Coastal Services Center

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Habitat Priority Planner: A New Planning Tool for Coastal Communities

There is nothing simple about managing natural resources. Use the Habitat Priority Planner to sort options, develop and change scenarios, and answer questions such as

Quickly Map Your Options, Quickly Show Your Results

The Habitat Priority Planner (HPP) was designed with the local planner, coastal conservation group, and the coastal manager in mind. HPP is a spatial decision support tool designed to assist users in prioritizing important areas in the landscape or seascape for conservation or restoration action.What makes this tool unique is the ease with which the scenarios can be displayed and changed, making this a helpful companion when working with a group. In addition to the scenarios, the tool also generates pertinent reports, maps, and data tables.

Sample Functions

Powerful, but Easy to Use. The tool contains three modules: habitat classification, habitat analysis, and data exploration. Habitat classification allows the user to select specific habitats that are relevant to their site-specific question. The habitat analysis module allows users to perform commonly used, pre-packaged spatial analysis metrics and to analyze site-specific supporting data. Data exploration allows the user to prioritize habitats based on user criteria with stakeholders, project teams, or interest groups in an interactive environment. 

User Requirements

Data Requirements

Tool Download and Resources

HPP Graphic

Download Requirements

Download Insructions

Download HPP now - New Version 2/22/2008 (Service Pack 4 required)
Note to earlier version users: The new version requires Service Pack 4. Please uninstall older versions of HPP and download the newest version to take advantage of our latest improvements.

User Manual (PDF)
Help Documentation contains step by step installation, tool use, and tool theory as well as some useful resources in the appendix.

Video: Introduction to HPP (12 min)
wmv (16.9MB) or mov (17.2MB)

This powerpoint slideshow will provide an overview of the Habitat Priority Planner, including user requirements and introduction to the three modules that make up the tool.

HPP List Serve
Join the HPP support list server. Exchange ideas, ask questions, tell us how you use the tool, and build the user network for the Habitat Priority Planner. You can unsubscribe at any time. Please refer to the "HPP Help" documentation first for general user questions.