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Offshore Crane Safety -- Offshore Energy and Minerals Management

Offshore Minerals Management Home Page
Offshore Crane Safety
Offshore Safety
2001 Update
1999 Update
Open Forum - Q&A's
Original Report re: Review of Crane Incidents
National Safety Alert
NTL No. 2000-N04
Crane 2001 Workshop - Q&A's

  Wilbon Rhome

   OEMM Web Team



Lifting Safety

The MMS is responsible for crane safety and operations on fixed Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) facilities. The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) is responsible for crane safety on Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODUs) and floating OCS facilities. The MMS is responsible for lifting and hoisting equipment associated with the derrick (e.g. pipe handling operations) on fixed and floating OCS facilities, and MODUs. The MMS is also responsible for material handling operations on fixed OCS facilities, while the USCG is responsible for these types of operations on floating OCS facilities and MODUs.

The International Regulators Forum prepared a report that examines the worldwide picture on offshore lifting and mechanical lifting issues and reviews national initiatives to share best practices in order to improve effectiveness in regulating these risks. (03/17/2005)  (142 KB PDF File)

This PowerPoint presentation was given at the International Association of Drilling Contractors' International Lifting and Mechanical Handling Conference in April 2004, in Amsterdam. It highlights statistics and trends for incidents, injuries, and fatalities in the Gulf of Mexico since 1998. Also included is information regarding actions taken by MMS, the American Petroleum Institute (API) and industry to improve offshore lifting safety.

Presentations from 2001 Crane Safety Workshop

A Need for Change (6403 KB PDF File)


Regulatory Expectations, Enforcement, & Initiatives: An MMS Perspective (551 KB PDF File)

The proceedings (4.60 MB PDF File) for the Crane Safety Workshop that held in Lafayette Louisiana on March 28, 2000, are also available. These proceedings contain the overhead slides presented by each speaker at the Workshop and a short summary of their presentation. Please feel free to use the information presented to improve crane safety. If you have any questions about the presentations or the overheads, please contact the individual presenters. Telephone numbers and email addresses of the presenters and workshop attendees can be found in the appendix. (4712 KB)

These proceedings also contain MMS' response (called Crane Position Paper, appendix D) to the questions that Larry Smith of Applied Hydraulics raised on crane inspections. This response answers the questions in a general manner instead of specifically addressing each individual question. MMS believes that this general position statement and the referenced Potential Incidents of Noncompliance (PINC) List and Guidelines will provide answers to most, if not all, questions about MMS crane inspections.

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Last Updated: 11/17/2008, 02:46 PM

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