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National Center for Health Workforce Analysis

The Pharmacist Workforce: A Study of the Supply and Demand For Pharmacists

In response to concern for a possible shortage of licensed pharmacists, Congress, in December 1999, directed the Department of Health and Human Services to conduct a study to determine whether and to what extent there such a shortage and seek comments regarding such a shortage.

Released in December 2000, the HRSA National Center for Health Workforce Information and Analysis study indicates:

  • Emergence of a shortage of pharmacists

  • Sharp increases in demand for pharmacy services

  • Declines in pharmacy school applications

  • Factors causing the shortage not likely to abate without fundamental changes in pharmacy practice and education

  • Results of shortage include less time for pharmacists to counsel patients; greater potential for fatigue-related pharmacist errors; fewer pharmacy school faculty

You may view/download/print the entire study or any of its five chapters. All files are in the Adobe Acrobat™ format and you must have the free Acrobat™ Reader installed on your computer.

The Pharmacist Workforce: A Study of the Supply and Demand for Pharmacists (1227K, 101 pages)
Chapter 1: The Pharmacist Shortage (915K, 21 pages)
Chapter 2: Factors Influencing the Demand for Pharmacists and Pharmaceutical Care (89K, 11 pages)
Chapter 3: Expanding Professional Roles, Quality of Pharmaceutical Care and Prevention of Medication Errors (42K, 12 pages)
Chapter 4: The Supply of Pharmacists and Pharmacy Education and Training (107K, 23 pages)
Chapter 5: Summary of Comments from Public and Private Sectors (72K, 20 pages)
Appendix and References (60K, 10 pages)

HRSA News Release on The Pharmacist Workforce study


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