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Health Resources and Services Administration Study On Measuring Cultural Competence in Health Care Delivery Settings

Sample Topic Areas Addressed by the Critical Domains of Cultural Competence

Each of the domains identified contains numerous topic areas that provide a more detailed understanding of the areas in which change can be seen and therefore measured. Some specific topic areas are identified below. (See Attachment 2 for more details)

Values and attitudes - acknowledges/respects different cultures, diversity, mission

Cultural sensitivity - clinical and non-clinical encounters, non-verbal communication, visual representation

Communication - communication styles, interpreter, translated materials, linguistically competent organization, linguistic capacity of the provider, language ability of consumer, provide information, cultural brokering

Policies and procedures - choice of health plan network and providers, grievance and conflict resolution, planning and governance, adequate financing, staff hiring/recruitment, incentive systems, policy development

Training and staff development - new staff orientation, structured opportunities for ongoing learning, bilingual training, assessment of the knowledge and skills/attitudes of the provider, cultural knowledge, knowledge of community needs, provider preparation

Facility characteristics, capacity, and infrastructure - accessible services, physical environment, information system

Intervention and treatment model features - diagnosis, care planning, referral, and treatment, quality of care, health benefit design, input into treatment decisions, ethno pharmacology, traditional healers, interdisciplinary teams

Family and community participation - family-centered care, community and consumer participation, community outreach

Monitoring, evaluation and research - consumer satisfaction, community needs assessment, organizational assessment evaluation of health plans and providers

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