What is TIPS for Kids?

Training in Interdisciplinary Partnerships and Services (TIPS) for Kids is the Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (LEND) training program in Missouri. The LEND program provides intensive training for advanced graduate students and post-doctoral fellows in the field of neurodevelopmental and related disabilities. The core training requires three hundred hours including all day Friday during the academic year. Many students complete the program as a component of full-time fellowships. Maternal and Child Health Bureau of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services offers stipend support through a grant.

TIPS for Kids has a dual purpose and is funded by the federal Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) and is a partnership between the University of Missouri-Columbia's School of Medicine and the University of Missouri-Kansas City's Institute for Human Development. One goal is to produce leaders in the various health care specialties serving children with special health care needs. Another goal is to provide interdisciplinary, family-centered evaluation and assessment services to children with special health care needs.

TIPS for Kids Training

The TIPS for Kids training opportunity is geared toward developing professional leaders who will enhance the system of care for children with special health care needs. This program is designed for graduate and postgraduate students, or practicing professionals in the following disciplines:

  • Audiology
  • Child Psychiatry
  • Pediatrics
  • Health Management and Informatics
  • Nursing
  • Nutrition
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Psychology
  • Social Work
  • Speech-Language Pathology
  • Pediatric Dentistry

This is a nine-month course of study with stipends and tuition waivers available.

TIPS for Kids Clinic

The Tips for Kids Clinic provides a limited number of interdisciplinary evaluations for children with developmental, genetic, and/or neurological disabilities. In addition, we provide the family with resources such as links to needed information, community resources and the opportunity to meet with another parent of a child with a developmental disability.

All evaluations are individually tailored, with consideration given to the following areas:

  • Academic skills
  • Adjustment and coping
  • Care coordination
  • Cognitive abilities
  • Communication skills
  • Daily living skills
  • Family needs
  • Family-to-family supports
  • Medical and dental needs
  • Nutritional needs
  • Sensory-motor abilities

Licensed professionals and their trainees conduct the evaluations, which are designed to determine a child's abilities across a range of skills. This information is useful to determine and enhance interventions and therapies, as well as to promote coordinated care between all professionals.

If you are interested in more information about TIPS for Kids and it's related training and services or have any questions, please contact Teresa Adams at (573)882-0757 or e-mail Adamsta@health.missouri.edu .