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Table of Contents

Oil Spill Contingency Plan Transmittal Memo OSCPmemo.pdf (pdf)
1. Introduction 1-INTRO-05.htm
2. Authorities 2-AUTHORITY-05.htm
3. Roles and Responsibilities 3-RolesResponsibilities-05.htm
4. Discovery 4-DISCOVERY-05.htm
5. Removal and Response 5-RemovalResponse-05.htm
6. Fish and Wildlife Sensitive Environments Response Plans 6-SensitiveEnvironments-05.htm
7. Safety and Training 7-SAFETY-05.htm
8. Incident Command Management Structure 8-ICManagementStructure-05.htm
9. Natural Resource Damage Assessment 9-NRDA-05.htm

Appendices - Table of Contents and Links June 2005

Many of these documents were acquired from the internet and Web pages of the agencies that produced them; they are provided for your information and potential use. Their contents are the responsibility of the agencies that published them and do not necessarily represent policy for the Fish and Wildlife Service or Department of the Interior, other than those documents so identified. Although it is our intent to keep the documents on the FWS site current, internet links to many of those other web sites are provided where available, so that users can check themselves for more up-to-date versions of those documents as well as look for related material that may be useful. The links in this document were current as of this release in June, 2005. We will attempt to keep the links on the internet site up-to-date, as we are well aware that links frequently are changed and become obsolete. Should you encounter obsolete or "broken" links, please first check our internet site and then notify the Environmental Contaminants Program if we need to update the link on our web site. Opening the .htm version of this file with your internet browser will allow you to connect directly to those sites. For some documents we do not have web links available. Note: Bold faced entries below represent directories or files contained on this CD-ROM within those directories. Entries that are not in bold are for external internet sites

Table of Contents

  1. National Contingency Plan (NCP) and National Response Plan (NRP)
  2. Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA)
  3. Incident Command System
  4. Best Practices for Migratory Birds
  5. Migratory Bird Permits
  6. Coast Guard Fund & Reports
  7. Coast Guard Vessel Removal Procedures
  8. Field Kit List
  9. Call Lists
  10. Law Enforcement
  11. DOT Emergency Response Guidebook
  12. Wildlife Response Plans
  13. DOI Response Strategy
  14. Manuals – Response – Assessment
  15. Endangered Species
  16. National Park Service
  17. Historic Properties
  18. Area Contingency Plans
  19. Sampling
  20. Training
  21. Personal Safety
  22. Safety Plans
  23. NRDA

A. National Contingency Plan and National Response Plan.

National Contingency Plan (40 CFR 300; 7/1/03 edition);



Note: revision to accommodate the National Response Plan is in progress, June, 2005.

Homeland Security Presidential Directive/HSPD-5, 2/28/03;



National Incident Management System – Press Release, 3/1/04;


NIMS press release 3-1-04.pdf

National Incident Management System (NIMS), 3/1/04



National Response Plan (NRP), final draft, released December, 2004.



B. Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA).

FWS Responsibilities under OPA:


Oil Pollution Act – text



Clean Water Act (CWA; 33 U.S.C 1251-1387). Section 1321 was amended by OPA to include various response issues, including planning.


C. Incident Command System.

Introduction: ICSINTRO.doc
Background: ICSHistory.doc

Coast Guard Field Operations Guide (FOG), Incident Command System, 2000



Basic ICS documents, training and information, including Powerpoint and on-line training modules, are available at http://www.wildlandfire.net and below

Training Modules as text. \fwscontingencyappendices\C-ICS\ICS-text

1. Orientation ICS01I-100Orient.pdf
2. Principal Features ICS02I-200PrincFeat.pdf
3. Organizational Overview ICS03I-200OrgOvrvw.pdf
4. Incident Facilities ICS04I-200IncdtFacil.pdf
5. Incident Resources ICS05I-200IncdtRes.pdf
6. Common Responsibilities ICS06I-200ComnResps.pdf
7. Organization and Staffing ICS07I-300Staffing.pdf
8. Organizing for Incidents or Events ICS08I-300Org.pdf
9. Incident Resources Planning ICS09I-300ResMgt.pdf
10. Air Operations ICS10I-300Air.pdf
11. Incident and Event Planning ICS11I-300IncEvtPlan.pdf
12. Command and General Staff ICS12I-400CmdGenStaff.pdf
13. Unified Command ICS13I-400UnifCmd.pdf
14. Major Incident Management ICS14I-400MajIcdtMgmt.pdf
15. Area Command ICS15I-400AreaCommand.pdf
16. Multi-Agency Coordination ICS16I-401MultiAgency.pdf
17. ICS for Executives ICS17I-402ICSforExecs.pdf

Powerpoint presentations of the above (Chapters correspond to above list). \fwscontingencyappendices\C-ICS\Powerpoint-ICS

CHAP02.ppt CHAP11.ppt
CHAP03.ppt CHAP12.ppt
CHAP04.ppt CHAP13.ppt
CHAP05.ppt CHAP14.ppt
CHAP06.ppt CHAP15.ppt
CHAP07.ppt CHAP16.ppt
CHAP08.ppt CHAP17.ppt

(no Powerpoint versions of chapters 1 or 10)

See also Appendix C of the National Incident Management System


NIMS-90-web.pdf (in \fwscontingencyappendices\A-NCP-NRP)

National Response Team has also published a technical assistance document for ICS.

on National Response Team Site


The relationship between ICS and Natural Resource Damage Assessment is discussed by the National Response Team in:

on National Response Team site


D. Best Practices for Migratory Birds.
(in \fwscontingencyappendices\D-BestPracticesMigBirds)

The Service’s manual, Best Practices for Migratory Bird Care During Oil Spill Response was edited by Catherine Berg, and became Fish and Wildlife Service policy in March, 2004, after the revised migratory bird regulations for rehabilitators became final. It discusses techniques for preventing oiling of birds as well as good practices for cleaning, caring for, and releasing recovered birds. It incorporates and replaces several parts of the previous edition of this contingency plan.



E. Migratory Bird Permits
(in \fwscontingencyappendices\E-MigratoryBirdPermits)

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act requires that all persons, including Federal employees, capturing, holding, or otherwise “taking” migratory birds be appropriately permitted. The MBTA permit regulations are in the file


The requirement for permits for Federal employees is discussed in:


This requirement is met for Fish and Wildlife Service field biologists involved in emergency response by blanket permits issued annually to Regional Directors. An example of one of these permits is found at:


Regulations for rehabilitators, including minimum requirements for facilities and experience are discussed and found in:



See also the “Best Practices” Manual (Appendix D, above) regarding rehabilitation facilities and practices.

F. Coast Guard Fund & Reports.
(in \fwscontingencyappendices\F-CoastGuardFund&Reports)

Funds for response and for initiation of NRDA at oil spills are available from the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund, which is managed by Coast Guard. The most recent information and forms from the Coast Guard National Pollution Funds Center can be found at:


Their “User Guide”, which incorporates both response and initiate procedures and forms is included here (check the web site above for updates):

URG.pdf (see especially chapters 3 and 6 and Appendix B of guide)

This directory also includes instructions and copies of certain forms and sample documents for your use:

NPFC Response Documentation.pdf

G. Coast Guard Vessel Removal Procedures.
(in \fwscontingencyappendices\G-Coast Guard Vessel Removal Procedures)

Reserved, no directory or files. An agreement was drafted several years ago with Coast Guard concerning removal of vessels threatening release of oil onto Federal lands, but was never finalized. We are reserving space for such an agreement should it become finalized.

H. Field Kit List
(in \fwscontingencyappendices\H-Field Kit)

A recommended list of equipment for Service biologists for response is included in:


(Note that additional equipment for rehabilitation of migratory birds is listed in the “Best Practices” manual – Appendix D above, and additional safety equipment is listed in Appendix U of this contingency plan.)

I. Call Lists.
(in \fwscontingencyappendices\I-CallLists)

FWS and other agency contacts for oil spills are listed in:

CallListFWS-Agencies05.doc (currently unavailable)

Department of the Interior Regional Environmental Officers (REO’s), Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance are listed in:


Coast Guard National Pollution Fund Center contacts are listed in:


Current Coast Guard contacts may be found at:


Maps of Coast Guard Districts and EPA Regions:



J. Law Enforcement.
(in \fwscontingencyappendices\J-Law Enforcement)

The role of FWS Law Enforcement at oil spills is discussed in a Powerpoint presentation prepared in Region 5:


Law Enforcement has a database (requires Microsoft Access) to catalogue birds that have died and been collected at an oil spill:

Description: OilSpildatabasedescriptionver2.doc

K. DOT Emergency Response Guidebook.
(in \fwscontingencyappendices\K-DOTEmergencyResponseGuidedbook)

This guidebook, issued by the Department of Transportation, provides data on hazardous materials in transport, including petroleum products. The web site should be consulted for up-to-date information, but the most recent version (2004) of the guidebook is included here for quick reference:



L. Wildlife Response Plans.
(in \fwscontingencyappendices\L-WildlifePlans)

Response plans specific to several fish and wildlife species or groups are included here:

Manatees MANATEE.doc
Polar Bears polarbearWRP.doc
Sea Otters seaotterWRP.doc
Sea Turtles turtle.pdf (NOAA document)
Walrus WalrusWRP.doc

For migratory birds, see: \fwscontingencyappendices\D-BestPracticesMigBirds

M. DOI Response Strategy.
(in \fwscontingencyappendices\M-DOI Strategy)

In 2000, the Department and its Bureaus agreed on an organization and strategy for response to oil and hazardous substances. The Department of the Interior Environmental Safeguards Plan for All-Hazards Emergencies (DOI ES Plan) was sent out in February 2005 for signature by heads of Bureaus but had not been finalized as of this writing (June, 2005). The DOI ES Plan incorporates the provisions of the DOI Emergency Preparedness and Response Strategy: Oil Discharges and Hazardous Substance Releases of August 18, 2000 (DOI Strategy), and, therefore, replaces it. Because they are included in the DOI ES Plan, the provisions of the DOI Strategy remain in effect, as revised. When finalized, the DOI ES Plan will be posted at

http://www.doi.gov/oepc/nrtr.html and on the FWS web page with the OSCP
The 2000 (current) strategy document is in the file:


N. Manuals – Response – Assessment.
(in \fwscontingencyappendices\N-Manuals - Response-Assessment)

Several manuals useful for response and assessment, both at coastal and inland spills, prepared by NOAA and the Coast Guard, are included here. Additional useful references may be found online through:


Aerial Observations AerialObs_NOAA.pdf
EcoRisk at Oil Spills CG-EcolRiskatOilSpills.pdf
Coastal Habitats CoastalHabitats.pdf
Coastal Response CoastalResponse_NOAA.pdf
Coastal Response (Spanish) costeros.pdf
Coastal Marshes CoastalMarshes.pdf
Coral Reefs coralreefs.pdf
Freshwater Response FreshwaterResponse_NOAA.pdf
Mangroves mangrove.pdf
Response Strategies ResponseStrategies.pdf
Shoreline Countermeasures SCAT_NOAA.pdf
Shoreline Assessment ShorelineAssessment_NOAA.pdf
Spills in Fast Currents Spills_FastCurrent.pdf
SubArctic Shorelines 3SubArcticShorelines.pdf

Environmental Sensitivity Index Mapping: NOAA, in cooperation with other Federal and State agencies, has created maps that show sensitive environments and resources, which are available for most coastal areas in various formats, including both print and electronic versions.

Information, including ordering information, about ESI maps

A fact sheet, information from the web site, and the guidelines for ESI mapping are in the files:


O. Endangered Species.
(in \fwscontingencyappendices\O-EndangeredSpecies)

An interagency agreement was completed on how to deal with endangered species in oil spills; both a Word and pdf version are included here:


In addition, a “FAQ”, a training manual, powerpoint presentations, and sample documents are included:

Manual: MOATrainingManualVersion02.pdf
Powerpoint: ESAImplementation.ppt
Documents: Requestforformalconsultation.pdf

The Endangered Species Act and the regulations and handbook for section 7 consultation:

Statute: ESAStatute.pdf
Consultation regulations: 50CFR402.pdf
Consultation handbook: Section7ESAHandbook.pdf

P. National Park Service
(in \fwscontingencyappendices\P-NationalParkServiceManual)

We often work closely with the National Park Service where spills occur on or near NPS lands and other resources. NPS has additional broader authority under the Park Service Protection Act for seeking damages for losses to many kinds of resources due to causes other than oil spills and hazardous material releases. Their Director’s Order 14 and Manual for implementing Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Park Service Protection Act actions, and a list of NPS contacts are included:


Q. Historic Properties
(in \fwscontingencyappendices\Q-HistoricProperties)

Treatment of historic resources during oil spills is dealt with in:



R. Area Contingency Plans
(no materials or directory on disk)

Area Contingency Plans for Coast Guard areas are available through:


S. Sampling.
(in \fwscontingencyappendices\S-Sampling)

NOAA protocols for sampling are discussed and included in several files here.

Oil Source source.doc
Water water.doc
Biota and tarballs Biotaandtarball.doc
Subtidal Sediments subtidal-seds.doc
Intertidal sediments Intertidal-seds.doc
Manmade structures ManmadeSampling.doc
Inshore fauna Infauna.doc
Saltmarshes SaltMarsh.doc
Shellfish shellfish.doc
Birds BirdSampling.doc

T. Training.
(in \fwscontingencyappendices\T-Training)

Service policy on required training is identified in:


And further discussed in:


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has a manual on training for oil spill workers:



U. Personal Safety.
( \fwscontingencyappendices\U-Personal Safety)

A list of equipment for personal safety is included in:


FWS policies concerning safety can be found at parts 240-243 in:


Aircraft safety requirements are at part 334 of the above link.

V. Safety Plans.
(in \fwscontingencyappendices\V-SAFETYPLANS)

An outline of necessary elements for a Health and Safety Plan (HASP) is found in:


A possible template for a HASP is included in:


Two different software programs for preparing more complex HASPs are included in zip files; for use, either will have to be copied to a hard drive, “unzipped” and installed. The user manual for the eHASP program is included here as a pdf file.


Current versions of these programs and further information may be found at:


In preparing any HASP, values for toxicity from the NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards will be needed.

The zip file for loading the guide onto your computer is:

\V-SAFETYPLANS\NIOSHPocketGuide\NPG_only/NPG_only.zip (2MB)
(requires WinZip or other unzipping software)

\V-SAFETYPLANS\NIOSHPocketGuide\NPG_only/NPG_only.exe (2MB)
(Self-extracting zip file for Windows)

For up-to-date toxicity data (recommended), refer to:


(in \fwscontingencyappendices\W-NRDA)

A copy of the Natural Resource Damage Assessment Regulations for oil spills and two amendments to those regulations are included:


The Department’s manual for organization of NRDAR is found in:


NOAA’s Guidance on Oil Spill Damage Assessment is found at:


Preassessment PreassessmentNOAA.pdf
Injury Assessment InjuryAssessmentNOAA.pdf
Type A Assessment NRDAM-CME-NOAA.pdf
Primary Restoration PrimaryRestorationNOAA.pdf
Restoration Planning RestorationPlanningNOAA.pdf
Scaling Compensatory Restoration ScalingNOAA.pdf



Last Updated: October 30, 2008