United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System


QUICS StudyImage: QUICS study logo

Study Description
This research study will be looking at how patients and their doctors discuss the topic of colorectal cancer screening. The purpose of the study is to improve how patients and their primary care doctors discuss colon cancer screening. You may be invited to participate in this study if you are at an age when colon cancer screening is recommended and if your records suggest that you are due to be screened. The VA Pittsburgh is the coordinating center and one of three clinic sites that this study is taking place at. We plan to have 150 patients from each site: the VA Pittsburgh, the Jesse Brown VA in Chicago, and the Houston VA and 450 patients total to take part in this study.

Eligibility Requirements Site-specific contact information listed below

If you have questions about the study or would like to learn more, please contact the study coordinator, Theresa Eury, at 412-954-5205 or email at Theresa.Eury@va.gov.

If you have questions about the study or would like to learn more, please contact the study coordinator, Natalia Skorohod, at 312-569-7339 or email at Natalia.Skorohod@va.gov.

If you have questions about the study or would like to learn more, please contact the study coordinator, Sheryl Blakemore, at 713-794-8690 or email at Sheryl.Blakemore@va.gov.

Further Colorectal Cancer Screening Information:

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