
From Kathryn K. Troutman, updated 5/2/09

President and CEO, The Resume Place, Inc., www.resume-place.com
Author and Creator of Ten Steps to a Federal Job(tm)

What are the Ten Steps to a Federal Job(tm)? I added the Ten Steps list to the homepage in the next column. The Ten Step formula actually works! We follow this formula and curriculum with our writing and consulting services. We wrote the book and we teach a Certification program for career professionals with this title too!

The private industry job search is usually 2 steps: find a job listing, submit the resume and cover letter. But not the federal job process. If you take your time, you CAN land a federal job if you use a “campaign” approach and your federal resume is correct.

Americans are going to the public libraries more — our book, Federal Resume Guidebook was named one of the top 20 career books borrowed from public libraries this year by Library Journal. GREAT! I have always said PLEASE look at the difference between a private industry resume and federal resume. The investment of the price of a book (and a CD with samples) could result in a federal job for you! Order Federal Resume books with free MSPB report.

Our One-Day Ten Steps to a Federal Job(tm) computer-room class is filled for May 9th. Please consider spending a day on your federal resume and KSA with me - Kathryn Troutman. Inspiring and incredibly helpful. Next Dates: June 16 (Tues.) and June 20 (Sat.). Information here.

There will be more than 350,000 jobs in the next few years. But the challenge is applying for the federal job with the correct, focused federal resume… finding a job announcement that can match your qualifications. We can help you with a “federal resume”, the KSAs, Questionnaires, USAJOBS, “how to apply” and getting through the process without being overwhelmed. Get professional help. The jobs are SO good that you should invest in a consultant to help you land one of these outstanding career positions.

This website is designed to give information about our expert federal job search services:

You will also find tons of FREE information and resources on our site: articles, job search tools, newsletters, etc.

Enjoy the new website, and get started on your federal career now!
» Kathryn Troutman, Founder and President. We can help you get hired in the government.

Watch this Federal Job Search News Video:

Kathryn on NBC with a Current Federal Jobseeker (who has had several interviews) and Successful Federal Manager with FEMA

Ten Steps to a Federal Job

How to land a job in the Obama Administration

By Kathryn Troutman, President, www.resume-place.com and Author and Publisher, Ten Steps to a Federal Job

First-time Federal job seekers interested in working for federal government can be confused by the federal application process, but if you are determined, you’ll discover many similarities to looking for a job in the private sector. Follow these 10 steps to make your government job search more manageable – just be sure you know what you may need to do differently to land a job with Uncle Sam.

Step 1: Network

Step 2: Become Familiar with the Hiring Process

Step 3: Look for Openings on USAJOBS.gov

Step 4: Assess Your Soft Skills (Core Competencies)

Step 5: Analyze Keywords in Announcements

Step 6: Create Your Federal Resume - Preferably in the Outline Format

Step 7: Write Your KSAs and Essays for Questionnaires

Step 8: Apply for Jobs

Step 9: Follow Up on Your Application

Step 10: Interview for the Job

Get the details on the Ten Step process:


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