USDA Forest Service

Gifford Pinchot National Forest


Gifford Pinchot
National Forest

Forest Headquarters
10600 N.E. 51st Circle
Vancouver, WA 98682
(360) 891-5000
TTY: (360) 891-5003

Cowlitz Valley
Ranger District

10024 US Hwy 12
PO Box 670
Randle, WA 98377
(360) 497-1100
TTY: (360) 497-1101

Mt. Adams
Ranger District

2455 Hwy 141
Trout Lake, WA 98650
(509) 395-3400
TTY: (360) 891-5003

Mount St. Helens
National Volcanic

Monument Headquarters
42218 N.E. Yale Bridge Rd.
Amboy, WA 98601
(360) 449-7800
TTY: (360) 891-5003

Johnston Ridge Observatory
24000 Spirit Lake Highway
P.O. Box 326
Toutle, WA 98649
(360) 274-2140

Mount St. Helens
Visitor Center
at Silver Lake

3029 Spirit Lake Highway
Castle Rock, WA 98611
(Operated by Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission)

TTY: Phone for the Deaf

Projects & Plans

Hemlock Dam

Fish Passage and Aquatic Habitat Restoration Project

Hemlock DamThe Mt. Adams Ranger District of the Gifford Pinchot National Forest proposes to remove Hemlock Dam, and to restore the Trout Creek channel in the area that is now occupied by the dam and reservoir. Trout Creek is a tributary to the Wind River in Southwest Washington, and supports Lower Columbia River Steelhead that were listed as Threatened in 1998. The proposed action is needed to improve upstream and downstream fish passage for all life stages of fish at the Hemlock Dam site and to improve aquatic habitat and water quality in Trout Creek.


PhotoIssues raised during the scoping process led the agency to develop and analyze the following alternatives:

Alternative A -- No Action

Alternative B -- Remove the dam and let the river erode sediments in the reservoir

Alternative C -- Remove the dam and dredge all sediments from proposed channel location

Alternative D -- Retain the dam, improve deficiencies, and modify or replace the fish ladder

Alternative E -- Retain the dam, improve deficiencies, do not modify or replace the fish ladder

Downloads: Final Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision
Final Environmental Impact Statement
  • Executive Summary (420 kb)
  • Chapters 1 and 2 (1.6 MB)
  • Chapter 1 - Purpose of and Need for the Action

    Chapter 2 - Description of the Proposed Action and Alternatives

  • Chapter 3 (5.1 MB) - Affected Environment
  • Chapters 4, 5, and 6 (1.8 MB)
  • Chapter 4 - Environmental Consequences

    Chapter 5 - Mitigation and Monitoring

    Chapter 6 - Consultation and Coordination

  • Appendix A - Public comments to the DEIS and Forest Service responses (4.0 MB)

Record of Decision

Errata: FEIS and Record of Decision - 12/19/2005 (31 kb)




US Forest Service
Gifford Pinchot National Forest - Vancouver, WA
Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument - Amboy, WA
Last Modified: Friday, 18 May 2007 at 18:22:01 EDT

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