Products and Services > Cassis Currents > Cassis Currents - No. 22

Cassis Currents No. 22
November 2004


Due to the rapid growth of patent application publication information, the Patents BIB database has grown too large to fit on a dual-layer DVD-ROM, which holds up to 9 GB. Despite attempting a number of interim “fixes” to save space, it has became necessary to split Patents BIB into two discs. Patents BIB: Grants will contain patent grants and Patents BIB: Apps will contain patent application publications. This change will begin with the December 2004 issue, which you will receive in early 2005.

A short-term resolution to the problem was to remove abstracts from September 1988 through December 1990. This began with the August 2004 issue. These abstracts will be restored to the Patents BIB: Grants disc once the product splits.

Figure 1 New Patents BIB Disc Products

Figure 1 New Patents BIB Disc Products

In order to make this transition easier for our subscribers, we have developed a special install process that will allow you to search both discs at the same time. This is possible for subscribers with two DVD-ROM drives. The install process will associate the two discs and searching the two discs will be seamless and appear as it does now.

Subscribers may also use this install process if you have a hard drive with sufficient space to hold the two databases from the DVD discs. We anticipate the size to be up to 14 GB. Detailed instructions for copying data to the hard drive and associating them to the user interface will be included on the DVD discs.

For those users that do not have two drives, there will be only a minor change in the user interface. When you install either of the new discs, Patents BIB: Grants or Patents BIB: Apps, you will see a Patents BIB tab instead of the familiar Patents BIB icon in the left sidebar. This is shown in Figure 2. Once you select that tab, you will have two icons to choose from. To do a complete search of the Patents BIB database, you will need to conduct two searches.

Figure 2 New Patents BIB Tab

Figure 2 New Patents BIB Tab

Remember that you can save your history from your search session on one disc and then load the history to the second disc and rerun it. This will save you retyping the entire search a second time. Step-by-step instructions for using this feature follow.

While you are searching, the history of your entire session is automatically being saved. It is possible to view the history and then re-use search statements to save retyping them later. It is possible to save individual queries (one search statement) or entire search histories to re-use in subsequent search sessions. Queries or search histories are saved and reloaded from the Session History window.

To view the session history, click on the Session History icon on the toolbar History Icon on Toolbar or click on the Tools menu and select the Session History option. The Session History window displays the current session’s history and is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 Session History Window

Figure 3 Session History Window

Each history entry includes the Set Number (S#) that corresponds to the order in which the search statement was entered, the number of occurrences of the search term(s) in the database, the number of documents retrieved, and the query as the search engine interpreted it. This is important to note, as the search as it was interpreted by the search engine may appear differently than you entered it. If you highlight a query, it will be displayed in the text entry box at the bottom of the window.

It is also possible to reuse and combine queries from the current search session without having to retype the statements. You just need to type the numbers of the sets. For example, if you wanted to combine sets 3 and 4, type 3 and 4 in the text window. Do not type S3 and S4 as the system will search for S3 and S4 as search terms. If you are looking for the numbers 3 and 4 as search terms, enclose them in quotation marks “3” and “4” and send the search query.

To save the session history to rerun on the second Patents BIB disc, or at a later time, use the Save History option detailed below. Close the program you have already searched and remove the disc from the disc drive. Insert the next disc to search and open the corresponding Patents BIB product (Grants or Apps). Use the Load History feature detailed below to rerun the search on the new second disc.

Session History Toolbar Icons are displayed in Figure 4 (from left to right):

Figure 4 Session History Toolbar

Figure 4 Session History Toolbar

Load Query - Load a saved query (one search statement) from a previous search session. To load the query, locate the file that contains the query. Click on the Load Query icon, select the drive letter and query file, and click on Open. Once the query is displayed in the Query History window, click on the Paste icon and press Enter to send the query to the Command Search Screen.

Edit Query - Edit a query from a current or previous search session. Highlight the query and click on the Edit Query icon. Edit the query in the text entry box.

Paste - Send a query from a current or previous search session to the search engine. Highlight the query and click on the Paste icon. This will display the query in the Command Search Screen text window. Press Enter to send the query to the Command Search Screen and click on Search to send query to search engine.

Save - Save a query from your current search session. To save a query, highlight the query entry and click on the Save icon. Select the drive and name the file. Click on Save.

Load History - Load a saved history from a previous search session. Click on the Load History icon, locate the file that contains the history and click Open. Once the history is displayed in the Session History window, highlight individual queries, click on the Paste icon and press Enter to send the query to the Command Search Screen.

Save History - Save the history of your current search session. To save a history, click on the Save History icon. Select the drive and click on Save.

Print - Print the Session History. This can also be performed by selecting the Print option from the History window File menu.

Clear - Delete the entire session’s search history. Close the Query History window by clicking on the X in the top right corner, or clicking on the File menu option and selecting Close.

Please contact us if you have other questions about the changes to Patents BIB.


The OEIP staff will move to the new USPTO campus on November 29. Effective November 30, our address, telephone number, and fax number will change.

Our new address will be:

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Office of Electronic Information Products
MDW 4C18
P.O. Box 1450
Alexandria, VA 22313-1450

Our new numbers will be:

Telephone: 571-272-5600

Fax: 571-273-0110

Our email address remains the same -

Figure 5 shows the atrium between the two Madison buildings, East and West. OEIP will be located in the Madison West building.

Figure 5 New USPTO Headquarters in 
    Alexandria, Virginia

Figure 5 New USPTO Headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia

The new campus will consist of six buildings, the Madisons, Jefferson, Knox, Randolph, and Remson. As of November 8, more than half of the staff has been relocated to the new location. The projected completion date for the full USPTO move is March 2005.

2005 Cassis PRICELIST

New prices for the Cassis products will go into effect on January 1, 2005. These prices will only apply to new or renewed subscriptions placed on or after January 1. Current subscriptions prices will not be affected.

The new price schedule is given below:

eOG:P: $415/yr or $20 for a single copy

eOG:P Annual Index - 2005: $415

Patents and Trademarks ASSIGN: $470/yr

Patents ASSIST: $315/yr

Patents BIB: $470/yr*

*Note: Since Patents BIB has split into two discs, each title may now be purchased separately:

Patents BIB: Grants: $235/yr
Patents BIB: Apps: $235/yr

Patents CLASS: $470/yr

Trademarks BIB: $470/yr

USAApp: $3,550/yr

USAMark: $365/yr

USAPat: $3,550/yr

Prices for retrospective years of calendar year subscription products have also changed. Please contact us for more specific information on these changes.


Lillian Russell, a famous vaudeville singer and actress billed as “The English Ballad Singer,” appeared on stage between 1880 and 1912. She sang “Sabre Song” over the first long distance telephone line from New York to audiences in Boston and Washington when Alexander Graham Bell introduced the new service on May 8, 1890. While touring with a number of companies, Ms. Russell saw the need for and later invented a traveling “Dresser Trunk,” U.S. Patent #1,014,853, which was patented on January 16, 1912.

Figure 6 Drawings for U.S. Patent # 

Figure 6 Drawings for U.S. Patent # 1,014,853

Figure 7 Specifications for U.S. Patent 
    # 1,014,853

Figure 7 Specifications for U.S. Patent # 1,014,853

KEY: e Biz=online business system fees=fees forms=formshelp=help laws and regs=laws/regulations definition=definition (glossary)

Is there a question about what the USPTO can or cannot do that you cannot find an answer for? Send questions about USPTO programs and services to the USPTO Contact Center (UCC). You can suggest USPTO webpages or material you would like featured on this section by E-mail to the While we cannot promise to accommodate all requests, your suggestions will be considered and may lead to other improvements on the website.