New England Field Office
Conserving the nature of New England

Partners for Fish & Wildife    image loge partners USFWS    

Riparian Habitat Restoration

Residential and urban development and agricultural land clearing has led to a loss of streamside forests that in turn has had a detrimental impact on water quality and aquatic animals from increased rates runoff and bank erosion. Loss of forested riparian areas also degrade habitat for wildlife that are dependant on these areas for breeding and as dispersal corridors.

Livestock fencing, streambank stabilization using bioengineering techniques, and streambank tree and shrub planting are techniques used to restore riparian habitat in partnership with private landowners, other Federal agencies, State agencies, municipalities, and non-governmental organizations.

Tidal and Freshwater Wetlands

Dam Removal and River Restoration

Invasive Species

Grassland and Early Successional Habitats

Riparian Habitat Restoration


Last updated: November 24, 2008