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Interagency Coordinating Committee on FAS May 15, 2008 Meeting-Agenda





National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

5635 Fishers Lane ♦ Terrace Level Conference Room

Rockville, Maryland 20852


Thursday, May 15, 2008



9:00 A.M


Welcome, Introductions, and Comments

Kenneth R. Warren, Ph.D., NIAAA, NIH, ICCFAS Chairperson

9:05 A.M


Overview of Evidence-Based Practice Sessions from Previous ICCFAS Meetings

Sally M. Anderson, Ph.D., NIAAA, NIH, and Coordinator for ICCFAS



9:15 A.M.


National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP)

Kevin D. Hennessy, Ph.D., Science to Service Coordinator, SAMHSA



10:00 A.M.


Discussion on Evidence-Based Practice

Kevin D. Hennessy, Ph.D., SAMHSA

Julie Kable, Ph.D., Marcus Institute and Emory University, Atlanta

ICCFAS members



10:45 A.M.





11:15 A.M.


ICCFAS Agency Reports



12:45 noon


Lunch Break, Cafeteria/Grille, 1st floor, 5635 Fishers Lane



1:50 P.M.


Update on FASD-Relevant Legislation

Faye J. Calhoun, D.P.A., M.S., NOFAS Board of Directors



2:00 P.M.


Report from the U.S. Dept of Education and ICCFAS Education Work Group

Anne C. Smith, Ed.D., U.S. Department of Education



2:30 P.M.


Update from the ICCFAS Work Group on Justice Issues

Karen Stern, Ph.D., U.S. Dept. of Justice and Sally Anderson, Ph.D., NIAAA,

and ICCFAS Work Group on Justice Issues



2:45 P.M.


HIV+, Hazardous Drinking Women: Characteristics and Comorbidity

Mary E. McCaul, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and

ICCFAS Work Group on Women, Drinking, and Pregnanc



3:30 P.M.


Open Discussion



3:55 P.M.


Comments and Adjournment

Sally M. Anderson, Ph.D., NIAAA, NIH, ICCFAS Coordinator and Executive Secretary

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