The Bush Legacy
As President Bush leaves office, the nation takes a look at his record.

Photo Essay
Newlywed Stars
A supermodel is sporting a new ring and Fergie is a bride. Who's next?

Living Green
Scientist: Newspaper with "ax to grind" singled out Google in carbon footprint story.

Photo Essay
2009 Detroit Auto Show
U.S. automakers polish their images at the North American International Auto Show.


CBS News Broadcasts

Israeli Targets Gaza's Hidden Tunnels

CBS Evening News: Half Of Underground Pathways Destroyed In Mideast Crisis

Watch VideoVideo: Secret Smuggling In Gaza
Insurers Accused Of Underpaying Patients

CBS Evening News: New York AG Investigates Whether Health Care Companies Perpetuated Fraud

Watch VideoVideo: Consumer Fraud In Health Care?
Inaugural Poet Part Of History - Again

CBS Evening News: Contemporary Poet Elizabeth Alexander Saw MLK, Now She Will Honor Obama

Watch VideoVideo: Inaugural Poet's History
Bundchen, Brady To Be New "Power Couple"

Supermodel, Quarterback Said To Be Engaged; Combined $45M Income Would Put Them Among Showbiz Earners' Elite, Forbes Says

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Hotsheet Blog
Geithner's Tax "Hiccup"
Senate leader Harry Reid calls it a "hiccup" -- that Treasury Secretary nominee Timothy Geithner owed the IRS $34,000 in taxes from 2001 to 2004. Will the GOP see it that way?
Special Report
Inauguration '09
Here's your ticket to a front-row seat at the swearing-in of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States.

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