var tWidth='780px'; // width (in pixels) var tHeight='19px'; // height (in pixels) var tcolour='#031229'; // background colour: var moStop=true; // pause on mouseover (true or false) var fontfamily = 'arial,sans-serif'; // font for content var tSpeed=3; // scroll speed (1 = slow, 5 = fast) // enter your ticker content here (use \/ and \' in place of / and ' respectively) var content='Plaquemines Parish Recreation Department has a new website and is now online... ***PPG NEWS*** On January 28th, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is hosting a meeting to discuss the proposed action to reduce risk to residents of Lower Plaquemines... Go to "News / Notices" for more details...'; // Simple Marquee / Ticker Script // copyright 3rd January 2006, Stephen Chapman // permission to use this Javascript on your web page is granted // provided that all of the below code in this script (including this // comment) is used without any alteration var cps=tSpeed; var aw, mq; var fsz = parseInt(tHeight) - 4; function startticker(){if (document.getElementById) {var tick = '
<\/div><\/div>'; document.getElementById('ticker').innerHTML = tick; mq = document.getElementById("mq");"px"; mq.innerHTML=''+content+'<\/span>'; aw = document.getElementById("tx").offsetWidth; lefttime=setInterval("scrollticker()",50);}} function scrollticker(){ = (parseInt(>(-10 - aw)) ?parseInt("px" : parseInt(tWidth)+10+"px";} window.onload=startticker;