Alpha2-adrenergic receptor regulation of extinction of cocaine conditioned place-preference. Learning and Memory 15:667-676. Pubmed

Fegley DB, Holmes A, Riordan T, Faber CA, Weiss JR, Ma S, Sleeman M, Usdin TB (2008) Regulation of anxiety and fear by tuberoinfundibular peptide of 39 residues. Genes, Brain & Behavior in press. Pubmed

Brigman J, Mathur P, Lu L, Williams RW, Holmes A (2008) Genetic relationship between fear- and anxiety-related behaviors in BXD recombinant inbred mice. Behavioural Pharmacology in press

Yang RJ, Mozhui K, Karlsson R-M, Cameron HA, Williams RW, Holmes A (2008) Genetically-driven variation in mouse basolateral amygdala volume predicts differences in fear learning and stress-reactivity. Neuropsychopharmacology. Pubmed

Boyce-Rustay JM, Palachick B, Hefner KM, Chen YC, Karlsson RM, Millstein RA, Harvey-White J, Holmes A (2008) Desipramine potentiation of the acute depressant effects of ethanol: modulation by alpha2-adrenoreceptors and stress. Neuropharmacology in press. Pubmed

Karlsson RM, Hefner KM, Sibley DR, Holmes A (2008) Constitutive loss of dopamine D1, but not D5, receptor prevents locomotor sensitization to cocaine in mice. Psychopharmacology 200:117-127. Pubmed

Norcross M, Mathur P, Enoch AJ, Karlsson RM, Cameron HA, Harvey-White J, Holmes A (2008) Fluoxetine treatment during adolescence does not cause lasting deficits in fear-, anxiety- or stress-related behaviors in mice. Psychopharmacology in press. Pubmed

Parker CC, Ponicsan H, Spencer RL, Holmes A, Johnson TE (2008) Restraint stress and exogenous corticosterone differentially alter sensitivity to the sedative-hypnotic effects of ethanol in ILS and ISS mice. Alcohol 42:477-485. Pubmed

Holmes A (2008) Genetic variation in cortico-amygdala serotonin function and risk for stress-related disease. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 32:1293-1314. Pubmed

Adamec RA, Holmes A, Blundell J (2008) Vulnerability to lasting anxiogenic effects of brief exposure to predator stimuli: sex, serotonin and other factors - relevance to PTSD. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 32:1287-1292. Pubmed

Palachick B, Chen Y-C, Enoch AJ, Karlsson RM, Sprengel R, Mishina M, Holmes A (2008) MK-801 potentiation of ethanol intoxication is not dependent upon major NMDAR or AMPA receptor subunits. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 32:1479-1492. Pubmed

Feyder M, Wiedholz LM, Sprengel R, Holmes A (2008) Impaired associative fear learning following complete or partial loss of AMPA GluR1 receptors in mice. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 1:4. Journal website

Fox MA, Andrews AM, Wendland JR, Lesch KP, Holmes A, Murphy DL (2008) A pharmacological analysis of mice with a targeted disruption of the serotonin transporter. Psychopharmacology. Pubmed

Tonelli LH, Holmes A, Postlache TT (2008) Intranasal immune challenge induces sex-dependent depressive-like behavior and cytokine expression in the brain. Neuropsychopharmacology 33:1038-1048. Pubmed

Karlsson RM, Holmes A, Crawley, JN, Heilig, MA (2008) The neuropeptide Y Y1 receptor subtype is necessary for the anxiolytic-like but not antidepressant-like effects of neuropeptide Y. Psychopharmacology 195:547-557. Pubmed

Boyce-Rustay JM, Janos A, Holmes A (2008) Effects of chronic swim stress on EtOH-related behaviors in C57BL/6J, DBA/2J and BALB/cByJ mice. Behavioural Brain Research 188: 133-137. Pubmed

Hefner KM, Holmes A (2007) Short-term and long-term effects of exposure to an unfamiliar male in C57BL/6J mice. Behavioural Brain Research 182: 344-348. Pubmed

Holmes A, Stein, MB and Steckler T (2008) Modeling anxiety in mice. In Animal and translational models of psychiatric disorders. RA McArthur and F Borsini (Eds). Elsevier, London.

Hefner KM and Holmes A (2007) an investigation of the behavioral effects of ethanol across adolescence in mice. Psychopharmacology, 191:311-322. Pubmed

Hasnie FS, Wallace V, Hefner KM, Holmes A, and Rice ASC (2007) Mechanical and cold allodynia in nerve-injured mice is not associated with anxiety- and depression-related behaviours. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 98:816-822.3. Pubmed

Boyce-Rustay JM, Cameron HA, and Holmes A (2007) Chronic swim stress alters sensitivity to acute behavioral effects of ethanol in mice. Physiology & Behavior, 91:77-86. Pubmed

Fisch GS, Holmes A (2006) Recent developments in the use of animal models of psychiatric disease. Behavior Genetics 37:259-263. Pubmed

Holmes A (2007) The pharmacology of anxiolysis. In Handbook of Anxiety and Fear. R Blanchard, DC Blanchard, DJ Nutt (Eds). Elsevier, London.

Hefner KM and Holmes A (2007) Short-term and long-term effects of exposure to an unfamiliar male in C57BL/6J mice. Behavioural Brain Research, 191:311-322. Pubmed

Holmes A (2007) Mouse models of anxiety. In Handbook of Behavioral Genetics of the Mouse. WE Crusio, F Sluyter, RT Gerlai (Eds). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Mozhui K, Hamre K, Holmes A, Lu, L, and Williams RW (2007) Genetic and structural analysis of the mouse basolateral amygdala complex. Behavior Genetics, 37:223-243. Pubmed

Carroll J, Boyce-Rustay JM, Izquierdo A, Millstein RA, Yang RJ, Wiedholz LM, Murphy DL and Holmes A (2007) Effects of mild early life stress on abnormal emotional behaviors in 5-HTT knockout mice. Behavior Genetics, 37:214-222. Pubmed

Hefner KM and Holmes A (2007) Ontogeny of fear-, anxiety- and depression-related behavior across mouse adolescence. Behavioral Brain Research 176:210-215. Pubmed

Boyce-Rustay JM and Holmes A (2006) Ethanol-related behaviors in mice lacking the NMDA receptor NR2A subunit. Psychopharmacology, 187: 455-466. Pubmed

Millstein RA, and Holmes A (2007) Effects of repeated maternal separation on anxiety- and depression-related phenotypes in different mouse strains. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 31:3-17. Pubmed

Caldwell HK, Stewart S, Wiedholz LM, Millstein RA, Holmes A, Young SW, and Wersinger S (2007) The acute intoxicating effects of ethanol are not dependent on the vasopressin 1a or 1b receptors. Neuropeptides 40:325-337. Pubmed

Holmes A and Cryan JF (2006) Measuring anxiety- and depression-related behaviors in the mouse. In Transgenic and Knockout Models of Neuropsychiatric Disorders. GS Fisch and J Flint (Eds). Humana Press, New Jersey.

Boyce-Rustay JM, Wiedholz LM, Millstein RA, Carroll J, Murphy DL, Daws LC, and Holmes A (2006) Behavioral responses to ethanol in serotonin transporter knockout mice. Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research 30:1957-1965. Pubmed

Wrenn C.C. and Holmes, A. Galanin; a novel target for stress-related disorders. Drug News and Perspectives, 26: 753-778. Pubmed

Holmes A and Picciotto M (2006) Galanin; a novel target system for stress-related disorders and addiction? Current Drug Targets – CNS & Neurological Disorders 5: 225-232. Pubmed

Boyce-Rustay JM and Holmes A (2006) Genetic inactivation of the NMDA NR2A subunit has anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like effects in mice. Neuropsychopharmacology, 31: 2405-1414. Pubmed

Ren-Patterson R, Cochran LW, Holmes A, Lesch K-P, Lu B, and Murphy DL (2006) Gender-dependent modulation of brain monoamines and anxiety-like behaviors in mice with genetic serotonin transporter and BDNF deficiencies. Molecular and Cellular Biology 26:753-778. Pubmed

Karlsson R and Holmes A (2006) Galanin; a modulator of stress and emotion. Amino Acids, 31:231-239. Pubmed

Millstein RA, Ralph RJ, Yang RJ and Holmes A (2006) Effects of repeated maternal separation on prepulse inhibition of startle across inbred mouse strains. Genes, Brain & Behavior 5: 346-354. Pubmed

Izquierdo A, Wiedholz LM, Millstein, RA, Yang, RJ, Bussey TJ, Saksida LM, and Holmes A (2006) Genetic and dopaminergic modulation of reversal learning in a touchscreen-based operant procedure for mice. Behavioral Brain Research, 171:181-188. Pubmed

Adamec, RA, Burton, P, Blundell, J, Murphy, DL and Holmes A (2006) Vulnerability to mild predator stress in serotonin transporter knockout mice. Behavioral Brain Research 170: 126-140. Pubmed

Zhao S, Edwards J, Carroll J, Wiedholz L, Millstein RA, Murphy DL, Lanthorn TH and Holmes A (2005) Mutant mice reveal an essential functional role for the C-terminus of the 5-HT transporter. Neuroscience 140: 321-334. Pubmed

Kim D-K, Tolliver TJ, Huang SJ, Martin BJ, Andrews AM, Wichems C, Holmes A, Lesch K-P, and Murphy DL (2005) Altered serotonin synthesis, turnover and dynamic regulation regions of mice lacking the serotonin transporter. Neuropharmacology 49: 798-810. Pubmed

Holmes A, le Guisquet A-M, Vogel E, Millstein RA, Leman S and Belzung C (2005) Early life genetic, epigenetic and environmental factors shaping emotionality in rodents. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 29: 1335-1346. Pubmed

Rustay NR, Wrenn CC, Kinney JW, Holmes A, Bailey KR, Sullivan T, Harris AP, Long KC, Saavedra MC, Starosta G, Innerfield CE, Yang RJ, Dreiling JL and Crawley JN (2005) Galanin impairs performance on learning and memory tasks: findings from galanin transgenic and GAL-R1 knockout mice. Neuropeptides 39: 237-241. Pubmed

Boyce-Rustay JM and Holmes A (2005) Functional roles of NMDA receptor NR2A and NR2B subunits in the acute intoxicating effects of ethanol in mice. Synapse 56: 222-225. Pubmed

Ren-Patterson RF, Cochran LW, Holmes A, Sherrill S, Huang S-J, Tolliver T, Lesch, K-P, Lu B and Murphy DL (2005) Loss of BDNF gene allele exacerbates brain monoamine deficiencies and increases stress abnormalities of serotonin transporter knockout mice. Journal of Neuroscience Research 79: 756-771. Pubmed

Karlsson, R-M, Holmes A, Heilig M and Crawley JN (2005) Comparative profiles of centrally-administered neuropeptide Y and galanin in mouse tasks for fear and anxiety-related behaviors. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 80: 427-436. Pubmed

Holmes A, Li Q, Koenig EA, Gold E, Stephenson D, Yang RY and Crawley JN (2005) Phenotypic assessment of galanin modulation of the acute behavioral effects of antidepressants in mice. Psychopharmacology 178: 276-285. Pubmed

Li Q, Holmes A, Ma L and Murphy DL (2004) Medial hypothalamic 5-HT1A receptors may be involved in the regulation of defensive behaviors, but not exploratory anxiety-like behaviors in mice. The Journal of Neuroscience 24: 10868-10877. Pubmed

Holmes A, Lachowicz JE, and Sibley DR (2004) Functional specificity of dopamine receptor subtypes; recent evidence from knockout mice. Neuropharmacology 47: 1117-1134. Pubmed

Wrenn CC, Kinney JW, Marriott LK, Holmes A, Harris AP, Saavedra MC, Innerfield CE, Jacoby AS, Shine J, Wenk G, Iismaa TP and Crawley JN (2004) Learning and memory performance in GAL-R1 null mutant mice. European Journal of Neuroscience 19: 1384-1396. Pubmed

Murphy DL, Ren-Patterson R, Holmes A, Hall FS and Uhl G (2003) Experimental gene interaction studies with mutant mice as models for human polygenic traits and disorders. Genes, Brain and Behavior 2: 350-364. Pubmed

Holmes A, Yang RJ, Lesch KP, Crawley JN and Murphy DL (2003) Mice lacking the serotonin transporter exhibit 5-HT1A receptor-mediated abnormalities in anxiety-like and exploratory behavior. Neuropsychopharmacology 28: 2077-2088. Pubmed

Holmes A and Rodgers RJ (2003) Prior exposure to the elevated plus-maze sensitizes mice to the acute behavioral effects of phenelzine and fluoxetine. European Journal of Pharmacology 459: 221-230. Pubmed

Holmes A and Hariri AR (2003) Genetic variation in serotonin transporter function and negative emotionality; placing single gene effects in the context of genetic background and environment. Genes, Brain and Behavior 2: 332-335. Pubmed

Holmes A, Kinney JW, Wrenn CC, Li Q, Yang RJ, Ma L, Vishwanath J, Saveedra MC, Innerfield CE, Jacoby AS, Shine J, Iismaa TP and Crawley JN (2003) Galanin GAL-R1 receptor null mutant mice display increased anxiety-like behavior specific to the elevated plus-maze test. Neuropsychopharmacology 28: 1031-1044. Pubmed

Holmes A, Murphy DL and Crawley JN (2003) Abnormal behavioral phenotypes of serotonin transporter knockout mice; parallels with human anxiety and depression. Biological Psychiatry 54: 953-959. Pubmed

Holmes A, Li Q, Murphy DL, Gold E and Crawley JN (2003) Abnormal anxiety-related behavior in serotonin transporter null mutant mice; the influence of genetic background. Genes, Brain and Behavior 2: 365-380. Pubmed

Holmes A, Heilig M, Rupniak, NMJ, Steckler T and Griebel G (2003) Neuropeptides as novel therapeutic targets for stress-related disorders; recent developments. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 24: 580-558. Pubmed

Holmes A, Yang RJ and Crawley JN (2002) Evaluation of an anxiety-related phenotype in galanin overexpressing transgenic mice. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 18: 151-165. Pubmed

Wrenn CC, Marriott L, Kinney JW, Holmes A, Wenk G and Crawley JN (2002) Galanin peptide levels in hippocampus and cortex of galanin overexpressing transgenic mice evaluated for cognitive performance. Neuropeptides 36: 413-426. Pubmed

Kinney JW, Starosta G, Holmes A, Wrenn CC, Yang RJ, Harris AP, Long KC and Crawley JN (2002) Deficits in trace cued fear conditioning in galanin-treated rats and galanin-overexpressing transgenic mice. Learning and Memory 9: 178-190. Pubmed

Holmes A, Yang RJ, Crawley JN and Murphy DL (2002) Evaluation of antidepressant-related behavioral responses in mice lacking the serotonin transporter. Neuropsychopharmacology 27: 914-923. Pubmed

Holmes A, Wrenn CC, Harris AP, Thayer K and Crawley JN (2002) Behavioral profiles of inbred strains on novel, olfactory, spatial and emotional tests for reference memory in mice. Genes, Brain and Behavior 1: 55-69. Pubmed

Holmes A, Murphy DL and Crawley JN (2002) Reduced aggression in mice lacking the 5-HT transporter. Psychopharmacology 161: 160-167. Pubmed

Williams RW, Dubnau J, Enoch MA, Flaherty L, Sluyter F, Gannon KS, Maxson SC, Riedl CAL, Williams KD, Holmes A, Bolivar VJ, and Crusio WE (2002) Hot topics in behavioral and neural genetics. Genes, Brain and Behavior 2: 117-130. Pubmed

Steiner RA, Hohmann JG, Holmes A, Wrenn CC, Cadd G, Jureus A, Clifton DK, Luo M, Gutshall M, Ma SY, Mufson EJ and Crawley JN (2001) Galanin overexpression provokes selective cognitive deficits and reduces cholinergic survival in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 98: 4184-4189. Pubmed

Holmes A, Iles JP, Mayell SJ and Rodgers RJ (2001) Prior test experience compromises the anxiolytic efficacy of chlordiazepoxide in the mouse light/dark exploration test. Behavioral Brain Research 122: 159-167. Pubmed

Holmes A, Hollon TR, Liu Z, Sibley DR, Dreiling J, Gleason TC and Crawley JN (2001) Behavioral characterization of dopamine D5 receptor null mutant mice. Behavioral Neuroscience 115: 1129-1144. Pubmed

Holmes A (2001) Transgenic and gene knockout approaches to the study of anxiety-like behavior in mice. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 25: 261-273. Pubmed

Holmes A and Crawley JN (2000) Promises and limitations of transgenic and knockout mice in modeling psychiatric symptoms. In Contemporary Issues in Modeling Psychopathology. M Myslobodsky and I Weiner (Eds). Kluwer, Boston.

Holmes A, Parmigiani S, Ferrari PF, Palanza PJ and Rodgers RJ (2000) Behavioral profile of wild mice in the elevated plus-maze test for anxiety. Physiology & Behavior 71: 509-516. Pubmed

Rodgers RJ, Haller J, Holmes A, Halasz J, Walton T and Brain PF (1999) Corticosterone response to the plus-maze: high correlation with risk assessment in rats and mice. Physiology & Behavior 68: 47-53. Pubmed

Holmes A and Rodgers RJ (1999) Influence of spatial and temporal manipulations on the anxiolytic efficacy of chlordiazepoxide in mice previously exposed to the elevated plus-maze. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 23: 971-980. Pubmed

Holmes A and Rodgers RJ (1998) Responses of Swiss-Webster mice to repeated plus-maze experience: further evidence for a qualitative shift in emotional state? Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior 60: 473-488. Pubmed

Rodgers RJ, Cao BJ, Dalvi A and Holmes A (1997) Animal models of anxiety: an ethological perspective. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 30: 289-304. Pubmed


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