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University of Washington

Grant Title: Leadership Education in Pediatric Dentistry (LEPED)

View University of Washington Project Web Site

Project Director(s):

Penelope  J.  Leggott, DDS, MS
University of Washington Department of Pediatric Dentistry
1959 NE Pacific St. HSC B242 Box 357136
Seattle, WA 98195-7136
(206) 543-4885
Email: chez@u.washington.edu


Leaders in pediatric dentistry are urgently needed to address critical and emerging issues (disparities, access to care) in oral health for maternal and child (MCH) populations. Our program aims to address these issues through education, service and research.

Goals and Objectives:

Goal 1: To improve the health of maternal and child populations, including infants, children and adolescents, parents and children with special health care needs (CSHCN). Objective 1: Provide training in core pediatric dental competencies and family-centered, culturally-appropriate pediatric dentistry for underserved populations, including CSHCN. Objective 2: Provide training in public health competencies including research methodologies and practice within the concurrent MSD/MPH curriculum. Objective 3: Recruit and train racially and culturally diverse trainees and those with interests matched to the program focus. Goal 2: To prepare trainees for leadership roles in education, research public health administration, advocacy and public service to eliminate oral health disparities and respond to critical health issues. Objective 1: Provide training in communication, negotiation and leadership. Objective 2: Introduce leadership trainees to public health infrastructure and related programs; hold regular meetings with State/Title V agencies to address oral health and other priorities. Objective 3: Assist with state and regional projects such as the Washington State Oral Health Coalition and the Medical Home Training Project. Goal 3: To serve as a national resource for MCH health infrastructure through continuing education, consultation and technical assistance. Objective 1: Provide collaborative experiences for trainees with other UW-MCH Leadership Training Centers. Objective 2: Collaborate with MCH Centers outside the UW: the other two Leadership Centers in Pediatric Dentistry Education, MCH Oral Health Policy Center, and the Oral Health Resource Center. Objective 3: Offer periodic conferences and meetings with the MCH community, such as the April 2004 Seattle conference.


Our program has five possible tracks for advanced education in Pediatric Dentistry: Two two-year tracks: Certificate in Pediatric Dentistry (CPD) which is offered in our rural residency training program in Yakima; and MSD (Master’s Degree in Dentistry) and CPD. Three three-year options: the concurrent MSD/MPH (Master’s in Public Health) and CPD; MSD and CPD and a Certificate in Leadership in Education and/or a Certificate in Public Health. All trainees receive specialty education to meet accreditation standards, and training in family-centered, culturally competent care, public health competencies, research methodologies and leadership. The Center is committed to training pediatric dentists to become change agents and assume leadership roles. Trainees who select the concurrent degree program receive two degrees in three years and satisfy academic requirements for the MSD and MPH. To allow for students’ individual interests the concurrent degree program can satisfy the requirements of either department participating in the Maternal and Child Health Program: Health Services or Epidemiology. This program further strengthens collaborative ties between the School of Public Health and the Department of Pediatric Dentistry by creating an environment in which masters’ students and faculty from both Schools can contribute to collective educational experiences and develop joint initiatives and activities pertaining to the oral health of MCH populations.


. Overall coordination utilizes an Advisory Board of key stakeholders which meets annually to offer direction, introduce key players and encourage collaboration. The Core Committee meets weekly to evaluate trainees’ education and research. In addition, representatives of the three MCH Leadership Training programs at the UW meet monthly to coordinate shared training and discuss common goals and program activities.


The department has an ongoing and comprehensive evaluation system that includes input from students, alumni, faculty, staff, and faculty peers as well as the accreditation committee of the ADA. We are incorporating additional quantitative and qualitative assessments to evaluate Center goals, including faculty and trainee evaluation of self-efficacy in critical MCH competencies. Long-term evaluation will include monitoring graduates’ scholarly work, job experience and leadership activities.

Experience to Date:

Our first two MCH trainees (Drs. Kelly and Yea) in the concurrent degree program will graduate in June, 2006, and our next two trainees (Drs. Bitar and Linsenmayer) will begin their final year of training. One more trainee (Dr. Hull) will begin his first year of the concurrent degree program and two (Drs. Richman and Taff) enter the program in June of 2006. Our MCH Pediatric Dentistry Fellow, Dr. Rama Oskouian, completed her MPH this past year and has served as faculty in the department. The Oral Health Elective, developed by MCH Pediatric Dentistry faculty, is in its second year and continues to be a vital part of the UW School of Medicine curriculum. MCH trainees and faculty attended the Tri-Center meeting of Leadership Training in Pediatric Dentistry in Iowa, where MCH trainees presented summaries of their research and faculty met to discuss issues in common to all three MCH Leadership programs.