In the state of Nebraska, there are about 311,000 adults 18 and over who experience disability, representing 19.7% of the population. 21.4% or 169,000 are women, and 18.1% or 142,000 are men.

Figure 1. Rate of Disability by Age Group. Of people, aged 18 to 44, 12.6% report disability; for those age 45-64, the rate increases to 25.2%, and those 65 and over, 32.0% report disability.

Figure 2. Rate of Disability by Race-Ethnicity. In Nebraska, the rate of disability among Hispanics is 12.1%; the rate of disability among Asian or Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander is not applicable. Not applicable for Native Americans report disability, and not applicable for Black Non-Hispanics report disability. For White, non-Hispanics the rate of disability is 21.3%.

Figure 3. Self-Reported Health Status. 60.3% of people without disabilities report excellent or very good health, while 27.8% of people with disabilities report excellent or very good health. 29.8% of people without disability report good health, compared to 37.6% of people with disabilities, and 9.9% of people without disability report fair/poor health compared to 34.6% among those with disability.

Figure 4a. Health Behaviors. Smoking. 24.4% of people without disabilities report smoking, compared 33.6% or people with disabilities. Obesity 17.6% of people without disabilities report obesity, compared to 29.9% people with disability. Physical Inactivity. 11.6% of people without disability report physical inactivity compared to 23.0% or people with disabilities.

Figure 4b. Immunizations. Flu (past year). 26.1% of people without disabilities have gotten a flu immunization in the past year, compared to 28.5% or people with disability. Pneumonia (ever). 24.8% of people without disability have ever received a pneumonia shot, compared to 32.3% of people with disability.

Figure 4c. Health Coverage-Adults Under Age 65. Among people aged 18 to 44, 74.0% of those without disability have health care coverage compared to 74.3% of those with disability. Among those aged 45 to 64, 84.0% of those without a disability have health care coverage, compared to 84.1% of those with a disability.

Figure 4d. Continuous Health Care Provider by Age Group. For those aged 18 to 44, 55.0% of people without disability have a continuous health care provider, compared to 61.7% for those with a disability. For those aged 45-64, 72.7% of people without a disability report continuous health care provider, compared to 83.5% of those with a disability, and for those aged 65 and older, 86.5% of people without a disability report continuous health care provider, compared to 92.0% of those with a disability.