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University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center

Grant Title: University of New Mexico Pediatric Pulmonary Center

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Project Director(s):

Francine  Caffey, MD
Pediatric Pulmonary Center Dept. of Pediatrics, MSC010 5590
1 University of New Mexico University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
(505) 272-6633
Email: FCaffey@salud.unm.edu


UNM-PPC is the only comprehensive, interdisciplinary leadership training program that addresses the needs of very diverse children with chronic and often life threatening pulmonary conditions and their families in the state of New Mexico. This is accomplished in one of the poorest states in the US.

Goals and Objectives:

Goal 1: The UNM PPC will train future MCH leaders to improve pulmonary health of children by emphasizing comprehensive, family-centered, culturally competent, and evidence-based care. Objective 1: Train at least four long-term leadership trainees and one leadership trainee annually through an interdisciplinary, competency-based leadership curriculum with emphasis on MCH content areas including the appropriate Healthy People 2010 objectives. Objective 2: Train ten intermediate trainees each year from the various appropriate disciplines with a curriculum developed to meet their individual needs and stages of professional development. Goal 2: Serve as a resource on multiple levels for care providers in the community on quality and improvements in the health infrastructure and care system for pediatric pulmonary conditions. Objective 1: Develop, market, and offer one online pulmonary short course each year for practicing professionals and families. Objective 2: Provide a minimum of fifteen leadership and/or condition-specific education sessions annually for professionals practicing throughout all regions the state. Goal 3: Contribute to the advancement in treatment of pediatric pulmonary conditions through conducting scholarly research and disseminating research findings. Objective 1: All long-term trainees will participate in scholarly research during their PPC experience under the mentorship of a PPC faculty member. Objective 2: Produce a minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles, books, chapters, or educational products annually. Topics will be relevant, evidence-based, condition- or leadership-specific, or tied to emerging health related issues. The PPC network will disseminate this information nationally.


The program conducts 8 courses covering all curriculum material. Clinical experiences are in out/in-patient settings and rural outreach clinics. Students are required to complete an additional 50 hours of leadership experiences, a family and a research project. Most of the seminars are interactive. Didactic information is provided through problem-based learning cases. UNM PPC, NM LEND and LEEP students and faculty members participate in all leadership seminars.


Representatives of state and local health agencies, including Title V, parent organizations and others involved in pulmonary issues participate in PPC activities and often serve as preceptors for community-based and leadership experiences. Collaborative projects with Title V include MCH Collaborative meetings, joint proposal development, needs assessments and continuing education activities.


A comprehensive evaluation plan is used to assess the effectiveness of training, incorporating both process and outcome methods. Trainee performance in course work, practica, seminars, family mentorship, and leadership experiences is evaluated through assessments and feedback from team members and families. Trainee follow-up is through the National Reporting and Information System (NIRS).

Experience to Date:

During the 2005-2006 cycle, the UNM PPC had a total of 30 trainees participating in the program. Long term trainees included 2 in social work and 1 in nursing. An additional 10 medium term and 17 short-term trainees also participated in the program, which included all core disciplines and pharmacy. 48 educational activities were given at local, state, regional, national and international levels. Faculty participated in 31 Technical Assistance activities at all levels. The UNM PPC has dramatically increased family involvement by adding a family faculty member. This past year, several UNM PPC faculty have had major roles in the planning of several national conferences. The conferences included the Western Institute of Nursing 39th Annual Meeting, Celebrating Diversity:The role of Culture in Food Choices, Physical Activity and Obesity, and the NM 4th Annual Obesity Conference. The UNM PPC continues to partner with NM LEND and NM LEEP Programs by collaborating in the NM Interdisciplinary Leadership Program (NMILP). PPC trainees continue to participate in didactic and clinical experiences in pediatric pulmonary medicine. Additionally, other NMILP trainees have participated in the clinical experience. The UNM PPC continues to partner with other Title V Agencies to provide statewide coverage to children with pulmonary conditions. The UNM PPC continues to be active in research producing 21 publications and products.