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Videoconference Series

The Videoconference Series provides access to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) leading scientists and the latest alcohol research.  NIAAA experts offer free, accurate, and timely information on a wide range of alcohol-related topics.

Each Videoconference webscast features a real-time presentation and slideshow on a specific alcohol-research topic, followed by an online Q & A.

The first in the series featuring Dr. Mark Willenbring, Director, Division of Treatment and Recovery Research, NIAAA, may be accessed below.  The presentations are archived below:


Videoconference Series 


  Alcoholism Isn’t What It Used to Be: New Research on the Nature and Diagnosis of Alcohol Use Disorders

      Mark Willenbring, M.D., Director, Division of Treatment and Recovery Research

      National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, NIH

      December 12, 2007


           View Archived Presentation and Slide Show 

                Runtime: 103 minutes

            (Please note: Audio and slide presentation begins at the 45 second mark)

 Adolescent Development and Alcohol Use
     Vivian B. Faden, Ph.D., Acting Director, Office of Science Policy and Communications
     Patricia A. Powell, Ph.D., Chief, Science Policy Branch
     National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, NIH
     December 9, 2008

               View Archived Presentation and Slide Show 
            Runtime: 26.54 minutes
            (Please note: Audio and slide presentation begins at the 12 second mark)     

Updated: December 10, 2008

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