FEDERAL REGISTER INDEX, January--September 2008 ***** Family Support Administration See Child Support Enforcement Office ***** Farm Credit Administration RULES Disclosure to Investors in System-Wide and Consolidated Bank Debt Obligations of Farm Credit System; Effective Date, 7461 Disclosure to Shareholders; Annual Report to Shareholders; Effective Date, 8008 Eligibilities and Scopes of Financing; Processing and Marketing; Effective Dates, 42517 Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corp. Funding and Fiscal Affairs; Risk-Based Capital Requirements, 31937, 44137 Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation Funding and Fiscal Affairs; Risk-Based Capital Requirements; Effective Date, 44137 Processing and Marketing; Eligibility and Scope of Financing, 30460 PROPOSED RULES Funding and Fiscal Affairs; Loan Policies and Operations: Funding Operations; Mission-Related Investments, etc., 33931 Funding and Fiscal Affairs, Loan Policies and Operations, and Funding Operations; Capital Adequacy; Basel Accord, 15955 Regulatory Burden Statement, 35361 NOTICES Consideration and Referral of Supervisory Strategies and Enforcement Actions, 9804 Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity, 50324 Loans in Areas Having Special Flood Hazards; Interagency Questions and Answers Regarding Flood Insurance, 15259 Meetings; Sunshine Act, 1343, 7557, 12732, 18795, 24596, 32706, 35687, 36514, 45769, 50008, 56824 ***** Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation NOTICES Meetings: Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation Board; Regular Meeting, 1614, 12732, 33090, 51478 ***** Farm Service Agency RULES Dairy Disaster Assistance Payment Program III, 11519 Guaranteed Loans; Loss Claims Interest, 32635 PROPOSED RULES Maximum Interest Rates on Guaranteed Farm Loans, 56754 NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals, 1316, 3921, 7249, 10418, 11383, 13526, 15719 American Indian Credit Outreach Initiative; Funds Availability, 48363 Emergency Conservation Program, 30376 Meetings: Advisory Committee on Beginning Farmers and Ranchers, 35632 ***** Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board NOTICES Appointment of New Board Members; Issuance of Technical Releases, 11918 Concepts Statement Exposure Draft, etc., 18271 Exposure Draft: Reporting Comprehensive Long-Term Fiscal Projections for the U.S. Government, 52353 Statement of Federal Finincial Accounting Concepts, 10244 ***** Federal Aviation Administration RULES Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals, 31608 Airspace: Revision of Restricted Area 5107A; White Sands Missile Range, NM, 49090 Airspace Designations; Incorporation by Reference, 54494 Airworthiness Design Standards Under the Primary Category Rule: Cubcrafters, Inc., Model PC1, -160, 24497 Airworthiness Directive: Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. Model EMB 135BJ and EMB-145XR Airplanes, 32985 Airworthiness Directives: 328 Support Services GmbH Dornier Model 328 100 and 300 Airplanes, 40955 Agusta S.p.A. Model A109A, A109A II, and A109C Helicopters, 22791 Agusta S.p.A. Model A109C, A109E, and A109K2 Helicopters, 26316 Agusta S.p.A. Model A109E, A109S, and A119 Helicopters, 33876 Agusta S.p.A. Model A109E and A119 Helicopters, 40960 Agusta S.p.A. Model AB 139 and AW 139 Helicopters, 39572 Airbus A318, A319, A320, and A321 Series Airplanes, 24160 Airbus Model A300, A310, and A300-600 Series Airplanes, 8185 Airbus Model A300 Airplanes et al., 2803 Airbus Model A300 and A300-600 Series Airplanes, 13078, 39580 Airbus Model A300 B4-600, A300 B4 600R, A300 C4 600R, and A300 F4-600R Series Airplanes, 5731 Airbus Model A300 Series Airplanes and Airbus Model A300-600 Series Airplanes, 14670 Airbus Model A310-304, -322, et al., 19961 Airbus Model A310 Airplanes, 47032 Airbus Model A310 and A300-600 Series Airplanes, 29423 Airbus Model A310 Series Airplanes, 2795 Airbus Model A318, A319, A320, and A321 Airplanes, 13084, 19975 Airbus Model A318, A319, A320, and A321 Series Airplanes, 50709 Airbus Model A318 et al., 11346 Airbus Model A319, A320, and A321 Series Airplanes, 10660 Airbus Model A319 and A320 Series Airplanes, 4063 Airbus Model A330 200, A330 300, A340 200, and A340 300 Series Airplanes, 13093, 14668 Airbus Model A330-200, A330-300, and A340 300 Series Airplanes, 51906 Airbus Model A330-200 Airplanes etc., 13103 Airbus Model A330-200 Airplanes etc.; Correction, 20367 Airbus Model A330-200 and A340-300 Series Airplanes, 40958 Airbus Model A330 Airplanes and A340-200 and -300 Series Airplanes, 11540 Airbus Model A330 Airplanes and Model A340 200 and 300 Series Airplanes, 38895 Airbus Model A330 and A340 Airplanes, 14659 Air Tractor, Inc. AT-200, AT-300, AT-400, AT-500, AT-600, and AT-800 Series Airplanes, 31351 Air Tractor, Inc. AT 400, AT 500, AT 600, and AT 800 Series Airplanes, 25967 Air Tractor, Inc. Models AT-300, et al., 22795 Alexandria Aircraft, LLC Models 17-30, et al., Airplanes, 11545 Alpha Aviation Design Limited, etc., 21519 Alpha Aviation Design Limited Model R2160 Airplanes, 6592 APEX Aircraft Model CA 10B Airplanes, 15868 APEX Aircraft Model CAP 10 B Airplanes, 15872, 21244, 38889, 48297 ATR Model ATR42-200, -300, -320, -500 Airplanes; and Model ATR72-101, -201, -102, et al. Airplanes, 37789 ATR Model ATR42 200, 300, and 320 Airplanes, 56454 ATR Model ATR42-500 Airplanes, 6594 ATR Model ATR42 Airplanes and Model ATR72-101, -102, -201, -202, 211, and 212 Airplanes, 38887 ATR Model ATR42 and ATR72 Airplanes, 9663, 10652 Avidyne Corporation Primary Flight Displays, 15862, 19963 BAE Systems (Operations) Limited (Jetstream) Model 4101 Airplanes, 45346, 48290 BAE Systems (Operations) Limited Model BAe 146 100A Airplanes etc., 1044, 10643, 13106 BAE Systems Operations Limited Model BAe 146 and Model Avro 146 RJ Airplanes, 24864 BAE Systems Operations Ltd., Jetstream Model 4101 Airplanes, 34847 Bell Helicopter Textron Canada (BHTC) Model 222, 222B, and 222U Helicopters, 46548 Bell Helicopter Textron Canada Model 206A, 206B, 206L, 206L-1, 206L-3, and 206L-4 Helicopters, 39577 Bell Helicopter Textron Canada Model 206L, L-1, L-3, L 4, and 407 Helicopters, 39570 Bell Helicopter Textron Canada Model 222, 222B, 222U, 230, and 430 Helicopters, 39569, 52777 Bell Helicopter Textron Canada Model 230 Helicopters, 46546 Bell Helicopter Textron Canada Model 430 Helicopters, 29, 44140 Bell Helicopter Textron Model 204B, 205A, 205A-1, 205B, 210, 212, 412, 412CF, and 412EP Helicopters, 24858 Boeing Model 707 Airplanes, and Model 720 and 720B Series Airplanes, 1816, 9666, 50703 Boeing Model 727-200 Series Airplanes Equipped with an Auxiliary Fuel Tank System Installed in Accordance with Supplemental Type Certificate SA1350NM, 15880 Boeing Model 727 Airplanes, 4053, 9668, 19968, 30763, 50705 Boeing Model 737 100, 200, 200C, 300, 400, and 500 Series Airplanes, 19986, 24151, 29421, 38905, 48288 Boeing Model 737-100, -200, -300, -400, and -500 Series Airplanes, 11538 Boeing Model 737 100, et al. Series Airplanes, 25970 Boeing Model 737-100 Series Airplanes et al., 29407 Boeing Model 737-200C Series Airplanes, 21237 Boeing Model 737-200 Series Airplanes, 13109 Boeing Model 737-300, -400, and -500 Series Airplanes, 7666, 10649, 14666, 15397, 24164 Boeing Model 737-300 and -400 Series Airplanes, 38885 Boeing Model 737-600, -700, -700C, -800, -900, and -900ER Series Airplanes, 30760, 45350 Boeing Model 737-600, -700, -700C, -800, and -900 Series Airplanes, 13081, 21227, 21242, 24149, 32991 Series Airplanes, Boeing Model 737 600, 700, 800, and 900 Series Airplanes, 50714 Boeing Model 737 600, 737 700, 737 700C, 737-800, and 737-900 Series Airplanes, 11527 Boeing Model 737-600, et al. Series Airplanes, 25986 Boeing Model 737 Series Airplanes, 42259 Boeing Model 747 100, 747 100B, 747 100B SUD, 747 200B, 747 200C, 747 200F, 747 300, 747 400, 747SR, and 747SP Series Airplanes, 1052, 25977, 47035 Boeing Model 747-100, 747-100B, 747-200B, 747-200C, 747 200F, 747-300, 747SR, and 747SP Series Airplanes, 29042 Boeing Model 747 100, et al., 6586, 11534, 39579 Boeing Model 747-200F, et al. Series Airplanes, 25997 Boeing Model 747 400, 400D, and 400F Series Airplanes, 4066, 25990 Boeing Model 747 400, 747 400D, and 747 400F Series Airplanes, 34844, 37778 Boeing Model 747 400 and 747 400D Series Airplanes, 40953 Boeing Model 747-400F and -400 Series Airplanes, 21240 Boeing Model 747-400 Series Airplanes, 21526 Boeing Model 747 Airplanes, 1046, 21521, 50716, 52911 Boeing Model 757 200, 200PF, and 200CB Series Airplanes, 13436 Boeing Model 757 200 et al., 11347 Boeing Model 757 Airplanes, 19982, 19993, 25974, 30755 Boeing Model 757 Airplanes and Model 767 200, 767 300, and 767 300F Series Airplanes, 21811 Boeing Model 757 Airplanes Equipped with Rolls Royce RB211-535E Engines, 37786 Boeing Model 767 200, 300, 300F, and 400ER Series Airplanes, 10645 Boeing Model 767-200, -300, and -400ER Series Airplanes, 37781 Boeing Model 767 200 and 767 300 Series Airplanes, 4061 Boeing Model 767 200 Serie Airplanes et al., 29414 Boeing Model 767 Airplanes, 13111, 21235 Boeing Model 777 200, 200LR, 300, and 300ER Series Airplanes, 30737 Boeing Model 777-200, -200LR, 300, et. al, 38893 Boeing Model 777-200, 300, and 300ER Series Airplanes, 24153 Boeing Model 777-200 and -300 Series Airplanes Equipped with Rolls-Royce Model RB211-TRENT 800 Series Engines, 52909 Boeing Model 777-200 Series Airplanes, 45348 Boeing Model 777 Airplanes, 32996 Boeing Model 777 Engines, 3863 Bombardier Model CL 600 1A11 (CL 600), et al., 19989 Bombardier Model CL 600 2B19 (Regional Jet Series 100 & 440) Airplanes, 1964, 3621, 7661, 9661, 11529, 13100, 19979, 24147, 32993 Bombardier Model CL 600 2C10 (Regional Jet Series 700, 701, & 702) and CL 600 2D24 (Regional Jet Series 900) Airplanes, 13098, 24145, 32998 Bombardier Model DHC 8 102, DHC-8-103, DHC 8 106, DHC-8-201, DHC-8-202, DHC-8-301, DHC-8-311, and DHC 8 315 Airplanes, 10658, 47029 Airplanes, and Model DHC 8 400 Series Airplanes, Bombardier Model DHC-8-102, et al., 24157 Bombardier Model DHC 8 400, -401 and -402 Airplanes, 45343 Bombardier Model DHC-8-400, DHC-8-401, and DHC 8 402 Airplanes, 24143, 56468 Bombardier Model DHC 8 400 Series Airplanes, 8187, 8591, 35902, 37775, 47818, 51903 British Aerospace Regional Aircraft Model HP.137 Jetstream Mk.1, Jetstream Series 200 and 3101, and Jetstream Model 3201 Airplanes, 13115, 32988 Cameron Balloons Ltd. Models AX5-42 (S.1), et al., 11812 Cessna, 395 Cessna Aircraft Co. 172, 175, 180, 182, 185, 206, 207, 208, 210, and 303 Series Airplanes, 24168 Cessna Aircraft Co. Model 525 Airplanes, 32987 Cessna Aircraft Co. Models 175 and 175A Airplanes, 43845 Cessna Aircraft Co. Models 208 and 208B Airplanes, 35898 Cessna Aircraft Company 172 and 182 Series Airplanes, 4051 Cessna Aircraft Company 172 et al., 11536 Cessna Aircraft Company Models 172R and 172S Airplanes, 5737 Cessna Aircraft Company Models 525, 525A, and 525B Airplanes, 6582 CFM International, S.A. CFM56-7B Series Turbofan Engines, 6419 Cirrus Design Corp. Model SR20 Airplanes, 31353 Cirrus Design Corp. Model SR20 and SR22 Airplanes, 39583 Cirrus Design Corporation Models SR20 and SR22 Airplanes, 6598 Construcciones Aeronauticas, S.A. (CASA), Model C-212 Airplanes, 13433 Construcciones Aeronauticas, S.A., Model CN 235, CN 235 100, CN 235 200, CN-235 300, and C 295 Airplanes, 23939 Dassault Model Falcon 10 Airplanes, 54492 Dassault Model Falcon 2000 Airplanes, 21225, 38891 Dassault Model Falcon 2000EX Airplanes, 34613, 45345 Dassault Model Falcon 2000EX Airplanes and Model Falcon 900EX Airplanes, 34608 Dassault Model Falcon 2000EX and 900EX Airplanes, 34624 Dassault Model Falcon 2000, Falcon 2000EX, Mystere Falcon 900, Falcon 900EX, Fan Jet Falcon, Mystere-Falcon 50, Mystere Falcon 20, Mystere-Falcon 200, etc., 10139 Dassault Model Falcon 7X Airplanes, 34854 Dassault Model Fan Jet Falcon, Fan Jet Falcon Series C, D, E, F, and G Airplanes et al., 11542 Dassault Model Mystere-Falcon 20-C5, 20-D5, and 20-E5 Airplanes, 34849 Dassault Model Mystere Falcon 50 Airplanes, 11544, 25984 Dassault Model Mystere Falcon 900 and Falcon 900EX Airplanes, 34851 de Havilland Support Limited Model Beagle B.121 Series 1, 2, and 3 Airplanes, 24141 DG Flugzeugbau GmbH Model DG-500MB Gliders, 400 Correction, 4051 DG Flugzeugbau GmbH Model DG-500MB Powered Sailplanes, 48292 Diamond Aircraft Industries GmbH Model DA 42 Airplanes, 47041 Dornier Luftfahrt Gmbh Models 228-100, 228 101, 228 200, 228-201, 228-202, And 228-212 Airplanes, 21220 Dornier Luftfahrt GmbH Models 228-200, et al., 22793 Dornier Model 328-100 Airplanes, 37795, 47027 Dornier Model 328-100 and -300 Airplanes, 30752 EADS SOCATA Model TBM 700 Airplanes, 6596, 26318, 48286, 54065, 54067 Eclipse Aviation Corp. Model EA500 Airplanes, 45857 Eclipse Aviation Corp. Model EA500 Airplanes; Correction, 46542 Eclipse Aviation Corporation Model EA500 Airplanes, 3618 Embraer Model EMB-120, 120ER, 120FC, 120QC, and 120RT Airplanes, 10655 EMBRAER Model EMB-120 et al., 2793 EMBRAER Model EMB 135BJ Airplanes, 2797 EMBRAER Model ERJ 170 and ERJ 190 Airplanes, 2799 Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica (EMBRAER) Model EMB-135ER Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. (EMBRAER) Model ERJ 170 and ERJ 190 Airplanes, 5426, 21231, 35908, 40962, 48294, 50711, 51910, 52914, 56462 145LR, 145XR, 145MP, and 145EP Airplanes, Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. Model EMB 135 Airplanes and Model EMB 145, 145ER, 145MR, et al., 11531, 25962 Engine Components, Inc. (ECi) Reciprocating Engine Cylinder Assemblies, 53105 Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH Model EC135 Helicopters, 6008 Eurocopter Deutschland GMBH Model MBB-BK 117C-2 Helicopters, 44137 Eurocopter Deutschland Model EC135 Helicopters, 9181 Eurocopter France Model AS 355 F2 and AS 355 N Helicopters, 4683 Eurocopter France Model AS 355 N Helicopters, 37358 Eurocopter France Model AS-365N2 and N3, SA-365C, C1 and C2, and SA-365N and N1 Helicopters, 9178 Eurocopter France Model EC120B Helicopters, 24856 Eurocopter France Model EC130 B4 Helicopters, 13075, 15395 Eurocopter France Model SA332C, L, L1, and L2 Helicopters, 4055 Eurocopter Model AS 332 L2 Helicopters, 6584 Fokker Model F.27 Mark 050 Airplanes, 7663 Fokker Model F.27 Mark 050 and F.28 Mark 0100 Airplanes, 19973 Fokker Model F.28 Mark 0070, 0100, 1000, 2000, 3000, and 4000 Airplanes, 14661 Fokker Model F.28 Mark 0070 and 0100 Airplanes, 10650, 56460 Fokker Model F.28 Mark 0070 and Mark 0100 Airplanes, 21233, 30749, 56452 Fokker Model F27 Mark 050, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, and 700 Airplanes, 13071 Fokker Model F27 Mark 050 Airplanes, 40948 GARMIN International GSM 85 Servo Gearbox Units, 3615 GENERAL AVIA Costruzioni Aeronatiche Models F22B, F22C, and F22R Airplanes, 34620 General Electric Co., 10647 General Electric Co. (GE) CF34-8E Series Turbofan Engines, 44628 General Electric Company CF6 50, 80A1/A3, and 80C2A Series Turbofan Engines, 4057 Goodrich Evacuation Systems Approved Under Technical Standard Orders, Installed on Various Boeing, McDonnel Douglas, and Airbus Transport Category Airplanes, 15399 Gulfstream Aerospace LP Model Astra SPX, 1125 Westwind Astra, and Gulfstream 100 Airplanes, 38898 Gulfstream Aerospace LP Model Gulfstream G150 Airplanes, 21229 Harco Labs, Inc. Pitot/AOA Probes (Part Numbers 100435 39, 100435 39 001, 100435 40, and 100435 40 001), 52205 Hartzell Propeller Inc. ( )HC ( )(2,3)Y(K,R)-2 Two-and Three-Bladed Compact Series Propellers, 37791 Hawker Beechcraft Corp. Model 390 Airplanes, 44142 Hawker Beechcraft Corp. Type Certificates No. 3A15 No. 3A16 No. A23CE and No. A30CE, 37783 Hawker Beechcraft Corporation Models B200, B200GT, B300, and B300C Airplanes, 18706 Honeywell International Inc. ATF3 6 and ATF3 6A Series Turbofan Engines, 14377 Honeywell International Inc. TFE731 2C, etc., 5735 Honeywell International Inc. TFE731 4, 4R, 5, 5AR, 5BR, and 5R Series Turbofan Engines, 54491 International Aero Engines AG V2500 Series Turbofan Engines, 40715 Intertechnique Zodiac Aircraft Systems, 1968 Kelly Aerospace Power Systems Turbochargers, 21222 Learjet Model 45 Airplanes, 1815 Lindstrand Balloons Ltd. Models 42A, 56A, 60A, 69A, 77A, 90A, 105A, 120A, 150A, 180A, 210A, 240A, 260A, and 310A Balloons, 34622 Lindstrand Balloons Ltd. Models 42A, 56A, 77A, 105A, 150A, 210A, 260A, 60A, 69A, 90A, 120A, 180A, 240A, and 310A Balloons, 13113 Lockheed Model 1329 Series Airplanes, 38900 Lockheed Model 382, 382B, 382E, 382F, and 382G Series Airplanes, 56464 Lockheed Model 382 Series Airplanes, 38311 Lockheed Model L 1011 Series Airplanes, 29410, 34605 Lycoming Engines, Fuel Injected Reciprocating Engines, 39574 Lycoming Engines IO, et al., 19977 M7 Aerospace LP SA226 and SA227 Series Airplanes, 34615 McCauley Propeller Systems Propeller Models, 19971 McDonnell Douglas Model 717-200 Airplanes, 3620, 4059, 30743, 51908 McDonnell Douglas Model 717-200 Airplanes; Model DC-9-10 Series Airplanes; Model DC-9-20 Series Airplanes, et al., 30746 McDonnell Douglas Model DC 10 10 and DC 10 10F Airplanes et al., 14673, 50718 McDonnell Douglas Model DC 10 10, DC 10 10F, DC 10 15, and MD 10 10F Airplanes, 24155 McDonnell Douglas Model DC-10-10F, DC-10-30F (KC-10A and KDC-10), DC-10-40F, MD-10-10F, and MD-10-30F et al. Airplanes, 30765 McDonnell Douglas Model DC-8-11 et al., 6578 McDonnell Douglas Model DC 8 31, DC 8 32, DC 8 33, DC 8 41, DC 8 42, and DC 8 43 Airplanes, etc., 21523 McDonnell Douglas Model DC-8-55, et al. Airplanes, 14378 McDonnell Douglas Model DC-8-61, DC-8-61F, DC 8 63, DC-8-63F, DC-8-71F, and DC-8-73F Airplanes, 47043 McDonnell Douglas Model DC-9-81 (MD-81), et al., 38883 McDonnell Douglas Model MD 90 30 Airplanes, 52203 MD Helicopters, Inc. Model 369A, OH-6A, 369D, 369E, et al. Helicopters, 44139 MD Helicopters, Inc. Model 600N Helicopters, 13096 MD Helicopters, Inc. Model MD900 Series Helicopters, 22787 Model SAAB SF340A and SAAB 340B Airplanes, 9659 MORAVAN a.s. Model Z-143L Airplanes, 15875, 33000 Pacific Aerospace Corp., Ltd. Model 750XL Airplanes, 14665 Pacific Aerospace Corporation, Ltd Models FU24-954 and FU24A-954 Airplanes, 15870 Pacific Aerospace Limited Model 750XL Airplanes; Correction, 15874, 19967, 26475 Pacific Aerospace Limited Model FU-24 Airplanes, 40951 Piaggio Aero Industries S.p.A. Model P 180 Airplanes, 6601 Pilatus Aircraft Limited Model PC-12, PC-12/45, and PC-12/47 Airplanes, 2801 Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. Model PC-12, PC-12/45, and PC-12/47 Airplanes, 18433 Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. Model PC-6 Airplanes, 47039 Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. Model PC-6 Series Airplanes, 44145 Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. Models PC-12, PC-12/45, and PC-12/47 Airplanes, 13438 Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. PC-6 Series Airplanes, 35911 Pratt & Whitney (PW) PW4164, PW4168 and PW4168A Turbofan Engines, 394 Pratt & Whitney Canada Corp. Models PW305A and PW305B Turbofan Engines, 35900 Przedsiebiorstwo Doswiadczalno-Produkcyjne Szybownictwa ``PZL-Bielsko'' Model SZD-50-3 ``Puchacz'' Gliders, 3623, 23942 PZL Swidnik S. A. Model W-3A Helicopters, 47822 Robinson Helicopter Co. Models R22, R22 Alpha, R22 Beta, R22 Mariner, R44 and R44 and R44 II Helicopters, 397 Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG (RRD) Dart 528, et al., 44630 Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG Tay 611-8, Tay 611-8C, Tay 620-15, Tay 650-15, and Tay 651-54 Turbofan Engines, 1048 Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd. & Co. KG. (RRD) TAY 650-15 Turbofan Engines, 29405 Rolls-Royce plc (RR) RB211 Trent 500, 700, and 800 Series Turbofan Engines, 52201 Rolls-Royce plc Models Trent 768-60, 772-60, 772B 60, and 772C-60 Turbofan Engines, 31019 Rolls-Royce plc RB211-524 Series Turbofan Engines; Correction, 46550, 51912 Rolls-Royce plc RB211 Series Turbofan Engines, 6838, 56457 Rolls-Royce plc RB211 Trent 500 Series Turbofan Engines, 1017 Saab Model SAAB 2000 Airplanes, 6590 Saab Model SAAB Fairchild SF340A (SAAB/SF340A) and SAAB 340B Airplanes, 15877, 19983, 22789 Saab Model SAAB SF340A and Model SAAB 340B Airplanes, 7659 Saab Model SAAB SF340A and SAAB 340B (Including Variant 340B (WT)) Series Airplanes, 13117 Saab Model SAAB SF340A and SAAB 340B Airplanes, 7657 Sandel Avionics Inc. Model ST3400 Terrain Awareness Warning System/Radio Magnetic Indicator Units, 33663 Short Brothers Model SD3-60 Airplanes, 32648, 46543 Sierra Hotel Aero, Inc. Models Navion etc., 13087 Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. Model S-61A, S-61D, S 61E, and S-61V Helicopters, 25961 Stemme GmbH & Co. KG Model S10-VT Powered Sailplanes, 5733, 31355 Taylorcraft A, B, and F Series Airplanes, 9655 Taylorcraft, Inc. Models A, B, and F series Airplanes, 24162 Thielert Aircraft Engines GmbH (TAE) Model TAE 125-02-99 Engines, 20159 Turbomeca Arriel 1B, 1D, 1D1, and 1S1 Turboshaft Engines, 15866 Turbomeca Makila 1A and 1A1 Turboshaft Engines, 20525 Turbomeca S.A. Arrius 2B1, 2B1A, 2B2, and 2K1 Turboshaft Engines, 54677 Turbomeca S.A. Arrius 2F Turboshaft Engines, 37793 Various Transport Category Airplanes Equipped with Auxiliary Fuel Tanks Installed in Accordance with Certain Supplemental Type Certificates, 16515, 31749 Viking Air Limited Model (Caribou) DHC 4 et al._ Corrections, 8589 Viking Air Limited Model DHC 2 Series Airplanes, 34611 Viking Air Limited Model DHC-6 Series Airplanes, 5729 Viking Air Limited Models DHC-2 Mk. I, DHC-2 Mk. II, and DHC-3 Airplanes, 34618 Viking Air Limited Models DHC-6-1, DHC-6-100, DHC 6 200, and DHC-6-300 Airplanes, 37353, 37355 Viking Air Ltd. Model (Caribou) DHC-4 and (Caribou) DHC-4A Airplanes, 1269 Airworthiness Standards: Aircraft Engine Standards for Pressurized Engine Static Parts, 55435 Engine Control System Requirements, 48279 Rotorcraft Turbine Engines One-Engine-Inoperative Ratings, Type Certification Standards, 48119 Airworthiness Standards; Special Conditions: Adam Aircraft Industries Model A700; External Fuel Tank Protection During Gear-up or Emergency Landing, 389 AmSafe Aviation; Inflatable Restraints Installation; Approved Model List of Normal and Utility Category Airplanes, etc., 19 Boeing Model 747 Series Airplanes_ Seats with Non-Traditional, Large, Non-Metallic Panels, 8791 Boeing Model 767-200, et al. Series Airplanes_ Satellite Communication System With Lithium Ion Battery Installation, 7203 Boeing Model 767 Series Airplanes; Seats with Non- Traditional, Large, Non-Metallic Panels, 8788 Boeing Model 777 Series Airplanes; Seats With Non- Traditional, Large, Non-Metallic Panels, 9176 Boeing Model 787-8 Airplane; Operation without Normal Electrical Power, 10379 Boeing Model 787-8 Airplane; Systems and Data Networks Security-Isolation or Protection From Unauthorized Passenger Domain Systems Access, 27 Boeing Model 787 Series Airplanes_ Seats With Non-traditional, Large, Non-Metallic Panels, 9014 Embraer S.A., Model EMB, 3385 Area Navigation Routes: Q-110 and Jet Route J-73; Florida; Modification, 44147 Q-110 and Jet Route J-73; Florida; Modifications, 49933 Aviation Safety Inspector Airport Access, 47824 Cape Town Treaty Implementation; Technical Amendments, 55722 Change of Using Agency for Restricted Area R-3807, Glencoe, LA, 53359 Class D Airspace: Altus AFB, OK, Amendment, 45605 Georgetown, TX, 18956 Jacksonville NAS, FL, 20161 Jacksonville Whitehouse NOLF, FL, 20162 Class D Airspace; Amendment: Altus AFB, OK; Correction, 56473 Class D Airspace; Establishment: Albuquerque, NM, 39220 New Braunfels, TX, 19143 San Bernardino International Airport, San Bernardino, CA, 55438 Sherman, Texas, 20781 Victoria, TX, 56473 Class D Airspace; Modification: Brunswick, ME, 19995, 33297, 56475 Rome, NY, 51356 Class D and Class E Airspace: Altus AFB, OK; Amendment; Withdrawn, 39221 Jacksonville Cecil Field, FL, 20163 Class D and Class E Airspace; Amendment: Altus Air Force Base, OK, 19997 Class E5 Airspace; Proposed Establishment: Eagle Pass, Texas, 3625 Class E5 Airspace; Removal: Madison, CT, 42675 Class E Airspace; Amendment: Altus AFB, OK, 45605 Altus AFB, OK; Correction, 56473 Black River Falls, WI, 7668, 14925, 17888, 41255, 45606 Bradford, PA, 28032 Bridgeton, ME, 9440 Butter, PA, 56470 Danville, KY, 15058, 36269 Du Bois, PA, 4449 Factoryville, PA, 50720 Franklin, PA, 9439, 27721 Gettysburg, PA, 8593, 36409 Honesdale, PA, 8594 Indianapolis, IN, 14925, 17887, 36408 Lexington, OK, 7667, 41254 Philipsburg, PA, 4449 Pottsville, PA, 4070 Salyer Farms, CA, 43348 St. Marys, PA, 4069 State College, PA, 4070 Waynesburg, PA, 28320 Windsor Locks, Bradley International Airport, CT, 56471 Class E Airspace; Correction, 6424, 9454, 20526 Class E Airspace; Establishment: Bridgton, ME, 23323 Canon, GA, 36269 Carrabassett, ME, 23323 Carson City, NV, 42262 Cranberry Township, PA, 33296 Dover-Foxcroft, ME, 23322 Eek, AK, 43349 Emporium, PA, 40719 Farmington, ME, 14677 Fort Collins, CO, 40719 Fort Kent, ME, 15049, 25506 Hinton, OK, 15881, 33665 Kobuk, AK, 18151 Lady Lake, FL, 15060, 33294 La Pointe, WI, 31608 Lewisburg, PA, 33295 Lewiston, ME, 15061 Lewistown, PA, 19998 Lexington, OK, 14925, 45607 Marienville, PA, 33295 Milford, PA, 15061, 39221 New Albany, MS, 20781 Pagosa Springs, CO, 18957 Pampa, TX, 38314, 55722 Philippi, WV, 36409 Plains, TX, 38313, 56474 Point Roberts, WA, 52208 Roanoke Rapids, NC, 41255 Rockport, ME, 25999 Rumford, ME, 23323 Salida, CO, 37797 Seneca, PA, 28032 Skowhegan, ME, 14677 Stonington, ME, 23324 Sunbury, PA, 14677, 36270 Susquehanna, PA, 14679, 36270 Swans Island, ME, 25999 Venetie, AK, 43847 Vinalhaven, ME, 33296 Walden, CO, 14924 Weiser, ID, 53113 Winona, MS, 21813 Class E Airspace; Establishment and Removal: Centre, AL, 23321 Cranberry Township, PA, 8596 Emporium, PA, 5432 Huntsville, AR, 8794 Indianapolis, IN, 6424 Lewisburg, PA, 5739 Lewistown, PA, 5429 Lexington, OK, 8795 Long Prairie, MN, 6425 Marienville, PA, 5431 Montrose, PA, 11002 Muncy, PA, 4450 New Albany, MS, 5434 Oil City, PA, 11002 Rumford, ME, 9185 Seneca, PA, 8595 Springfield, CO, Correction, 4071 Swans Island, ME, 9183 Tappahannock, VA, 4449 Vinalhaven, ME, 9186 Wheatland, WY, 1271 Class E Airspace; Modification: Brunswick, ME, 56475 Hollister, CA, 12010 Rome, NY, 46552, 51356 Staunton, VA, 16751, 50721 Tucson, AZ, 13122 Wilkes-Barre, PA, 33297 Class E Airspace; Proposed Establishment: Huntsville, AR, 19143 Class E Airspace; Removal: Bettles, AK, 18437 Chicago, IL, 49090 Hawesville, KY, 20780 Roanoke Rapids, NC, 41255 Class E Airspace; Revision: Allakaket, AK, 31023 Anvik, AK, 18436 Deadhorse, AK, 32235 Gulkana, AK, 43352 Kake, AK, 43353 Kivalina, AK, 43353 New Stuyahok, AK, 18439 Prospect Creek, AK, 43350 Red Dog, AK, 43351 Red Dog, AK; Correction, 51357 St. Mary's, AK, 31024 Class E Airspace; Revocation: Luke AFB, Phoenix, AZ, 42263 Colored and VOR Federal Airways; Establishment Alaska, 40720 Crewmember and Dispatcher Training Programs, 25506 Damage Tolerance and Fatigue Evaluation of Structure, 19746 Drug Enforcement Assistance, 10662 Enhanced Airworthiness Program for Airplane Systems/Fuel Tank Safety; Technical Correction, 47818 Extended Operations (ETOPS) of Multi Engine Airplanes, 8796 Flight Simulation Training Device Initial and Continuing Qualification and Use, 23321, 26478 IFR Altitudes: Miscellaneous Amendments, 4685, 14381, 23944, 36410, 51591 Legal Descriptions of Multiple Federal Airways in the Vicinity of Farmington, NM; Correction, 33666 Low Altitude Area Navigation Routes, T-Routes: Georgia, 14680, 18438 Sacramento and San Francisco, CA, 31021, 40721 Southwest Oregon, 38109, 52209 Medical Standards and Procedures and Durations of Medical Certificates; Modifications, 43059 Miscellaneous Marking and Placards; Technical Amendment, 35062 Modification and Establishment of Restricted Areas and Other Special Use Airspace: Adirondack Airspace Complex; Fort Drum, NY, 55723 Modification of Certain Medical Standards and Procedures and Duration of Certain Medical Certificates, 48125 Multi-Engine Airplanes Extended Operations, 33879 Operation of Civil Aircraft of U.S. Registry Outside of the United States, 10140 Performance and Handling Qualities Requirements for Rotorcraft; Correction, 10987, 30454 Provisions of an Entire Aircraft With Crew to a U.S. Certificated Air Carrier by a Foreign Air Carrier, 10986 Restricted Areas R-5303A etc.; Using Agencies Amendment, 8598 Restricted Areas R-5314A, B, C, D, E, F, H, and J, and Revocation of Restricted Area R-5314G, Dare County Range, NC; Modification, 30767 Revision of and Revocation to Compulsory Reporting Points; Alaska, 56476 Revision of Restricted Area 2204; Oliktok Point, AK, 21246 Revision of Restricted Area 5107A; White Sands Missile Range, NM, 52916 Revisions to Cockpit Voice Recorder and Digital Flight Data Recorder Regulations, 12542 Correction, 15280 Robinson R-22/R-44 Special Training And Experience Requirements, 17243 Rotorcraft Performance and Handling Qualities Requirements; Correction, 33876 Special Awareness Training for the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area, 46797 Special Conditions: AmSafe, Inc., Various Transport Category Airplanes; Inflatable Restraints, 29037 Embraer S.A. EMB-500; Protection of Systems for High Intensity Radiated Fields (HIRF), 22271 Embraer S.A. Model EMB-500; Full Authority Digital Engine Control System, 35896 Embraer S.A., Model EMB-500; High Fuel Temperature, 34843 Embraer S.A., Model ERJ 190-100 ECJ Airplane; Fire Protection, 45156 Embraer S.A., Model ERJ 190-100 ECJ Airplane; Flight- Accessible Class C Cargo Compartment, 46539 Honda Aircraft Co., Model HA-420 HondaJet Airplane; Fire Extinguishing, 54675 Special Federal Aviation Regulations: Mitsubishi MU-2B Series Airplane Special Training, Experience, and Operating Requirements, 7034, 14676 Standard Instrument Approach Procedures, etc., 4071, 4073, 4075, 6841, 7461, 9935, 9937, 11551, 12631, 14681, 18152, 19998, 20527, 23324, 24171, 27721, 27725, 30769, 31012, 33666, 33669, 36271, 37360, 40167, 40169, 42520, 42676, 44909, 45860, 51215, 51358, 52779, 52782, 54496, 54497 Transport Category Airplanes; Fuel Tank Flammability Reduction, 42444 Use of Radar in Instrument Approach Procedures, 20164 PROPOSED RULES Airmen Certification: Flight Simulation Training Device Initial and Continuing Qualification and Use; Correction, 11995 Airworthiness Directives: 328 Support Services GmbH Dornier Model 328 100 Airplanes, 56763 Agusta S.p.A. Model A109A and A109A II Helicopters, 45644 Agusta S.p.a. Model A109E and A119 Helicopters, 14733 Agusta S.p.A. Model AB 139 and AW 139 Helicopters, 12299 Airbus, 1556 Airbus Model A300-600 Airplanes, 32250, 53768 Airbus Model A300, A310, and A300-600 Series Airplanes, 34224 Airbus Model A300 and A300-600 Series Airplanes, 11067 Airbus Model A310 Airplanes, 18722 Airbus Model A310 and A300, 3656 Airbus Model A310 Series Airplanes, 45891, 50250 Airbus Model A310 Series Airplanes; Correction, 51961 Airbus Model A310 Series Airplanes and A300-600 Series Airplanes, 2197 Airbus Model A310 Series Airplanes and Model A300-600 Series Airplanes, 55781 Airbus Model A318, A319, A320, and A321 Airplanes, 2200, 13507, 29089, 45174 Airbus Model A318, A319, A320, and A321 Series Airplanes, 4129, 15681, 35601 Reference Units, Airbus Model A330-200, A330-300, A340-300, A340-500, and A340-600 Series Airplanes, 50256 Airbus Model A330-200, A330-300, and A340 300 Series Airplanes, 35595, 35603 Airbus Model A330-200 and A340-300 Series Airplanes, 11364 Airbus Model A330 Airplanes; and Model A340-200 and -300 Airplanes, 34228 Airbus Model A330 Airplanes, and Model A340 200 and A340-300 Series Airplanes, 53770 Airbus Model A330 and A340 Airplanes, 36288 Air Tractor, Inc. AT-200, AT-300, AT-400, AT-500, AT-600, AT-800 Series Airplanes, 11369 Air Tractor, Inc. Models AT-402, AT-402A, and AT-402B Airplanes, 38933 Allied Ag Cat Productions, Inc. G-164 Series Airplanes, 45900 Alpha Aviation Design Ltd. (Type Certificate No. A48EU previously held by APEX Aircraft and AVIONS PIERRE ROBIN) Model R2160 Airplanes, 6634 APEX Aircraft Model CAP 10 B Airplanes, 4121, 9968, 21851, 26351, 33738 ATR Model ATR42 200, 300, 320, 500 Airplanes; and Model ATR72 101, 201, 102, 202, 211, 212, and 212A Airplanes, 13496 ATR Model ATR42 200, 300, and 320 Airplanes, 32659 ATR Model ATR42 Airplanes and Model ATR72-101, -102, -201, -202, 211, and 212 Airplanes, 19768 Avions Marcel Dassault-Breguet Model Falcon 10 Airplanes, 36473 BAE Systems (Operations) Limited (Jetstream) Model 4101 Airplanes, 13504, 32488 BAE Systems (Operations) Limited Model BAe 146 and Model Avro 146 RJ Airplanes, 49364, 50248 BAE Systems Operations Limited Jetstream Model 4101 Airplanes, 27477 BAE Systems Operations Ltd. Jetstream Model 4101 Airplanes, 35089 Bell Helicopter Textron Canada (BHTC) Models 206A, 206B, 206L, 206L, 3887 Bell Helicopter Textron Canada Model 222, 222B, 222U, 230, and 430 Helicopters, 3889, 21853, 43648 Bell Helicopter Textron Canada Model 230 Helicopters, 21855 Bell Helicopter Textron Canada Models 206L, L-1, L-3, L-4, and 407 Helicopters, 12303 Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc., 13513 Boeing Model 707 Airplanes and Model 720 and 720B Series Airplanes, 26043, 35092 Boeing Model 727-200 Series Airplanes, 2204 Boeing Model 727 Airplanes, 7489, 35093 Boeing Model 731-300 and -400 Series Airplanes, 1846 Boeing Model 737-100, -200, -200C, -300, -400, and -500 Series Airplanes, 7488, 50899 Boeing Model 737 300, 400, and 500 Series Airplanes, 15959, 32258, 35598 Boeing Model 737 300; 400; and 500 Series Airplanes, 22088 Boeing Model 737 400, 500, 600, 700, 700C, 800, and 900 Series Airplanes, 7492 Boeing Model 737-600, -700, -700C, -800, -900 and 900ER Series Airplanes, 22090, 32255, 51382 Boeing Model 737 600, 700, 700C, 800 and 900 Series Airplanes, 73, 7484, 8833, 12910, 48307 Boeing Model 737 600, 700, 800, and 900 Series Airplanes, 32491 Boeing Model 737 600, 700, and 800 Series Airplanes, 35593 Boeing Model 737 Airplanes, 22840 Boeing Model 747 100, 747 100B, 747 100B SUD, 747 200B, 747 200C, 747 200F, 747 300, 747 400, 747 400D, 747 400F, 747SR, and 747SP Series Airplanes, 30003, 32245, 37900 Boeing Model 747-100, 747-100B, 747-100B SUD, et al. Series Airplanes, 29716 Boeing Model 747-100, 747-100B, 747-200B, 747-200C, 747 200F, 747-300, 747SR, and 747SP Series Airplanes, 54755 Boeing Model 747 100, 747 100B, etc. Series Airplanes, 22845 Boeing Model 747 100, 747 200B, 747 300, and 747SR Series Airplanes, 17258 Boeing Model 747 100, et al. Series Airplanes, 8248 Boeing Model 747-100 etc. Series Airplanes, 25601 Boeing Model 747-400, -400D, and -400F Series Airplanes, 32248 Boeing Model 747-400, 747-400D, and 747-400F Series Airplanes, 13480, 34663 Boeing Model 747 Airplanes, 5768, 7486, 32246, 54751 Boeing Model 747 Airplanes and Model 767 Airplanes Equipped with General Electric CF6-80C2 and CF6-80A Series Engines, 18721 Boeing Model 747SP Series Airplanes, 30007 Boeing Model 757-200, 757-200PF, and 757-300 Series Airplanes, 45895 Boeing Model 757-200 and -200PF Series Airplanes, and Model 767-200 and -300 Series Airplanes, 29087 Boeing Model 757-200 and 757-300 Series Airplanes, 19015 Boeing Model 757 Airplanes, 2195, 13492, 32256 Boeing Model 757 Airplanes, Model 767 Airplanes, and Model 777-200 and 300 Series Airplanes, 13483 Boeing Model 767 200, 300, and 400ER Series Airplanes, 2190, 7690, 14405, 54747 Boeing Model 767-200 and -300 Series Airplanes, 34233 Boeing Model 767-200 and 767-300 Series Airplanes, 49366 Boeing Model 767 Airplanes, 30009, 32252 Boeing Model 777 200 et al., 10698 Boeing Model 777-200 Series Airplanes, 25599 Boeing Model 777 Airplanes, 1844, 32253, 45893, 50896 Bombardier Model CL 600 2B19 (Regional Jet Series 100 & 440) Airplanes, 833, 1842, 4125, 12032, 12901, 16221, 35095, 48312, 53773 600 2D15 (Regional Jet Series 705), and C Correction, 5767 Bombardier Model CL 600 2B19 Regional Jet Series 100 & 440 Airplanes, 25612 Bombardier Model CL 600 2C10 (Regional Jet Series 700, 701 & 702) Airplanes et al., 830, 12905, 14189, 26045, 32493, 54749 CL-600-2D24 (Regional Jet Series 900) Airplane, Bombardier Model CL 600 2C10, CL 600 2D15, and CL 600 2D24 Airplanes, 50254 Bombardier Model CL 600 2C10, et al., 32486 Bombardier Model CL 600 2C10 Regional Jet Series 700 & 701 Series Airplanes and Model CL 600 2D24 Regional Jet Series 900 Series Airplanes, 27475, 28754 Bombardier Model DHC-8-102, DHC-8-103, DHC-8-106, DHC-8-201, DHC-8-202, DHC-8-301, DHC-8-311, and DHC-8-315 Airplanes, 12912 Bombardier Model DHC 8 102, DHC-8-103, DHC 8 106, etc., 23995 Bombardier Model DHC 8 102, et al. Airplanes, 9055 Bombardier Model DHC 8 400, -401 and -402 Airplanes, 30005 Bombardier Model DHC-8-400, DHC-8-401, and DHC 8 402 Airplanes, 12907, 37896 Bombardier Model DHC 8 400 Series Airplanes, 9053, 15682, 16577, 23990, 36285 Bombardier-Rotax GmbH 914 F Series Reciprocating Engines, 52932 British Aerospace Regional Aircraft Model HP. 137 Jetstream MK 1, Jetstream Series 200, 3100, and 3200 Airplanes, 3428, 16790 Cessna Aircraft Co. (Type Certificate Previously Held by Columbia Aircraft Manufacturing) Models LC40-550FG, et al.; Correction, 51252 Cessna Aircraft Co. 150 Series Airplanes, 41305 Cessna Aircraft Co. Model 525 Airplanes, 13486 Cessna Aircraft Co. Models LC40-550FG, LC41-550FG, and LC42-550FG Airplanes, 45902 Cessna Aircraft Company Models 175 and 175A Airplanes, 19017 Cessna Aircraft Company, Models 208 and 208B Airplanes, 14191 Cessna Model 560 Airplanes, 49359 CFM International, S.A. CFM56-5B1/P, etc. Turbofan Engines, 25597 Cirrus Design Corp. Models SR20 and SR22 Airplanes, 17935 Cirrus Design Corporation Model SR20 Airplanes, 13157 Construcciones Aeronauticas, S.A., (CASA) Model C-212 Airplanes, 80 Dassault Model Falcon 2000 Airplanes, 6618, 13511 Dassault Model Falcon 2000EX Airplanes, 13488, 29091, 45176 Dassault Model Falcon 2000EX Airplanes and Model Falcon 900EX Airplanes, 16787 Dassault Model Falcon 2000EX and 900EX Airplanes, 14403 Dassault Model Mystere Falcon 20 C5, 20 D5, and 20 E5 Airplanes, 13509 Dassault Model Mystere Falcon 50 Airplanes, 6620, 39628 Dassault Model Mystere Falcon 900 and Falcon 900EX Airplanes, 16784 Dassault Model Mystere-Falcon 900, Falcon 900EX, and Falcon 2000 Airplanes, 38346 DG Flugzeugbau GmbH Model DG 500MB Gliders, 43875 DG Flugzeugbau GmbH Model DG-500MB Powered Sailplanes, 33743 Diamond Aircraft Industries GmbH Model DA 42 Airplanes, 35361, 53766 Dornier Luftfahrt GmbH Models 228-100, 228-101, 228-200, 228-201, 228-202, and 228-212 Airplanes, 9965 Dornier Luftfahrt GmbH Models 228-200, 228-201, 228-202, and 228-212 Airplanes, 11841 Dornier Model 328-100 Airplanes, 13503, 29720 Dornier Model 328 100 and 300 Airplanes, 16219 Dornier Model 328-300 Airplanes, 46569 Dowty Propellers Models R354/4 123 F/13, et al., 36819 Dowty Propellers R175/4-30; R184/4-30-4; R193/4-30-4; R.209/4-40-4.5 et al. Model Propellers, 50892 EADS SOCATA Model TBM 700 Airplanes, 32495, 38935 Embraer Model EMB-135BJ Airplanes, 9500 Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A., 9497 Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. (EMBRAER) Model ERJ 170 and ERJ 190 Airplanes, 5775, 6631, 7494, 13494, 16575, 19770, 23132, 25606, 25609, 35098, 35597, 36290, 38937, 45178, 49362 145LR, 145XR, 145MP, and 145EP Airplanes, Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. Model ERJ 170 and ERJ 190 Airplanes, 29085 Engine Components Inc. Reciprocating Engine Cylinder Assemblies, 28756 Eurocopter Deutschland GMBH Model MBB, 3885 Eurocopter France Model AS332 C, L, L1 and L2 Helicopters, 21553 Eurocopter France Model AS355E, F, F1, F2, and N Helicopters, 36821 Eurocopter France Model AS 355 N Helicopters, 3891 Fokker Model F.28 Mark 0070 and 0100 Airplanes, 37898 Fokker Model F.28 Mark 0070 and Mark 0100 Airplanes, 6629, 37903 Fokker Model F.28 Mark 0100 Airplanes, 45898 Fokker Model F27 Mark 050 and Model F.28 Mark 0100 Airplanes, 1848 General Avia Costruzioni Aeronatiche Models F22B, F22C, and F22R Airplanes, 19775 General Electric Co. (GE) CF6 80A Series Turbofan Engines, 51604 General Electric Co. Aircraft Engines CT7-8A Turboshaft Engines, 14731 General Electric Co. CF34 1A, 3A, 3A1, 3A2, 3B, and 3B1 Turbofan Engines, 42725 General Electric Co. CT58 Series Turboshaft Engines, 42724 General Electric Company CF34 1A, 3A, 3A1, 3A2, 3B, and 3B1 Turbofan Engines, 3425 General Electric Company CF6-45 and CF6-50 Series Turbofan Engines, 77 General Electric Company CF6-80C2 and CF6-80E1 Series Turbofan Engines, 9970 Gulfstream Aerospace LP Model Astra SPX and 1125 Westwind Astra Airplanes and Gulfstream 100 Airplanes, 13800 Gulfstream Aerospace LP Model Galaxy Airplanes and Gulfstream 200 Airplanes, 13490 Gulfstream Aerospace LP Model Gulfstream G150 Airplanes, 6627 Hawker Beechcraft Corp. Model 390 Airplanes, 23988 Hawker Beechcraft Corporation Model 390 Airplanes, 15678 Helicopters, Inc. Model 369A, OH-6A, 369D, 369E, 369F, 369FF, 369H, 369HE, 369HM, and 369HS Helicopters, 13515 Honeywell Flight Management Systems Equipped with Honeywell NZ 2000 Navigation Computers and Honeywell IC 800 or IC-800E Integrated Avionics Computers, 49368 Honeywell International Inc.; TFE731 4, 4R, 5, 5AR, 5BR, and 5R Series Turbofan Engines, 18461 Honeywell International Inc. LTS101 Series Turboshaft and LTP101 Series Turboprop Engines, 55456 Lindstrand Balloons Ltd. Models 42A, 56A, 60A, 69A77A, 90A, 105A, 120A, 150A, 180A, 210A, 240A, 260A, and 310A Balloons, 21072 Lockheed Model 382, 382B, 382E, 382F, and 382G Series Airplanes, 8247, 33740 Lockheed Model L 1011 Series Airplanes, 9235 Lycoming Engines, Fuel Injected Reciprocating Engines, 87 M7 Aerospace LP SA226 and SA227 Series Airplanes, 13806 Maryland Air Industries, Inc., Model Fairchild F-27 and FH 227 Series Airplanes, 42282 Maule Aerospace Technology, Inc. Models M-4, M-5, M-6, M-7, and M-8 Series Airplanes, 48314 McDonnell Douglas, 18719 McDonnell Douglas Model 717-200 Airplanes, 18725 McDonnell Douglas Model 717 200 Airplanes et al., 3422 McDonnell Douglas Model DC-10-10, DC-10-10F, DC-10-15, and MD-10-10F Airplanes, 2206 McDonnell Douglas Model DC-10-10, DC-10-10F, et al. Airplanes, 43643 McDonnell Douglas Model DC-10-10 et al. Airplanes, 12301 McDonnell Douglas Model DC-8-11, DC-8-12, DC-8-21, DC-8-31, DC-8-32, DC-8-33, DC-8-41, DC-8-42, and DC-8-43 Airplanes et al., 46823, 50906 McDonnell Douglas Model DC 8 11 et al., 6622 McDonnell Douglas Model DC 8 31, DC 8 32, DC 8 33, DC 8 41, DC 8 42, and DC 8 43 Airplanes et al., 3419 McDonnell Douglas Model DC-8-61, DC-8-61F, DC 8 63, DC-8-63F, DC-8-71F, and DC-8-73F Airplanes, 24887 McDonnell Douglas Model DC-9-14, DC-9-15, and DC 9 15F Airplanes, and DC-9-20, DC-9-30, DC-9-40, and DC-9-50 Series Airplanes, 44937 McDonnell Douglas Model DC-9-30, DC-9-40, and DC-9-50 Series Airplanes et al., 50894 MD Helicopters, Inc. Model MD900 Helicopters, 43646 MORAVAN a.s. Model Z-143L Airplanes, 19766 Pacific Aerospace Limited Model 750XL Airplanes, 3417, 6636, 8831 Pacific Aerospace Limited Model FU-24 Airplanes, 27479 Pacific Aerospace Limited Models FU24-954 and FU24A-954 Airplanes, 4127 Pilatus Aircraft Ltd., Model PC-12, PC-12/45, and PC-12/47 Airplanes, 4497 Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. Model PC-6 Airplanes, 32497 Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. Model PC 6 Series Airplanes, 53764 Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. PC-6 Series Airplanes, 23993 Pratt & Whitney (PW) JT9D-7 Series Turbofan Engines, 39627 Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC) JT15D 5; 5B; 5F; and 5R Turbofan Engines, 49619 Pratt & Whitney Canada PW206A, PW206B, PW206B2, PW206C, PW206E, PW207C, PW207D, and PW207E Turboshaft Engines, 35982 Pratt & Whitney PW4000 Series 94 Inch Fan Turbofan Engines, 47561 Przedsiebiorstwo Doswiadczalno-Produkcyjne Szybownictwa ``PZL-Bielsko'' Model SZD-50-3 ``Puchacz'' Gliders, 10188 Rolls-Royce Corp. AE 3007A1E AE 1107C Turbofan/Turboshaft Engines, 33025 Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG (RRD) BR700-715A1-30, etc., 18220 Rolls Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG, BR700 715A1 30, BR700 715B1 30, and BR700 715C1 30 Turbofan Engines, 6638 Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd. & Co. KG. (RRD) TAY 650-15 Turbofan Engines, 75 Rolls-Royce plc RB211 Series Turbofan Engines, 9502 Saab Model SAAB 2000 Airplanes, 6640, 45888, 50903 Saab Model SAAB Fairchild SF340A (SAAB/SF340A) and SAAB 340B Airplanes, 2192, 12034, 56765 Sandel Avionics Inc. Model ST3400 Terrain Awareness Warning System/Radio Magnetic Indicator Units etc., 13498 Short Brothers Model SD3-60 Airplanes, 11070, 17260 Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. Model S-61A, D, E, L, N, NM, R, and V; Croman Corp. Model SH-3H, Carson Helicopters, Inc. Model S-61L; Glacier Helicopter Model CH-, 21556 Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. Model S-76A, B, and C Helicopters, 31780 Stemme GmbH & Co. KG Model S10-VT Powered Sailplanes, 38160 Taylorcraft Models A, B, and F Series Airplanes, 9239 Taylorcraft Models A, B, and F Series Airplanes; Correction, 11363 Teledyne Continental Motors (TCM) IO-520, et al., 19772 Turbomeca S.A. Models Arriel 1E2, 1S, and 1S1 Turboshaft Engines, 35981 Various Aircraft Equipped With Honeywell Primus II RNZ 850 etc., Integrated Navigation Units, 28751 Various Transport Category Airplanes Equipped with Auxiliary Fuel Tanks Installed in Accordance with Certain Supplemental Type Certificates, 84, 13803 Viking Air Limited, 17937 Viking Air Limited DHC-6 Series Airplanes, 48310 Viking Air Limited Models DHC-2 Mk. I, DHC-2 Mk. II, and DHC-3 Airplanes, 21074 Viking Air Limited Models DHC-6-1, DHC-6-100, DHC-6-200, and DHC-6-300 Airplanes, 16779 Vulcanair S.p.A. Model P68 Series Airplanes, 55786 Airworthiness Standards: Aircraft Engine Standards Overtorque Limits, 15955 Fire Protection, 9494 Certification of Aircraft and Airmen for the Operation of Light-Sport Aircraft: Modifications to Rules for Sport Pilots and Flight Instructors With a Sport Pilot Rating, 20181 Class B Airspace; Proposed Modification: Chicago, IL; Public Meetings, 51605 Class C Airspace; Proposed Modification: Asheville, NC, 52934 Class D Airspace; Establishment: Albuquerque, NM, 19174 North Bend, OR, 13809 San Bernardino International Airport, San Bernardino, CA, 13811 Class D Airspace; Proposed Establishment: Grayling, MI, 54989 San Bernardino International Airport, San Bernardino, CA, 20843 Victoria, TX, 28764 Class E Airspace; Amendment: North Bend, OR, 13809 Factoryville, PA, 5777 Salyer Farms, CA, 21857 Class E Airspace; Establishment: Canon, GA, 14949 Carson City, NV, 21858 Eek, AK, 30822 Kobuk, AK, 6056 Lake Havasu, AZ, 42284 Philippi, WV, 14408 Point Roberts, WA (Abbotsford, BC), 7228 Venetie, AK, 30820 Walden, CO; Correction, 11192 Weiser, ID, 33940 White Hills, AK, 9059 White Hills, AK; Withdrawal, 30823 Winona, MS, 5776 Class E Airspace; Establishment and Removal: Centre, AL, 5135 Roanoke Rapids, NC, 19019 Class E Airspace; Modification: Roanoke, VA, 27481 Rome, NY, 26047 Class E Airspace; Proposed Amendment: Big Spring, TX, 56528 Class E Airspace; Proposed Establishment: Death Valley, CA, 52638 Fort Collins, CO, 26048 Kwethluk, AK, 51252 Napakiak, AK, 54092 Pagosa Springs, CO, 3430 Salida, CO, 16579 Shageluk, AK, 54091 Class E Airspace; Proposed Revision: Badami, AK, 54093 Ruby, AK, 51254 Class E Airspace; Revision: Allakaket, AK, 9062 Anvik, AK, 6058 Bettles, AK, 6060 Gulkana, AK, 30828 Kake, AK, 30825 Kivalina, AK, 30827 New Stuyahok, AK, 6057 Prospect Creek, AK, 30824 Red Dog, AK, 30829 St. Mary's, AK, 9063 Class E Airspace; Revocation: Lake Havasu, AZ, 42284 Luke AFB, Phoenix, AZ, 19777 Class E Airspace: Revision, 9504 Deadhorse, AK, 16792 Congestion Management Rule for John F. Kennedy International Airport and Newark Liberty International Airport, 29626 Congestion Management Rule for LaGuardia Airport, 20846 Filtered Flight Data, 47857 Low Altitude Area Navigation Routes, T-Routes: Houston, TX, 37905 Sacramento and San Francisco, CA, 9060 Southwest Oregon, 8628, 23136 Meetings: Proposed Modification of Dallas/Fort Worth, TX Class B Airspace Area, 50258 Modification of Area Navigation Route Q-110 and Jet Route J-73; Florida, 20844 Modification of Restricted Areas; Camp Shelby, MS, 9241 Norton Sound Low, Woody Island Low, Control 1234L and Control 1487L Offshore Airspace Areas; Alaska; Modification, 44201 Proposed Airworthiness Design Standards for Acceptance Under the Primary Category Rule: Cubcrafters, Inc., Model PC1, 3655 Proposed Establishment of Colored and VOR Federal Airways; Alaska, 15685 Proposed Revocation of Area Navigation Jet Routes J-888R and J-996R; Alaska, 18222 Alaska, 13159 Removal of Regulations Allowing for Polished Frost on Wings of Airplanes, 26049 Re-registration and Renewal of Aircraft Registration, 10701 Robinson R-22/R-44 Special Training and Experience Requirements, 45905 Special Air Traffic Rules: Luke AFB, Arizona, Vicinity; Proposed Establishment, 55788 Special Conditions: Airbus A318, A319, A320, and A321 series airplanes; Astronautics electronic flight bags with lithium battery installations, 45886 Embraer S.A., Model EMB, 3881, 3882, 3884 Embraer S.A., Model EMB-500, Airspeed Indicating System 23.1323(e), 4763 Embraer S.A., Model ERJ 190-100 ECJ Airplane; Fire Protection, 21289 Embraer S.A., Model ERJ 190-100 ECJ Airplane; Flight- Accessible Class C Cargo Compartment, 21286 Honda Aircraft Co., Model HA-420 HondaJet Airplane; Fire Extinguishing, 35979 NOTICES Advisory Circular 120-16E, Air Carrier Maintenance Programs, 55893 Advisory Circulars: Extended Operations and Polar Operations, and Operations in the North Polar Area, 37526 Aeronautical Land-Use Assurance Waivers: Aurora Municipal Airport, Sugar Grove, IL, 21169 Cartersville Airport, GA, 10855 Greater Beardstown Airport, Beardstown, IL, 50064 Indianapolis Executive Airport; Zionsville, IN, 54883 Lonesome Pine Airport, Wise, VA, 21684 Louisville International Airport, KY, 10854 Mansfield Lahm International Airport, Mansfield, OH, 50064, 54449 MBS International Airport, Saginaw, MI, 36371 St. Marys Municipal Airport, St. Marys, PA, 10087 Shawnee Regional Airport, OK; Property Release, 11458 Aeronautical Property Use: Greenwood-Leflore Airport, Greenwood, MS, 54882 Louisville International Airport, KY; Intent, 4043 Portland International Jetport, Portland, ME, 24346 Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals, 3792, 5903, 10320, 15042, 16091, 16922, 21998, 27884, 27885, 27886, 27887, 28182, 28183, 28184, 30992, 30993, 33142, 34972, 34973, 34974, 34975, 34976, 38019, 38496, 45514, 45515, 46343, 46344, 46345, 47250, 48426, 48427, 49231, 53923, 54448, 54881, 55587 Airborne Omega Receiving Equipment, 46345 Airport Improvement Program Grant Assurances; Proposed Modifications and Opportunity to Comment, 52074 Airport Property Release: Billings Logan International Airport, Billings MT, 31534 Brigham City Municipal Airport, UT, 9400 Brownsville/South Padre Island International Airport, Brownsville, TX, 38021 Gillespie County Airport, Federicksburg, TX, 3508 Hondo Municipal Airport, Hondo,TX; Intent, 40011 Liberal Mid-America Regional Airport, Liberal, KS, 43482 Love Field Airport, Dallas, TX, 50852 Monroe Regional Airport, Monroe, LA, 8391 Rialto Municipal Airport, Rialto, CA, 49232 Rialto Municipal Airport, Rialto, San Bernardino County, CA, 43483 Scappoose Industrial Airpark, Scappoose, Oregon., 32782 Seattle Tacoma International Airport, Seattle WA, 51877 Shafter-Minter Field Airport, Shafter, CA, 13066 Smyrna/Rutherford County Airport, Smyrna, TN, 53925 Warren County Memorial Airport, McMinnville, TN, 56626 Airport Rates and Charges, 40430 Airports: Chicago O'Hare International Airport; Winter 2008/2009 Scheduling Season, 26186 John F. Kennedy International Airport and Newark Liberty International Airport; Unscheduled Operations Operating Limitations, 3510, 8737, 41156 JFK International Airport and Newark Liberty International Airport; Winter 2008/2009 Scheduling Season, 26187 Newark Liberty International Airport; Operating Limitations, 14552, 29550 New York LaGuardia Airport; Operating Limitations, 20732 Airworthiness Criteria: Airship Design Criteria for Zeppelin Luftschifftechnik GmbH Model LZ N07 Airship, 16924 Amateur-Built Aircraft; Percentage of Fabrication and Assembly; Experimental Airworthiness Certificate, 43277 Approval of Finding of No Significant Impact and Record of Decision for Final Environmental Assessment: Construction of a New Land-based Airport in Akutan, AK, 4040 Approval of Finding of No Significant Impact on an Environmental Assessment: Quad City International Airport, Moline, IL, 30994 Auction Procedures for Allocating Slots at LaGuardia, John F. Kennedy International, and Newark Liberty International Airports, 53477 Availability of Draft Advisory Circulars, Other Policy Documents and Proposed Technical Standard Orders, 22992 Availability of Draft Alternatives Working Paper for the Proposed Southern Nevada Supplemental Airport, Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada, 45268 Change in Use of Aeronautical Property at Barnes Municipal Airport, Westfield, Massachusetts, 22000 Committees, etc.: Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee; Reestablishment, 51877 Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee; Renewal, 18602 National Parks Overflights Advisory Group Aviation Rulemaking Committee; Membership, 20732 Consensus Standards: Light-Sport Aircraft, 43815 Crewmember Demand Oxygen Mask, 27887 Draft Purpose and Need Working Paper; Southern Nevada Supplement Airport, Las Vegas, Clark County, NV, 4666 Environmental Assessments: Quad City International Airport, Moline, IL, 27888 Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.: Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport, Springfield, IL, 3508 Angoon Airport, Angoon AK, 55200 Chicago/Rockford International Airport, Rockford, IL, 26185, 40010 Mammoth Yosemite Airport, Mammoth Lakes, Mono County, CA, 32781 Palm Beach International Airport; Draft, 55893 Port Columbus International Airport, 26464 Runway 9R/27L and Other Associated Airport Projects; Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport; Development and Extension, 38020 Spaceport America Commercial Launch Site, Sierra County, NM; Draft, 39370 Environmental Impact Statements; Intent Gnoss Field, Novato, Marin County, CA, 40010 Findings of No Significant Impact, 4040 Office of Commercial Space Transportation, 54656 Flight Standards Service Schedule of Charges Outside the United States, 19277 Fuel Flowmeter Technical Standard Order TSO-C44d; Revision, 4941 Grant Acquired Property Release; Fulton County Airport, Brown Field, Atlanta, GA; Comment Opportunity, 3794 Hawaii Air Tour Common Procedures Manual; Draft, 35193 IACC technical specifications for the World Aeronautical Chart series, 40906 Intent of Waiver With Respect to Land: Baltimore-Washington International Airport, Baltimore, MD, 49232 Lynchburg Regional Airport; Lynchburg, VA, 27606 Intent to not Re-evaluate Aircraft Kits Previously Determined to be eligible for Certification as Amateur-Built Aircraft, 21167 Intent to Release Certain Properties From all Terms, Conditions, Reservations and Restrictions of a Quitclaim Deed: Regional Airport, Lakeland, FL., 19134 Intent to use the Airport Improvement Program Sponsor, Cargo, and Nonprimary Entitlement Funds for 2008 Fiscal Year, 18602 Interim Operating Authority Granted to Commercial Air Tour Operators: National Parks and Tribal Lands Within or Abutting National Parks, 39073 Issuance of Final Report of the Amateur-Built Aviation Rulemaking Committee and Changes to Certain Documents Related to Amateur-Built Aircraft, 8925 Meetings: Aircraft Certification Service Meet the Regulators Information Sharing and Listening, 4302 Air Traffic Procedures Advisory Committee, 9157, 32624, 51334 Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee, 4667, 22454 Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee; Transport Airplane and Engine Issues, 52075 Chicago, IL Class B Airspace Area; Modification, 44311 Commercial Space Transportation Advisory Committee, 16944, 21406, 53477 Executive Committee of the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee; Cancellation, 10321, 36952, 42650 Government/Industry Aeronautical Charting Forum, 11458 Governmental Industry Aeronautical Charting Forum, 49233 Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center Facilities Master Plan Environmental Assessment for the, 44311 National Parks Overflights Advisory Group Aviation Rulemaking Committee, 44311, 48427, 51039 Proposed Modification of the Cleveland, OH Class B Airspace Area, 40446 Research, Engineering and Development Advisory Committee, 6549, 51548 RTCA/PMC New Special Committee 219: Attitude and Heading Reference Systems, 50853 RTCA Government/Industry Air Traffic Management Advisory Committee, 11981, 22454 RTCA, Inc., 3509, 4044 RTCAIPMC New Special Committee 219; Attitude and Heading Reference Systems, 48428 RTCA Program Management Committee, 13066, 31909 RTCA Special Committee, 35, 13946, 8926, 21168, 27607 RTCA Special Committee 135; Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment, 54656 RTCA Special Committee 147 Sixty Seventh Plenary, 9401 RTCA Special Committee 159: Global Positioning, 18603, 53318 RTCA Special Committee 186; Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B), 53319 RTCA Special Committee 186, Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast, 18603, 40907 RTCA Special Committee 202; Portable Electronic Devices, 54655 RTCA Special Committee 203/Minimum Performance Standards for Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Unmanned Aircraft, 54882 RTCA Special Committee 206/EUROCAE WG 76 Plenary, 12793, 47251 RTCA Special Committee 207/Airport Security Access, 4943, 18604 RTCA Special Committee 209, ATCRBS [Mode S Transponder MOPS Maintenance, 31910 RTCA Special Committee 210, Cabin Systems and Equipment, 4942, 11981, 31909 RTCA Special Committee 216; Aeronautical System Security, 29836, 48428 RTCA Special Committee 217/EUROCAE WG 44-Airport Mapping Databases, 55201 RTCA Special Committee 217/EUROCAE Working Group, 4, 22454 RTCA Special Committee 218; Future ADS-B/TCAS Relationships, 29836 RTCA Special Committee 220, Automatic Flight Guidance and Control, 40907 RTCA Special Committee 2O5, EUROCAE Working Group 71, Software Considerations in Aeronautical Systems, 53925 RTCA Special Conmiittee 213, Enhanced Flight Vision Systems/Synthetic Vision Systems, EUROCAE Working Group, 9, 53926 Sixth Meeting, Special Committee 213 Enhanced Flight Vision Systems/Synthetic Vision System, 24113 Special Committee 209, ATCRBS /Mode S Transponder MOPS Maintenance, 45093, 47251 Special Committee 213; Enhanced Flight Vision System/Synthetic Vision System, 8391 Special Committee 214; Standards for Air Traffic Data Communication Services, Working Group 78 (WG-78), 8, 29836, 53069 Special Committee 215; Aeronautical Mobile Satellite (Route) Services Next Generation Satellite Services and Equipment, 9157 Special Committee 215 Aeronautical Mobile Satellite (Route) Services Next Generation Satellite Services and Equipment, 18605, 30994, 47251, 56887 Military Airport Program; Participation, Criteria Requirements and Application Procedure, 52447 National Parks Overflight Advisory Group Aviation Rulemaking Committee; Membership Availability, 3510 Newark Liberty International Airport Slots; Bids Request, 46136 Noise Compatibility Programs, 24114 Baltimore Washington International, Thurgood Marshall Airport, Baltimore, MD, 13945 Burlington International Airport, South Burlington VT, 25076, 40445 Centennial Airport; Englewood, CO, 49535 Centennial Airport, Eagle, CO, 9847 Centennial Airport, Englewood, CO, 55588 Fresno-Yosemite International Airport, Fresno, CA, 46346 Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, GA, 6548 Marana Regional Airport, Marana, AZ, 34977 McCarran International Airport, Las Vegas, NV, 34978 Meadows Field Airport, Bakersfield, CA, 40011 Mobile Regional Airport, Mobile, AL, 53320 Northern Kentucky International Airport; Covington, KY, 20731 Ocala International Airport, Ocala, FL, 41154 Orlando Executive Airport, Orlando, FL, 42891 Piedmont Triad International Airport, Greensboro, NC, 34976 Port Columbus International Airport, Columbus, OH; Approval, 32622 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, Arlington, VA, 3794 Noise Exposure Maps: Fort Worth Alliance Airport, Fort Worth, TX, 30995 Key West International Airport, Key West, FL, 53319 Meadows Field Airport, Bakersfield, CA, 9401 Monterey Peninsula Airport, Monterey, CA, 30996 Ocala International Airport, FL, 1259 Orlando Executive Airport, FL, 1258 Santa Fe, New Mexico, 17411 O'Hare International Airport, et al.; Summer 2009 Schedule Information, 54659 Omega Technical Standard Orders and Associated Technical Standard Order Authorizations, 26465 Opportunity for Public Comment on Airport Property Release at Griffin-Spalding County Airport, Griffin, GA, 23303 Order Limiting Scheduled Operations at John F. Kennedy International Airport, 3510 Orders: New York LaGuardia Airport, 48428 Passenger Facility Charges, 3795, 14551, 20734, 20737, 32782, 34825, 41162, 46347 Petitions for Exemption; Summary of Petitions Received, 535, 1665, 7028, 7625, 9612, 9849, 10322, 12499, 13067, 14866, 16091, 18605, 19277, 22455, 26187, 26188, 28546, 28547, 30186, 31910, 32383, 36952, 39371, 41164, 43278, 43483, 43816, 45094, 45269, 45270, 49233, 49734, 49735, 50397, 53069, 54882 Policy Regarding Airport Rates and Charges, 3310, 7626 Policy Revisions and Requests for Comments: Percentage of Fabrication and Assembly that Must be Completed by an Amateur Builder to Obtain an Experimental Airworthiness Certificate, etc., 40652 Proposed Release of Land: Elkins Randolph County Airport; Elkins, WV, 27888 Receipt of Noise Compatibility Program and Request for Review, 24114 Burlington International Airport, South Burlington, VT, 25076 Records of Decision: Flying Cloud Airport, Eden Prairie, Minnesota, 34065 Repairs, Alterations and Fabrication of Parts; Report on Rules and Policies, 51878 Runway Closures Policy During the Winter Season, 49234 Surplus Property Release: Mobile Downtown Airport, Mobile, AL, 19278, 24346 Myrtle Beach International Airport, 26466 Temporary Suspension of Amateur-Built Aircraft Kit Evaluations Previously Conducted by the Federal Aviation Administration, Aircraft Certification Service, 8926 Transport Airplane Wheels and Wheel and Brake Assemblies, 29837 Working Paper for the Proposed Southern Nevada Supplemental Airport, Las Vegas, Clark County, NV; Availability of Draft Alternatives; Correction, 47639 ***** Federal Bureau of Investigation PROPOSED RULES FBI Criminal Justice Information Services Division User Fees, 34905 NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals, 1647, 10468, 23273, 39041, 48393 Meetings: CJIS Advisory Policy Board, 24090 Compact Council for the National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact, 19895 ***** Federal Communications Commission RULES 2006 Quadrennial Regulatory Review: Commissions Broadcast Ownership Rules, 39269 Review of the Commission's Broadcast Ownership Rules and Other Rules Adopted Pursuant to Section 202 of the Telecommunications Act, 9481 Advanced Television Systems and Their Impact Upon the Existing Television, 15284 Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals, 813, 16763 Amateur Radio Service; CFR Correction, 54074 Amendment of Commission's Rules Concerning Commission Organization, Practice and Procedure, Frequency Allocations and Radio Treaty Matters, 9017 Amendment of Various Rules Affecting Wireless Services, 24180 Amendment to Delegate Administration of the Commission's Rule to the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, 9462 Ancillary or Supplementary Use of Digital Television Capacity by Noncommercial Licensees, 4113 Ancillary Terrestrial Components in the 1.6/2.4 GHz Big LEO Bands, 25591 Biennial Regulatory Review of Regulations Administered by the Wireline Competition Bureau; Correction, 56741 Carriage of Digital Television Broadcast Signals; Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Act Implementation, 6043 Local Broadcast Signal Carriage Issues and Retransmission Consent Issues, 24502, 50571 Commercial Mobile Alert System, 43099, 47550, 54511 Commission's Cable Horizontal and Vertical Ownership Limits, 11048 Competitive Networks: Multiunit Premises, 28049 Comprehensive Review of the Universal Service Fund, 11837 Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau Clarification; Telecommunications Relay Service Provider Certification Transferability, 45354 Creation of a Low Power Radio Service, 3202 Creation of a Low Power Radio Service; Correction, 9954 Digital Audio Broadcasting Systems and Impact on Terrestrial Radio Broadcast Service, 3652 DTV Consumer Education Initiative, 15431, 16763, 28727, 36282 Eligibility Requirement Clarification; Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau: Compensation From Interstate Telecommunications Relay Service Fund for IP CTS Providers, 23361 Exclusive Service Contracts for Provision of Video Services in Multiple Dwelling Units and Other Real Estate Developments, 1080 Extension of Waiver: Interconnected Voice Over Internet Protocol; Extension of Time to Route 711-Dialed Calls, 28057 Facilitating the Provision of Fixed and Mobile Broadband Access, Educational and Other Advanced Services in the 2150-2162 and 2500-2690 MHz Bands, etc., 26032, 48305, 54324 Fixed Microwave Services; Correction, 18443 Freedom of Information Act, 11561 Hearing Aid-Compatible Mobile Handsets: Petition of American National Standards Institute Accredited Standards Committee C63 (EMC) ANSI ASC C6, 25566 Hearing Aid-Compatible Mobile Handsets; American National Standards Institute Accredited Standards Committee Petition, 33324 High-Cost Universal Service Support; Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service, 37882 Implementation of Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992, etc., 12279 Implementation of the Subscriber Carrier Selection Changes Provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, etc., 13144 Interconnected Voice Over Internet Protocol Services, Sections 225 and 255, 14941 IP-Enabled Services: Implementation of Sections 255 and 251(a)(2) of the Communications Act of 1934, as Enacted by the Telecommunications Act of 1996, etc., 21251 Telephone Number Portability, Numbering Resource, 9463 Leased Commercial Access, 10675 Low Power Auxiliary Stations Operation in 698-806 MHz Band: Public Interest Spectrum Coalition, Petition for Rulemaking Regarding Low Power Auxiliary Stations, etc., 51375 Low Power Radio Service; Creation, 38331, 40186 Maritime Communications, 4475 Maximum Forfeiture Penalties Inflation Adjustment, 44663 Nationwide Broadband Data to Evaluate Reasonable and Timely Deployment of Advanced Services to All Americans, etc.; Development, 37861, 37869 Non-Substantive Revisions to the Table of Frequency Allocations, 25420 Policies and Rules Concerning Unauthorized Changes of Consumers Long Distance Carriers: LEC Coalition Application for Review Regarding Carrier Change Rules, 6444 Promoting Diversification of Ownership in the Broadcasting Services, 28361 Public Mobile Services; CFR correction, 55450 Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau Establishes Post- Reconfiguration: 800 MHz Band Plan for the U.S and Canada Border Regions, 33728 Radio Broadcasting Services: Arlington and Boardman, OR; Boise and Caldwell, ID; Elko, NV; Finley, WA; et al., 50729 Ash Fork and Paulden, AZ, 20840 Beeville, Christine, George West, and Tilden, TX, 54073 Blanca, Colorado, 11353 Charlo, MT, 4493 Chester, Lakeside, and Warsaw, VA; Fruitland and Willards, MD; and Port Norris, NJ, 36805 Clayton, OK, 20841 Cotulla and Dilley, Texas, 50222 Cumberland, KY and Glade Spring, Marion, and Weber City, VA, 4492 Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Sells, and Willcox, AZ, 10675 Dededo, Guam, 38138 Harper, TX, 38139 Live Oak, FL, 4492 Norfolk and Windsor, VA, 9492 Noyack and Water Mill, NY, 52213 Peach Springs, AZ, 9492 Susanville, CA, 10402 Various States, 7671 Rules and Policies Affecting the Conversion to Digital Television; Third Periodic Review, 30789 Rules and Regulations Implementing Minimum Customer Account Record Exchange Obligations on All Local and Interexchange Carriers., 1297 Rules and Regulations Implementing the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991; Clarification, 6041 Rural Health Care Support Mechanism, 19437 Service Rules for Advanced Wireless Services; Correction, 50570 Spectrum Efficient Technologies Promotion; Certain Part 90 Frequencies, 34201 Standardized and Enhanced Disclosure Requirements for Television Broadcast Licensee Public Interest Obligations, 13452 Filing Requirement Extension: Extension of the Filing Requirement for Children's Television Programming Report (FCC Form 398), 30316 Streamline Processing of Microwave Applications in the Wireless Telecommunications Services, 55775 Subscriber Carrier Selection Changes Provisions of the Telecommunications Act: Policies and Rules Concerning Unauthorized Changes of Consumers' Long Distance Carriers, 44170 Telecommunications Relay and Speech-to-Speech Services for Hearing and Speech Disabilities, 44170 Telecommunications Relay Services and Speech-to-Speech Services for Individuals with Hearing and Speech Disabilities, 21252 Disabilities, etc.: Individuals with Hearing and Speech Disabilities, 3197, 9031, 38928 IP-Enabled Service Providers E911 Requirements, 41286 Request for Stay Pending Judicial Review, 21843 Telephone Consumer Protection Act, 1991; Implementation, 40183 Television Broadcasting Services: Castle Rock, CO, 54324 Riverside, CA, 32241 Third Periodic Review of the Commission's Rules and Policies Affecting the Conversion To Digital Television, 5634, 39623 Universal Service Fund Contribution, 29712 Universal Service Support for Low-Income Consumers; Correction, 42273, 42274 Wireless E911 Location Accuracy Requirements, 8617 PROPOSED RULES 800 MHz Band Plan for Puerto Rico; Comment Request, 40274 Amendment of the Commission's Rules and Policies Governing Pole Attachments: Implementation of Section 224 of the Act, 6879 Cable Horizontal and Vertical Ownership Limits, 10411 Carriage of Digital Television Broadcast Signals; Implementation of the Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Act of 1999, 6099 Local Broadcast Signal Carriage Issues and Retransmission Consent Issues, 24515 Commercial Mobile Alert System, 546, 47568 Creation of a Low Power Radio Service, 12061 DTV Consumer Education Initiative, 30591 Establishing Just and Reasonable Rates for Local Exchange Carriers, 1306 Exclusive Service Contracts for Provision of Video Services in Multiple Dwelling Units and Other Real Estate Developments, 1195 Facilitating the Provision of Fixed and Mobile Broadband Access, 26067 Educational and Other Advanced Services in the 2150-2162 and 2500-2690 MHz Bands, 38955 High-Cost Universal Service Support; Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service, 11580 Implementation of Section 224 of the Act; Amendment of the Commission's Rules and Policies Governing Pole Attachments; Correction, 8028 Improving Public Safety Communications in the 800 MHz Band, 16822 Leased Commercial Access, 10732 Low Power Auxiliary Stations Operation in 698-806 MHz Band: Public Interest Spectrum Coalition, Petition for Rulemaking Regarding Low Power Auxiliary Stations, etc., 51406 Nationwide Broadband Data to Evaluate Reasonable and Timely Deployment of Advanced Services to All Americans, etc.; Development, 37911 New and Emerging Technologies 911 Improvement Act of 2008; Implementation, 50741 Operation of Wireless Communications Services Operation in the 2.3 GHz Band: Digital Audio Radio Satellite Service, 2437 Petition to Establish Procedural Requirements to Govern Proceedings: Forbearance Under Section 10 of 1934 Communications Act, 6888 Promoting Diversification of Ownership in the Broadcasting Services; Order Granting Request for Extension of Time, 28400, 30875, 36834 Radio Broadcasting Services: Asbury and Maquoketa, IA, and Mineral Point, WI, 50297 Basin, WY, 20005 Bertram, Blanket, Burnet, Cherokee, Cross Plains, Granite Shoals, Junction, Kempner, and Llano, TX, 38361 Blythe, CA, 50297 Crowell, TX, 36836 Custer, MI, 47122 Dededo, Guam, 9515 Ehrenberg and First Mesa, AZ; Needles, CA, 45928 Elko, Nevada, 1577 Evart, Ludington, Pentwater, and Manistee, Michigan, 18252 French Lick, IN; Irvington, KY, 50296 Iola, Texas, 1576 La Grande and Prairie City, OR, 36835 Laramie, WY, 36834 Linden, Tennessee, 2211 Toquerville, UT, 7694 Wheatland, WY, 4513 REGULATORY AGENDA Semiannual Regulatory Agenda, 24788 Regulatory fees, FY 2008; Assessment and Collection, 30563, 50285 Report on Broadcast Localism, 8255 Review of the Commission's Program Access Rules and Examination of Programming Tying Arrangements, 8029 Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism, 48352 Service Rules for Advanced Wireless Services in 1915-1920 MHz Bands, 35995, 40271 Service Rules for the 698-746, 747-762 and 777-792 MHz Bands, Implementing a Nationwide, Broadband, Interoperable Public Safety Network in the 700 MHz Band, 29582 Sponsorship Identification Rules and Embedded Advertising, 43194 Telecommunications Relay Services and Speech-to-Speech Services for Individuals with Hearing and Speech Disabilities: IP-Enabled Service Providers E911 Requirements, 41307 Speech-to-Speech and Internet Protocol (IP) Speech-to- Speech Telecommunications Relay Services, 47120 Telephone Number Requirements for IP-Enabled Services Providers; Local Number Portability Porting Interval and Validation Requirements, 9507 Television Broadcasting Services: Atlantic City, NJ, 52937 Bainbridge, GA, 45375 Bangor, ME, 46232 Bismarck, ND, 45375 Bryan, TX, 52937 Casper, WY, 43193 Castle Rock, CO, 40273 Columbus, GA, 44208 Fort Worth, TX, 44207 Freeport, IL, 43191 Glendive, Montana, 44206 Greenville, NC, 43188 Hendersonville, TN, 43673 Honolulu and Waimanalo, HI, 43674 Honolulu, HI, 46233 Huntsville, AL, 43190 Indianapolis, IN, 43192 Kansas City, MO, 45377 La Crosse, WI, 46234 La Grande, OR, 43189 Longview, TX, 43194 Madison, WI, 49625 Rio Grande City, TX, 43189 Riverside, CA, 12928 Salt Lake City, UT, 43190 Scranton, PA, 45374 Shreveport, LA, 40273 Sioux City, IA, 45376 South Bend, IN, 40272 Spokane, WA, 44677 St. Paul, MN, 45377 Stuart, FL, 44207 Williston, ND, 45374 Wittenberg, WI, 43192 Yuma, AZ, 49626 Wireless E911 Location Accuracy Requirements; Correction, 55473, 56540 NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals, 489, 1343, 2252, 3248, 3724, 4567, 5842, 6501, 7287, 7744, 8044, 8315, 8668, 9330, 9568, 10026, 10769, 12173, 12415, 13000, 13230, 13541, 14248, 14467, 14985, 15155, 15523, 16303, 16855, 18272, 19214, 19499, 20047, 21344, 22153, 22944, 23459, 24070, 24286, 25702, 26112, 26395, 28114, 28115, 28822, 28823, 29512, 29513, 29514, 29515, 29755, 30392, 31118, 31480, 31481, 31869, 32024, 32706, 33819, 33820, 33821, 34015, 34929, 35387, 353988, 35389, 35390, 36081, 36322, 36514, 36515, 36868, 36869, 36870, 38210, 38211, 38213, 39015, 39303, 39305, 40343, 40344, 40347, 40873, 41078, 41351, 41353, 42344, 43228, 43229, 43230, 43447, 43933, 44743, 44744, 45220, 45221, 46003, 46270, 47600, 47621, 49457, 49458, 49459, 49460, 50008, 50009, 50010, 50012, 50013, 50014, 50325, 50616, 50812, 50813, 50814, 50967, 51299, 52043, 52044, 52045, 52354, 52355, 53424, 54157, 54158, 54594, 55080, 56583 Applications for Certification as Certified State Telecommunications Relay Service Programs Filed: Pleading Cycle Established for Comment on Applications, 9118 Applications for Consent to the Transfer of Control of Licenses: XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc., Transferor, to Sirius Satellite Radio Inc., Transferee, 52046 Auction of AWS-1 and Broadband PCS Licenses Scheduled for July 29, (2008), 20664 Auction of LPTV and TV Translator Digital Companion Channels Scheduled for November 5, 2008; Notice and Filing Requirements, etc., 53020 AWS-1 and Broadband PCS Licenses; Auction Rescheduled, 30919 Closed Auction of Licenses for Cellular Unserved Service Areas Scheduled for June 17, 2008, etc., 18276, 26112 Comment Sought on Petition for Declaratory Ruling that Text Messages and Short Codes, 4866 Commercial Mobile Alert System; Commercial Mobile Service Providers Must File Elections Regarding Participation, 51637 Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act and Modernization of Competitive Bidding Rules and Procedures; Implementation, 18528 Committees, etc.: WRC-11 Advisory Committee; Charter Renewal, 30938 Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau Reports on the First Triennial Review of the Commission's Policies and Practices, etc., 4218 Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau Seeks Comment on Request for Clarification, etc., 863, 18796 Blind Relay Service, Crowell, William F.; Amateur Radio Service Station W6WBJ; License Renewal Application, 10029 Debarments: Adame, Rafael G., 37954 Green, Allan, 50969 Holman, William, 50618 Kennedy, Thomas J. III, 34932 Madeiros, Keith J., 8692, 34932, 34934 Marchelos, George, 50620 Mello, Joseph E., 53868 Nelson, Earl, 50622 Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism, 12733, 24287, 32577, 32579, 32581, 36082, 36084 Digital Wireless Handset Manufacturers and Public Mobile Service Providers: Hearing Aid Compatibility Issues; Agent Designation Obligation, 45008 DIRS Reporting Data to be Shared with Federal ESF-2 Agencies, 56585 Forbearance Petitions: Verizon and Qwest; Cost Assignment Rules Relief, 33430 Internet Protocol-Based Telecommunications Relay Service Users: Assignment of Ten-digit Telephone Numbering System Linked to North American Numbering Plan; Related Issues, 16304 Internet Protocol Relay and Video Relay Service Eligible for Compensation from the Interstate Telecommunications Relay Service Fund: Hawk Relay, LLC; Provider Certification, 49670 LPTV and TV Translator Digital Companion Channels Auction; Auction 85 Comment Request, 43230 Media Bureau Seeks Comments on Possible Changes to FCC Forms 395-A and 395-B, 21346 Meetings: Advisory Committee on Diversity for Communications in the Digital Age, 10029, 40874 Broadband and the Digital Future; En Banc Hearing, 41355 Consumer Advisory Committee, 14249, 33090 Deletion of Agenda Item, 46005 North American Numbering Council, 6968 Overcoming Barriers to Communications Financing, 40348 Meetings; Sunshine Act, 2920, 14249, 19064, 20049, 20924, 26991, 28824, 32707, 44745, 49200, 50625, 55082, 56584, 56585 Meetings; Sunshine Act; Cancellation, 50625 Multiple Audio Entertainment Services Support Devices; Development, 52657 National Exchange Carrier Association; Payment Formula and Fund Size Estimate for Interstate Telecommunications Relay Services Fund, 26992 Petition for Declaratory Ruling that Text Messages and Short Codes are Title II Services or are Title I Services, etc., 10775 Rulemaking Proceedings, etc., 9333, 11418, 12733, 14468, 15159, 18797, 20050, 21347, 24596, 40348, 43753, 45103, 49201, 50971, 55513 Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service, 30393 Radio Broadcasting Services: AM or FM Community of License Change Proposals, 32708 AM or FM Proposals to Change the Community of License, 4572, 12175, 15159, 27824, 39309, 50015 Reconsideration Petitions; Rulemaking Proceedings; Action Clarification, 4572 Rulemaking Proceeding; Petitions for Reconsideration, 22948, 28116 Rulemaking Proceedings; Petitions Filed, Granted, Denied, etc., 187 Rural Health Care Support Mechanism, 4573, 8670 Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism; Debarment Notice, 8692 Settlements, etc.: LPTV and TV Translator Digital Companion Channels Auction, 46005 State Telecommunications Relay Service Programs Certification, 45006 Telecommunications Relay Services and Speech-to-Speech Services for Individuals with Hearing and Speech Disabilities, 21347 Transmission of Calling Party Number; Liberty Public School District Petition for Waiver, 50815 Use of Non-service Initialized Phones to Make Fraudulent 911 Calls, 28116 Video Relay Service Eligible for Compensation from the Interstate Telecommunications Relay Service: CSDVRS, LLC; Provider Certification, 49670 Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Grants Extension of Time to File Comments: CTIA's Petition for Declaratory Ruling Regarding Wireless Facilities Siting, 54805 Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Seeks Comment on Petition for Declaratory Ruling by CTIA - The Wireless Association, 50972 ***** Federal Contract Compliance Programs Office RULES Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action Obligations of Contractors and Subcontractors Regarding Protected Veterans, 18712 ***** Federal Crop Insurance Corporation RULES Catastrophic Risk Protection Endorsement andInsurance Regulations Group Risk Plan; Amendment, 36407 Common Crop Insurance Regulations: Coverage Enhancement Option Provisions, 43607 Dry Pea Crop Provisions, 51573 Florida Citrus Fruit Crop Provisions, 7190 Cultivated Wild Rice Crop Provisions, 11314 Florida Citrus Fruit Crop Provisions; Correction, 10973 Mustard Crop Provisions, 11318 Mustard Crop Provisions; Correction, 17243 PROPOSED RULES Common Crop Insurance Regulations: Dry Pea Crop Provisions, 3411 Grape and Table Grape Crop Insurance Provisions, 11054 NOTICES Funding Opportunity Title: Commodity Partnerships for Risk Management Education, 3660 Commodity Partnerships for Small Agricultural Risk Management Education Sessions; Commodity Partnerships Small Sessions Program, 3668 Community Outreach and Assistance Partnership Program, 3675 Crop Insurance Education in Targeted States (Targeted States Program), 3681, 30601 ***** Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation RULES Capital Adequacy Supervisory Review Process, Pillar 2; Basel II Advanced Capital Framework Implementation, 44620 Deposit Insurance Regulations; Revocable Trust Accounts, 56706 Deposit Insurance Requirements After Certain Conversions; Definition of Corporate Reorganization: Definition of Corporate Reorganization; Optional Conversions (Oakar Transactions), etc., 2143 Optional Conversions (Oakar Transactions); Additional Grounds for Disapproval of Changes in Control; and Disclosure of Certain Supervisory Information, 55432 Fair Housing and Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability, 45854 Financial Education Programs that Include the Provision of Bank Products and Services, 35337, 55431 Insured Depository Institution Failure Event; Deposit Accounts Processing, 41170 Large-Bank Deposit Insurance Determination Modernization, 41180 Risk-Based Capital: Advanced Capital Adequacy Framework; Basel II; Correction, 21690 PROPOSED RULES Assessment Dividends, 15459 Minimum Capital Ratios; Capital Adequacy Guidelines; Capital Maintenance; Capital: Special Committee 215 Aeronautical Mobile Satellite (Route) Services Next Generation Satellite Services and Equipment, 56756 Minority and Women Outreach Program Contracting, 420 Processing of Deposit Accounts in the Event of an Insured Depository Institution Failure and Large-Bank Deposit Insurance Determination Modernization, 2364 Qualified Financial Contracts; Recordkeeping Requirements, 43635 Risk-Based Capital Guidelines: Capital Adequacy Guidelines; Standardized Framework, 43982 NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals, 187, 491, 4220, 6506, 6725, 10030, 13002, 18529, 20050, 28824, 30938, 34936, 43934, 49201, 49671, 51300, 54807 Consumer Information for Hybrid Adjustable Rate Mortgage Products; Illustrations, 30997 Covered Bond Policy Statement, 43754 Federal Deposit Insurance Act: Bank and Savings and Loan Holding Companies; Participation by Institution-Affiliated Parties; Policy Statement; Correction, 5270 Guidelines for Appeals of Material Supervisory Determinations, 30393 Interim Final Statement of Covered Bond Policy, 21949 Joint Report; Differences in Accounting and Capital Standards Among the Federal Banking Agencies: Report to Congressional Committees, 50326 Loans in Areas Having Special Flood Hazards; Interagency Questions and Answers Regarding Flood Insurance, 15259 Material Supervisory Determinations; Guidelines for Appeals, 54822 Meetings: Advisory Committee on Economic Inclusion, 11637, 35688 Meetings; Sunshine Act, 3724, 7558, 12175, 13234, 20050, 28117, 34017, 39962, 46625, 53249, 55513 Statement of Policy on Bank Merger Transactions, 8870 ***** Federal Election Commission PROPOSED RULES Contributions Bundled by Lobbyists, Registrants and the PACs of Lobbyists and Registrants; Disclosure, 51960 NOTICES Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act (No FEAR Act), 27825 Meetings: Federal Election Commission, 48212 Meetings; Sunshine Act, 491, 3467, 8696, 13542, 20051, 24289, 35136, 40875, 41080, 43448, 49203, 52355, 52661 Price Index Increases for Expenditure Limitations, 8696 Privacy Act; Systems of Records, 336 Rules of Procedure, 5568 Special Election Filing Dates: California; Twelfth Congressional District, 10440 Indiana, 3724 Louisiana; 6th Congressional District, 6968 Maryland; 4th Congressional district, 24983 Mississippi; 1st Congressional District, 1344, 11918 Ohio; 11th Congressional District, 52660 ***** Federal Emergency Management Agency RULES Assistance Program Under the 9/11 Heroes Stamp Act, 28357 Community Eligibility Suspensions, 2816, 4697, 10155, 14185, 18188, 24178, 33311, 40468, 43632, 48130, 50726, 53747, 56731 National Flood Insurance Program, 17926 Disaster Assistance; Change in Federal Share for Alternate Projects for Public Facilities, 20549 Flood Elevation Determinations, 2818, 2830, 5455, 7476, 9699, 12640, 12647, 18189, 19161, 20807, 20810, 21049, 23121, 25542, 25560, 26026, 26030, 28044, 28046, 28350, 31944, 33313, 33315, 33371, 33321, 35077, 35079, 35953, 35958, 36803, 38132, 40180, 42265, 42266, 44924, 46809, 46811, 48136, 48142, 52619, 52621, 53750, 54321, 55442, 56737 District of Columbia, Washington, DC; Withdrawal, 36472 Flood Elevation Determinations; Correction, 35083 Management Costs, 50881 National Flood Insurance Program; Assistance to Private Sector Property Insurers; Write-Your-Own Arrangement, 18182 PROPOSED RULES Flood Elevation Determinations, 2859, 4144, 5480, 9740, 9750, 12684, 18230, 20890, 23164, 25633, 26060, 28073, 28394, 30356, 30359, 33372, 35112, 35994, 36830, 40266, 42744, 42755, 46849, 46851, 46853, 48169, 48170, 51400, 52230, 52233, 53809, 53814, 55469, 56779 Flood Elevation Determinations; Corrections, 2880, 9754, 12697, 24036, 52234 Withdrawal of Proposed Flood Elevation Determination for the Unincorporated Areas of Richland County, South Carolina, 4156 NOTICES Adjustment of Statewide Per Capita Threshold for Recommending a Cost Share Adjustment, 4887 Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals, 2268, 7569, 11128, 21359, 22964, 27543, 27544, 27545, 27546, 27548, 30960, 32591, 37980, 37981, 45776, 49696, 50050, 52402, 52868, 52869, 53884, 53885, 53886 Committees, etc.: National Advisory Council; Applicants, 8890 Compendium of Flood Map Changes, 12749 Disaster and Related Determinations: Alabama, 53891 Arkansas, 8892, 18547, 30961 Colorado, 32040 Georgia, 18548, 32040 Hawaii, 8891 Illinois, 38237 Indiana, 7570, 35146 Iowa, 2516, 32041 Kansas, 7570, 42359 Kentucky, 11428 Louisiana, 53892 Maine, 53892 Michigan, 42821 Minnesota, 38237 Mississippi, 32041 Missouri, 2517, 8892, 16030, 18548, 32042, 38238 Nebraska, 4253, 33444, 45028 Nevada, 2928 New Hampshire, 50978, 53893 New Mexico, 50978 Oklahoma, 28148, 42359 South Dakota, 32042, 42360 Tennessee, 11426 Texas, 45029 Vermont, 43765, 50979 Disaster Declarations: 3Texas, 46638 Alabama, 55520 Arizona, 26129 Arkansas, 8890, 11427, 13008, 18549, 21148, 21360, 22967, 24079, 26129, 28147, 30961, 32038, 33445, 36882, 56858 California, 2517, 40355, 55521 California; Amendment, 19524 Florida, 52402, 52403, 52404, 53893, 54416 Georgia, 18549, 36095 Idaho, 46636 Illinois, 14826, 16030, 38238, 39324, 40355, 42821, 45027, 46636, 48235, 52405 Indiana, 16030, 25758, 30962, 35147, 35148, 36096, 36097, 36882, 39325, 42361, 46637, 48235, 48236 Iowa, 33445, 36097, 36098, 36883, 39326, 40356, 43766, 48236, 50833, 50979, 50890, 52405, 53894 Kansas, 13008, 46913, 54417 Kentucky, 14827, 18550, 19524, 30963, 40356 Louisiana, 53894, 53895, 54417, 54418, 55521, 56858 Maine, 30412, 30414, 30962, 32039 Michigan, 52405, 53895 Minnesota, 40356, 42822, 46914 Mississippi, 30414, 30962 Missouri, 2928, 18550, 19524, 21149, 24080, 25758, 28147, 28148, 30414, 39327, 42362, 43766, 45027, 46637, 50980, 53896, 54418 Montana, 36099 Nebraska, 33445, 36884, 39329, 40357, 46636 Nevada, 4253 New Hampshire, 50980, 56859 New Mexico, 52406 Oklahoma, 2269, 2518, 30414, 30962, 30963, 32039, 33446, 35148, 43766 Oregon, 2269, 4253 Tennessee, 11428, 11429, 13009, 14827, 16031 Texas, 46638, 48236, 48237, 50981, 54418, 55521 Vermont, 55522 Washington, 2518, 2929, 4252 West Virginia, 36884, 39328, 42362 Wisconsin, 36099, 36885, 38239, 39328, 39329, 40357, 42362, 42822, 45028, 48234, 50981 Emergency and Related Determinations: Alabama, 53887 California, 42358 Florida, 53887 Illinois, 16031 Louisiana, 53888, 54414 Mississippi, 53888 Ohio, 24079 Texas, 16031, 53889 Wisconsin, 16032 Emergency Declarations: Alabama, 53890 California, 42359, 52406 Florida, 52406, 54415 Illinois, 26128 Kansas, 4251 Louisiana, 52407, 54415, 54416 Mississippi, 52407, 54414 Missouri, 2928 Ohio, 33444 Oklahoma, 2268 Texas, 18546, 18547, 52408, 53890, 53891, 54416, 54419 Wisconsin, 22967 FEMA 501; National Incident Management System, 26403 Grants, etc.: Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program, 13552 Meetings: National Advisory Council, 4252, 21970, 40592 National Advisory Council Teleconference, 31496 National Fire Academy Board of Visitors, 13244, 52870 National Fire Academy Board of Visitors; Teleconference, 36886 National Disaster Housing Strategy; Comment Request, 43250 National Flood Insurance Program: Private Sector Property Insurers Assistance; FY2008 and FY2009 Arrangements, 46028 National Response Framework, 4887 Overpayments Collection; Procedures Termination, 51831 Protection and Recovery Following Radiological Dispersal Device and Improvised Nuclear Device Incidents; Planning Guidance, 45029 Snow Assistance and Severe Winter Storm Policy; Revision, 43243 Use of Digital Flood Data, 28491 ***** Federal Energy Regulatory Commission RULES Annual Charges for the Use of Government Lands Fee Schedule; Update, 3626 Annual Update of Filing Fees, 23946 Blanket Authorization Under FPA Section 203, 11003, 43066 Business Practices and Communication Protocols for Public Utilities Standards, 43848 Critical Energy Information Infrastructure, 45609 Cross-Subsidization Restrictions on Affiliate Transactions, 11013, 17246, 43072 Elimination of FERC Form, 14173 Facilities Design, Connections and Maintenance Reliability Standards, 1770 Mandatory Reliability Standards for Critical Infrastructure Protection, 7368 Market-Based Rates for Wholesale Sales of Electric Energy, Capacity and Ancillary Services by Public Utilities, 25832 Modification of Interchange and Transmission Loading Relief Reliability Standards, etc., 43613 Natural Gas Pipelines; Project Cost and Annual Limits, 8190 Preventing Undue Discrimination and Preference in Transmission Service, 2984, 39092 Promotion of a More Efficient Capacity Release Market, 37058 Revisions to Forms, Statements, and Reporting Requirements for Natural Gas Pipelines, 19389, 36414 Standards for Business Practices: Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines and Public Utilities, 38 Statement of Administrative Policy on Processing Reliability Notices of Penalty and Revisions to Order No., 72, 21814 Submissions to the Commission Upon Staff Intention to Seek an Order to Show Cause, 29431 Transparency Provisions of Section 23 of the Natural Gas Act, 1014, 55726 PROPOSED RULES Annual Charges Assessments for Public Utilities; Inquiry Notice, 22867 Demand Response in Organized Electric Markets; Technical Conference, 29450 Electronic Tariff Filings, 23137 Ex Parte Contacts and Separation of Functions, 29451 Forms, Statements, and Reporting Requirements for Electric Utilities and Licensees Revisions, 5136 Mandatory Reliability Standards: Critical Infrastructure Protection, 55459 Nuclear Plant Interface Coordination, 16586, 21859 Market-Based Rates for Wholesale Sales of Electric Energy, Capacity and Ancillary Services by Public Utilities, 51744 Modification of Interchange and Transmission Loading Relief Reliability Standards, etc., 22856, 30326 Orders: Blanket Authorization Expansion; Supplemental Comments Request, 43175 Pipeline Posting Requirements under Section 23 of the Natural Gas Act, 1116 REGULATORY AGENDA Semiannual Regulatory Agenda, 24831 Revised Public Utility Filing Requirements for Electric Quarterly Reports, 30543 Standards for Business Practices: Communication Protocols for Public Utilities, 22849 Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines, 55460 Standards of Conduct for Transmission Providers, 16228 Transparency Provision under Section 23 of the Natural Gas Act, 4131 Wholesale Competition in Regions with Organized Electric Markets, 12576 NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals, 2232, 5528, 7723, 8651, 9108, 10235, 10747, 13535, 14976, 16660, 20267, 21622, 26087, 27527, 32697, 34280, 36309, 38189, 42553, 54392 Amendment to Petition for Temporary Waiver of Tariff Provisions and Request for Expedited Action: Gulfstream Natural Gas System, L.L.C., 15501 Applications: Aberdeen Hydro, LLC, 5531 AER NY-Kinetics, LLC, 28813 Agency Valley Hydro, LLC, 26380 Alabama Power Co., 7282, 8652, 15503, 24582, 34002, 46609, 52338 Alaska Power & Telephone Co., 17966, 29131 Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, 53411 Alcoa Power Generating Inc., 41051 Algonquin Gas Transmission, LLC, 36852, 51455 Ameren/UE, 34004, 38190, 39010, 40560, 46256, 50314, 55827 American Electric Power, 34922 ANR Pipeline Co., 52034 Appalachian Power Co., 34004, 41052, 41053, 53412, 53413 Arkansas River Hydro 3, LLC, 7728 Arkansas River Hydro 5, LLC, 10010 Arlington Storage Co., LLC, 5830 Atmos Pipeline and Storage, LLC, 55060 Augusta Canal Authority, 14977, 40859 Barren River Lake Hydro, LLC, 26381 Barrington Hydro LLC, 55833 Bear Swamp Power Co. LLC, 28442 Birch Power Co.; BPUS Generation Development LLC, 40860 Birch Power Co. and Turnbull Hydro, L.L.C., 32314, 32315 Black River Felts Mills LLC, 29499 Blue Light Power, LLC, 26090 Borough of Weatherly, PA, 45430 BPUS Generation Development LLC, 10748, 28814, 43731 Brazos River Authority, 10237 Brookfield Power Piney & Deep Creek, LLC, 40861 Caledonia Energy Partners, L.L.C., 5538 California Wave Energy Partners I, L.L.C., 6950 Cameron Interstate Pipeline, LLC, 38443 Canyon Creek Compression Co., 40862 CenterPoint Energy Gas Transmission Co., 9313, 18525, 31853, 51456 CenterPoint Energy Gas Transmission Co.; Texas Eastern Transmission, LP, 44711 Ceresco Power and Light, 50314 Cheniere Creole Trail Pipeline, L.P., 1332, 13537 Chestnut Ridge Storage LLC, 1332 Cinnamon Ranch, 19493 City and Borough of Sitka, AK, 41066 City of Aspen, CO, 55827 City of Hastings, MN, 24581 City of Holyoke Gas and Electric, 40862 City of Martinsville, WV and American Municipal Power- Ohio, Inc., 52339 Clementine Dam Hydro, LLC, 7729 Coastal Bend Gas Storage, LLC, 29129 Coastal Power, Inc., 42555 Columbia Gas Transmission Corp., 13538, 14978, 20619, 42555, 47141 Columbia Gas Transmission Corp. and Somerset Gas Gathering of Pennsylvania, LLC, 27527 Columbia Gulf Transmission Co., 6956 Columbia Gulf Transmission Co. and Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co., 50799 Columbia Gulf Transmission Co. et al., 16295 Consolidated Edison Energy Massachusetts, Inc. et al., 9109 Consumers Energy Co., 26382, 44711 Copper Valley Electric Assn., 38444 Corning Natural Gas Co., 55504 Cornwell, Howard and Verna, et al., 35128 Crane & Co., 41061 Crisp County Power Commission, 48378 Dalton Hydro, LLC and Ampersand Gilman Hydro LP, 52340 Dan River Hydropower LLC, 29128 David Terry Hydro, LLC, 10011 Davis Hydro, LLC., 46610 Deleware County Electric Cooperative, 43731 Distrigas of Massachusetts Corp., 2234 Division Canyon Hydro, LLC, 43732 Dominion Transmission, Inc., 2473 Douglas County, OR, 38190 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, 51457, 55505 Eagle Crest Energy Co., 13538, 26089, 26094 East Tennessee Natural Gas, LLC, 4860 East Texas Electric Cooperative, Inc., 10023 EcoElectrica, L.P., 15511 Emmett Sanders Hydro, LLC, 10012 Empire Pipeline Inc., 29495, 29500, 36066 Energy Northwest, 36310, 54793 Erie Boulevard Hydropower, L.P., 10763, 31448 EXcel energy, 46608 Fairlawn Hydroelectric Co., LLC., 30390 Fall Line Hydro Co., Inc., et al., 35127 FFP Detroit 1, LLC, 16289 FFP Missouri 10, LLC and FFP Missouri 11, LLC, 43929 FFP Missouri 12, LLC, 44986 FFP Missouri 13, LLC, 44986 FFP Missouri 14, LLC, 44987 FFP Missouri 15, LLC, 44987 FFP Missouri 1, LLC and FFP Missouri 2, LLC, 43928 FFP Missouri 3, LLC and FFP Missouri 4, LLC, 43929 FFP Missouri 5, LLC and FFP Missouri 6, LLC, 43929 FFP Missouri 7, LLC, 43930 FFP Missouri 8, LLC and FFP Missouri 9, LLC, 43930 FFP Niagara Project 1, LLC, 16290 FFP Ohio River 1, LLC, 46611 FFP Ohio River 7, LLC, 46612 FFP Ohio River 8, LLC, 46612 FFP Ohio River 9, LLC, 46613 FFP Ohio River 10, LLC; FFP Ohio River 11, LLC, 46611 FFP Ohio River 12, LLC, 46611 FFP Ohio River 13, LLC, 50800 FFP Ohio River 14, LLC, 50954 FFP Ohio River 15, LLC, 50800 FFP Ohio River 16, LLC and FFP Ohio River 17, LLC, 50955 FFP Ohio River 18, LLC, 50801 FFP Ohio River 19, LLC, 50801 FFP Ohio River 20, LLC, 50802 FFP Ohio River 21, LLC, 50955 FFP Ohio River 22, LLC, 50954 FFP Ohio River 2, LLC, 46612 Fire Mountain Lodge, 28443 FirstLight Hydro Generating Co., 50315 Florida Gas Transmission Co., 48208 Florida Gas Transmission Co., LLC, 28444 Forest County Hydroelectric Corp., 50802 Fourever Green Energy Co., 55827 FPL Energy Maine Hydro LLC, 26383 Gathright Hydroelectric Project, 22361 Georgia Power Co., 6954, 8653, 15501, 15509, 51458, 53413 Goodwin Hydro, LLC, 7727 Grand River Dam Authority, 47141, 48205, 50316 Granite County, MT, 50316 Grays Harbor Ocean Energy Co., LLC, 26088, 26093 Great Lakes Hydro America, LLC, 55826 Green River 5 Hydro, LLC, 16291 Green Valley Association, 24966 Green Wave Energy Solutions, LLC, 5533 Gulf South Pipeline Co., LP, 20279 Ha-Best, Inc., 48208 Hall, Gary E., 41062 Hansen, Scott, 5552 Hook Canyon Energy, LLC, 15513 Hoppie Canyon Hydro, LLC, 43732 Howell Heflin Hydro, LLC, 15502 HPML LLC, 41063 Hydrodynamics Inc., 2475, 21333, 39956, 39957, 40863, 49664, 49665 Hydro Green Energy, LLC, 10013, 10749, 27529, 27530, 40863 Idaho Power Co., 21333, 40864 Imperial Hydro, LLC, 7730 Inglis Hydropower, LLC, 47142 International Paper Co. and RSFC Land Management, LLC, 34005 ISO New England, Inc., 48207 Jacobsen, Wade, et al., 35129 Jacobson, Eric, 22359 Jersey Central Power and Light and PSEG Fossil LLC, 12405 KC LLC, 26096, 26110 KC LLC and Pine Creek Mine LLC, 26978 Kenai Hydro, LLC, 43733, 43734 Kentucky Hydro 2, LLC, 15504 Kentucky Hydro 3, LLC, 10014 Kentucky Hydro 4, LLC, 15505 Kentucky Hydro 8, LLC, 15506 Kentucky Hydro 10, LLC, 16292 Kentucky Hydro 11, LLC, 16293 Kern River Gas Transmission Co., 40333 Kiamichi Hydro, LLC, 10009 Kinder Morgan Louisiana Pipeline LLC, 43734 Lake George Hydro, LLC, 50313 Lake Powell Hydroelectric System, 26981 Liberty Gas Storage, LLC, 49666 Little River Hydro, LLC, 5534 Littleville Power Co., Inc., 50956 Lock 12 Hydro Partners, 41066 Lock 14 Hydro Partners, 41066 Loomis Creek Hydro, LLC, 43735 Los Angeles Dept. of Water and Power, 43735 Lower Valley Energy; Town of Afton, WY, 9110 Mananook Associates, 50317 MarkWest Pioneer, LLC, 32316 MARMC Enterprises, LLC, 26975, 28810, 31451 McCallum Enterprises I Limited Partnership, 32317 Middlebury Electric, LLC, 52340 Midland Cogeneration Venture Ltd. Partnership, 32699 Millennium Pipeline Company, L.L.C., 20620 Mississippi 5 Hydro, LLC, 5535 Mississippi 8 Hydro, LLC, 26384 Mississippi River 14 Hydro, LLC and BPUS Generation Development, LLC, 50802 Modern Hydro, 50317 Morgantown Hydro, LLC, 7726 Moss, Richard, 36310 Natural Currents Energy Services, LLC, 50605, 52852 Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America, LLC, 1867, 20279 Nevada Irrigation District, 34281 New Home Storage, LLC, 31853 North Baja Pipeline, LLC, 24583 Northern Illinois Hydropower, LLC, 50803 Northern Natural Gas Co., 18264 Northern Natural Gas Co. and PVR Midstream LLC, 1868 NT Hydro, 7731 Nushagak Electric and Telephone Cooperative, 38191 Ocean Renewable Power Co., LLC, 52341 Oliver Hydro, LLC, 16294 Oologah Lake Dam Hydro, LLC, 46613 Orange Cove Irrigation District, et al., 35129 Orbit Gas Storage, Inc., 33809 ORPC Alaska, LLC, 47142 Osage Hydroelectric Project, 3246, 31849 Ozark Gas Transmission, L.L.C. and Enogex LLC, 50804 Pacific Gas and Electric Co., 9783, 10238, 26092, 29744, 34282, 34284, 41065, 41067, 49177, 55828 Parker Knoll Hydro, LLC, 55829 Perryville Gas Storage LLC, 44980 Petal Gas Storage, LLC, 9115 Pine Creek Mine LLC, 55833 Placer County Water Agency, 9113 Port Dolphin Energy LLC, 6497 Portland General Electric Co., 19061 PPL Holtwood, LLC, 10752 PPL Montana, LLC, 42556 Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc., 5549, 7734, 8654 Public Service Co. of Colorado, 40558, 40559, 44242, 52853 Public Utility District No. 1, Chelan County, WA, 8655, 43736, 50318, 52033, 52035 Puget Sound Energy, Inc., 11104, 31449, 52342 Puget Sound Energy, Inc., et al., 2233 Putnam Green Power, LLC, 7732 Red River Hydro, LLC, 28812 Rhode Island Energy Group, LLC, 46614 Robertson Energy Group LLC, 19058 Rochester Gas and Electric Corp., 28815 Rockies Express Pipeline LLC, 10238 Santiam Water Control District, 8658 SBER Royal Mills, LLC, 24580 SG Resources Mississippi, L.L.C., 34006 Shelbyville Hydro, LLC; Prairie Power, Inc., 46614 Shifrin, Salvatore and Michelle, 8657, 28441, 52343 Snoqualmie River Hydro and Public Utility District No. 1 of Snohomish County, 50319 SourceGas Storage LLC, 34718 South Carolina Electric & Gas Co., 2481, 8659, 53414 Southeast Gas Storage, LLC, 36853 Southeast Supply Header, LLC, 43931 Southeast Supply Header, LLX, 9319 Southern California Edison Co., 2482, 2483 Southern Natural Gas Co., 22143 Stennis Hydro, LLC, 26385 Stingray Pipeline Company, LLC, 23454 Sword Energy Limited, et al., 15510 Symbiotics, LLC; Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc., 55829 Tarpon Whitetail Gas Storage, LLC, 2486 Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co., 6957, 9117, 10239, 26386, 42557 Texas Eastern Transmission, LP, 21628, 22144 Texas Gas Transmission, LLC, 50956, 53415 Thousand Springs Hydro, LLC, 43736 Tidewalker Associates, 46614 Toad Suck Ferry Hydro, LLC, 10015 Toccoa, GA, 43737 Tom Bevill Hydro, LLC, 15507 Town of Edgartown, 2467 TransColorado Gas Transmission Co., LLC, 11897, 28816 Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp., 1338, 3248, 18265, 27528, 31854, 39011 Transfer of License, and Soliciting Comments, Motions to Intervene, and Protests, 19494 Tuttle Creek Hydro, LLC, 15508 Tyrpin, James and Patricia, 50321 UEK Delaware L.P., 52854 Union Electric Co., dba AmerenUE, 21624 Upper Peninsula Power Co., 1338 Utah Independent Power, 40865 Warrior Hydro, LLC, 26387 Wellesley Rosewood Maynard Mills LP, 40560 Werner, John, 41064 West Texas Gas, Inc. and Reef International, L.L.C., 32317 White River Hub, LLC, 31450 Whitman River Dam, Inc., 42557, 42558, 43737, 50319 Wickiup Hydro, LLC, 5536, 44980 Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Co., 16661, 26096, 44243 Wisconsin River Power Co., 8660 Wright Patman Hydro, LLC, 5537 Wyckoff Gas Storage Co. LLC, 50320 Wyoming Interstate Co., Ltd., 31858, 53416 Xcel, 46608 York Haven Power Co., 18788 Atlantic Path 15, LLC; Institution of Proceeding and Refund Effective Date, 10428 Authorization for Continued Project Operation: Public Utility District No.1 of Pend Oreille County, 55830 Southern California Edison Company, 11105 Blanket Authorizations, 23243 ANR Pipeline Co., 48209 Arlington Wind Power Project LLC, 42558 Ashtabula Wind, LLC, 46257 Brookfield Renewable Energy Marketing US, LLC, 41065 Burgess Capital LLC, 55060 CBA Endeavors, LLC, 31847 CenterPoint Energy Gas Transmission Co., 44988, 47152, 47153 CenterPoint Energy Gas Transmission Co.-Mississippi River Transmission Corp., 50609 Cheniere Creole Trail Pipeline, L.P., 45431 Cloud County Wind Farm, 42558 Colorado Interstate Gas Co., 36862 Crystal Lake Wind II, LLC, 47143 Crystal Lake Wind, LLC, 46257 DC Energy Southwest, LLC, 38192 Dragon Energy LLC, 33069 Eastern Shore Natural Gas Co., 42562 East Tennessee Natural Gas, LLC, 1334, 29132 El Paso Natural Gas Co., 54396 Energy Systems North East, LLC, 47143 Equitrans, L.P., 11914, 28451, 34724 Escanaba Paper Co., 40334 Evergreen Community Power, LLC, 34719 FFP Ohio River 3, LLC et al., 42563 FFP Ohio River 5, LLC et al., 42564 Flat Ridge Wind Energy, LLC, 52035 Florida Gas Transmission Co., LLC, 16298, 38193 Fowler Ridge Wind Farm LLC, 47144 GearyEnergy, LLC Georgia-Pacific Brewton LLC et al., 38195 Glacial Energy Holdings, LLC, 31857 Grand Ridge Energy LLC, 40334 Green Energy Partners LLC, 42559 Green Light Energy, LLC, 31860 Gulfstream Natural Gas System, L.L.C., 36854 Happy Jack Windpower, LLC, 36854 Haverhill North Coke Co., 44984 Huntrise Energy Fund LLC, 42559 Indeck-Yerkes Limited Partnership, 40334 ISO New England Inc.; Filing, 24580 Kinder Morgan Interstate Gas Transmission LLC, 2476 Kinder Morgan Louisiana Pipeline LLC, 40335 Lempster Wind, LLC, 31859, 44984 Locust Ridge II, LLC, 44984 Merck & Co., Inc., 46258 MH Partners LP, 44985 Midwestern Gas Transmission Co., 43748 ML Partnership, LLC, 51804 Montgomery L'Energia Power Partners LP, 31860 National Fuel Gas Supply, 48380 Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America LLC., 30915, 30916 Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America, 12982 Naturener Glacial Wind Energy 1, LLC, 44985 Naturener Montana Wind Energy, LLC, 44986 New Brunswick Power Generation Corp., 52038 Noble Great Plains Windpark, LLC, 52039 Northern Natural Gas Co., 1868, 5549, 16664, 19495, 28451 Northern Virginia Electric Co., 36855 Northwest Pipeline GP, 9116 Oak Creek Wind Power, LLC, 43749 Occidental Chemical Corp., 51805 Osceola Wind Power II, LLC, 46258 Pioneer Prarie Wind Farm I, LLC, 43749 PPL Renewable Energy, LLC, 32319 Questar Pipeline Co., 34926 Rail Splitter Wind Farm LLC, 42560 Red Hills Wind Project, L.L.C., 42560 Royal Bank of Canada, 36855 Saltville Gas Storage C., L.L.C., 1337 Saracen Energy Partners, L.P., 31463 Sconza Candy Co., 43750 SG Energy, LLC, 43750 Shiloh Wind Project 2, L.L.C., 43750 Smoky Hills Wind Project II, LLC, 51804 Southern Natural Gas Co., 33810 Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline, Inc., 6499, 11914 Story Wind, LLC, 46258 Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co., 8040, 28452, 30916, 55061 Texas Eastern Transmission, LP, 11915, 14978, 20624 Texas Gas Transmission, LLC, 13539, 48209, 56811 Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp., 28452, 36317 Transwestern Pipeline Company, LLC, 5555 Trunkline Gas Co., LLC, 3461, 3718, 7285, 13222, 21343, 48380 Walnut Creek Energy, LLC, 31857 Wheat Field Wind Power Project LLC, 42560 Wheelabrator Frackville Energy Co., Inc., 46259 Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Co., 24591 Blanket Certificates: Northern Natural Gas Co., 10753 Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line corp., 5554 California Independent System Operator Corp.; Proceeding Institution and Refund Effective Date, 1331, 52039 City of Aspen; Intention Declaration, 5539 Combined Notice of Filings, 1219, 1610, 2234, 2468, 2905, 3244, 3711, 4202, 4901, 6173, 6715, 6951, 7283, 7735, 8038, 8305, 9112, 9314, 9784, 10018, 10240, 10428, 10754, 11407, 11629, 11898, 12153, 12406, 12723, 12971, 13540, 13876, 13879, 13880, 13881, 14462, 14790, 15151, 15999, 16665, 17967, 18523, 19060, 19201, 19495, 20280, 21335, 21926, 22144, 23221, 24062, 24063, 24064, 24273, 24964, 24965, 26097, 26110, 26098, 26101, 26976, 27531, 27533, 27817, 28105, 28444, 28817, 29130, 29745, 30384, 30912, 30913, 31083, 31085, 31847, 31850, 31855, 32319, 32320, 32699, 32700, 33069, 33071, 33073, 33074, 34285, 34288, 34289, 34923, 35130, 35680, 35681, 35683, 36311, 36856, 36857, 37947, 38193, 38194, 39688, 39689, 40561, 40564, 40569, 40571, 41053, 41054, 41056, 41059, 42561, 42795, 43215, 43738, 43740, 43923, 44244, 44712, 45431, 45432, 45753, 46259, 46261, 46615, 46618, 46619, 47144, 47146, 47147, 47593, 48205, 49178, 49181, 49455, 50006, 50605, 50607, 50805, 51460, 51462, 51800, 51802, 52036, 52343, 52344, 52346, 52975, 53213, 53214, 53417, 53419, 53857, 53860, 54584, 54794, 55061, 55062, 55831, 56811 ANR Pipeline Co., 33428 Colorado Interstate Gas Co. et al., 48378 Commission Staff Designation; Energy Transfer Partners, L.P., et al., 39013 Complaints: America West Airlines Inc., et al., 9782 Arkansas Electric Energy Consumers, Inc., et al., 45432 Arkansas Electric Energy Consumers, Inc. v. Entergy Corp. et al., 52338 Atmos Energy Marketing, LLC; BP Energy Co.; Delta Energy, LLC, etc., 34007 BP West Coast Products LLC and ExxonMobil Oil Corp., 48206 BP West Coast Products LLC v. Calnev Pipe Line LLC, 9313 California Independent System Operator Corp., 19496 Canandaigua Power Partners, LLC, et al., 36313 ConocoPhillips Co. v. Calnev Pipe Line, L.L.C., 9313 ConocoPhillips Co. v. Entergy Services, Inc., 24966 Corp. Commission of State of Oklahoma, Complainants, v. American Electric Power Co., Inc. et al., 48379 Dominion Resources Services, Inc., 6952 Entergy Corporation, et al., 19212 ExxonMobil Oil Corp. and BP West Coast Products LLC, 50808 G4 Energy, LLC, 52349 ISO New Egland Inc., 19062 Maryland Public Service Commission v. PJM Interconnection, L.L.C., 32568 Michigan South Central Power Agency et al., 31452 MMC Energy, Inc., 15512 New Brunswick Power Transmission Corp., 23222 New England Conference of Public Utilities Commissioners, Inc. et al., 35385 Nexen Marketing U.S.A. Inc. v. Enbridge Pipelines (North Dakota) LLC, 36858 NRG Energy, Inc. v. Entergy Services, Inc., 39012 Pepco Energy Services, Inc., et al., 23455 PJM Interconnection, L.L.C., 4204, 14242, 19026 Renewable Energy Systems Americas Inc. and PEAK Wind Development, LLC, 52349 Sacramento Municipal Utility District et al., 31452 System Energy Resources, Inc. et al., 19205 Tesoro Refining and Marketing Co., 9319 TransCanada Power Marketing Ltd., 11901 Union Electric Co. et al., 26102, 9782, 9783, 9788, 9789, 9790, 9791, 9793 Compliance Help Desk Implementation; Regulatory Requirements Guidance, 34925 Composition of Proxy Groups for Determining Gas and Oil Pipeline Return on Equity, 23222 Consumers Energy Co.; Refund Report, 26983 Crisp County Power Commission; Restricted Service List: Programmatic Agreement for Managing Properties Eligible for Inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places, 5543 Declaration of Intention and Soliciting Comments Protests/Motions to Intervene: Green Valleys Association, 24966 Designation of Commission Staff: Amaranth Advisors L.L.C. et al., 27534 Downeast Pipeline, LLC; Amendment, 5546 Draft Environmental Impact Statement: Proposed Jordan Cove Energy and Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline Project; Meetings, 55831 Effectiveness of Exempt Wholesale Generator or Foreign Utility Company Status: Bicent (California) Malburg LLC, et al., 22148 NRG Cedar Bayou Development Co., LLC, et al., 1869 Pedricktown Cogeneration Co., LP et al., 11902 Reliant Energy Mandalay, Inc. et al., 6952 Effectiveness of Exempt Wholesale Generator Status: Wessington Wind I, LLC, et al., 45755 Electric Quarterly Report; Order on Intent to Revoke Market- Based Rate Authority: Dunhill Power, L.P. et al., 24967 Electric Quarterly Reports; Technical Conference, 10755 Electric Rate and Corporate Regulation Combined Filings, 482 Electronic Filing of Indexes of Customer Reports; Guidelines Filing via the Internet, 38195 Entegra Power Group LLC et al., submits a joint application for approval under Section 203 of the Federal Power Act, 31855 Environmental Assessment, etc.: Upper Peninsula Power Co., 52350 Environmental Assessments: Alaska Power & Telephone Co., 29743 City of Broken Bow, OK, 53418 Dominion Transmission, Inc.; Proposed HUB I Project, 24584 Environmental Assessments; Intent: Algonquin Gas Transmission, LLC, 39954 Algonquin Gas Transmission, LLC; Kleen Energy Lateral Project, 56813 Empire Pipeline, Inc. and Empire State Pipeline, 39691 Pier Reinforcement Project, Dominion Cove Point LNG, LP, 43218 Thomas Corners Storage Project; Arlington Storage Co., LLC, Steuben County, NY, 24968 Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp., Eminence Enhancement Project; Proposed; Comment Request, 54586 UGI LNG, Inc., Temple LNG Plant Expansion Project, 3718 Wyoming Interstate Co., Ltd., 36859 Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc., 20621 AES Sparrows Point LNG, LLC, et al., 24276 Alabama Power Co., 13875 Alcoa Power Generating, Inc., et al., 22359 Algonquin Gas Transmission, LLC, 21337 AmerenUE, 48207 Applegate Dam, 26389 Athens Compressor Expansion Project, 1869 Atmos Pipeline and Storage, LLC, 29496 Boise-Kuna Irrigation District, et al., 28446 Borough of Lehighton, PA, 26390 Bradwood Landing Lng Project, 34007 Broadwater Energy LLC, et al., 3458 California Water Resources Department, City of Los Angeles, CA, 34923 Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District, 40574 City of Hamilton, OH, 24585 City of Ottumwa, IA, 1333 Colorado Interstate Gas Co., 1334 Colorado Lateral Expansion Project, 3457 Columbia Gas Transmission Co., 21625 Crisp County Power Commission, 19212 Downeast Pipeline, LLC, 9315 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, 46261 Duke Energy Corp., 8037 East Texas Electric Cooperative, Inc., 11912 Erie Boulevard Hydropower, L.P., 46001 Floridian Natural Gas Storage Co., LLC, 16662, 42562 Gibson Dam Hydroelectric Project, LLC, 23240 Gulf Crossing Pipeline Co., LLC et al., 16663 Iroquois Gas Transmission System, L.P., 2238 James Lichoulas, Jr., 10018 Jordan Cove LNG and Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline Project; Draft, 52037 Ketchikan Public Utilities, 39690 Leaf River Energy Center LLC, Leaf River Storage Project, 26103, 26104 Midcontinent Express Pipeline, LLC., 32318 Midcontinent Press Pipeline Project, 9110 Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America; Proposed Herscher- Galesville Expansion Project, 28446 New York State Electric and Gas Corp., 20284 Northern Border Pipeline Co., 34289 Pacific Gas and Electric Co., 14981 PPL Holtwood, LLC; Holtwood Project; PA; Draft, 43743 Proposed Arkoma Connector Pipeline Project; MarkWest Pioneer, L.L.C., 49182 Proposed Athens Compressor Expansion Project, 19060 Proposed Fitchburg Expansion Project; Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co., 32568 Proposed Steckman Ridge Storage Project, 13881 Public Service Co. of New Hampshire, 17969 Rockies Express Pipeline, LLC, 21339 Sacramento Municipal Utility District et al.; Upper American River Project and the Chili Bar Project, 15511 SG Resources Mississippi, LLC; Southern Pines Energy Center Expansion Project, 38444 Sheyenne Expansion Project, Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Co., 36858 South Carolina Electric & Gas Co., 48207 South Carolina Electric and Gas Co., 43744 Star Mill, Inc., 36070 Symbiotics, LLC, 20621 Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co.; Concord Lateral Expansion Project, 28817 Texas Eastern Transmission, LP, 26979 Texas Eastern Transmission, LP; Northern Bridge Project, 54394 Texas Gas Transmission, LLC, 13889 Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp., 22360 Upper Peninsula Power Co., 32699, 34719, 39691, 46000, 51803 Upper Peninsula Power Company & WI, 23221 Virginia Electric & Power Co., 28447 Environmental Impact Statements; Intent: Appalachian Power Co., 47148 Arkoma Connector Pipeline Project, 4858 Caledonia Energy Partners, L.L.C, 9788 Chestnut Ridge Storage L.P.; Junction Natural Gas Storage Project; Comment Requests, 6495 Colorado Hub Connection Project, 23241 Colorado Interstate Gas Co., 51634 Columbia Gas Transmission; Ohio Storage Expansion Project, 10756 Dominion Transmission, Inc., 4856, 31454 EcoElectrica, L.P., 34720 Florida Gas Transmission Co., LLC, 30386 Hi Fields Lateral Project; Southeast Supply Header, LLC, 10758 Jacobson, Eric, 29746 Kern River Gas Transmission Co., 43742 Liberty Gas Storage, LLC, 11907 Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline L.L.C., 36315 MarkWest Pioneer, L.L.C.; Arkoma Connector Pipeline Project, 4858, 20287 Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America; Herscher-Galesville Expansion Project, 5831 Northern Natural Gas Co., 16296 Orbit Gas Storage, Inc.; Request for Comments on Environmental Issues, and Notice of Public Scoping Meeting, 2479 Pacific Gas and Electric Co., 31457 Palomar Gas Transmission, LLC, et al., 43924 Petal Gas Storage, L.L.C., 14979 PetroLogistics Natural Gas Storage, LLC; Proposed Gas Storage Project, 2239 Proposed Des Plaines Project; Northern Border Pipeline Company, 13890 Proposed Dominion Hub I Project; Request for Comments on Environmental Issues, 3459 Proposed Love Ranch Relocation Project; TransColorado Gas Transmission Company, 15515 Southeast Gas Storage, LLC, 43744 Southern California Edison; Big Creek Projects, 54393 Southern California Edison Co.; Devers-Palo Verde No. 2 Transmission Line Project, 36066 Southern Natural Gas Co.; South System Expansion III Project, 47149 Southern Natural Gas Co., et al., 3714 South System Expansion III Project and Joint Pipeline Expansion Phase II Project, 29747 T.W. Phillips Pipeline Corp.; Bionol Clearfield Pipeline Project, 44717 Tarpon Whitetail Gas Storage, LLC, 5552 Tennessee Gas Pipeline co.; Carthage Expansion Project, 3716 Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co.; Concord Lateral Expansion Project, 10759 Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co.; Fitchburg Expansion Project, 10761 TransColorado Gas Transmission Co., 34008 Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp., 44244 Trunkline LNG Co., LLC; Pipeline Compressor Addition Project, 11909 Upper Peninsula Power Co., 9316 Utica 7 Project; Request for Comments on Environmental Issues, 5544 Weaver's Cove Energy, LLC, 33076 Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Co.; Sheyenne Expansion Project, 5833 Errata: Pacific Gas and Electric Co., 27534 Preventing Undue Discrimination and Preference in Transmission Service, 26105 Exempt Wholesale Generators, etc.:: Invenergy Nelson, LLC, et al., 38195 NRG Cedar Bayou Development Company, LLC, et al., 1336 Starwood Power-Midway, LLC, 12403 UniSource Energy Development Co. et al., 52350 Wheatfield Wind Power Project LLC, et al., 28447 Extension of Time: North American Electric Reliability Corp., 24968 Filings: Abel, James E., 31856 Acushnet Co. et al., 2479 AES Hawaii, Inc., 6955 Airtricity Munnsville Wind Farm, LLC, 5531, 6498 Alabama Power Co., 55063 Algonquin Gas Transmission, LLC, 29131 Allegheny Electric Cooperative et al., 43746 Allegheny Electric Cooperative, Inc. et al., 30612 Allegheny Power; Allegheny Energy Supply Co., LLC et al., 32701 Ameren Services Co., 11905 Ameren Services Co.; Withdrawn, 20288 Ameren Services Co. and Northern Indiana Public Service Co. et al., 14240 AmerenUE, 39693 American Electric Power, 20278 American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc; Dayton Power & Light Company; PJM Interconnection, L.L.C., 43221 Anthracite Power and Light Co., 6957 Arizona Public Service Co., 51636 Arlington Storage Co., LLC, 16667 Arrowhead Louisiana Gathering LLC, 1331 Ashland Windfarm, LLC, et al., 33810 Atlantic City Electric Co. et al., 54795 Avista Corp. et al., 55064 Baltimore Gas and Electric Co., et al., 26388 Bangor Hydro-Electric Co. et al., 6498, 10023, 55064 Bay Gas Storage Co., Ltd., 38197 Bicent (California) Malburg LLC, 11106 Birchwood Power Partners, L.P., EFS Parlin Holdings LLC, Linden Holding L.L.C., and Technologies Linden Venture L.P., 50957 Black Hills/Colorado Electric Utility Co., LP, 55832 Blue Heron Hydro, LLC, 44719 Bonneville Power Administration, 19830, 44246, 54795 Borough of Chambersburg, PA, 9793 Bridgeline Holdings, L.P., 3713, 21625, 22148 California Independent System Operator Corp., 47151 Cargill Power Markets, LLC, 53418 Carolina Power & Light Co. et al., 55064 Castlebridge Energy Group LLC, 55065 Cedar Creek Wind Energy, LLC, 18266 CenterPoint Energy Gas Transmission Co., 18525 Central Hudson Gas and Electric Corp., 55065 Central Maine Power Co., 40335 Central Maine Power Co. and Maine Public Service Co., 44982 Central Vermont Public Service Corp., 45756 CH Energy Group, Inc., 9318 City of Anaheim, CA, 1875 City of Banning, CA, 1875 City of Pasadena, CA, 1876 City of Riverside, CA, 1875 City of Vernon, CA, 2243, 20621, 31453 City of Watervliet, NY, 19496 City Quincy, IL; Intent, 46002 Columbia Gas Transmission Corp., 12972, 14242, 50321 Columbia Gas Transmission Corp.; Correction, 20087 Commonwealth Edison Co. and Commonwealth Edison Co. of Indiana, Inc., 44982 Constellation Energy Commodities Group, Inc., 43222, 56815 Consumers Energy Co., 3457 Consumers Power Co., 53217 Cottonwood Energy Company, LP, et al., 13220 Covanta Delano, Inc., 9112 CPV Liberty, LLC, 45433 Cranberry Pipeline Corp., 10763 Dan River Hydropower, LLC, 20270 Dauphin Island Gathering Partners et al., 53419 Department of Energy, Portsmouth/Paducah Project Office, 29746 Direct Energy Services, LLC et al., 14241 Duane, Elizabeth Stevens, 31859 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, 20275, 20621 Duke Energy Ohio, Inc, 13221 Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.; Cinergy Corp. et al., 32701 Duquesne Light Co., 13882, 16667 Dynegy Midwest Generation, Inc., 20285 Electric Power Supply Association, 53218 Elkhorn Ridge Wind, LLC, 50809, 50810 El Paso Electric Co., 21340 Enbridge Pipelines LLC, 16296 Energy Endeavors, LLC, 44982 Energy Northwest, 13888 Energy Transfer Fuel, L.P., 40336 Energy Transfer Fuel, LP, 49667 Enron Power Marketing, Inc., et al., 44247, 54585 Entergy Services, Inc., 30613, 43926 Enstor Grama Ridge Storage and Transportation LLC, 10024 Exelon Corporation, 22148 Farm Fresh, 24587 Florida Gas Transmission Co., LLC, 54395 Florida Power & Light Co., 13221, 21340 Fowler Ridge III Wind Farm LLC, 50811 FPL Energy Oliver Wind, LLC, 8039 Freebird Gas Storage, LLC, 11106 Geneva Energy LLC, 36861 GEN-SYS Energy, 18266 Georgia-Pacific Brewton, LLC, 46001 Golden Spread Electric Cooperative, et al., 52351 Grays Landing Hydro, LLC, 12973 Green River 2 Hydro, LLC, 12974 Haverhill North Coke Co., 45433 Houston Pipe Line Co., L.P., 44247 Hydro Green Energy, LLC, 19212 IIF US Holding 1GP, LLC, 52979 Integrys Energy Group, 7739 Interstate Power and Light Co., 40336 ISO New England Inc., 9790, 55832 ISO Trader, LLC, 50809, 50811, 55065 JP Morgan Chase & Co., Bear Stearns Companies Inc., 21341 Judith Gap Energy LLC and Northwestern Corp., 50608 Kentucky Hydro 6, LLC, 12975 Kinder Morgan Interstate Gas Transmission LLC, 45433 Kroboth, Michael E., 34290 Langdon Wind, LLC, 3461 Lee, Hon C., 8653 Licato, Robert J., 53419 Lowe's Home Improvement Centers, Inc., 46001 Loyalhanna Watershed Association, Inc., 20284 Lyonsdale Associates, LLC, 12976 Mahoning Creek Hydroelectric Company, LLC, 20271 Mason, Michael D., 19497 MATL LLP, 44983 Mehra, Sachin J., 31453 Metro Hydroelectric Company, LLC, 20272 MidAmerican Energy Co. et al., 55066 Midriver Power L.L.C., 13540 Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc. et al., 20622, 28447 Missouri River Energy Services, 22148 Missouri River Energy Services and Western Minnesota Municipal Power Agency, 1876 Mulva, James J., 2479 Murphy, Dennis J., 31859 Nelson, W.T. III, 31857 Newburgh Hydro, LLC, 12976 New Harquahala Generating Co., LLC, 9114, 46002 New York Independent System Operator, Inc., 14241, 28448, 34925, 43926, 43927, 51636, 55066 New York Regional Interconnect, Inc., 11107, 33079 NGO Transmission, Inc., 3245 Niagara Mohawk Power Corp., 10755, 45756 Nolin Hydro, LLC, 12978 North American Electric Reliability Corp., 19498, 21341, 24968, 42563, 43927, 44983, 45752, 46623, 51294, 52854, 54796 North American eletric Realiability, Corp., 34926 North Baja Pipeline, LLC, 3713, 50609 Northern Border Pipeline Co., 11906 NorthWestern Corp., 55066, 55067 NSTAR Electric & Gas Corp., 52351 NSTAR Electric and Gas Corp., 51804 NT Hydro, 6953 Occidental Chemical Corp., 55067 Occidental Power Marketing, L.P. et al., 55068 Orange and Rckland Utilities, Inc., 1336 Oregon Wave Energy Partners I, LLC; Intent, 44248 Orlando Utilities Commission, 2474 Pacific Gas and Electric Co., 1874, 9114, 16851, 54796 PacifiCorp, 41064 Peetz Table Wind Energy, LLC, 8039 Pinnacle West Capital Corp., 9115, 44248 PJM Interconnection, L.L.C., 23455, 32702, 36313 PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. and Virginia Electric and Power Co. et al., 13221 Polytop Corp., 22361, 55068 Portland General Electric Co., 21341, 55068 Powerex Corp., 32702, 55069 PowerSouth Energy Cooperative, 20622 PPL Electric Utilities Corp. and Public Service Electric and Gas Co., 1874 Providence Water Supply Board, 12979 PSEG Energy Resources & Trade, 5835 PSEG Energy resources & Trade LLC, 26388 PSEG Energy Resources & Trade LLC et al., 34010, 43747 Public Service Co.of Colorado, 28448 Public Service Co. of New Mexico, 19830 Public service Electric and Gas Co., 8655 Public Utility District No. 1 of Okanogan County, 52974 Puget Sound Energy, Inc., 45756 Regional Transmission Organizations, et al., 45757 Rockies Express Pipeline LLC, 51294 Rumford Power Inc.; Tiverton Power Inc., 56816 San Diego Gas & Electric Co., 51637 Schwinger, Scott E., 53420 Self-Certification of Qualifying Status of a Cogeneration Facility; Food Lion 2552 Wilson, NC, 15512 Sempra Energy Trading LLC et al., 55069, 55070 SESCO Enterprises, LLC and SESCO Enterprises Canada, Ltd., 44983 South Carolina Electric & Gas Co., 15513 Southeast Chicago Energy Project, LLC, 22149 Southeastern Power Administration, 11906, 39012 Southern California Water Co., 19829 Southern Co. Services, Inc., 28448, 35131 Southern Indiana Gas & Electric Co., 50608 South Feather Water and Power Agency, 9791 Southwestern Power Administration, 11107 Southwest Power Pool, Inc., 31453 Spence, William H., 26391 Starwood Energy Group Global, L.L.C., 40574 Stoughton Water Power Co., LLC, 20273 Sugar Creek Power Co., LLC, 47152 Sutton Hydroelectric Co., LLC, 20285 Taylor, G. Tom, 28449 Teeter, Harris, 42564 Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co., 13889 Texas Gas Transmission, LLC, 36317, 52350 TexMex Energy, LLC, 40574 Toledo Edison Co., 32702 Town of Tarboro, NC, Spongex LLC, Tarboro, NC, 6499 TransCanada Maine Wind Development Inc., 18270 TransCanada Power Marketing Ltd., 12981, 14240 Trans Union Interstate Pipeline, L.P., 26390 Trunkline LNG Company, LLC, 9318 Twin Lakes Canal Co., 20274 U.S. Gas and Electric Inc., 56816 UGI LNG, Inc., 50809 Uniontown Hydro, LLC, 12979 Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio, Inc. et al., 29499 Venice Gathering System, LLC, 36314 Virginia Electric and Power Co., 12980, 23455 Volk, Stephen R., 34291 Wagoner, Gregory E., 28449, 31454 Westar Energy, Inc., 2243, 55070 Westar Generating, Inc., 43222 WestConnect, 36314 Western Area Power Administration, 45757, 54586, 56816 Worsham-Steed Gas Storage, L.P., 24276 Xcel Energy Services, Inc., 54796 Filing Via the Internet: Discontinuation of Text Version of Commission Issuances, 31856 Release of eFiling v7.0, 11902 Form No. 552 Follow-up Workshop, 26106 Form No. 552 Technical Conference, 20270 Hearing Request Dismissal: Twin Lakes Canal Co., 26103 Inquiry on Adequacy of FERC Financial Forms, 20285 Institution of Proceeding and Refund Effective Date: PJM Interconnection, L.L.C., 31454 Investigation of Practices: California Independent System Operator and California Power Exchange_ San Diego Gas & Electric Company v. Sellers of Energy and Ancillary Services, 6954 ISO New england Inc., et al.; Proceeding and Refund Effective Date, 39956 Jurisdictional Review and Soliciting Comments, Motions To Intervene, and Protests: Avista Corp., 21342 Limited Scoping, etc.: Columbia Gas Transmission Corp., 28450 Port Dolphin Energy LLC, 7740 Market-Based Rate Tariffs; Revocation: Electric Quarterly Reports et al., 31460 Meetings: AES Sparrows Point LNG, LCC et al., 2476 AES Sparrows Point LNG, LCC, Mid-Atlantic Express, L.L.C, 1874 AES Sparrows Point LNG, LLC, et. al, 45434 Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Project, 2244 California Independent System Operator Corp.; FERC Staff Attendance, 38446, 56815 Capacity Markets in Regions With Organized Electric Markets, 12403 Capacity Markets in Regions with Organized Electric Markets, et al., 24590 Chestnut Ridge Storage L.P., 14240 Colorado Interstate Gas Co.; technical conference, 55070 Columbia Gas Transmission Corp., 11912, 42565 Columbia Gulf Transmission Co.; Technical Conference, 34721 Dominion Cove Point LNG, L.P. et al., 45434 Dominion Cove Point LNG, LP and Dominion Transmission, Inc., 48210 Electric Quarterly Reports Technical Conference; Revised Public Utility Filing, 2477 El Paso Natural Gas Co.; Technical Conference, 50958 Eugene Water and Electric Board, 34013 Floridian Natural Gas Storage Company, LLC; Technical Conference, 5835 Form No. 552 Follow-Up Workshop, 26106, 26110 Gulf Crossing Pipeline Company LLC et al., 5547 ICT Stakeholder Policy Committee, 53420 Independent Coordinator of Transmission Transmission Summit, 43927 ISO New England Inc., 10024, 10025, 13535 Leaf River Storage Project, 3714 LNG Development Co., LLC and Oregon Pipeline Co., 24585 Michigan South Central Power Agency et al., 55071 Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc., 53422 Midwest ISO; Commission Staff Attendance, 2241 Nuclear Regulatory Commission and FERC, 12406 Organized Electric Market Demand Response, 20625 PacifiCorp, et al.; FERC Staff Attendance, 5548 Pipeline Posting Requirements, 9317, 16850 PPL Holtwood, LLC, 15517 Regulatory Compliance Workshop, 30917, 41067 Rescheduling Dominion Cove Point LNG, LP, et al.; Technical Conference, 46262 Review of Wholesale Electricity Markets, 28817 Rockies Express Pipeline LLC, 5548, 8654, 45435 Sacramento Municipal Utility District, 39013 Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline, Inc., 5548 Southwest Power Pool Board of Directors/Members Committee et al.; FERC Attendance, 5548, 19499 Tarpon Whitetail Gas Storage, LLC; Whitetail Natural Gas Storage Project Site Visit, 6955 Technical Conference; Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline, LLC, 38447 Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp., 32569 Transmission Stakeholders' Policy Committee Southwest Power Pool Independent Coordinator, 34292 Transparency Provisions of Section 23 of the Natural Gas Act, 13541 Trunkline LNG Co., LLC, 49183 Western Electric Coordinating Council; Transmission Expansion Planning Policy Committee; Staff Participation, 51463 Wholesale Electricity Markets Review, 34291 Workshop on Regulatory Compliance, 38196 WTG Hugoton, LP; Technical Conference, 50811 Meetings; Sunshine Act, 2477, 3952, 9559, 14981, 20622, 23456, 28108, 34722, 43748, 53420 Meetings; Sunshine Act; Correction, 54395 Mississippi Power Co.; Notice of Institution of Proceeding and Refund Effective Date, 1336 Notice Amending Prior Notice: JPMorgan Chase & Co. et al., 21343 Opportunity For Filing Reply Comments: Composition of Proxy Groups for Determining Gas and Oil Pipeline Return on Equity, 7285 Orders: Affordable Power, L.P., 31459 Alpha Domestic Power Trading, LLC, 4204 Argo Navis Fundamental Power Fund, L.P, 7739 Atlantic Renewable Projects II LLC, 11910 Beaver Ridge Wind, LLC, 34011 Benton County Wind Farm LLC, 16668 Bicent (California) Malburg, LLC, 6950 Central Power & Lime Inc., 3243 Central Minnesota Municipal Power Agency and Midwest Municipal Transmission Group, 3243 Champion Energy Marketing LLC, 31459 Cheyenne Light, Fuel and Power Co., 11911 Citadel Energy Strategies, LLC, 1872 Cogentrix Virginia Leasing Corp. et al., 3244 Complaint and Setting Case for Hearing and Settlement Judge Proceedings, 2018 Cooperative Energy Inc., 11911 Crafton LLC, 31460 DC Energy Texas, LLC and DC Energy California, LLC, 23243 Eastland Power LLC, 24588 EFS Parlin Holdings LLC, 24588 Endure Energy, L.L.C., 26107, 26108 Energy Algorithms, LLC, 2474 Energy Exchange Direct, LLC, 16668 Forward Energy, Inc., 3245 Great Bay Power Marketing, Inc., 38196 HEEP Fund, Inc., 32322 Helios Energy, LLC, 11911 Horizon Asset Management, Inc., 55832 KD Power Marketing Services, LLC, 35131 Kelson Energy III LLC, 10429 Langdon Wind, LLC, 11106 Las Vegas Cogeneration Limited Partnership, 21627 Lehigh Capital, LLC, 7739 Lockport Energy Associates, L.P., 5546 Long Beach Partners, LLC, 5547 Lookout Windpower, LLC and Forward Windpower, LLC, 1872 Luna Energy Investments LLC, 34012 Massie Power, LLC, 15516 Mountain Wind Power II, LLC, 24589 Mountain Wind Power, LLC, 26106, 26108 Nexen Marketing U.S.A. Inc, 7740 Noble Bellmont Windpark, LLC, Noble Chateaugay Windpark, LLC, Noble Wethersfield Windpark, LLC, 19061 North Allegheny Wind, LLC, 32569 North American Energy Credit and Clearing-Finance LLC, 1873 NRG Southaven, LLC, 19830 Ocean State Power and Ocean State Power II, 1871 Ocean State Power, et al., 1335 Panda-Brandywine, L.L.P., 26106, 26109 Patriot Partnership, LLC, 9789 Plum Point Energy Associates, LLC, 18266 Polytop Corp., 29750 PowerGrid Systems, Inc., 5549 Primary Energy of North Carolina, LLC, 1873 Raider Dog, LLC, 27534 Round Rock Energy, L.P., 3713 Safe Harbor Water Power Corp., 27535 Santa Maria Cogen, Inc., 4205 Shell Energy North America (U.S.), L.P., 28449 Snowflake White Mountain Power, LLC, 3714 Standard Binghamton LLC, 28450 Starwood Power-Midway, LLC, 2486 Susquehanna Energy Products LLC, 1337 SYNERGY Power Marketing Inc., 4860 Technical Conference, 18267 Tiger Natural Gas, Inc., 22362 TransCanada Maine Wind Development Inc., 24589 Twin Cities Hydro LLC, 8659 Valencia Power, LLC, 34012 Velocity American Energy Master I, L.P., 32322 Vision Power Systems, Inc., 21627 Waterbury Generation, LLC, 1342, 1871 Watson Cogeneration Co., Wells Fargo Energy Markets, LLC, 18267 Western Systems Power Pool Agreement, 43222 West Valley Leasing Co., LLC, 26107, 26109 Petition for Temporary Waiver of Tariff Provisions and Request for Expedited Action: Gulfstream Natural Gas System, L.L.C., 12409 Petitions; Declaratory Orders: Central Oregon Irrigation District, 15518 Golden Gas Service Co., 43748 Portland Natural Gas Transmission System, 9318 PSI Midstream Partners, L.P., 26391 TransCanada Keystone Pipeline, LP, 19214 White Cliffs Pipeline, LLC, 10025 Pre-Filing Environmental Review; Ruby Pipeline, L.L.C.; Request for Comments, 18788 Preliminary Permit Surrender: Alaska Tidal Energy Co., 15751 BPUS Generation Development, LLC, 22150 Energy Recycling Co., 29500 FFP Detroit 1, LLC, 52352 Midwest Hydraulic, Inc., 15751 Oregon Tidal Energy Co., 15751 Procedural Schedules Suspensions: SFPP, L.P., 43931 Texaco Refining and Marketing Inc. et al., 43931 Procedures and Agenda for Technical Conference: Composition of Proxy Groups for Determining Gas and Oil Pipeline Return on Equity, 2476 Producer Price Index for Finished Goods; Annual Change, 30912 Rate Approval Petitions: Bay Gas Storage Co., Ltd., 13241 Calpine Texas Pipeline, L.P., 52351 Dow Intrastate Gas Co., 33079 Dow Pipeline Co., 3247 Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc., 46623 Energy Transfer Fuel, L.P., 11108 Houston Pipe Line Company, L.P., 6499 Jefferson Island Storage & Hub, L.L.C., 2481 Kinder Morgan Texas Pipeline LLC, 33080 Northern Illinois Gas Co., 54395 Northwest Natural Gas Co., 21343 ONEOK WesTex Transmission, L.L.C., 3246 Regency Intrastate Gas LLC, 27535 Washington 10 Storage Corp., 33080 Worsham-Steed Gas Storage, L.P., 31460 Records Governing Off-the Record Communications, 3247, 5551, 8656, 12982, 16668, 19831, 22149, 26392, 32323, 35385, 39694, 46262, 51295, 52979 Regulations for Filing Applications for Permits to Site Interstate Electric Transmission Facilities, 19499 Reliability Pricing Model of its Open Access Transmission Tariff: PJM Interconnection, LLC, 10764 Request to Use Alternative Procedures in Preparing a License Amendment Application City and Borough of Sitka, Alaska, 24591 Review of Cost Submittals by Other Federal Agencies; Technical Conference, 14243 Review of FY 2007 Cost Submittals by Other Federal Agencies; Question and Comment Request, 18790 Revised Public Utility Filing Requirements for Electric Quarterly Reports, 1876, 12983 Rules Concerning Certification of the Electric Reliability Organization, etc.: North American Electric Reliability Corp., 8657 Senior Executive Service Performance Review Board; Membership, 45434 Settlements, etc.: Ketchikan Public Utilities, 9116 Northwest Natural Gas Co., 48380 Site Visits: AmerenUE, 52352 Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp., 38197 Soliciting Scoping Comments: City of Kaukauna, WI, 10241 Supplemental Designation of Commission Staff: Energy Transfer Partners, L.P., et al., 12996 Supplemental Notice of Initial Electric Market-Based Rate Authorization Filings etc., 28453 Termination of Collection of FERC Form No., 23, 19063 Time Extension: California Independent System Operator Corp., 1871 Timelines: PJM Interconnection L.L.C., 31461 Trunkline Gas Company, LLC; Errata Notice, 4205 ***** Federal Highway Administration RULES Advance Construction of Federal-Aid Projects, 50194 Indian Reservation Road Bridge Program, 15661 Parks, Recreation Areas, Wildlife and Waterfowl Refuges, and Historic Sites; Correction, 13368, 31609 PROPOSED RULES Advance Construction of Federal-Aid Projects, 12038 Highway Safety Improvement Program, 22092 National Standards for Traffic Control Devices: Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways Manual; Revision, 268 NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals, 5258, 7029, 10507, 16738, 25078, 38289, 45094, 45096, 49736, 56627 America's Byways Public Awareness Initiative; Statement of Interest Request, 42893 Annual Materials Report on New Bridge Construction and Bridge Rehabilitation, 51039 Buy America Waiver Notification System, 19927 Buy America Waivers, 42894, 50065 Credit Assistance for Surface Transportation Projects; Expedited Process for Execution of TIFIA Loans, 54198 Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.: Albuquerque, NM, 9613 Brown County, WI, 13067 Cameron County, TX, 22001 Charleston County, SC, 1666 City of Bakerfield, Kern County, CA, 22000 Clark County, WA, 28184 Clatsop County, OR; Cancellation, 18852 Crow Wing and Mille Lacs Counties, MN, 39074 Currituck and Dare Counties, NC, 31733 Franklin and Warren Counties, MO, 21685 Fresno County, CA, 28854 Galveston County, TX; Cancellation, 5625 Hernando and Citrus Counties, FL, 13068 I-70 Kansas City to St. Louis, MO, 22002 Jefferson County, IN and Trimble County, KY, 47640 Jefferson, St. Clair, and Mobile Counties, AL, 18852 Kern County, CA; Centennial Corridor Highway Project, 54450 Ketchikan Gateway Borough, Alaska, 38022 Los Angeles County, CA, 10855, 49234 Manatee County, FL, 13947 Milwaukee County, WI, 9612, 28855 Mobile County, Alabama Prince George's County, MD, 33143 Proposed Greeneville Bypass, From US-11E , West of Greeneville to US-11E East of Greeneville, TN, 29567 Rescinded Notices of Intent, 39074 Rescind Notice of Intent, 25823 Rockingham and Hillsborough Counties, NH, 13272 Salt Lake and Davis Counties, UT, 19581 San Benito and Santa Clara Counties, CA, 17412 San Joaquin County, CA, 13615 Seattle, King County, WA, 40908 Seattle, WA, 18031 Stark, Columbiana, and Carroll Counties, Ohio, 36953 State Route 91 Corridor Improvement Project; Riverside and Orange Counties, CA, 38289 Tappan Zee Bridge/I-287 Corridor, 8740 Tooele County, TX, 11458 Travis County, TX, 31535, 48008 Washoe County, NV, 11186 Wayne County, MI, 13273, 26466 Westmoreland County, PA, 9402 Yerba Buena Island Ramps Improvement Project on Interstate 80 (I-80); San Francisco County, CA, 52075 Environmental Impact Statements; Intent: Ada and Canyon Counties, ID; Recission, 41166 Anchorage, AK, 40012 Appalachian Development Highway System Corridor K from West of the Ocoee River to State Route 68 Near Ducktown, Polk County, TN, 29567 Boulder, Broomfield, and Jefferson Counties, CO; Rescission, 37526 Bristol County, MA; Cancellation, 34979 Butler County, OH; Rescission, 36953 Clark County, Washington, 32070 Currituck and Dare Counties, NC, 34065 Grays Harbor County, WA, 537 Jackson County, MO, 39371 Mariposa County, CA, 4302 Saint Louis County, MN, 1260 St. Lucie County, FL, 41165, 42402 Stearns County, MN, 1261 Stone, Perry, George, and Greene Counties, MS, 41165 Virginia; Recision, 29837 Exploratory Advanced Research Program, 39075 Express Lanes Demonstration Program, 6549 Federal Agency Actions: Alaska; Proposed Highway, 36584, 38021 California; Proposed Highway, 54451 California; Proposed Highway Project, 5259, 9849, 12793, 13616, 29173, 37527, 43972 Delaware; Proposed Highway, 54200 Harrisonburg Southeast Connector Local Study, Virginia, 8102 I-94 North-South Corridor Study; Wisconsin and Illinois, 32383 Idaho; Proposed Highway, 41166, 51549 Illinois; Proposed Highway, 55894 Josephine County, OR; Highway 199 Expressway Upgrade Project, 53477 Lawrence, KS; Proproposed Highway, 2978, 6241, 6766, 16945, 22455, 25077, 27012, 28185 Nevada; Proposed Highway, 55895 NYS Route 17, Access Control Project, NY, 43484 Ohio; Proposed Highway, 39077 Pennsylvania; Proposed Highway, 53926 Southtowns Connecgtor/Buffalo Outer Harbor Buffalo, Erie County, NY, 11694 Texas; State Highway 99 (Segment E), 52721 U.S. 26, Wilwood to Wemme, Clackamas County, OR, 19134 Utah, 50853 Wake and Durham Counties, NC; Proposed Highway, 45795 Washington; Proposed Highway, 44312, 55896 Washington, DC, 50584 Winston-Salem Northern Beltway, Forsyth County, NC, 11187 Federal and Federally Assisted Program Uniform Relocation and Real Property Acquisition: Fixed Payment for Moving Expenses; Residential Moves, 42895 Meetings: Motorcyclist Advisory Council, 20357 National Safe Routes to School Task Force to the Secretary of Transportation Advisory Committee, 9850, 23523 Proposed Memorandum of Understanding Assigning Environmental Assigning Responsibilities to the State of Utah, 19582 Rural Safety Innovation Program, 11188 Surface Transportation Environment and Planning Cooperative Research Program, 35435 Surface Transportation Project Delivery Pilot Program; Caltrans Audit Report, 31536, 54884 Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement: East and West Baton Rouge, Iberville, Ascension, and Livingston Parishes, LA, 8391 Value Pricing Pilot Program, FY 2009; Participation Solicitation, 53478 ***** Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight Office RULES Assessments, 56712 Risk-Based Capital: Loss Severity Amendments, 35893 Loss Severity Amendments; Correction, 40656 NOTICES Final Examination Guidance-Conforming Loan Limit Calculations; Comment Response, 16895 Privacy Act; Systems of Records, 19236, 26136, 36548 ***** Federal Housing Finance Board RULES Assessments, 56712 Federal Home Loan Bank Boards of Directors: Eligibility and Elections, 55710 PROPOSED RULES Affordable Housing Program Amendments, 20552 NOTICES Federal Home Loan Bank Members Selected for Community Support Review, 2028, 19841 Meetings; Sunshine Act, 1889, 8872, 12417, 18799, 27537, 32332, 42574 ***** Federal Housing Financing Agency RULES Assessments, 56712 Federal Home Loan Bank Boards of Directors: Eligibility and Elections, 55710 Golden Parachute Payments, 54673 Golden Parachute Payments and Indemnification Payments, 53356, 54309 NOTICES Establishment of a New Independent Agency, 52356 ***** Federal Labor Relations Authority RULES Changes in Filing Address and Procedures, 27459 Unfair Labor Practice Proceedings, 8995 NOTICES Senior Executive Service Performance Review Board; Membership, 53249 ***** Federal Law Enforcement Training Center NOTICES Committees, etc.: State and Local Training Advisory Committee; Charter Renewal, 28832 Meetings: Advisory Committee to the Office of State and Local Training, 19233 State and Local Training Advisory Committee, 22428, 56859 ***** Federal Maritime Commission NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals, 18278, 27537, 43759 Agreements Filed, 1614, 2920, 4229, 5570, 7287, 8315, 9569, 10441, 11919, 13234, 14820, 16014, 17978, 19216, 20051, 22374, 23461, 25704, 27826, 29515, 30940, 31870, 33091, 34748, 36086, 37956, 39309, 40875, 42808, 44266, 45769, 46271, 47188, 49203, 50625, 52661, 53870, 55083 Combined Notice of Filings, 20672 Complaints: Maher Terminal, LLC v. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, 34304 Nathan Freeman v. Mediterranean Shipping Co. S.A. and Shipco Transport, Inc., 13002 Tienshan, Inc. v. Tianjin Hua Feng, 50973 Mandatory Rate Tariff Publication Exemption Petition: National Customs Brokers And Forwarders Association Of America, Inc., 46625, 47951 Meetings, 9120, 23251, 25704, 27826, 32026 Meetings; Sunshine Act, 32582, 35136, 38214, 40579, 41355, 45008, 52047, 54595 Ocean Transportation Intermediary License Applicants, 51638, 53870, 55084 Ocean Transportation Intermediary License Revocations, 53871 Ocean Transportation Intermediary Licenses: Applicants, 1614, 5570, 7288, 8316, 10441, 13235, 14820, 16014, 17979, 19217, 20672, 21953, 23461, 25705, 27826, 29516, 30940, 31870, 33091, 34749, 36086, 39310, 40876, 42808, 44267, 45770, 47189, 49203, 50626 Corrections, 25705 Reissuances, 2921, 8316, 13235, 16015, 19217, 20672, 21953, 28117 Revocations, 25704, 27827, 33091, 33092, 33093, 47189, 47190, 49203 Orders: Premier Automotive Services, Inc. v. Robert L. Flanagan and F. Brooks Royster, III, 34017 Shipping Act; Possible Violations; City of Los Angeles, CA et al., 56824 Privacy Act; Systems of Records, 37956, 37959 ***** Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service PROPOSED RULES Arbitration Services, 45660 ***** Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission PROPOSED RULES Procedural Rules, 51256 NOTICES Meetings; Sunshine Act, 22442, 24614, 30168, 32053, 35416, 35714, 36577 ***** Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration RULES Fees for Unified Carrier Registration Plan and Agreement; Correction, 10157 FMCSA Policy: Preventability of Crashes in Administrative Review Requests of Hazardous Materials Safety Permit Denials based upon Crash Rates, etc., 53383 Hours of Service of Drivers, 9233 Hours of Service of Drivers; Availability of Supplemental Documents, 35975 Hours of Service of Drivers; Supplemental Documents Availability, 44171 PROPOSED RULES Commercial Driver's License Testing and Commercial Learner's Permit Standards, 19282 Commercial Driver's License Testing and Learner's Permit Standards; Comment Period Extension, 32520 Medical Certification Requirements; Commercial Driver's Licenses: Supplemental Document Availability, 36489 Minimum Training Requirements for Entry-Level Commercial Motor Vehicle Operators: Updated Information, 15471 Route Designation Requirement Elimination for Motor Carriers Transporting Passengers over Regular Routes, 45929 Transportation of Household Goods; Consumer Complaint Information Quarterly Report, 9266 NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals, 538, 3317, 14867, 15043, 15253, 21685, 24346, 30660, 32624, 48009 Applications: American Trucking Associations, Inc., 46349 Massachusetts Department of Highways; City of Bostons Hazardous Materials Routing Designation, 51335 Commercial Driver's License Standards: Isuzu Motors America, Inc.; Exemption Renewal, 38023, 50065, 51878 Volvo Trucks North America; Exemption, 34828, 51879 Volvo Trucks North America; Exemption Application, 13947 Volvo Trucks North America; Exemption Renewal, 6552 Volvo Trucks North America, Exemption Renewal, 51689 Committees, etc.: Medical Review Board, 36953 Unified Carrier Registration Agreement Board of Directors; Representative Reappointment, 36956 Comprehensive Safety Analysis 2010 Initiative; Public Listening Session, 53483 Demonstration Project on NAFTA Trucking Provisions, 15557 Exemption Applications: Commercial Driver's License; Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Motor Vehicles, 45515 Commercial Driver's License Standards; Rotel North American Tours, LLC, 44313 Cummins, Inc.; Drivers' Hours of Service, 13948 Dart Transit Co.; Drivers' Hours of Service, 221 Greyhound Lines, Inc.; Drivers' Hours of Service, 46704 Grants, etc.: Commercial Driver's License Information System Modernization Grant Funds, 10088 Meetings: Medical Review Board, 13950, 33143, 52450 Motor Carrier Safety Advisory Committee, 9157, 27019, 50067 North American Cargo Securement Public Forum, 13951 Unified Carrier Registration Plan Board of Directors; Sunshine Act Meetings, 19135 Meetings; Sunshine Act, 1262, 6242, 11190, 14565, 26467, 32784, 39372, 47641, 52897, 56887 NAFTA Trucking Provisions Demonstration Project, 45796, 46963 Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Applications, 1395, 5259, 6242, 6247, 8392, 9158, 11982, 13274, 15254, 15567, 16946, 16950, 22456, 28186, 31734, 33144, 35194, 36954, 42402, 43817, 46973, 48269, 48271, 48273, 51336, 51689 Diabetes, 45519, 52451 Vision, 33151, 38497, 45516, 52456, 54888 Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Renewals; Vision, 222, 6952, 8394, 9159, 19928, 22458, 28188, 33153, 43818, 43819, 48275, 48276 Qualifications Of Drivers; Exemption Renewals; Vision, 52451 Rotel North American Tours; Commercial Driver's License Standards; Exemption Application and Request for Comments, 15044 Supporting Materials Availability, 35194 ***** Federal Procurement Policy Office RULES Cost Accounting Standards Board: Accounting for the Costs of Employee Stock Ownership Plans Sponsored by Government Contractors, 23961 Contract Clauses, 23961 PROPOSED RULES Cost Accounting Standards Board: Allocation of Home Office Expenses to Segment, 8260 Contracts Executed and Performed Outside the United States, Its Territories, and Possessions; Exemptions, 8259 Cost Accounting Standards 412 and 413 with the Pension Protection Act of 2006; Harmonization, 51261 NOTICES Determination of Executive Compensation Benchmark Amount, 15779 ***** Federal Railroad Administration RULES Passenger Train Emergency Systems; Emergency Communication, Emergency Egress, and Rescue Access, 6370 Qualification and Certification of Locomotive Engineers, 50883 Rail Line Relocation and Improvement Projects; Capital Grants Program; Implementation, 39875 Railroad Operating Rules: Operational Tests and Inspections Program; Railroad Operating Practices; Handling Equipment, Switches and Fixed Derails, 33888 Railroad Operating Rules and Practices: Program of Operational Tests and Inspections; Handling Equipment, Switches and Fixed Derails, 8442 PROPOSED RULES Electronically Controlled Pneumatic Brake Systems, 21092 Miscellaneous Amendments to Accident/Incident Reporting Requirements, 52496 Railroad Rehabilitation and Improvement Financing Program; Comment Period Extension, 32515, 46860 Railroad Safety Enforcement Procedures; Enforcement, Appeal and Hearing Procedures for Rail Routing Decisions, 20774 Railroad Workplace Safety: Adjacent-Track On-Track Safety; Roadway Workers, 41214 Adjacent-Track On-Track Safety for Roadway Workers; Withdrawn, 47124 NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals, 2074, 4943, 9161, 10322, 12794, 14868, 25823, 28856, 34829, 55589 Applications; Approval of Discontinuance, etc., 9161, 14565, 19929, 43973 Requirements of Regulations, CSX Transportation, Inc., 27020 Portland and Western Railroad, Inc., 34979 Union Pacific Railroad Co., 27019, 27020 Utah Transit Authority, 27021 Approval of Discontinuance: Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Co, 52076 Capital Assistance to States Intercity Passenger Rail Service Program; Applications Solicitation Clarification and Funding Availability, 31735 Clarification of Solicitation of Applications and Funding Availability for the Capital Assistance to States - Intercity Passenger Rail Service Program, 21170 Compliance Waivers; Petitions, 2076, 2978, 6259, 7788, 8395, 19930, 20740, 21686, 22992, 23303, 27022, 29568, 29838, 31911, 31912, 31913, 32071, 33154, 33873, 37528, 40654, 40655, 43974, 43975, 45096, 48276, 49536, 50398, 56888 Alaska Railroad Corp., 52457 Austin & Texas Central Railroad, 52078 Burlington Junction Railway, 52077 Harsco Track Technologies, 50067 National Railroad Passenger Corp., 34980 Norfolk Southern Railway, 52079 Riverport Railroad, LLC, 15833 Squaw Creek Southern Railroad, Inc., 52077 WATCO Companies, Inc., 2076 Compliance Waivers; Petitions; Correction, 31913 Declaration of Emergency Events, 53070 Emergency Event Declaration, 36584 Emergency Relief Docket for 2008 Calendar Year; Establishment, 11191 Filings: Marquette Rail, LLC, 43974 Grants, etc.: Informational Filing, 32071 Norfolk Southern Railway, 52078 Meetings: Railroad Safety Advisory Committee, 6256, 51040 Railroad Safety Advisory Committee (RSAC), 29174 Nationwide Significant Risk Threshold Adjustment, 30661 New Quiet Zone Review; Little Falls, MN, 8394 Notice of Application: Approval of Discontinuance or Modification of Railroad Signal System or Relief From 49 CFR Part, 36, 9161 Petition for Approval; Railroad Safety Program Plan, 7788, 40654 Petition for Special Approval of Alternative Compliance, 12499 Rail Line Relocation and Improvement Projects; Funding Availability and Capital Grants Application Solicitation, 51880 Railroad Safety Advisory Committee; Working Group Activity Update, 6257, 29838, 51041 Relief from CFR Title 49, Part 236 Requirements; Applicaton for Approval of Discontinuance or Modification of a Railroad Signal System, 31913 Safety Advisory (2008-01), 20741 Solicitation of Applications and Notice of Funding Availability: Capital Assistance to States - Intercity Passenger Rail Service Program, 9162 ***** Federal Register, Administrative Committee See Federal Register Office ***** Federal Register Office NOTICES Agreements: American Institute in Taiwan and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States, 29154 Announcement of withdrawal and republication; correction, 24496 Cumulative List of Public Laws: 110th Congress, First Session, 7810 ***** Federal Reserve System RULES Capital Adequacy Supervisory Review Process, Pillar 2; Basel II Advanced Capital Framework Implementation, 44620 Check Collection Funds Availability, 41236 Definitions of Terms and Exemptions Relating to the Broker Exceptions for Banks, 20779 Equal Credit Opportunity, 53685 Equal Credit Opportunity; Technical Amendment, 33662 Extensions of Credit by Federal Reserve Banks, 5727, 7202, 15861, 25505 Funds and Collection of Checks, 1267, 8787, 28319, 47817, 52908 Risk-Based Capital: Advanced Capital Adequacy Framework; Basel II; Correction, 21690 Leverage Capital Guidelines, 55706 Rules Regarding Equal Opportunity, 17885 Transactions Between Member Banks and Their Affiliates: Purchases of Asset-Backed Commercial Paper by a Member Bank from an Affiliate; Exemption, 55708 Securities Financing Transactions Between a Member Bank and an Affiliate; Exemption, 54307 Truth in Lending, 44522, 46190 PROPOSED RULES Fair Credit Reporting Risk-Based Pricing Regulations; Correction, 28966, 30814 Home Mortgage Disclosure, 44189 Minimum Capital Ratios; Capital Adequacy Guidelines; Capital Maintenance; Capital: Special Committee 215 Aeronautical Mobile Satellite (Route) Services Next Generation Satellite Services and Equipment, 56756 Privacy Act Regulation, 25594 REGULATORY AGENDA Semiannual Regulatory Agenda, 24834 Reimbursement for Providing Financial Records; Recordkeeping Requirements for Certain Financial Records, 47854 Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions: Issue and Cancellation of Federal Reserve Bank Capital Stock, 8009 Risk-Based Capital Guidelines: Capital Adequacy Guidelines; Standardized Framework, 43982 Truth in Lending, 1672, 28866 Truth in Savings, 28739 Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices, 28904 NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals, 2491, 4220, 6506, 9805, 10442, 11116, 12176, 18531, 20673, 28117, 31684, 37455, 40349, 45222, 49204, 49673, 51300, 53872, 54807, 56586 Change in Bank Control; Acquisition of Shares of Bank or Bank Holding Companies, , 189, 492, 1345, 2040, 2922, 4867, 5189, 6183, 6517, 6970, 9120, 9806, 10449, 11118, 12735, 13003, 14250, 15160, 15756, 16015, 16680, 17979, 18278, 18799, 19217, 20051, 21629, 24289, 25705, 27539, 27827, 28118, 28825, 29135, 30941, 31687, 31872, 32708, 32709, 33094, 33822, 35391, 36323, 37970, 38450, 39016, 39697, 40349, 41080, 42574, 42809, 43935, 45008, 45770, 46005, 46625, 46909, 48212, 49673, 50816, 51301, 51638, 51819, 52048, 52356, 52858, 53249, 54827, 56587, 56827 Committees, etc.: Consumer Advisory Council; Nominations Solicitation, 35137 Consumer Information for Hybrid Adjustable Rate Mortgage Products; Illustrations, 30997 Federal Open Market Committee Domestic Policy Directives, 2496, 11920, 21134, 31119, 44267, 51819 Federal Reserve Act: TCF National Bank, Wayzata, NM, 34938 Formations, Acquisitions, and Mergers of Bank Holding Companies, 492, 1346, 1889, 2041, 2255, 2922, 3255, 3725, 4573, 4868, 5571, 6183, 6726, 6971, 7558, 8317, 8698, 9120, 9333, 9569, 9806, 10032, 10449, 11118, 11920, 12417, 12735, 13237, 13895, 14820, 14988, 15160, 15756, 16015, 16680, 16858, 17979, 18278, 18799, 19217, 19503, 19851, 20051, 20674, 21348, 21629, 22374, 23251, 23462, 24596, 24984, 26397, 27539, 27827, 28118, 28826, 29135, 29758, 30104, 30398, 30618, 30941, 31120, 31484, 31688, 31872, 32333, 32709, 33822, 33823, 34020, 34938, 35137, 36086, 36324, 36871, 36872, 37971, 38450, 39310, 40350, 42345, 42574, 45009, 45224, 45771, 46006, 46626, 47191, 47602, 48212, 49462, 49673, 50015, 50817, 51302, 52048, 52662, 53025, 54828, 55084, 56587, 56827 Joint Report; Differences in Accounting and Capital Standards Among the Federal Banking Agencies: Report to Congressional Committees, 50326 Loans in Areas Having Special Flood Hazards; Interagency Questions and Answers Regarding Flood Insurance, 15259 Meetings: Bank of America Corp., Charlotte, NC; Application to Acquire Countrywide Financial Corp., Calabasas, CA, 19852 Consumer Advisory Council, 7558, 29135 Meetings; Sunshine Act, 5189, 8045, 10244, 13003, 15756, 19218, 21954, 23463, 27828, 34749, 35688, 37457, 39697, 39963, 40579, 43936, 47191, 50329, 52356 Payments System Risk Policy, 12417 Permissible Nonbanking Activities, etc., 2256, 3255, 3725, 3970, 5189, 6726, 8698, 11119, 11419, 13542, 13896, 15756, 16681, 16859, 18279, 18799, 20288, 23463, 24597, 29759, 30398, 31484, 34938, 37971, 38451, 39698, 40580, 40876, 41080, 45009, 49462, 49674, 50016, 50817, 51639, 53250, 53425, 55085 Policy on Payments System Risk; Daylight Overdraft Posting Rules, 12443 Privacy Act; Systems of Records, 24984, 54595 Regulatory Authorization; Voluntary Testing and Enrollment for New Method of Submitting Applications, etc., 23251 ***** Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board RULES Participants' Choices of TSP Funds, 22049 PROPOSED RULES Participants Choices of TSP Funds, 12665 NOTICES Meetings; Sunshine Act, 1615, 8317, 12735, 20052, 26993, 33432, 41080, 46909, 52048 Correction, 8941 Privacy Act; Systems of Records, 50016 ***** Federal Trade Commission RULES Automotive Fuel Ratings, Certification and Posting, 40154 Definitions and Implementation Under the CAN-SPAM Act, 29654 Energy Consumption and Water Use of Certain Home Appliances and Other Products Required Under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, 39221 Regulatory Review of the Trade Regulation Rule on Funeral Industry Practices, 13740 Select Leather and Imitation Leather Products Guides, 34626 Telemarketing Sales Rule, 51164 Telemarketing Sales Rule Fees, 43354 PROPOSED RULES Appliance Labeling Rule, 17263 Automotive Fuel Ratings, Certification and Posting, 12916 Business Opportunity Rule, 16110, 34895 Energy Consumption and Water Use of Home Appliances and Other Products Under the Applicance labeling Rule; Disclosures, 40988 Environmental Marketing Claims Use Guides; Green Building and Textiles; Workshop, 32662 Fair Credit Reporting Risk-Based Pricing Regulations; Correction, 28966, 30814 Guides: Jewelry, Precious Metals, and Pewter Industries, 10190, 22848 Environmental Marketing Claims Use; The Green Guides and Packaging; Public Workshop, 11371 Intent to Request Public Comments, 11844 Market Manipulation and False Information Prohibitions; Title VIII, Energy Independence and Security Act, 53393 Petroleum Market Manipulation Rulemaking; Public Workshop, 53394 Prohibitions On Market Manipulation and False Information in Subtitle B of Title VIII of the Energy Independence and Security Act of, 007, 25614 Textile Fiber Products Identification Act; Rules and Regulations, 18727 Title VIII, Energy Independence and Security Act: Market Manipulation and False Information Prohibitions, 32259 Trade Regulation Rule Relating to Power Output Claims for Amplifiers Utilized in Home Entertainment Products, 10403 Used Motor Vehicle Trade Regulation Rule, 42285, 55458 NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals, 16015, 16681, 17980, 32026, 34750, 35689, 36515, 37457, 38451, 39698, 39700, 40580, 42346, 43235, 46006, 52049, 56587 Consent Agreements: Aliyah Associates, LLC dd/b/a American Advance, 36872 Carlyle Partners IV, L.P., 38453 Flow International Corp., 42349 Pernod, Ricard, S.A., 42810 We Give Loans, Inc., 36873 Consent Orders: Agrium Inc. and UAP Holding Corp., 26993 American Cash Market, Inc., 11920 Anderson Payday Loans, 11921 Connecticut Chiropractic Association, the Connecticut Chiropractic Council, and Robert L. Hirtle, Esq., 13896 Goal Financial, LLC, 13898 Herbs Nutrition Corp., et al., 4230 Life is Good, Inc., and Life is Good Retail, Inc., 4231 MakePaydayToday.com, 11923 McCormick & Co., Inc., 45451 Negotiated Data Solutions LLC, 5846, 10032 Reed Elsevier Inc. and Seisint, Inc., 18279 Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., 49207 TALX, Inc., 25706 TJX Companies, Inc., 18281 Current Cigarette Test Method Guidance, 44268 Current Cigarette Test Method Guidance; Proposed Recission, 40350 Delegation of Authority to Disclose Certain Nonpublic Complaint Information to Domestic Law Enforcement Agencies, 21134 Meetings: Emerging Health Care Competition and Consumer Issues; Public Workshops and Roundtables, 51479 Prohibition of Unfair Methods of Competition In Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act; Public Workshop, 50818 Meetings; Sunshine Act, 11638 Premerger Notifications; Waiting Periods; Early Terminations, 2042, 5190, 7559, 10244, 10965, 13543, 25014, 36324, 38455, 44746, 53873, 55843 13543 Privacy Act; Systems of Records, 33592 Revised Jurisdictional Thresholds: Section 7A of the Clayton Act, 5191 Section 8 of the Clayton Act, 5192 Senior Executive Service Performance Review Board; Member Appointments, 31688, 51820 TALX, Inc.; Analysis of Proposed Consent Order to Aid Public Comment, 25706 ***** Federal Transit Administration RULES Charter Service, 2326, 44927, 46554 School Bus Operations Regulations; Final Policy Statement, 53384 Parks, Recreation Areas, Wildlife and Waterfowl Refuges, and Historic Sites; Correction, 13368, 31609 PROPOSED RULES Bus Testing; Phase-In of Brake Performance and Emissions Testing, and Program Updates, 56781 Contractor Performance Incentives: Capital Investment Program, 9075 School Bus Operations Regulations; Policy Statement, 28790 NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals, 6554, 13952, 16953, 22458, 31540, 34831, 35436, 53070 Alternatives Analysis/Environmental Impact Statement for High- Capacity Transit Improvements in the Tempe South Corridor, 1397 Apportionments, Allocations, and Program Information, 2008 Fiscal Year, 4956 Bus and Bus Facilities Discretionary Program Funds; FY 2008 Project Selections, 31541 Buy America Waivers: National Fuel Cell Bus Technology Development Program, 29841, 46350 Circulars: Capital Investment Program, 56888 Grant Management Guidance, 56892 Third Party Contracting Guidance, 56896 Early Scoping Notice for an Alternatives Analysis of Proposed Transit Improvements in the Harbor Subdivision Transit Corridor of Los Angeles, CA, 53682 Emergency Relief Docket, CY 2008; Establishment, 5904 Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.: Central Corridor Light Rail Transit Project; Minneapolis and Saint Paul, MN; Draft, 10090 Lake Oswego to Portland Transit Project in the Portland, OR Metropolitan Area, 20741 Southwest Transitway Project in Hennepin County, MN, 54890 Tappan Zee Bridge/I-287 Corridor, 8740 Transit Improvements in North-South Corridor of Kansas City, MO, 5625 Environmental Impact Statements; Intent: BeltLine Corridor; Atlanta, GA, 43278 Central Broward East-West Transit Analysis in Broward County, FL, 51338 Danbury Rail Branch Improvements; Connecticut, 31185 Fiscal Year 2008 Clean Fuels Grant Program Funds; Project Proposal Solicitation, 29843 FTA Supplemental Fiscal Year 2008 Apportionments and Allocations and Program Information, etc., 7789 Grants, etc.: Clean Fuels Grant Program Discretionary Funds; Fiscal Year 2008 Project Selections, 53321 Limitation on Claims against Proposed Public Transportation Projects, 32625, 44314, 55897 Metropolitan Planning Program and State Planning and Research Program Grants Program Guidance, 42898 National Rural Transportation Assistance Program Request for Proposal; Correction, 10327, 12795 National Transit Database: Amendments to Safety & Security Reporting Manual, 10089 Amendments to Urbanized Area Annual Reporting Manual, 7361 Natural Disaster Adjustments for Urbanized Area Apportionments, 47641 Policy on Reporting of Coordinated Human Services Transportation Data, 46975 Strike Adjustments for Urbanized Area Apportionments, 7030 Urbanized Area Annual Reporting Manual; Amendments, 45797 New Starts/Small Starts Policies and Procedures Guidance, 46352 Over-the-Road Bus Accessibility Program Announcement of Project Selections, 49737 Privacy Act; Systems of Records, 32072 Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program; Tribal Transit Program, 11990, 29569 Reports and guidance documents; availability, etc.: Proposed Guidance on New and Small Starts Policies and Procedures, 21170 Transfer of Federally Assisted Land or Facility, 1911 ***** Financial Management Service See Fiscal Service ***** Fine Arts Commission See Commission of Fine Arts ***** Fiscal Service RULES Federal Government Participation in the Automated Clearing House, 52578 Sale and Issue of Marketable Book-Entry Treasury Bills, Notes, and Bonds: Minimum and Multiple Amounts Eligible for STRIPS, Legacy Treasury Direct, and Certification Requirements, 14937 PROPOSED RULES Federal Government Participation in the Automated Clearing House, 1560 NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals, 5267, 7032, 12800, 53930 Companies Holding Certificates of Authority as Acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds and as Acceptable Reinsuring Companies, 37644 Contract Disputes Act: Prompt Payment Interest Rate, 37529 Federal Debt Collection and Discount and Rebate Evaluation Rate, 41167 Legacy Treasury Direct Annual Maintenance Fee Schedule Change, 14875 Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds: American Insurance Co.; Termination, 34991 American Service Insurance Co., Inc., 29578 Axis Insurance Co., 44350 AXIS Reinsurance Co., 20358 Capital City Insurance Co., Inc.; Termination, 31918 Change- The Guarantee Co. of North America USA, 21408 Financial Casualty & Surety, Inc., 25826 Global Surety & Insurance Co.; Termination, 29578 Madison Insurance Co.; Termination, 34991 North Pointe Insurance Co.; Termination, 27608 Plaza Insurance Co., 20358 ProCentury Insurance Co., 21408 Rockwood Casualty Insurance Co., 10856 Trinity Universal Insurance Co.; Termination, 54896 ULLICO Casualty Co., 932 ***** Fish and Wildlife Service RULES 2008-2009 Refuge-Specific Hunting and Sport Fishing Regulations (Additions), 33158, 51152 Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act; Authorization for Take of Eagles, 29075 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Implementation; Sturgeon Caviar Import and Export; Regulations Revision, 40983 Endangered and Threatened Species Revised Critical Habitat Designations: Peirson's Milk-Vetch, 8748 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants, 10514, 17762 Acanthomintha ilicifolia (San Diego thornmint); Critical Habitat Designation, 50454 Bay Checkerspot Butterfly (Euphydryas editha bayensis); Critical Habitat Designation, 50406 Central Idaho and Yellowstone Area Nonessential Experiment Populations of Gray Wolves in the Northern Rocky Mountains; Special Regulation Revision, 4720 Critical Habitat Revised Designation for the Kootenai River Population of the White Sturgeon, 39506 Designation of Critical Habitat for San Bernardino bluegrass and California taraxacum, 47706 Designation of Critical Habitat for the Devils River Minnow, 46988 Designation of Critical Habitat for the Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep and Taxonomic Revision, 45534 Designation of Critical Habitat_ Nevin's barberry, 8412 Determination of Threatened Status for the Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) Throughout Its Range, 28212 Listing the Potential Sonoran Desert Bald Eagle Distinct Population Segment as Threatened Under the Endangered Species Act, 23966 Monterey Spineflower; Critical Habitat Designation, 1525 Preble's Meadow Jumping Mouse, 39790 Revised Designation of Critical Habitat for the Northern Spotted Owl, 47326 Six Foreign Birds as Endangered, 3146 Special Rule for the Polar Bear, 28306 Tidewater Goby; Critical Habitat Designation Revision, 5920 Virginia Northern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus fuscus); Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife Removal, 50226 Financial Assistance: Wildlife Restoration, Sport Fish Restoration, Hunter Education and Safety, 43120 Marine Mammals: Incidental Take During Specified Activities, 33212 Migratory Bird Hunting: Early Seasons and Bag and Possession Limits for Certain Migratory Game Birds in Contiguous United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands, 51088 Federal Indian Reservations and Ceded Lands for the 2008-09 Early Season, 51704 Final Frameworks for Early Season Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations, 50678 Final Frameworks for Late Season Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations, 55602 Late Seasons and Bag and Possession Limits for Certain Migratory Game Birds, 55630 Regulations on Certain Federal Indian Reservations and Ceded Lands for 2008-09 Late Season, 55676 Migratory Bird Permits: Eagle and Migratory Bird Permit Applications; Addresses, 42279 Revisions to Migratory Bird Import and Export Regulations, 47092, 55450 Migratory Bird Subsistence Harvest in Alaska; Harvest Regulations for Migratory Birds in Alaska During the 2008 Season, 13788 Public Access, Use, and Recreation Regulations; Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge, 22254 Subsistence Management Regulations, Alaska Public Lands, 2008-09 and Subsistence Taking of Wildlife Regulations, 009-10, 35726 Subsistence Management Regulations for Public Lands in Alaska, Subpart C and Subpart D-2008-09 Subsistence Taking of Fish and Shellfish Regulations, 13761, 18710, 19433, 40179 PROPOSED RULES 2008-2009 Refuge-Specific Hunting and Sport Fishing Regulations, 33202 Eagle Permits; Take Necessary to Protect Interests in a Particular Locality, 47574 Endangered and Threatened Species: Canada Lynx; Revised Critical Habitat for Contiguous United States Distinct Population Segment, 10860 Findings on Petitions, etc._ Pygmy Rabbit, 1312 Gulf of Maine Distinct Population Segment of Atlantic Salmon; Endangered Status, 51415 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants: 12-month Finding on a Petition to List the Gunnisons Prairie Dog as Threatened or Endangered, 6660 12 Month Finding on a Petition to List the White-tailed Prairie Dog (Cynomys leucurus) as Threatened or Endangered, 24910 12-Month Finding on Petition to Delist Astragalus magdalenae var. peirsonii (Peirson's milk-vetch), 41007 12-Month Finding on Petition to List Bonneville Cutthroat Trout as Threatened or Endangered, 7236, 52235 12-Month Finding on Petition to List the Siskiyou Mountains Salamander and Scott Bar Salamander as Threatened or Endangered, 4380 12-month Petition Finding and Proposed Rule to Remove Brown Pelican From Federal List, 9408 12 Species of Picture-wing Flies from the Hawaiian Islands, 46860 90 Day Finding on a Petition to Delist the Lahontan Cutthroat Trout, 52257 90-Day Finding on a Petition to List Kokanee (Oncorhynchus nerka) in Lake Sammamish, Washington, as Threatened or Endangered, 24915 90-Day Finding on a Petition To List the Ashy Storm-Petrel (Oceanodroma homochroa), 28080 90-Day Finding on a Petition To List the U.S. Population of Coaster Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) as Endangered, 45935 90-day Finding on a Petition to List the Western Sage- Grouse as Threatened or Endangered, 23170 90-Day Finding on Petitions to List the Mono Basin Area Population of the Greater Sage-Grouse as Threatened or Endangered, 23173 90-Day Finding on Petition to Delist the Hualapai Mexican vole (Microtus mexicanus hualpaiensis), 28094 90-Day Finding on Petition to List the Amargosa River Population of the Mojave Fringe-toed Lizard, 1855 Acanthomintha ilicifolia (San Diego thornmint), 27483 Bliss Rapids snail (Taylorconcha serpenticola), 46867 Broad-snouted Caiman; Argentine Population; Reclassification Petition, 33968 Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl, 31418 Coaster Brook Trout, 14950 Designation of Critical Habitat; Bay Checkerspot Butterfly (Euphydryas editha bayensis), 20237 Designation of Critical Habitat for Alabama Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus suttkusi), 30361 Designation of Critical Habitat for Poa atropurpurea (San Bernardino bluegrass) and Taraxacum californicum (California taraxacum), 20600 Designation of Critical Habitat for the Devils River Minnow, 7237 Designation of Critical Habitat for the Louisiana Black Bear (Ursus americanus luteolus), 25354 Designation of Critical Habitat for the Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus), 12067 Designation of Critical Habitat for the Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis californiana) and Proposed Taxonomic Revision, 6684 Designation of Critical Habitat for the Wintering Population of the Piping Plover in North Carolina; Revised, 28084 Establishment of Nonessential Experimental Population of Rio Grande Silvery Minnow; Big Bend Reach, Rio Grande, TX, 9755 Foreign Species Findings; Resubmitted Petitions, 44062 Formats Lists Amendment, 45383 Frosted Flatwoods Salamander and Reticulated Flat, 47258 Greater Sage-Grouse, 10218 Hawaiian Hawk or Io (Buteo solitarius), 45680 Initiation of Status Review for the Greater Sage-Grouse as Threatened or Endangered, 23172 Listing Phyllostegia hispida (No Common Name) as Endangered Throughout Its Range, 9078 Listing the Plant Lepidium papilliferum (Slickspot Peppergrass) as Endangered, 54345 Long-tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis), 34686 Marbled Murrelet; Critical Habitat Designation Revision, 44678 North American Wolverine, 12929 Northern Snakehead Fish (Channa argus); 90-Day Finding on a Petition to List under the Endangered Species Act, 48359 Peninsular Ranges Population of Desert Bighorn Sheep; Critical Habitat Designation, 50498 Petition To List the San Francisco Bay-Delta Population of the Longfin Smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys) as Endangered, 24911 Proposed Removal of Erigeron Maguirei from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Plants; Availability of Post-Delisting Monitoring Plan, 28410 Proposed Removal of the Concho Water Snake (Nerodia paucimaculata) From the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife, etc., 38956 Proposed Revised Designation of Critical Habitat for the Northern Spotted Owl, 29471 Quino Checkerspot Butterfly; Critical Habitat Designation, 3328 Reticulated Flatwoods Salamander; Proposed Designation of Critical Habitat for Frosted Flatwoods Salamander and Reticulated Flatwoods Salamander, 54125 Revised Critical Habitat for the California Red-Legged Frog (Rana aurora draytonii), 53492 Revised Designation of Critical Habitat for Cirsium loncholepis (La Graciosa Thistle), 45806 Revised Designation of Critical Habitat for the Wintering Population of the Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus) in Texas; Correction, 20581, 29294, 32629 Revised Proposed Designation of Critical Habitat for 12 Species of Picture-wing Flies From the Hawaiian Islands, 12065 Salt Creek Tiger Beetle (Cicindela Nevadica Lincolniana); Critical Habitat Designation, 31665 San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys Merriami Parvus); Revised Critical Habitat, 43910 Status Review for Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout, 27900 Status Review Initiation; Bald Eagle in the Sonoran Desert Area of Central Arizona and Northwestern Mexico, 29096 Status Review Initiation for Northern Mexican Gartersnake (Thamnophis eques megalops), 30596 The Delta Smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus) from Threatened to Endangered, 39639 Tucson Shovel-Nosed Snake (Chionactis Occipitalis Klauberi), 43905 Financial Assistance: Wildlife Restoration, Sport Fish Restoration, Hunter Education and Safety, 24523 General Regulations; Areas Administered by the National Park Service and the Fish and Wildlife Service, 39272 General Regulations for Areas Administered by National Park Service and Fish and Wildlife Service, 23388 Importation, Exportation, and Transportation of Wildlife; Inspection Fees, Import/Export Licenses, and Import/Export License Exemptions, 9972 Injurious Wildlife Species; Constrictor Snakes From Python, Boa, and Eunectes Genera; Information Review, 5784 Interagency Cooperation under the Endangered Species Act, 47868, 52942 Migratory Bird Hunting: Early Season Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations Proposed Frameworks; Meetings, 43290 Migratory Game Bird 2008-2009 Hunting Season; Meetings, 34692 Proposed 2008-09 Migratory Game Bird Hunting Regulations, etc., 30712 Proposed Frameworks for Late Season Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations, 51124 Proposed Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations on Certain Federal Indian Reservations and Ceded Lands for the 2008-09 Season, 48098 Resident Canada Geese Hunting Methods, 45689 Migratory Bird Permits: Muscovy Ducks Control, 49626 Purple Swamphens Control, 49631 Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument Proclamation Provisions, 38375 Regulations: Subsistence Taking of Fish and Shellfish Regulations, 20887 Revision of Regulations Implementing the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES); Import and Export, 41022 Subsistence Management Regulations for Public Lands in Alaska; (2009 and 2010 and 2010-2011), 20884 Subsistence Taking of Fish and Shellfish Regulations; Correction, 29579 NOTICES Adoption of an Environmental Impact Statement, 11944 Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals, 3752, 5866, 10048, 19867, 21640, 22429, 23486, 35703, 35704, 35705, 36550, 36551, 43254, 46322, 46323, 47963, 55523 Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge, Brevard and Indian River Counties, FL, 36347 Sullys Hill National Game Preserve, Fort Totten, ND, 36350 Assessment Plan for Natural Resources Injured by Releases of Hazardous Substances: Dow Chemical Company's Midland, MI, Plant on the Tittabawassee River, 22161 Comprehensive Conservation Plans, etc., 4615, 5867, 8343 Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge, Manteo, NC, 52668 Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge, North Dakota, 11660 Balmorhea State Park Management Plan Habitat; Reeves County, TX, 39024 Benton Lake National Wildlife Refuge Complex, MT, 48237 Catahoula National Wildlife Refuge in LaSalle and Catahoula Parishes, Louisiana, 1227 Clarks River National Wildlife Refuge, Marshall, McCracken, and Graves Counties, KY, 50981 Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge, Citrus County, FL, 203 Delta and Breton National Wildlife Refuges, LA; Draft, 39978 Desert National Wildlife Refuge Complex, Clark, Lincoln, and Nye Counties, NV; Draft, 39979 Ellicott Slough National Wildlife Refuge, Santa Cruz County, CA, 40360 Eufaula National Wildlife Refuge, Barbour and Russell Counties, AL and Stewart and Quitman Counties, GA; Draft, 32349 Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge, Ashley, Bradley, and Union Counties, AR; Overflow National Wildlife Refuge, Ashley County, AR, 17992, 17992-17993 Innoko National Wildlife Refuge; McGrath, AK; Draft, 27842 J.N. Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge, Lee County, FL, 17991, 17991-17992 Laramie Plains National Wildlife Refuges, Wyoming, 41106 Leopold and St. Croix Wetland Management Districts, Wisconsin; Draft, 43468 Logan Cave National Wildlife Refuge, Benton County, AR, 52668 Lower Florida Keys Refuges; Monroe County, FL; Draft, 30139 Maintenance and Operations on the Calnev 8-Inch and 14- Inch Pipelines, Cajon County, CA; Proposed Low Effect Habitat, 30965 Mattamuskeet National Wildlife Refuge, Hyde County, NC; Draft, 41371 Medicine Lake National Wildlife Refuge Complex; Medicine Lake, Montana, 9351 North Dakota; Twelve National Wildlife Refuges; Draft, 50834 Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, HI; Draft, 21975 Pathfinder National Wildlife Refuge, WY; Draft, 34034, 43777 Pee Dee National Wildlife Refuge, Anson and Richmond Counties, NC; Draft, 21641 Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge, Jones and Jasper Counties, GA, 18552 Pine Island, Caloosahatchee, and Matlacha Pass National Wildlife Refuges, Lee County, FL; Island Bay National Wildlife Refuge, Charlotte County, FL, 17993 Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge, Hyde, Tyrrell, and Washington Counties, NC, 45240 Rainwater Basin Wetland Management District, Kearney, NE, 8054 Red River National Wildlife Refuge, Caddo, Bossier, DeSoto, Natchitoches, and Red River Parishes, LA, 42822 Red River National Wildlife Refuge, Caddo et al., Draft, 20059 Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge, Lima, MT; Draft, 55864 Regional Habitat Conservation Plan, Hays County, TX, 28497 Rice Lake and Mille Lacs National Wildlife Refuges, Aitkin, Pine, and Mille Lacs Counties, MN, 4616 Sabine National Wildlife Refuge, 33847 Sacramento, Delevan, Colusa, and Sutter National Wildlife Refuges; Draft, 42363 San Luis and Merced National Wildlife Refuges and Grasslands Wildlife Management Area, Merced County, CA, 52063 Santee National Wildlife Refuge, Clarendon County, SC; Draft, 36888 Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Schoolcraft County, MI, 51506 Shell Keys National Wildlife Refuge, Iberia Parish, LA; Draft, 33848 Swanquarter National Wildlife Refuge, Hyde County, NC; Draft; Correction, 38242, 39979 Tennessee National Wildlife Refuge, Henry, Benton, Decatur, and Humphreys Counties, TN; Request for Comments, 17994 Upper Ouachita and Handy Brake National Wildlife Refuges and Louisiana Wetlands Management District; Draft, 15186 Upper Ouachita and Handy Brake National Wildlife Refuges, Morehouse, Union, Richland, East Carroll, West Carroll, Natchitoches, and Grant Parishes, LA, 52670 Wapack National Wildlife Refuge, Hillsborough County, NH; Draft, 15769 Wetland Management Districts, North Dakota; Draft, 48388 Wetland Management Districts, South Dakota, 53439 Wolf Island National Wildlife Refuge, McIntosh County, GA; Draft, 33451 Cullinan Ranch Unit Restoration Project, San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge, Solano County, CA, 24302 Comprehensive Conservation Plans, etc.; Intent: Savannah Coastal Refuges' Complex, 28838 Tehachapi Uplands Multi-species Habitat Conservation Plan; Intent, 31876 Wallkill River National Wildlife Refuge, Sussex, NJ, 6522 Willamette Valley National Wildlife Refuge Complex, Corvallis, OR, 11137 Draft Bexar County Karst Invertebrates Recovery Plan, 28494 Draft Candidate Conservation Agreement With Survival Permit Enhancement Application and Assurances: Page Springsnail, Yavapai County, AZ, 5205 Environmental Assessments, etc.: Broughton Land Co., Columbia County, WA, 11870 Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.; Draft: Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge, AK, 4617, 20931 East Bay Municipal Utility District Habitat Conservation Plan, East Bay Watershed Lands, Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, CA, 28495 Endangered and Threatened Species Permits, 5583, 8053, 14263, 14264, 14480, 29143, 21646, 30623, 31709, 31875, 31878, 34312, 36890, 42592, 54423 Endangered and Threatened Species Recovery Plans: Northwest Atlantic Population of the Loggerhead Sea Turtle; Recovery Plan, 31066 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants, 19869, 23487, 26138, 31140, 31875, 34312, 37470, 53898 28 Southwestern Species; 5-Year Reviews, 14995 5-Year Reviews, 21643 5-Year Status Review of 18 Southeastern Species, 20702 Five Year Status Review of 20 Southeastern Species, 43947 Initiation of 5-Year Review; Piping Plover (Charadrius Melodus) Information Request, 56860 Initiation of 5-Year Reviews of 10 Listed Species, 3991 Initiation of 5-year Reviews of 58 Species and Availability of Completed 5-year Reviews in CA, NV, and OR, 11945 Initiation of 5-Year Status Reviews for 70 Species in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and the Pacific Islands, 23264 Recovery Crediting Guidance, 44761 Endangered Species: Emergency Exemption; Issuance of Permit, 50834 Receipt of Applications for Permit, 50834 Endangered Species and/or Marine Mammals; Permits, 2937, 5206, 10282, 14266, 18809, 21979, 23266, 27005, 29144, 18808, 35661, 35706, 36891, 42593, 49697, 56862 Endangered Species Permits, 10801, 34035, 47207, 49698, 56863 Endangered Species Recovery Permits, 5868, 8344, 11136, 18804, 19237, 21645, 24303, 28837, 36552, 47206, 53264 Enhancement of Survival Permit Application Receipt; Request for Comments, 15188 Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.: Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Ouachita Parish, LA, 26139 Coyote Springs Investment Planned Development Project Multiple-Species Habitat Conservation Plan, 53038 Habitat Conservation Plan, and Receipt of Applications for Incidental Take Permits; Draft, 49647 Hanford Reach National Monument, Adams, Benton, Franklin and Grant Counties, WA, 47964 Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, Soldotna, AK, 26140 Pathfinder National Wildlife Refuge, Alcova, WY; Comprehensive Conservation Plan; Draft; Correction, 35706 Salt River Project; Horseshoe-Bartlett Habitat Conservation Plan, Maricopa and Yavapai Counties, AZ, 23488 Sears Point Wetland and Watershed Restoration Project, 3993 Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge; Lakeview, OR, 27003 Tehachapi Uplands Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan, 16052 Texas Chenier Plain National Wildlife Refuge Complex, Chambers, Jefferson, and Galveston Counties, TX, 36890 Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge, Buffalo and Trempealeau Counties, WI, 46324 Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge, WI, 20329 White Wind Farm Project, Brookings County, South Dakota, 14264 Willapa National Wildlife Refuge, Pacific County, WA, 19238 Williamson County Regional Habitat Conservation Plan, Williamson County, TX, 53440 Environmental Impact Statements; Intent: Bay Delta Conservation Plan for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 4178, 20326 Erie National Wildlife Refuge, Crawford County, PA, 10278 Evaluate Wind Energy Development in Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota, 52855 Fruit Growers Supply Co. Multispecies Habitat Conservation Plan, Siskiyou County, CA, 9776 South Sacramento Habitat Conservation Plan; Sacramento County, CA, 32729 Williamson County Regional Habitat Conservation Plan, 28498 Expansion of a Young Men's Christian Association Facility in Volusia County, FL, 26407 Federal Sport Fish Restorations: California Department of Fish and Game Fish Hatchery and Stocking Program, 45470 Fish and Wildlife Service and Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes Sign Annual Funding Agreement, 39713 Grand Bay National Wildlife Refuge, Jackson County, MS, and Mobile County, AL, 20704 Habitat Conservation Plan; Dutton Avenue School, City of Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, CA; Proposed; Comment Request, 38243 Incidental Take Permits: Charlotte County, FL; Commercial Construction, 42593 Construction of 24 Single-Family Homes etc., 16319 Michigan DNR, 4619 Regency Centers Project; Highland, San Bernardino County, CA, 40359 Residential Construction; Charlotte County, FL, 19525, 30139 San Bruno Mountain Habitat Conservation Plan in San Mateo County, CA, 20324 Santa Cruz Gardens Low-effect Habitat Conservation Plan; Santa Cruz County, CA, 48238 Seven Meteorological Towers on Lanai, HI; Construction and Operation, 39025 Single-family Home Construction, Charlotte County, FL, 3478 Single Family and Duplex Residential Developments on the Fort Morgan Peninsula, Baldwin County, AL, 25765 Volusia County, FL; Residential Construction, 33105 Industrial Center Construction, Lake County, FL, 3261 Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge, Genesee County and Orleans County, NY, 10279 Lake Wales Ridge National Wildlife Refuge, Polk and Highlands Counties, FL; Comprehensive Conservation Plan, 35149 Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge, Volusia and Lake Counties, FL, 21978 List of Programs Eligible for Inclusion in FY 2008 Funding Agreements With Self-Governance Tribes, 16054 Low Effect Habitat Conservation Plan for Restoration and Management: Linden H. Chandler Preserve, City of Rolling Hills Estates, Los Angeles County, CA; Proposed, 47209 Marine Mammal Protection Act: Stock Assessment Reports, 6994, 20931, 32732, 45238 Marine Mammals: Incidental Take During Specified Activities, 50634 Marine Mammals and Endangered Species; National Marine Fisheries, 4540 Marine Mammals and Endangered Species Permit Applications, 35661 Marine Mammals Permits, 2936, 5206, 10280, 18805, 21977, 29142, 31708 Meetings: Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force, 19239 Lake Champlain Sea Lamprey Control Alternatives Workgroup, 3753, 31709, 53265 North American Wetlands Conservation Council, 10461, 37471 Sport Fishing and Boating Partnership Council, 9352 Sporting Conservation Council, 2518, 14997, 31501, 51645, 54163 Trinity Adaptive Management Working Group, 2937, 10281, 30625, 47209 Wind Turbine Guidelines Advisory Committee, 4911, 18806, 29531, 39714, 54424 Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, 46914 Nantucket National Wildlife Refuge, Nantucket County, MA, 18806 Oregon Parks and Recreation Department Habitat Conservation Plan: Western Snowy Plover in Clastop, Tillamook, Lincoln, Lane, Douglas, Coos, and Curry Counties, Oregon, 10281 Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, Hawai'i, 39951 Post-delisting Monitoring Plan for the Western Great Lakes Distinct Population Segment of the Gray Wolf, 19525 Privacy Act; Systems of Records, 31877 Record of Decision: Vieques National Wildlife Refuge, Vieques, PR, 1228 Recovery Plans; Draft, 11431 Desert Tortoise (Gopherus Agassizii); Mojave Population, 45236 Prairie Species of Western Oregon and Southwestern Washington, 54603 Puerto Rican Parrot; Draft, 34313 Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep (Ovis Canadensis Californiana), 8345 Restoration Plans and Environmental Assessments: Cherokee County Superfund Site, Cherokee County, KS; Draft, 43255 Right-of-Way Permit Applications: Keystone Oil Pipeline Project; North Dakota and South Dakota Wetland Management Districts, 32353 Safe Harbor Agreements, etc.: Guam Rail on Cocos Island, Guam; Proposed, 1893 Northern Spotted Owl; Fred M. van Eck Forest Foundation, Humboldt County, CA, 39026 Southwestern Willow Flycatcher for Landowners Restoring, Enhancing, or Managing Riparian Habitats in Washington, Iron, Garfield, Kane, Emery, Grand, Wayne Counties, UT, 25764 Serpentine Endemic Species Located on Tulare Hill, Santa Clara County, CA, 10049 Species Proposals, Resolutions, Decisions, and Agenda Items for Consideration at the Fifteenth Regular Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention, 56605 Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program, 9582 ***** Food and Drug Administration RULES Applications for Approval to Market a New Drug; Complete Response Letter; Amendments to Unapproved Applications, 39588 Applications for Food and Drug Administration Approval to Market a New Drug; Postmarketing Reports: Reporting Information About Authorized Generic Drugs, 56487 Approved Drugs, Biologics, and Medical Devices; Proposing Labeling Changes, 49603 Certain Other Dosage Form New Animal Drugs; Sevoflurane, 25507 Civil Money Penalties Hearings; Maximum Penalty Amounts; Technical Amendment, 15883 Communicable Disease Control: Restrictions on African Rodents, Pairie Dogs, and Certain Other Animals, 51912 Current Good Manufacturing Practices: Finished Pharmaceuticals; Amendments, 51919 Investigational New Drugs Intended for Use in Clinical Trials, 40453 Manufacturing, Packaging, Labeling, for Holding Operations for Dietary Supplements; Technical Amendment, 13123, 27727 FDA Regulations; Technical Amendment, 49941 FDA Regulations; Technical Amendment; Correction, 54314 Food Labeling: Health Claims; Calcium and Osteoporosis, and Calcium, Vitamin D, and Osteoporosis, 56477 Health Claims; Dietary Noncariogenic Carbohydrate Sweeteners and Dental Caries, 30299 Health Claims; Soluble Fiber From Certain Foods and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease, 9938, 23947, 47828 Generally Recognized As Safe Substances; Technical Amendments, 8606 Human Cells, Tissues, and Cellular and Tissue-Based Products CFR Correction, 3387 Human Drugs: Toll-Free Number for Reporting Adverse Events on Labeling, 402 Human Subject Protection: Foreign Clinical Studies Not Conducted Under an Investigational New Drug Application, 22800 Irradiation in the Production, Processing, and Handling of Food, 49593 Medical Devices: General and Plastic Surgery Devices; Tissue Adhesive for Topical Approximation of Skin Device; Reclassification, 31027 Baseline Reports, 33692, 53686 Hearing Aids; Technical Data Amendments, 31358 Immunology and Microbiology Devices; Classification of Plasmodium Species Antigen Detection Assays, 29052 Nomenclature Change; Technical Amendment, 35341 Radiology Devices; Bone Sonometers Reclassification, 40967 Radiology Devices; Bone Sonometers; Correction, 47523 Technical Amendment, 34857 New Animal Drugs: Albendazole, 11026 Cephalosporin Drugs; Extralabel Animal Drug Use; Prohibition, 38110, 48127 Drug Labeler Code; Change of Sponsor, 35340 Enrofloxacin, 21819 Halocarbon Products Corps; Sponsor Name Change, 23066 Iron Injection; Change of Sponsor, 14384 Ketamine; Change of Sponsor, 8191 New Animal Drugs; Animal Feeds Use: Bacitracin Methylene Disalicylate and Nicarbazin, 15884 Oxytetracycline, 45874 Pyrantel; Technical Amendment, 15661 Semduramicin, 811 Tylosin, 34184 Zilpaterol, 6018, 14385, 16754, 1895819432 New Animal Drugs; Implantation or Injectable Dosage Form, 2808, 12634, 14177, 14926, 16754, 17890, 28036, 31357 Cefovecin, 29685 Ceftiofur Hydrochloride, 45611 Florfenicol, 21041 Insulin, 21042 Tulathromycin, 6017 New Animal Drugs; Intramammary Dosage Form: Cephapirin Benzathine, 12262 Cephapirin Sodium, 3181 Pirlimycin, 811 New Animal Drugs; Oral Dosage Form : Altrenogest, 9455 Amprolium, 45610 Clindamycin, 4077 Deracoxib, 33691 Firocoxib Tablets, 2808 Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, and Praziquantel Tablets, 33692 Ivermectin Liquid, 9455 Ivermectin Paste, 34184 Oxfendazole Suspension, 45610 Phenylbutazone Tablets, 8192 Spectinomycin, 6607 Sulfachlorpyridazine Powder, 35579 Sulfadiazine/Pyrimethamine Suspension, 53685 Registration of Food Facilities Under the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002; Technical Amendment, 15883 Revision of Requirements for Live Vaccine Processing; Confirmation of Effective Date, 12262 Revisions to the Requirements Applicable to Blood, Blood Components and Source Plasma; Confirmation of Effective Date and Technical Amendment, 7463 Safe Harbor Agreements, etc.: Enhancement of Survival Permit for the Beautiful Shiner et al.; Cochise County, AZ; Draft, 19868 Skin Protectant Drug Products for Over-the-Counter Human Use; Reduced Labeling; Technical Amendment, 6014 Substances Prohibited From Use in Animal Food or Feed, 22720 Technical Amendment; Withdrawal of Approval of NADAs: Animal Drugs, Feeds, and Related Products, 18441 Use of Materials Derived From Cattle in Human Food and Cosmetics, 20785 Withdrawal: Amendment to the Current Good Manufacturing Practice Regulations for Finished Pharmaceuticals, 18440 PROPOSED RULES Applications for Food and Drug Administration Approval to Market a New Drug; Postmarketing Reports: Reporting Information About Authorized Generic Drugs; Companion Document to Direct Final Rule, 56529 Beverages; Bottled Water, 53775 Defining Small Number of Animals for Minor Use Designation, 14411 Dental Devices: Classification of Encapsulated Amalgam Alloy and Dental Mercury and Reclassification of Dental Mercury; Issuance of Special Controls for Amalgam Alloy, 22877 Devices: General Hospital and Personal Use Devices; Reclassification of Medical Device Data System, 7498 Food Labeling: Revision of Reference Values and Mandatory Nutrients, 4765 General and Plastic Surgery Devices: Reclassification of the Absorbable Hemostatic Device; Reopening of Comment Period, 52804 Label Requirement for Food that has Been Refused Admission into the United States, 54106 Medical Devices: Hearing Aids; Technical Data Amendments, 31390 Medical Device Reporting; Baseline Reports; Companion to Direct Final Rule, 33749 Radiology Devices; Full Field Digital Mammography System Reclassification, 31040 Over-the-Counter Drugs; Category II Active Ingredients Status, 34895 Proposal to Permit the Use of Ultrafiltered Milk; Extension of Comment Period: Cheeses and Related Cheese Products, 7692 Requirements for Human Blood and Blood Components Intended for Transfusion or Further Manufacturing Use: Extension of Comment Period, 1983 Requirements for Pregnancy and Lactation Labeling: Labeling Content and Format For Human Prescription Drug and Biological Products, 30831 Salt and Sodium: Petition to Revise the Regulatory Status of Salt and Establish Food Labeling Requirements Regarding Salt and Sodium; Hearing, 33027 Supplemental Applications Proposing Labeling Changes for Approved Drugs, Biologics, and Medical Devices, 2848 NOTICES Acrysof; Determination of Regulatory Review Period for Patent Extension, 17985 Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals, 865, 1693, 31694, 31696, 2500, 3729, 4234, 4873, 6728, 7564, 8879, 10033, 11648, 11926, 12452, 13240, 14471, 16017, 17986, 19073, 19508, 21139, 21631, 21959, 22423, 22951, 23466, 25016, 25749, 25750, 26119, 26998, 28484, 28486, 29759, 32029, 34024, 34940, 35402, 35694, 35699, 36331, 36531, 36533, 36534, 36537, 37464, 37465, 39964, 41360, 44748, 44749, 45773, 46007, 46909, 50024, 50028, 50030, 50031, 50628, 50976, 51821, 51822, 52663, 52861, 53251, 53212, 53877, 53878, 55108, 55111, 55516, 56592, 56595 Food Canning Establishment Registration, Process Filing, and Recordkeeping of Acidified Foods, etc., 53028 Amendments Act: Prohibition Against Food to Which Drugs or Biological Products Have Been Added, 43937 Animal Cloning Risk Assessment: Risk Management Plan; Guidance for Industry; Availability, 2923 Animal Drug User Fee Act; Public Meeting; Request for Comments, 9571 Animal Drug User Fee Act Program: Rates and Payment Procedures, FY, 009, 53254 Annual Guidance Agenda, 46008 Antimicrobial resistance; Public Hearing; Request for Comments, 20309 Applications: Innovative Food Defense Projects; New Limited Competition Cooperative Agreement (U13), 37466 Medical Devices Regulated by the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, 46020 Approved Drugs and Approved or Cleared Medical Devices: Draft Guidance for Industry on Good Reprint Practices for Distribution of Medical Journal Articles, etc., 9342 Biologics Industry; Public Workshop: Structured Product Labeling Content of Labeling and Electronic Drug Establishment Registration and Drug Listing, 54405 Biotechnology Products, Office of Biotechnology Products; Quality Information Submission; Pilot Program, 37972 Blood Products Advisory Committee; Nonvoting Industry Representative; Nominations Request, 6186 Canned Pacific Salmon Deviating From Identity Standard; Temporary Permit for Market Testing, 12180 Chloramine-T for Control of Bacterial Gill Disease in Freshwater-Reared Salmonids; Data Availability, 49465 Class II Special Controls Guidance Document: Plasmodium Species Antigen Detection Assays, 29137 Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988: In Vitro Diagnostic Devices Manufacturers Waiver Applications, 5574 Clinical Trial Requirements Regulations, Compliance, and Good Clinical Practice Conference; Public Workshop, 52052 Combe, Inc.; Filing of Color Additive Petition, 10035 Committees, etc.: Food Advisory Committee; Voting Members Nominations, 39972 Science Board; Nominations Request, 51830 Compliance Policy Guides: Fish and Fishery Products_Decomposition, Sec. 540.370; Draft, 41361 Fish Fresh and Frozen Adulteration Involving Decomposition; Withdrawal, 41361 Compliance Policy Guide Sec. 500.500 Guidance Levels for 3MCPD (3-chloro-1, 2-propanediol) in Acid-Hydrolyzed Protein and Asian-Style Sauces; Availability, 16861 Compliance Policy Guide Sec. 555.700 Revocation of Tolerances for Cancelled Pesticides (CPG 7120.29); Withdrawal, 1357 Cooperative Agreements: Food Safety and Security Monitoring Project, 42816 Ruminant Feed Ban Support Project, 39316 Cooperative Agreement to Establish and Support the Western Center for Food Safety (U01), 36875 Cooperative Agreement to Support the World Health Organization International Programme on Chemical Safety, 22956 Debarments: Campbell, Maria Anne Kirkman; Denial, 51305 Determination: RELAFEN (Nabumetone) Tablets and Three Other Drug Products Were Not Withdrawn From Sale for Reasons of Safety or Effectiveness, 12453 SANOREX (Mazindol) Tablets 1 and 2 Milligrams Were Not Withdrawn From Sale for Reasons of Safety or Effectiveness; Correction, 43940 Determination of Regulatory Review Period for Purposes of Patent Extension; ERAXIS, 35402 Determinations: SANOREX (Mazindol) Tablets 1 and 2 Milligrams; Not Withdrawn From Sale For Safety or Effectiveness Reasons, 40582 Determinations; Patent Extensions: ROTATEQ, 33095 Directory of State and Local Officials and State Food Safety Resource Survey Support Project; Availability, 42814 Draft Compliance Policy Guide Sec. 540.370: Draft Compliance Policy Guide Sec. 555.3, 7293 Draft Guidance for Industries: Use of Nucleic Acid Tests to Reduce Transmission Risk of West Nile Virus From Donors of Whole Blood, etc., 38460 Draft Guidance for Industry: 7293 Considerations for Allogeneic Pancreatic Islet Cells; Availability, 29760 Diabetes Mellitus; Developing Drugs and Therapeutic Biologics for Treatment and Prevention, 11420 End-of-Phase 2A Meetings, 55851 Hypertension Indication: Drug Labeling for Cardiovascular Outcome Claims, 13546 Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic Format; Postmarketing Individual Case Safety Reports, 33436 Use of Nucleic Acid Tests to Reduce the Risk of Transmission of West Nile Virus From Donors, etc., 22958 Validation of Growth-Based Rapid Microbiological Methods for Sterility Testing of Cellular and Gene Therapy Products; Availability, 7746 Draft Guidance for Industry; Availability: Requalification Method for Reentry of Blood Donors Deferred Because of Reactive Hepatitis Antibody Test Results, etc., 29519 Draft Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff: Clinical Investigations of Devices Indicated for the Treatment of Urinary Incontinence, 54406 Draft Guidance for Industry and Review Staff: Nonclinical Safety Evaluation of Reformulated Drug Products and Products Intended for Administration by Alternate Route; Availability, 12454 Draft Guidance for Industry on Acute Bacterial Otitis Media: Developing Drugs for Treatment; Availability, 3470 Draft Guidance for Industry on Antibacterial Drug Products: Use of Noninferiority Studies to Support Approval, 868 Draft Guidance for Industry on Coronary Drug Eluting Stents Nonclinical and Clinical Studies; Availability, 16311 Draft Guidance for Industry on Developing Coronary Drug Eluting Stents; Public Workshop, 22156 Draft Guidance for Sponsors, Industry, Researchers, Investigators, and Food and Drug Administration Staff: Certifications to Accompany Drug, Biological Product, and Device Applications/Submissions, 21142 Draft Prescription Drug User Fee Act IV Drug Safety Five-Year Plan; Availability for Comment, 24599 Draft, Revised Compliance Policy Guide Sec. 575.100 Pesticide Chemical Residues in Food-Enforcement Criteria (CPG 7141.01); Availability, 1357 Drug Products Containing Colchicine for Injection; Enforcement Action Dates, 7565 Electronic Study Data Submission for Phase 3 Janus Operational Pilot; Pilot Project, 48383 Enforcement Action Dates: Ophthalmic Balanced Salt Solutions for Ocular Surgical Procedures, 54829 Topical Drug Products Containing Papain, 54831 Fee Program for Advisory Review of Direct-to-Consumer Television Advertisements for Prescription Drug and Biological Products: Program Will Not Be Implemented, 2924 Filing of Food Additive Petition: Lubrizol Advanced Materials, Inc., 29520 Food Additive Petitions: Danisco USA, Inc.; Withdrawal, 35142 Danisco USA, Inc.; Withdrawal; Correction, 37974 Zentox Corp., 51490šv­ Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act: Modifications to the List of Recognized Standards, Recognition List Number, 20, 52358 Food Labeling: Allergen Advisory Labeling Use; Current Trends, 46302 Food Protection Plan; Outreach Activities; Opportunity for Public Comment, 17987 Food Protection Rapid Response Team and Program Infrastructure Improvement Prototype Project (U18): Availability of an Agreement of Limited Competition, etc., 36878 Food Protection Task Force Conference; Funding, 32715 Food Safety Research: Produce Safety Promotion; Investigations, 31490 Frozen Concentrate for Lemonade Deviating From Identity Standard; Temporary Permit for Market Testing; Correction, 16024 Global Harmonization Task Force, Study Group 4; Final Document; Availability, 15759 Global Harmonization Task Force, Study Groups 1 and 5; Proposed and Final Documents; Availability; Correction, 39968, 40583, 54600 Guidance for FDA Advisory Committee Members and Staff: Voting Procedures for Advisory Committee Meetings, 45456 Guidance for Food and Drug Administration Reviewers and Sponsors: Content and Review of Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Control Information for Human Somatic, 19511 Guidance for Industry: Absorbable Hemostatic Device; Class II Special Controls Document; Comment Period Extension, 52861 Acute Bacterial Exacerbations of Chronic Bronchitis in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease; Developing Antimicrobial Drugs for Treatment; Draft, 49684 Advisory Committee Meetings; Preparation and Public Availability of Information Given to Advisory Committee Members, 45457 Condoms; Surveillance and Detention Without Physical Examination; FDA Staff, 39969 Container and Closure System Integrity Testing in Lieu of Sterility Testing as a Component of the Stability Protocol for Sterile Products; Availability, 10035 Current Good Manufacturing Practice for Phase 1 Investigational Drugs; Availability, 40584 Indexing Structured Product Labeling, 31492 Labeling OTC Skin Protectant Drug Products; Availability; Draft, 45227 Microbiological Considerations for Antimicrobial Food Additive Submissions, 36090 Nucleic Acid Testing to Reduce the Parvovirus B19 Transmission Risk by Plasma-Derived Products; Availability;Draft, 44272 Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic Format-Drug Establishment Registration and Drug Listing; Draft, 39964 Radiology Devices; Class II Special Controls Guidance Document; Bne Sonometers; FDA Staff Guidance, 41088 Regulation of Genetically Engineered Animals Containing Heritable rDNA Constructs; Availability, 54407 Residual Solvents in Drug Products Marketed in the United States; Draft, 46020 Safety, Efficacy, and Pharmacokinetic Studies to Support Marketing of Immune Globulin Intravenous (Human) as Replacement Therapy for Primary Humoral Immunod, 41087 Submission of Documentation in Applications for Parametric Release of Human and Veterinary Drug Products Terminally Sterilized by Moist Heat Processes; Draft, 45454 Surgeons' and/or Patient Examination Gloves; Surveillance and Detention Without Physical Examination; FDA Staff, 39969 Guidance for Industry; Availability: EPA White Paper Regarding StarLink Corn Dietary Exposure and Risk, 22716 Processing of Imported Frozen Products of Multiple Sizes (e.g., Shrimp, Prawns, etc.); Compliance Policy Guide; Withdrawal, 32338 Guidance for Industry; Fish and Fisheries Products Hazards and Controls: Seafood Processors that Purchase Grouper, Amberjack, and Related Predatory Reef Species Captured in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, 6973 Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff, 1358, 1359 Administrative Procedures for CLIA Categorization; Availability, 25752 Class II Special Controls Document for Tissue Adhesive for the Topical Approximation of Skin, 31129 Class II Special Controls Guidance Document for Certain Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty Catheters, 31127 Class II Special Controls Guidance Document: Full Field Digital Mammography System; Draft, 31128 Guidance for Industry: Guide to Minimize Food Safety Hazards for Fresh-cut Fruits and Vegetables; Availability, 10037 Guidance for Industry on Blue Bird Medicated Feed Labels; Availability, 19513 Guidance for Industry on Drug-Induced Liver Injury; Premarketing Clinical Evaluation, 12181 Guidance for the Public and FDA Staff: Convening Advisory Committee Meetings; Draft, 45455 Guidance for the Public, FDA Advisory Committee Members, and FDA Staff: Determining Conflict of Interest and Eligibility for Participation in FDA Advisory Committees, 45458 Public Availability of Advisory Committee Members Financial Interest Information and Waivers, 45459 Guide to Minimize Microbial Food Safety Hazards for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables; Request for Comments and for Scientific Data and Information, 51306 Hemoglobin Based Oxygen Carriers; Current Status and Future Directions; Public Workshop, 7747 Humanitarian Device Exemption Regulation: Exemption Holders, Institutional Review Boards, Clinical Investigators, and Food and Drug Administration Staff; Questions and Answers; Draft Guidance, 45460 Identification of Drug and Biological Products Deemed to Have Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies, 16313 Imported Aquacultured Shrimp Voluntary Third-Party Certification Programs, 39705 INDERAL (Propanolol Hydrochloride) Tablets, 10 Milligrams, 20 Milligrams, and 90 Milligrams Not Withdrawn from Sale for Reasons of Safety or Effectiveness, 1619 Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff Draft Guidance: Establishing Performance Characteristics of In Vitro Diagnostic Devices for Detection or Detection and Differentiation of Influenza Viruses; Availability, 8883 Industry Guidance on Safety Testing of Drug Metabolites; Availability, 8884 Industry Organizations Interested in Pediatric Advisory Committee Nonvoting Industry Representative Selection Process Notification Request; Nominations, 10454 Information Sheet Guidance: Sponsors, Clinical Investigators, and Institutional Review Boards; Frequently Asked questions; Draft, 43940 Integrated Summary of Effectiveness; Draft Guidance for Industry; Availability, 50825 International Conference on Harmonisation: Draft Guidance on M3(R2); Nonclinical Safety Studies for the Conduct of Human Clinical Trials and Marketing Authorization for Pharmaceuticals; Availability, 51491 Draft Guidance on Q8(R1) Pharmaceutical Development; Availability, 1890 E2F Development Safety Update Report; Draft Guidance, 45462 Q4B Evaluation and Recommendation of Pharmacopoeial Texts for Use in the International Conference on Harmonisation Regions; Draft Guidance, 45463, 45463, 45465, 45466, 45467 International Conference on Harmonisation; Draft Guidance on S2(R1) Genotoxicity Testing and Data Interpretation for Pharmaceuticals Intended for Human Use, 16024 International Conference on Harmonisation; Guidance on E15 Pharmacogenomics Definitions and Sample Coding; Availability, 19074 International Conference on Harmonisation; Pharmacopoeial Texts for Use in the ICH Regions; Availability, 9575 International Cooperation on Cosmetic Regulation Outcome of Meeting, Sept. 26-27, 2007; Availability, 12455 International Drug Scheduling; Convention on Psychotropic Substances; Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs: Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid; Ketamine; Dextromethorphan; N- benzylpiperazine; 1-(3-trifluoromethylphenyl)piperazine; etc., 51823 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation; Public Workshop, 23470 Kemira Oyi; Filing of Food Additive Petition (Animal Use); Partially Ammoniated Formic Acid, 2055 Kemira Oyj; Filing of Food Additive Petition (Animal Use); Partially Ammoniated Formic Acid; Correction, 14472 Labeling for Susceptibility Test Information, 33438 Medical Devices: Cardiovascular Devices; Tissue Adhesive for Topical Approximation of Skin Device Reclassification, 31123 Ophthalmic Devices; Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) Devices; Establishing a Docket, 53028 Premarket Approval Applications; Availability of Safety and Effectiveness Summaries, 50826 Premarket Approval Applications; Safety and Effectiveness Summaries, 55852 Safety and Effectiveness Summaries for Premarket Approval Applications; Availability, 30950 Medical Device User Fee and Modernization Act: Proposed Guidance Development; 2009 Web Location, 56830 Medical Device User Fee Rates, FY, 009, 45014 Meetings: 2008 Advisory Committees Tentative Schedule, 2507 Achieving a Future Vision at the 2008 Parenteral Drug Association and the Food and Drug Administration Joint Regulatory Conference, 49685 Advisory Committee for Pharmaceutical Science and Clinical Pharmacology, 8047, 32030 Advisory Committee for Reproductive Health Drugs, 46021 Anesthesiology and Respiratory Therapy Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee, 24074 Anesthetic and Life Support Drugs Advisory Committee and the Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisory Committee, 4580, 16022, 16314, 21632 Joint Meeting, Animal Models for the Treatment of Acute Radiation Syndrome; Workshop, 41362 Anti-Infective Drugs Advisory Committee, 2055, 3256, 8885, 26119 Antiviral Drugs Advisory Committee, 56831 Antiviral Drugs Advisory Committee and the Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee, 53427 Approaches to Reduce Risk of Transfusion-Transmitted Babesiosis in the United States; Workshop, 39972 Arthritis Advisory Committee, 32031 Bisphenol A Subcommittee of the Science Board, 47957 Blood Products Advisory Committee, 16023, 43941 Cardiovascular and Renal Drugs Advisory Committee, 29761, 32586 Consideration of FDA-Regulated Products That May Contain Nanoscale Materials, 46022 Critical Path Workshop on Clinical Trials for Local Treatment of Breast Cancer by Thermal Ablation, 42356 Dermatologic and Ophthalmic Drugs Advisory Committee, 21144, 24075 Draft Compliance Policy Guide, 7298 Drugs Advisory Committee; Amendment, 2924 Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisory Committee, 2509 Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drugs Advisory Committee, 29762, 55114 Food Labeling Workshop, 31698 Gastroenterology and Urology Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee, 29763 Hematology and Pathology Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee, 36332 International Conference on Harmonization; Preparation, 53428 Obstetrics and Gynecology Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee, 16315, 22157 Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee, 4580, 11928, 26120 Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee Pediatric Oncology Subcommittee, 10455 Ophthalmic Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee, 15530, 29763 Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee, 32587 Over the Counter Cough and Cold Medication for Pediatric Use; Correction, 51309 Over the Counter Cough and Cold Medications for Pediatric Use; Public Hearing, 50033 Pediatric Advisory Committee, 4581, 11929 Pediatric Ethics Subcommittee of the Pediatric Advisory Committee, 21145 Peripheral and Central Nervous System Drugs Advisory Committee, 32588, 39017, 42819, 51829 Pilot Program to Evaluate Proposed Name Submissions; Concept Paper, 27001 Preparation for International Conference on Harmonization; Portland, OR, 16025 Preparation for International Cooperation on Cosmetics Regulations, 31699 Product Tracing Systems for Fresh Produce, 55115 Public Input Ensuring the Safety of Pet Food, 1225 Pulmonary-Allergy Drug Advisory Committee; Cancellation, 6518 Radiological Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee, 7310 Rapid Methods for Detecting Mycoplasma Contamination in the Manufacture of Vaccines, Including Pandemic Influenza Vaccines, and Other Biological Products, 41362 Risk Communication Advisory Committee, 7567, 22959, 43942 Science Advisory Board to the National Center for Toxicological Research, 43453 Science Board, 26121 Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, 6187, 51492 Meetings: 11th Annual Food and Drug Administration-Orange County Regulatory Affairs Educational Conference, 24599 Meeting to Present Changes to the Animal Feed Safety System Project: Ranking of Feed Hazards According to the Risks They Pose to Animal and Public Health, 213557 Memorandum of Understanding Between the Food and Drug Administration and the University of Pennsylvania, 52385 Memorandum of Understanding With the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District, 29764 Memorandums of Understanding: Division of Select Agents and Toxins Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 9122 Food and Drug Administration and Regents of the University of California, 1619 National Institutes of Health, 6973 Walter Reed Army Institute for Research, et al., 9127 New Animal Drugs: Moxidectin; Approval, 32586 User Fee Rates and Payment Procedures, FY 2009; Generic, 53258 New Drug Applications: Hospira, Inc., et al; Approval Withdrawn, 33440 Not Withdrawn From Sale for Reasons of Safety or Effectiveness: MINOCIN (Minocycline Hydrochloride) Capsules Equivalent to 75 Milligrams Base, 11121 TAPAZOLE Tablets and 18 Other Drug Products, 22960 Opportunity for Public Input on Standards for Pet Food and Other Animal Feeds: Notice of Meeting, 21357 Organization, Functions, and Authority Delegations: Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, 191 Over-the-Counter Sunscreen Drug Products for Human Use: Ecamsule Eligibility for Inclusion in Monograph; Request for Safety and Effectiveness Data, 53029 Patent Extensions; Regulatory Review Period Determinations: TYZEKA; Correction, 31697 VEREGEN, 31697 Pediatric Studies Medical and Clinical Pharmacology Reviews; Summaries, 33096 Potential for a Registry of Breast Cancer Treatment Using Thermal Ablation Devices; Comment Request, 30619 Prescription Drug User Fee Act IV Information Technology Plan, 36880 Prescription Drug User Fee Rates, FY, 009, 45017 Product-Specific Bioequivalence Recommendations; Publication of Guidances for Industry, 51829 Public Advisory Committee Voting Consumer Representative Members; Nominations Request, 4582 Public Advisory Panels or Committees: Request for Industry Organizations Interested in Participating in Selection Process for Nonvoting Industry Representatives, 52862 Public Workshop: Developing Guidance on Pharmacoepidemiologic Safety Studies_ Conducting Scientifically Sound Safety Studies Using Large Electronic Healthcare Data Sets, 21963 Regulatory Review Determinations: ARTEFILL, 24072 AVASTIN, 27836 AZILECT, 24073 INVEGA, 27837 OMNARIS, 26999 TYZEKA, 24295, 28119 VECTIBIX, 27000 ZOLINZA, 27838 Regulatory Site Visit Training Program, 3731 Reportable Food Registry as Required by the Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act of, 007, 30405 Report on the Performance of Drug and Biologics Firms in Conducting Postmarketing Commitment Studies; Availability, 22157 Reports and Guidance Documents; Availability, etc.: Interactive Review for Medical Device Submissions: 510 (k) s, Original PMAs, PMAs supplements, original BLAs, and BLAs Supplements, 194 Labeling of Nonprescription Human Drugs Marketed Without Approval of the Dietary Supplement and Nonprescription Drug Consumer Protection Act; Qs & As, 196 Questions and Answers Regarding the Labeling of Dietary Supplements as Required by the Dietary Supplement and Nonprescription Drug Consumer Protection Act, 197 Request for Comments on the Science and Technology Report; Establishment of Docket; Request for Comments, 869 Seroquel (Quetiapine Fumarate) Tablets, 150 Milligrams; Withdrawn From Sale, 4583 Small Entity Compliance Guides: Final Rule Declaring Dietary Supplements Containing Ephedrine Alkaloids Adulterated Because They Present an Unreasonable Risk, 41089 Food Labeling; Nutrient Content Claims; Definition for High Potency and Antioxidant Definition, 41363 White Chocolate Identity Standard; Availability, 41090 Standards for Standardized Numerical Identifier, Validation, Track and Trace, and Prescription Drugs Authentication; Request for Comments, 14988 Summaries of Medical and Clinical Pharmacology Reviews of Pediatric Studies; Availability, 12182 Technologies for Prescription Drug Identification, Validation, Track and Trace, or Authentication; Request for Information, 14991 Temporary Permit for Market Testing: Frozen Concentrate for Lemonade Deviating From Identity Standard, 11095 TEQUIN (Gatifloxacin); Withdrawal From Sale for Reasons of Safety or Effectiveness, 52357 The Essentials of Food and Drug Administration Medical Device Regulations: Primer for Manufacturers and Suppliers; Public Seminar, 17354 Third-Party Certification Programs for Foods and Feeds; Request for Comments, 17989 Transition to the Federal Dockets Management System, 2264 Voluntary Third-Party Certification Programs for Foods and Feeds; Industry Guidance; Draft, 39704 Withdrawal of Guidance for Industry: Recommendations for Sampling and Testing Yellow Corn and Dry-Millled Yellow Corn Shipments for Cry9C Protein Residues, 22716 ***** Food and Nutrition Service RULES Fluid Milk Substitutions in the School Nutrition Programs, 52903 Management of Donated Foods in Child Nutrition Programs, etc., 46169 Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC): Food Packages Revisions; Approval of Information Collection Request, 6577 Miscellaneous Vendor-Related Provisions, 21807 Nondiscretionary WIC Certification and General Administrative Provisions; Implementation, 11305 WIC Food Package Revisions; Implementation Date Delay, 14153 PROPOSED RULES Child and Adult Care Food Program: At-Risk Afterschool Meals in Eligible States, 16213 Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations: Resource Limits and Exclusions, and Extended Certification Periods, 38155 School Food Safety Program Based on Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Principles, 45359 NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals, 147, 9757, 10740, 19047, 21096, 21900, 24214, 24531, 31810, 32285, 33971, 34701, 34702, 44217, 49983, 53188, 55811, 56545, 491590 Child and Adult Care Food Programs: National Average Payment Rates, Day Care Home Food Service Payment Rates, etc., July 1, 2008 through June, 0, 2009, 38390 Child Nutrition Programs: Income Eligibility Guidelines, 19186, 21415 Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children; 2009 Reauthorization Preparation, 29107 Emergency Food Assistance Program: Commodities Availability, FY 2008, 15122 Food Distribution Program: Donated Foods Value, July 1, 2008 Through June, 0, 2009, 38391 Meetings: National Advisory Council on Maternal, Infant and Fetal Nutrition, 37928 National School Lunch, Special Milk, and School Breakfast Programs: National Average Payments Annual Adjustment; Maximum Reimbursement Rates, 38392 Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children: Income Eligibility Guidelines, 19048 Summer Food Service Program for Children Program Reimbursement for 2008, 5496 ***** Food Safety and Inspection Service RULES Accredited Laboratory Program, 52193 Bar-Type Cut Turkey Operations J-Type Cut Maximum Line Speeds Use, 51899 Country of Origin Labeling; Mandatory: Muscle Cuts of Beef (Including Veal), Lamb, Chicken, Goat, and Pork; Ground Beef, Ground Lamb, Ground Chicken, Ground Goat, and Ground Pork, 50701 Federal Poultry Products Inspection: Listeria Monocytogenes Control; Ready-to-Eat Meat and Poultry Products, 51355 Meat or Poultry Product Recalls; Retail Consignees List, 40939 Net Weight Compliance for Meat and Poultry Products; Determination, 52189 PROPOSED RULES Cattle that Become Non-Ambulatory Disabled Following Ante- Mortem Inspection; Disposition Requirements, 50889 NOTICES Better Communications, Better Public Health Outcomes: Strategies for Improved Coordination During Foodborne Outbreaks, 22919 Committees, etc.: Microbiological Criteria for Foods NAC; Membership Nominations, 48191 Microbiological Criteria for Foods NAC; Re-establishment, 45937 National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods; Re-establishment, 45937 Funding Opportunity with the Food Safety and Inspection Service for Food Safety and Defense Training for Spanish- Speaking Plant Owners and Operators, 36035 International Standard-Setting Activities, 31950 Irradiation as a Processing Aid, 52001 Meetings: Codex Alimentarious Commission, 2441, 16260, 21304, 54361 Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods, 11384 Codex Committee on Food Additives, 11385 Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling, 8645 Codex Committee on Natural Mineral Waters, 2001 Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses, 54135 Codex Committee on Processed Fruits and Vegetables, 43912 Meat and Poultry Inspection National Advisory Committee, 4516, 48190 National Advisory Committee on Meat and Poultry Inspection, 48190 National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods, 49643 Shiga Toxin-Producing E. coli, 18257 Retail Store Operations; Exemption, 24039 Salmonella Verification Sampling Program, 4767 Testing Methodologies: Escherichia coli (E. coli); Revised, 53406 ***** Foreign Agricultural Service NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals, 17296 Dairy Import Licenses for the 2009 Tariff-Rate Import Quota Year; Fees Assessment, 51437 Meetings: Advisory Committee on Emerging Markets, 51438 Privacy Act; Systems of Records, 25641 WTO Agricultural Safeguard Trigger Levels, 17949 ***** Foreign Assets Control Office RULES Blocked Persons Listing; Specially Designated Nationals, Terrorists, Global Terrorists, foreign Terrorist Organizations, etc., 37536 Economic Sanctions Enforcement Guidelines, 51933 International Emergency Economic Powers Act; Civil and Criminal Penalties, 32650 Rough Diamonds Control Regulations, 29433 NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals, 37531, 37532 Blocked Entities Pursuant to Executive Order, 48431 Blocking Property and Prohibiting Certain Transactions Related to Burma, 11697 Changes to Identifying Information of Entity Designated on May 15, 2008, Pursuant to Executive Order, 312978, 31005 Designated Entities Pursuant to Executive Order, 3224, 14876, 30446, 35204, 37529, 40448, 40912 Designated Individuals and Entities Pursuant to Executive Order, 2978, 25826, 3804, 7364, 7805, 10857, 29849, 31544, 37530, 51883, 54896 Designated Individuals Pursuant to Executive Order, 33154, 35205, 48430 Designation of Individuals and Entities Whose Property and Interest in Property Are Blocked, 13954 Designations, Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act, 4045, 23004, 27608, 45802, 46706, 54453 Blocking Property of Persons Undermining Democratic Processes or Institutions; New Zimbabwe, 45101 Unblocking of Entities Pursuant to Executive Order, 37533 Unblocking of Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers Pursuant to Executive Order, 1264, 2978, 4669, 12801, 27609, 35206, 45803, 51884 Unblocking of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons Pursuant To Executive Order, 12801, 37533, 40449 ***** Foreign Claims Settlement Commission NOTICES Meetings; Sunshine Act, 2067, 9141, 13922, 26415, 32602, 40383, 46647, 52065 ***** Foreign-Trade Zones Board NOTICES Alternative Sites, Designations and Management Frameworks, 26077, 52817 Applications, Hearings, Determinations: Arkansas Husqvarna Outdoor Products Inc. (Outdoor Power Products Manufacturing), FTZ 14, 25645, 25646 West Memphis; FTZ 273, 24939 Arizona Johnson Controls Battery Group, Inc.; FTZ 219, 54137 Mesa; FTZ 221, 2442 Phoenix; FTZ 75, 13531 California Long Beach; FTZ 50, 34916 Los Angeles; FTZ 202, 1318, 13531 Michelin North America, Inc.; FTZ 50, 31812 Skechers USA, Inc. (Footwear Distribution); FTZ 244, 8031 Stockton; FTZB 23, 12949 Ultramar Inc.; FTZ 50, 17314 Connecticut Derecktor Shipyards Conn, LLC (Cruise Ships, Ferries, and Yachts); FTZ 76, 24219 Florida Bacardi, USA, Inc. (Alcohol Beverages); FTZ 64, 12374 Eastern Shipbuilding Group; FTZ 65, 14435 Jacksonville; FTZ 64; Correction, 41315 Mitsubishi Power Systems Americas, Inc.; FTZ 42; (Manufacturing Authority Subzone 42A), 9277 Tampa Bay; FTB 79, 31813 Tampa Bay Shipbuilding and Repair Co.; FTZ 79, 20611 Georgia Atlanta; FTZ 26, 34916 Atlanta, Georgia, Perkins Shibaura Engines LLC; FTZ 26, 14434 Kia Motors Manufacturing Georgia, Inc. (Motor Vehicles/Withdrawal); FTB 26, 25645 Fuji Vegetable Oil, Inc. (Vegetable Oil Products); FTZ 104, 54137 Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Alabama, LLC; FTZ 235, 31432 Kia Motors Manufacturing Georgia, Inc. (Motor Vehicles); FTZB 26, 20247, 27492 Noramco, Inc. (Pharmaceutical Intermediate Manufacturing); FTZ 26, 20247 Savannah; FTZ 104, 12948 Iowa SACMI USA, Ltd.; FTZ 107, 31674 SPAL USA, Inc.; FTZ 107, 31675 Winnebago Industries, Inc.; FTZ 107, 5175 Indiana GETRAG Transmission Manufacturing LLC (Automotive Transmissions); FTZ 72, 48194 Illinois Cellusuede Products, Inc. (Flock Fiber); FTZ 176, 52816 Crate & Barrel (Home Furnishings); FTZ 22, 2442 Medline Industries, Inc.; FTZ 22, 17315 Rockford; FTZ 176, 28429 Sony Electronics Inc., (Audio, Video, Communications and Information Technology Products and Accessories); FTZ 22, 36039 Kansas Hawker Beechcraft Corp. (Aircraft Manufacturing), Wichita and Salina; FTZ 161, 21903, 54137, 55813 Hospira, Inc; FTZ 161, 45694 Louisiana Baker Hughes, Inc.; FTZ 124, 45695 Candies Shipbuilders, LLC; FTZ 124, 14434 Gramercy; FTZ 124, 5175 Haliburton, Energy Services, Inc.; FTZ 2, 20246 Haliburton Energy Services, Inc. (Barite Grinding and Milling); FTZ 87, Westlake, LA, 20248 Massachusetts Holyoke; FTZ 201, 24940 Michigan Perrigo Co.; FTZ 13, 14958 Wolverine World Wide, Inc. (Footwear and Apparel Distribution); FTZ 189, 51440 Montana: Butte-Silver Bow; Proposed FTZ,46870 St. Louis County; FTZ 102, 28429 New Jersey Lakewood Township; FTZ 235, 31432 In Mocean Group, LLC; FTZ 49, 49161 Mt. Olive; FTZ 44, 24940 New Mexico Louisiana Energy Services L.P. (Gas Centrifuge Production Equipment); FTZ 110, 37407 New York MPM Silicones, LLC; FTZ 121, 19191 North Carolina Banner Pharmacaps, Inc. (Pharmaceuitical and Soft Gelantin capsule Manufacturing); FTZ 230, 10421, 54138 Raleigh/Durham, NC, et al.; FTZ 93; Withdrawal, 12950nc Unifi, Inc.; FTZ 230, 31675nc North Dakota Imation Enterprise Corp.; FTS 103A, 14433 Oklahoma Durant; FTZ 227, 10421 Industrial Gasket, Inc./International Group; FTZ 106, 31811 Pennsylvania Lehigh and Northampton Counties; FTZ 272, 46246 Reading; FTZ 147, 31812 York; FTZ 147, 24940 Puerto Rico Amgen Manufacturing Ltd.; FTZ 7, 36298 Lilly del Caribe, Inc.; FTZ 7, 14435 Merck Sharpe & Dohme Quimica de Puerto Rico Inc.; FTZ 127, 5175 MOVA Pharmaceutical Corp.; FTZ 7, 17315 South Carolina Cornell Dubilier Marketing, Inc. (Electrolytic Capacitors); FTZ 38, 49990 Kittel Supplier USA, Inc.(Automotive Roof/Luggage Racks); FTZ 38, 2213, 7250, 55035 Kittel Supplier USA, Inc. (Automotive Door Trim Components); FTZ 38, 36038 Kravet, Inc. (Textile Distribution and Sampling); FTZ 38, 54138 Spartanburg; FTZ 38, 1319, 36038 ZF Lemforder Corp. (Manufacturing Authority); FTZ 38, 25645 Tennessee Black and Decker Corp.; FTZ 77, 47585 Chattanooga; FTZ 134, 24939 Texas Apparel Group, LTD (Apparel Distribution); FTZ 39, 10420 Calhoun and Victoria Counties; FTZ 155, 36038 Corpus Christi; FTZ 122, 12949 Dallas Fort Worth; FTZ 39, 13531 Dal-Tie Corp., (Flooring and Home Furnishing Products Distribution); FTZ 39, 14432 Gregg County; FTZ 234, 27491 Haliburton Energy Sevices, Inc., (Barite Grinding and Milling); FTZ 122, 20246 Haliburton Energy Services, Inc. (Barite Grinding and Milling); FTZ 122; Correction, 21107 Houston; FTZ 84, 54556tx Sundex, L.P. (Oil and Gas Field Equipment); FTZ 265, 12374 Utah Salt Lake City; FTZ 30, 28430 Virginia Culpeper County; FTZ 185, 14434 Washington Imperium Renewables, Inc. (Biodiesel); FTZ 173, 36038 Tesoro Refining and Marketing Co.; FTZ 86, 14433 Wisconsin Brown County; FTZ 167, 28430 ***** Forest Service RULES National Forest System Lands: Fire Control; Failure; Clarifying Prohibitions, 30305 Management Planning, 21468 Hazardous Fuel Reduction Projects Authorized Under the Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003: Predecisional Administrative Review Process, 53705 National Environmental Policy Act Procedures, 43084 Subsistence Management Regulations: Alaska Public Lands 2008-2009 and Subsistence Taking of Wildlife Regulations, 2009-2010, 35726 Alaska Public Lands; Subsistence Taking of Fish and Shellfish Regulations, 13761, 18710, 19433, 40179 PROPOSED RULES Law Enforcement Support Activities, 41003 Locatable Minerals Operations Conducted on National Forest Systems Lands, 15694 National Forest Service System Timber Sale and Disposal; Timber Sale Contracts: Market-Related Contract Term Additions, 51388 Regulatory Flexibility Act Assessment; Locatable Minerals Operations, 34239 Special Areas: Roadless Area Conservation; Applicability to the National Forests in Colorado, 1135, 43544, 54125 Subsistence Management: Alaska Public Lands, 2009, 2010, and 2010-2011), 20884 Subsistence Taking of Fish and Shellfish Regulations, 20887 Subsistence Taking of Fish and Shellfish Regulations, 29579 NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals, 2212, 2881, 9760, 15123, 15965, 19456, 22321, 31673, 31674, 36297, 41027, 42542, 47879, 54362 Barren Ridge Renewable Transmission Project, 18734 Black Hills National Forest, Northern Hills Ranger District, South Dakota, Telegraph Forest Management Project, 14201 Boundary Establishment; Wildcat National Wild and Scenic River, White Mountain National Forest, Carroll County, NH, 19805 Cascade Creek Watershed, Tongass National Forest, Alaska; Withdrawal Termination, 21902 Centennial Salvage Timber Sale: Caribou-Targhee National Forest, Fremont and Clark Counties, ID, 6920 Committees, etc.: Eastern Recreation Resource Advisory Committee; Nominations, 45391 Lake Tahoe Basin Federal Advisory Committee; Charter Renewal, 55028 National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council; Nominations Solicitation, 44703 Pacific Northwest Recreation Resource Advisory Committee; Nominations Request, 49406 Recreation Resource Advisory Committees; Renewal, 52004 Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Advisory Committee; 3Primary and Alternate Representatives; Nominations and Appointment Call, 15002 Southern Recreation Resource Advisory Committee; Nominations, 45392 Determination of Substantial Overriding Public Interest for Extending Certain Timber Sale Contracts, 53817 Dixie National Forest, UT; Tropic to Hatch 138kV Transmission Line Project, 9517 Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.: Boardman - Hemingway 500 kilovolt Transmission Line Project in Idaho and Oregon and Possible Land Use Plan Amendments, 52944 Bridger-Teton National Forest; Wyoming State Office, 6453 Caribou-Targhee National Forest, ID, 29480 Cibola National Forest; NM; McKinley County Easement for Forest Roads 191 and 191D, 50929 Clearwater National Forest, ID; Travel Management Plan, 6454 Crooked Creek Reservoir Repair; White River National Forest, Eagle County, CO, 24215 Dakota Prairie Grasslands, Medora Ranger District; ND; North Billings County Range Allotment, etc., 28098 Deschutes & Ochoco National Forests, Deschutes, Crook, Jefferson, Klamath, Grant and Lake Counties, OR, 28426 Genesis Inc. 2009 Exploration Drilling Project, Kootenai National Forest, Lincoln County, MT, 43400 Geothermal Resources Leasing in Various Western States and Alaska; Hearings; Correction, 34946 Hiawatha National Forest, MI; Niagara, 5497 Huron-Manistee National Forests, MI; White Pines Wind Farm Project, 52945 Idaho Panhandle/Kootenai/Lolo National Forests, Lincoln and Sanders Counties, MT, etc., 7490 Klamath National Forest, CA, 17297 Lassen National Forest, Almanor Ranger District, CA, Creeks II Forest Restoration Project, 28794 Leasing of Geothermal Resources in 11 Western States and Alaska and Notice of Public Hearings; Draft, 33802 Modoc National Forest, CA; Public Wheeled Motorized Travel Management, 26955 Nebraska National Forest, 9760 Ochoco National Forest, Paulina Ranger District; Oregon; Upper Beaver Creek, 20242 Plumas National Forest, CA; Moonlight and Wheeler Fires Recovery and Restoration Project, 29735 Resurrection Creek Restoration Phase II Project, 4774 Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest; Motorized Vehicle Use, 50299 San Juan National Forest, Columbine Ranger District, CO; Hermosa Land Exchange Analysis, 26075 Shasta-Trinity National Forest, CA, 46236 Superior National Forest, MN; Border Project, 4776 Tongass National Forest, AK, 25642 Environmental Impact Statements; Intent: Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests; AZ; Heber Wild Horse Territory Plan, 47126 Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests, AZ; Motorized Travel Management Plan; Correction, 11088 Ashland Ranger District Travel Management Planning, Custer National Forest; Powder River and Rosebud Counties, MT, 51784 Bend/Ft. Rock Ranger District; Deschutes National Forest, Oregon; 18493, 19805 Black Hills National Forest, Bearlodge Ranger District, WY and Northern Hills Ranger District, SD, 15124 Bridger-Teton National Forest, 16621 Caribou-Targhee National Forest, ID; Cancellation, 10741 Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest; Wisconsin, Grub Hoe Vegetation and Transportation Management Project, 55021 Cibola National Forest Invasive Plant Management Project; Cancellation, 16621 Cibola National Forest, Mount Taylor Ranger District, NM, Designation of the Proposed Rinconada Communication Site, 47579 Dry Fork Vegetative Restoration Project, Lewis and Clark National Forest, Cascade and Judith Basin Counties, MT; Withdrawal, 52261 East Deer Lodge Valley Landscape Restoration Management; Deer Lodge County, MT, 32676 Flathead National Forest, Flathead County, MT; Kalispell Line Valve 5 to 6 Loop Natural Gas Pipeline Project, 40843 Gateway West 230/500 kV Transmission Line Project; Idaho and Wyoming, etc., 28425 Giant Sequoia National Monument Management Plan EIS, 6691 Goose Creek Watershed Livestock Grazing Analysis on the Tongue Ranger District, Bighorn National Forest, Sheridan and Johnson Counties, WY, 33393 Greens Hollow Coal Lease Tract, 8060 Gypsy Moth Management in the United States; A Cooperative Approach, 37928 Helena National Forest, Lewis and Clark County, MT, Grazing Reauthorization for Marsh Creek and Tarhead Livestock Allotments, 44957 Klamath National Forest, CA; Thom-Seider Vegetation Management and Fuel Reduction Project, 6109 Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit, California, South Tahoe Greenway Shared-Use Trail Project, 2882, 17300 Leavell-McCombs Joint Venture, 54786 Manti-La Sal National Forest, Sanpete Ranger District, UT; Sunroc Gypsum Surface Mine Operation Plan, 44958 Nebraska National Forest, Nebraska & South Dakota, 35116 Nebraska Travel Management Rule Implementation Project; Nebraska National Forest, Nebraska and South Dakota, 2002 North San Juan Sheep and Goat, 15125 Plumas National Forest, CA; Public Wheeled Motorized Travel Management, 444 Plumas National Forest, CA; Moonlight Fire Recovery and Restoration Project, 1201 Rosemont Copper Project, Coronado National Forest, Pima County, AZ, 13527, 23181 Salmon-Challis National Forest, ID; Travel Management Plan and Off-highway Vehicle Designation, 31054 San Juan National Forest; Columbine Ranger District, CO; Hermosa Landscape Grazing Analysis, 3234 San Juan National Forest; Columbine Ranger District; CO; Hermosa Landscape Grazing Analysis; Correction, 5789 Santa Fe National Forest, NM; Motorized Travel Management Plan, 41028 Sequoia National Forest, California, 50301 Shasta-Trinity National Forest, CA, 9985 Shasta-Trinity National Forest, CA; Motorized Travel Management, 46238 Shasta Trinity National Forest, CA; Timber Harvest and Fuels Hazard Reduction Project, 15966 Sierra National Forest, CA; Kings River Project, 10741 Sioux Ranger District Travel Management Plan, Custer National Forest; Carter County, MT and Harding County, SD, 51785 Umpqua National Forest, Douglas County, OR; D-Bug Hazard Reduction Timber Sale Project, 3689 Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, OR; Westside Rangeland Analysis, 1317 Wasatch-Cache National Forest, UT; West Bear Landscape Management Project, 4175 White River National Forest; Summit County, CO; Breckenridge Ski Resort_Peak 6 Terrain Development Proposal, 3449 Environmental Study; Interest Solitation: Rosemont Copper Project, Coronado National Forest, Pima County, AZ, 41031 Flat Fee Policy: Outfitting and Guiding Land Use Fees in the Alaska Region, 21098, 55022 Forest Certification and its Implications for America's National Forests, 53820 Forest Service Manual: Heritage Program Management; Final Directive Availablity, 43402 Native Plant Material Policy, 8265 Forest Vegetation Resource Planning, 50756 Grants, etc.: Woody Biomass Utilization Grant Award, 16623 Hoosier National Forest Boundary Modification, 45206 Inspections Conducted by the United States Army Corps of Engineers on Formerly Used Defense Sites, 24216 Land and Resource Management Plans, etc.: Bull Run Watershed Management Plan, 3922 George Washington National Forest, Virginia and West Virginia, 35632 Kiowa, Rita Blanca, Black Kettle, and McClellan Creek National Grasslands; Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico, 54363 Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit, California and Nevada; Revision, 31429 Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests, WY; Spruch Gulch Project, 3232 Pike and San Isabel National Forests, etc., Colorado and Kansas, 23180 Shoshone National Forest, WY; Revision, 30044 Meetings: Colorado Recreation Resource advisory Committee, 3448, 30601 Eastern Region Recreation Resource Advisory Committee, 52641 Eastern Region Resource Advisory Committee, 5498 Lake Tahoe Basin Federal Advisory Committee, 6456, 12070, 15126, 21902, 52262 Land Between The Lakes Advisory Board, 7249, 52262 Management of Roadless Areas in Colorado; Proposed Rule Information, 42543 Mendocino Resource Advisory Committee, 5499 National Tree-marking Paint Committee, 8264 National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council, 24531, 53846 New Mexico Collaborative Forest Restoration Program Technical Advisory Panel, 15126 Opal Creek Scenic Recreation Area Advisory Council, 19049 Oregon Coast Provincial Advisory Committee, 1862 Pacific Northwest Recreation Resource Advisory Committee, 31961 Pacific Southwest Recreation Resource Advisory Committee, 448, 31428, 56791 Ravalli County Resource Advisory Committee, 2213, 8646, 15721, 19806, 35116, 41030 Roadless Area Conservation National Advisory Committee, 6456, 13827, 19807, 39280, 54363 Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument Advisory Committee, 41030 Southern Region Recreation Resource Advisory Committee, 49406 Southern Region Resource Advisory Committee, 5499 National Forest System Lands: Forest Restoration Activities; Woody Biomass Utilization Grant Proposals Request, 52810 New Fee Sites: Allegheny National Forest, PA, 47127 Boise National Forest, Idaho; Proposed, 56546 Deschutes National Forest, OR; Proposed, 41031 Fremont-Winema National Forests, OR; Fee Increases, 51438 Mississippi National Forests, MS, 16622 Ochoco National Forest, 18494 Rogue River, Siskiyou National Forest, 3688 Salmon-Challis National Forest, 39938 Sawtooth National Forest, ID, 47880 Snow Peak Shelter, 24216 Superior National Forest, MN; Proposed, 43206 Umatilla National Forest, OR, 7507 Williamette National Forest, OR; Proposed, 49983 Newspapers Used for Publication of Legal Notices: Southern Region, 19187 Southwest Region, 21097 Teton Basin Ranger District, Caribou-Targhee National Forest, ID, 43205 Open Space Conservation Strategy; Availability, 6457 Proposed Surface Management of Natural Gas Resource Development: Correction, 38969 Record of Decision: Buckman Water Diversion Project Environmental Impact Statement, 7695 Recreation Fee Areas: Soda Springs Ranger District, Caribou-Targhee National Forest, ID, 33394 Sumter National Forest, SC; FORKS Mountain Bike Trail, 9763 San Juan Land Draft Management Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Statement; Extension of Comment Period, 11860 Sensitive Species and Endangered Species Act Section 7 Consultation Policy for National Forest System Land Management Planning under the 2008 Planning Rule, 46242 Settlements, etc.: Silver Bow County, Montana, 18737 Special Use Permits: Directives and Insurance Requirements, 8264 Outfitting and Guiding; and Insurance Requirements; Final Directives, 53823 Status of Travel Management Planning and Providing Access for Subsistence Purposes within the USDA Forest Service, Alaska Region, 40845