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Welcome to ACE,  the Action Community for e-HIM® Excellence.  The ACE Challenge mobilizes a network of experts and change agents. It identifies, prepares, engages, mentors, and recognizes those working to transform HIM practice.

ACE members match their skills and interests with volunteer and career-building opportunities. They form a preferred pool of experts and a network of peers transforming HIM. It is through mentoring, writing, speaking, and testifying for AHIMA and the Component State Associations that ACE members share their e-HIM expertise and accelerate change. ACE members attain personal recognition and acknowledgment by peers, employers, and the healthcare industry.  Please visit the ACE Directory .

ACE members lead and influence e-HIM®, making a difference in their organizations, communities, states, and at the national level. For example they may:
  • Participate in regional health information exchange activities
  • Lead data quality improvement efforts in their organizations
  • Speak at state or national HIM conferences
  • Influence the EHR discussions in their organizations
  • Contribute to the design of next-generation HIM applications
  • Collaborate to advance HIM practice in their communities
  • Mentor students and new professionals, launching them into great careers

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Joining the challenge begins with recommendation or self-nomination. Preparation includes self-assessment and educational offerings. The self-assessment enables you to assess your experiences through a personalized gap analysis. The self assessment should not take longer than 20 minutes to complete.  Please note, each section of the self assessment/webpage will close or "time out" after 20 minutes and up to 40 minutes.  The self assessment is a series of questions and brief responses.  It will help you:

  • Know if you are ready to be an ACE member
  • Match opportunities to transform practice with your interests and skills
  • Identify growth opportunities


You may take the self-assessment or nominate an e-HIM expert you know by clicking on the links to the left or the buttons above. 

If you need any skills development to become a member of ACE, please consider the many e-HIM offerings in the Professional Development section.    Also the Executive Skills Institute.

The best way to deal with change is to go out and meet it head on, says Anna Lattu, RHIA. If we sit back and wait, change happens to us and we miss the opportunity to influence it. “It’s much more important to be up there and be part of change and be proactive,” she says.

Being a member of the Action Community means having a commitment to volunteering. If at the end of the self-assessment you choose to join ACE, a brief personal commitment statement details the expectations.  The opportunities include mentoring members, speaking at CSA meetings, writing for AHIMA, and/or testifying to legislators.  All are optional, although are highly encouraged activities for members of ACE for at least two years.  Tracking of these activities is requested by using the ACE Activity Tracking Form.

There is a community of practice for members of AHIMA and ACE.  Please see "ACE:  Action Community for e-HIM Excellence".  AHIMA highly values your commitment to transforming HIM, and thanks you for your interest in ACE.

The AHIMA Fellowship Program is a formal program of earned recognition for AHIMA members who made significant and sustained contributions to the profession. Fellowship Candidates must hold a masters degree, have 10 years of AHIMA membership and made significant contributions to the HIM profession.  The Action Community for e-HIM excellence is a designated community of experts that are leading and influencing e-HIM® by their professional and volunteer efforts.  ACE members must have subject matter expertise in at least one aspect of HIM, but may be just starting to influence and lead.  Although Fellows are welcome in ACE, community members who meet the other criteria are most likely the Fellows of tomorrow. 

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