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 Employment Administration

Welcome to the Employment Administration's (EA) web site. The Employment Administration (EA) provides employment and training services to employers and individuals seeking new jobs, better jobs or first jobs. Through the services provided by EA, participants are able to locate and retain suitable jobs and build sustainable careers. The administration provides for the collection of taxes from covered employers, payment of unemployment insurance benefits to eligible individuals, assistance for job seekers and customized services to employers. Programs within the Employment Administration include:

  • Alien Employment Certification (AEC) - The Alien Employment Certification Program assures that the admission of foreign workers to work in the United States on a permanent or temporary basis will not adversely affect the job opportunities, wages, and working conditions of American workers.  The Alien Certification Unit can determine the prevailing wage rate for employers based on the job description on the Prevailing Wage Request Form.  This service is available free of charge.
  • Disabled Veterans Outreach Program (DVOP) - The Disabled Veterans' Outreach Program specialists develop job and training opportunities for veterans, with special emphasis on veterans with service-connected disabilities. DVOP specialists provide direct services to veterans enabling them to be competitive in the labor market. They provide outreach and offer assistance to disabled and other veterans by promoting community and employer support for employment and training opportunities, including apprenticeship and on-the-job training.
  • Employment Service (ES) - The Employment Service Program focuses on providing a variety of employment related services for job seekers and employers. The primary responsibility of the Employment Service Program is to meet the workforce needs of employers by finding qualified people who want to work. The Employment Service staff can also provide career guidance when appropriate, employment skills workshops and referral to other training. Services are delivered through self-service, facilitated self-help services or staff assisted service delivery
  • Federal Bonding Program (FBP) - The Federal Bonding Program is an employer job-hire incentive that guarantees the job honesty of at-risk job seekers. Federal financing of Fidelity Bond insurance, issued free-of-charge to employers, enables the delivery of bonding services as a unique job placement tool to assist ex-offenders and other at-risk/hard-to-place job applicants (e.g., recovering substance abusers, welfare recipients, poor credits, etc.).
  • Food Stamp Employment and Training Program (FS E&T) - The Food Stamp Employment and Training Program is the mandatory employment and training program for adults in households receiving Food Stamps.  The Program is intended to prevent long-term reliance on the food stamp subsidy and offers the opportunity to become economically independent through adequate employment.
  • Grant Diversion Program (GD) - The purpose of the Grant Diversion Program is to divert a TANF Cash Assistance applicant from the cycle of ongoing long term TANF Cash Assistance by offering the alternative of adequate employment and an immediate solution to a financial crisis in their lives.  This combination of immediate financial assistance and employment related activities and services are intended to lead to adequate ongoing unsubsidized employment within a three-month period.
  • Jobs Program - The Jobs Program is Arizona’s mandatory Employment and Training program for work eligible individuals in households receiving, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), cash assistance.
  • Local Veterans Employment Representative (LVER) PDF 168KB - The Local Veterans Employment Representative's primary responsibility is to promote the veterans' programs to employers and veteran service providers within the local community. They provide outreach to veterans transitioning out of military service,  facilitate employment workshops focused towards veterans that include resume writing, interviewing techniques and job search activities, and job match the veterans to employers willing to give veterans preference when hiring. 
  • Migrant Seasonal Farm Workers Outreach Program (MSFW) - The Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Outreach Program’s mission is to assist and empower MSFW’s and limited-English-proficient (LEP) individuals with career and labor market decisions to achieve economic self-sufficiency and improved living and working conditions. The mission also includes assisting employers in their recruitment efforts and in maintaining compliance with laws and regulations impacting the agricultural industry.  Workforce development related services, benefits and protections are provided on an equitable and non-discriminatory basis.
  • Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and Trade Readjustment Allowances (TRA) - Trade Adjustment Assistance provides re-employment services and benefits to trade-affected workers. Workers who become totally or partially separated or are threatened to become separated from employment as a direct result of increased foreign imports or a shift in production to foreign countries that are party to Free Trade Agreements with the United States, are considered primarily affected workers and may be eligible for TAA. Secondarily, affected workers may be eligible for TAA as well. These are workers whose employment is affected because they worked with a firm that either produced and supplied component parts or performed final assembly or finishing for articles produced by a firm where the group of workers were certified for TAA benefits. TAA is a federal program administered by the Arizona Employment Administration (EA) Trade Act Office for the United States Department of Labor.  Trade Readjustment Allowance (TRA) is a weekly allowance payment to workers covered under a certified TAA petition.
  • Unemployment Insurance Benefit Program (UIB) - Unemployment Insurance is a nationwide program created to provide partial wage replacement to unemployed workers while they conduct an active search for new work. Unemployment Insurance is a federal-state program, based on federal law, but executed through state law. Employers finance the UI program by tax contributions.
  • Unemployment Insurance Tax Program (UIT) - The Unemployment Insurance Tax Section collects payroll taxes and wage information from employers and insures the integrity of the Federal Trust Fund in which taxes are deposited. An employer's tax rate is based in part, on their actual experience with unemployment insurance. Employers contribute to the Unemployment Insurance Benefits Program through state and federal unemployment insurance taxes. These contributions allow eligible individuals to receive benefits while they seek new employment.
  • Workforce Investment Act-Adult, Youth and Dislocated Worker Programs (WIA) - The Workforce Investment Act is a federally funded training and job program that provides workforce investment activities through statewide and local systems. Authorized workforce investment activities provided at the local level benefit job seekers, dislocated workers, youth, incumbent workers, veterans, persons with disabilities, and employers. These activities promote an increase in employment, job retention, earnings, and occupational skill attainment by participants. This improves the quality of the workforce, reduces welfare dependency and enhances the productivity and competitiveness of the nation.
  • Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) - Work Opportunity Tax Credit is a federal tax credit that can reduce employer's federal tax liability when they hire job seekers who have traditionally faced significant barriers to employment. WOTC joins other tax credits, education, and job training programs that help American workers with barriers to employment prepare for good jobs; ease their transition from job to job; benefit from the creation of effective regional economic development strategies; and create high performance workplaces.

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