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Post-Doctoral Positions in France


·         Coupling and uncoupling of monoaminergic systems and drugs of abuse
Collège de France, in the center of Paris, at the UMR 7148 of the CNRS, Paris, France



·         The endocannabinoid system in  inflammatory liver diseases
Institute Mondor for Biomedical Research at the Henri Mondor Hospital, Paris, France



·         Long term evolution of alcohol drinking and tobacco smoking habits - Effects on health risks
Inserm Unit 687 (Public Health and Epidemiology of the Social and Occupational Determinants of Health), Paris, France



·         Neuropsychology and brain imaging in adolescents at risk for addiction
Research Unit Inserm CEA U797, Orsay, France



·         Role of the integrated stress response in alcoholic liver disease
Inserm Unit 747, in the center of Paris, Paris, France








Prepared:  December 11, 2007



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