Space Weather for Aviation Service Providers
NOAA National Weather Service Space Environment Center

Sample page only. Not current data.

24 hour Forecast issued Sep 15 2100 UTC, Geophysical Alert Message

Space weather for the past 24 hours has been moderate.
Solar radiation storms reaching the S2 level occurred.

Space weather for the next 24 hours is expected to be minor.
Geomagnetic storms reaching the G1 level are expected.
Solar radiation storms reaching the S1 level are expected.
Radio blackouts reaching the R1 level are expected.

Latest 3-day Solar Weather Forecast

NOAA Scale
Geomagnetic Storms
Solar Radiation Storms
Radio Blackouts

Sample page only. Not current data.

POES Auroral Activity Estimate
Latest POES auroral activity estimate
D-Region Absorption Prediction
Latest D-Region Absorption Prediction map

Estimated Planetary K-index
Estimated Planetary Kp plot for Sep 15, 2005
GOES Proton Flux
GOES Proton plot for Sep 15, 2005
GOES X-ray Flux
GOES Xray Flux plot for Sep 15, 2005

Sample page only. Not current data.

Space Weather Alerts of interest to Aviation users, issued in past 24 hours
Issue Time Type Details
Sep 15 2119 UTC SUMMARY: Proton Event 10MeV Integral Flux exceeded 100pfu Begin Time: 2005 Sep 08 0215 UTC
Maximum Time: 2005 Sep 11 0425 UTC
End Time: 2005 Sep 15 1100 UTC
Maximum 10MeV Flux: 1880 pfu
NOAA Scale: S3 - Strong
Sep 15 1735 UTC ALERT: Geomagnetic K-index of 6 Threshold Reached: 2005 Sep 15 1733 UTC
Synoptic Period: 1500-1800 UTC
Station: Boulder
Active Warning: Yes
NOAA Scale: G2 - Moderate
Sep 15 1442 UTC EXTENDED WARNING: Geomagnetic K-index of 6 expected Valid From: 2005 Sep 15 0852 UTC
Now Valid Until: 2005 Sep 15 2359 UTC
Warning Condition: Onset
Sep 15 0916 UTC SUMMARY: X-ray Event exceeded X1 Begin Time: 2005 Sep 15 0830 UTC
Maximum Time: 2005 Sep 15 0838 UTC
End Time: 2005 Sep 15 0846 UTC
X-ray Class: X1.1
Optical Class: 1b
Location: S10W15
NOAA Scale: R3 - Strong
Sep 15 0852 UTC WARNING: Geomagnetic K-index of 6 expected Valid From: 2005 Sep 15 0852 UTC
Valid To: 2005 Sep 15 1500 UTC
Warning Condition: Onset
NOAA Scale: G2 - Moderate
Sep 15 0839 UTC ALERT: X-ray Flux exceeded M5 Threshold Reached: 2005 Sep 15 0837 UTC
NOAA Scale: R2 - Moderate
Sep 15 0358 UTC ALERT: Proton Event 10MeV Integral Flux exceeded 10pfu Begin Time: 2005 Sep 14 0647 UTC
NOAA Scale: S1 - Minor
Comment: This alert is being issued to correct the cancelled continuation of serial number 265. The event continues at this time with a current flux of 100 pfu at 0312UTC on 15 Sep 05. The maximum flux observed since the beginning of this event is 1880pfu at 0425UTC on 11 Sep 05.
Sep 15 0322 UTC CANCEL ALERT: Proton Event 10MeV Integral Flux exceeded 10pfu Original Issue Time: 2005 Sep 14 0100 UTC
Comment: Cancelled due to incorrect maximum flux.
Sep 15 0311 UTC CONTINUED ALERT: Proton Event 10MeV Integral Flux exceeded 10pfu Begin Time: 2005 Sep 14 0100 UTC
NOAA Scale: S1 - Minor
Comment: The current flux is 100 pfu. A maximum flux of 183pfu was reached 14 Sep 05 at 1520UTC.

Last page update 2005 Sep 15 2356 UTC. This page automatically reloads every minute but not all displays are created at that rate. See User Guide for individual display update rates. Note: use browser Reload when returning to this page to ensure latest data.

The Space Environment Center (SEC) Space Weather for Aviation Service Providers web site is designed for the aviation community to communicate space weather information in terms that are easy to interpret and understand. Solar events can have a detrimental impact on airlines and ground equipment. Space weather storms can result in lost or degraded communications, unreliable navigational equipment, flight-critical electronic system problems, and radiation hazards to crew and passengers.

Displays show the most recent data available at SEC. See the sample web page which shows how the page looked during the high solar activity in September 2005. See Data and Products for earlier data.

The Space Weather for Aviation Service Providers web page is described in its Product Description Document. The Feedback Form can be used for comments, questions and suggestions.

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