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This page last updated: January 12, 2009


The Start Position Column is used for fixed dumps only. Click on the column alias for a valid list of values or codes associated with the element selected.

1 12 Api Well Number API_WELL_NUMBER - A unique well identification number consisting of (from left to right) a two digit state code (or pseudo for Offshore), a three digit county code (or pseudo for Offshore), a five digit unique well code, and if applicable, a two digit sidetrack code as defined in API Bulletin D12A.
13 9 Md MD -Unknown
22 10 Deviation Angle DEVIATION_ANGLE -Unknown
32 10 Azimuth AZIMUTH -Unknown
42 9 Tvd TVD -Unknown
51 18 Latitude This field is derived from the expression... BV.SURF_LATITUDE + twdcomb.dy ...and consists of these database columns:
SURF_LATITUDE - The latitude value of a location in the borehole. A positive value denotes north. Angle subtended with equatorial plane by a perpendicular from a point on the surface of a spheriod.
dy - Unknown
69 18 Longitude This field is derived from the expression... BV.SURF_LONGITUDE + twdcomb.dx ...and consists of these database columns:
SURF_LONGITUDE - The longitude value of a location in a borehole. A positive value denotes east. Angle measured about the spheroid axis from a local prime meridian to the meridian through the point.
dx - Unknown
87 9 Declination Correction DECLINATION_CORRECTION -Unknown
96 9 Srvy Grid Convergence SRVY_GRID_CONVERGENCE -Unknown

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