United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Memphis VA Medical Center

For Health Care Professionals

Welcome to the VAMC Health Care Professionals section of the VAMC Memphis Internet site.  This site is designed for health care professionals and residents.  If you are a patient or visitor, please return to the home page to find information applicable to you.

Dental Residency Program

VAMC Memphis Dental Service conducts a one year Dental General Practice Residency Program, accepting two residents annually. The residency program is fully accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation. Learn more about our Dental Residency Program including how to apply.

Pharmacy Residency Program

The VAMC Memphis has been training Pharmacy Practice residents since 1963.  The PGY1 residency accepts 8 residents per year and is a 12-month post-Doctor of Pharmacy training program accredited by ASHP.  Learn more about our Pharmacy Residency Program including how to apply.

Information Security Training

Residents and volunteers are required to complete annual Information Security Training which can be obtained through the VA's Employee Education System Internet site.

For Health Care Professionals

Dental Residency Program
Pharmacy Residency Program
Information Security Training

Related Links

Resident and Student Learners' Survey REQUIRED!