Species Profile
Environmental Conservation Online System

American Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus anatum)

Kingdom: Animalia
Class: Aves
Order: Ciconiiformes
Family: Falconidae

Listing Status:   

General Information

The peregrine falcon belongs to the genus "Falco," which is characterized by long pointed wings. In fact the word Falco is derived from "falx," the Latin word for sickle, in reference to the distinct sickle-shaped silhouette of the peregrine falcon’s extended wings in flight. Also unique to this species is the notched beak that is used to kill prey by severing the spinal column at the neck. The peregrine falcon is a crow-sized bird, weighing just over two pounds with a wing span of approximately 3 feet. An adult peregrine has a dark grey back and crown, dark bars or streaks on a pale chest and abdomen, and heavy malar (cheek) stripes on the side of the face. Immature peregrines are buff colored in front and have dark brown backs; adults are white or buff in front and bluish-gray on their backs. Females and males are identical in appearance, however, the female can be a third larger than the male.

Lead Region:  Pacific Region (Region 1)
Date Delisted:  

» Federal Register Documents

Most Recent Federal Register Documents (Showing 5 of 29 : view all)
Date Citation Page Title
10/13/2006 71 FR 60563 Post-Delisting Monitoring Results for the American Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus anatum), 2003
03/25/2005 70 FR 15344 15346 Information Collection Renewal Submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for Approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act; OMB Control Number 1018-0101; Monitoring Recovered Species After Delisting As Required Under Section 4(g) of the Endangered Species Act – American Peregrine Falcon
03/07/2005 70 FR 11022 11024 Preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement for Issuance of an Incidental Take Permit Associated with a Habitat Conservation Plan for Western Placer County, CA
01/03/2005 70 FR 101 102 Information Collection Renewal To Be Submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for Approval Under the Paperwork Reduction Act; Monitoring Recovered Species After Delisting As Required Under Section 4(g) of the Endangered Species Act – American Peregrine Falcon; 1018-0101
06/04/2004 69 FR 31632 31635 Availability of the Final Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report for an Incidental Take Permit for the Multiple Habitat Consrevation Program, Carlsbad, CA

» Recovery

Current Recovery Plan(s)
Date Title Plan Status
10/20/2004 Revised American Peregrine Falcon Recovery Plan (Rocky Mountain/Southwest Population) Final Revision 1
Other Recovery Documents (Showing 5 of 5 )
Date Citation Page Title Document Type
10/13/2006 71 FR 60563 Post-Delisting Monitoring Results for the American Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus anatum), 2003
  • Notice Doc. Availability
  • 12/03/2003 68 FR 67697 67698 Notice of Availability of the Post-Delisting Monitoring Plan for the American Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus anatum)
  • Notice Doc. Availability
  • 07/31/2001 66 FR 39523 39523 DOI, FWS; Availability of Proposed Monitoring Plan for American Peregrine Falcons in the United States for Review and Comment: Notice of document availability
  • Notice Doc. Availability
  • 08/25/1999 64 FR 46541 46558 ETWP; Final Rule to Remove the American Peregrine Falcon From the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife, and To Remove the Similarity of Appearance Provision for Free-Flying Peregrines in the Conterminous United States
  • Final Delisting, Recovered
  • 08/26/1998 63 FR 45446 45463 ETWP; Proposed Rule To Remove the Peregrine Falcon in North America From the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
  • Proposed Delisting, Recovered
  • Delisting Documents
    Date Title
    12/03/2003 American peregrine falcon PDM plan

    » Critical Habitat

    Current Critical Habitat Documents (Showing 3 of 3 )
    Date Citation Page Title Document Type Status
    09/22/1977 42 FR 47840 47845 Final Correction and Augumentation of Critical Habitat Reorganization; 42 FR 47840 47845 Final Rule Active
    08/11/1977 42 FR 40685 40690 Determination of Critical Habitat for Six Endangered Species Including Palila, Renumbering of Critical Habitat Listings; 42 FR 40685 40690 (Florida Everglades kite, Rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus; American peregrine falcon, Falco peregrinus anatum; palila Psittirostra bailleui; dusky seaside sparrow, Ammospiza maritima nigrescens; Cape Sable sparrow, Ammospiza maritima mirabilis; Morro Bay kangaroo rat, Dipodomus heermanni morroensis) Final Rule Active
    08/30/1976 41 FR 36516 Proposed Critical Habitat for the American Peregrine Falcon; 41 FR 36516 Proposed Rule Not Required

    To learn more about critical habitat please see http://criticalhabitat.fws.gov

    » Conservation Plans

    Habitat Conservation Plans (HCP) (learn more) (Showing 5 of 23 : view all)
    HCP Plan Summaries
    Assessment District 161
    Cal. Dept. of Corrections Statewide Electrified Fence Project
    Cedar River Watershed HCP
    City of Tacoma, Tacoma Water HCP
    Clark County Multiple Species HCP (7 permittees)
    Candidate Conservation Agreements (CCA): (learn more) (Showing 1 of 1 )
    CCA Plan Summaries
    Spring Mountains National Recreation Area

    » Petitions

    No petition findings have been published for the American Peregrine falcon.

    » Life History

    No Life History information has been entered into this system for this species.

    » Other Resources

    NatureServe Explorer Species Reports -- NatureServe Explorer is a source for authoritative conservation information on more than 50,000 plants, animals and ecological communtities of the U.S and Canada. NatureServe Explorer provides in-depth information on rare and endangered species, but includes common plants and animals too. NatureServe Explorer is a product of NatureServe in collaboration with the Natural Heritage Network.

    ITIS Reports -- ITIS (the Integrated Taxonomic Information System) is a source for authoritative taxonomic information on plants, animals, fungi, and microbes of North America and the world.

    Last updated: May 8, 2009