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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Humpback whale tails, photo: Dave Csepp

Alaska Marine Mammal Observer Program

Alaska Marine Mammal Observer Program (AMMOP)

Cannon Beach, Yakutat, Alaska
Cannon Beach, Yakutat, Alaska. Photo: NOAA Fisheries

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AMMOP in Yakutat 07-08

Related Information

Bycatch Estimation Reports

About the Alaska Marine Mammal Observer Program

NMFS is mandated by the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) to measure and report on the effects of commercial fisheries on marine mammal stocks. One of the ways NMFS gathers this information is through the Marine Mammal Observer Program.

The purpose of the Marine Mammal Observer Program is to:

  • obtain reliable estimates of incidental serious injury and mortality of marine mammals and seabirds,
  • determine the reliability of reports submitted by vessel owners and operators,
  • identify changes in fishing methods or technology that may increase or decrease incidental serious injury or mortality,
  • collect biological samples to support and promote scientific studies,
  • record data on by-catch and discard levels of all species.

Program Coordinator

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