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FM - Royalty Reporting Information

Contact Information for Royalty
  Lease and Agreement Maintenance Contacts
  Adobe PDF Royalty Error Correction Company Assignments
Contact Information for Billing and Account Reconciliations
  Adobe PDF Financial Services Federal Company Assignments
  Adobe PDF Financial Services Indian Company Assignments
Electronic Reporting Information
  Adobe PDF Form MMS-2014 ASCII Record Layout (effective 2/11/2005)
  Adobe PDF Form MMS-2014 CSV Record Layout (effective 2/11/2005)
         MS Excel Sample file (effective 2/11/2005)
  Adobe PDF Electronic Data Interchange(EDI) Reporter Handbook
  Adobe PDF 2014 Revised Edits (effective 10/2/2007)
  Adobe PDF 2014 - Complete List of Edits (effective 9/26/2007)
Oil and Gas Reporting Handbook and Forms
  Adobe PDF Minerals Revenue Reporter Handbook
  Oil and Gas Royalty Reporting Forms
Form MMS-2014 Codes
  Adobe PDF Comparison of Current and New Form MMS-2014
  Adobe PDF Form MMS-2014 Codes
  Adobe PDF Data Elements by Transaction Code
  Adobe PDF Transaction Code Specific Edits
  Adobe PDF Sales Type Code Job Aid (includes RIK, Fluids, Solids, and Geothermal
Other Oil and Gas Reporting Information
  Adobe PDF Reporting Instructions for Joint Operating Agreements
  Adobe PDF Step and Sliding Scale Royalty Rate Information and Schedules
  Late/Underpayments and Overpayments Interest Tables
  Cross-Referenced Lease and Agreement Number Lists
  Adobe PDF 100% Federal Agreements with the Same Royalty Rate & Royalty Distributions (updated 11/4/2008)
  Adobe PDF Historical Data Conversion Information
  Adobe PDF Industry Royalty Questions and MMS Responses
  Adobe PDF Notification to Suspend all Royalty Reductions Granted Under the Heavy Oil Program and Termination of the Availability of Further Heavy Oil Royalty Relief and Request for Comment
  Adobe PDF Notification to Terminate the Benefits of the Royalty Rate Reductions Granted Under the Stripper Well Royalty Reduction Program and Request for Comment
  Adobe PDF The Termination of Benefits for the Stripper Well Royalty Reduction Program was effective February 1, 2006, and replaced by Section 343 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005
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Content: Barbara Fletcher    |    Pagemaster: MRM Web Master
Last Updated: 11/05/2008