
Targeted Assistance

What is Targeted Assistance?

Targeted Assistance is:

  • a new approach to records management

  • a partnership between the National Archives and Records Administration and your agency

  • a customer driven, problem-solving approach to records management

The program operates both at Washington, D.C. area headquarters and at our regional facilities.

How Does Targeted Assistance Work?

Each partnership develops a project with a well-defined purpose, tangible products, definite milestones, and a timeframe for completion.

AGENCY PROVIDES: Agency staff time and expertise and coordination among agency local, regional, and national offices.

NARA PROVIDES: Expert guidance and assistance, tailored training, expedited review of schedules, and more, at no cost.

Generally, Targeted Assistance services are offered at no cost to agencies. If extensive travel or other non-personnel costs are involved, however, the National Archives and Records Administration may request help in defraying expenses if necessary.

Targeted Assistance Contacts

For regional offices, contact your local NARA regional Facility or see list at http://www.archives.gov//facilities/index.html. For general information, call (301) 837-2950

For headquarters, contact your agency liaison or see list.
For general information, call or e-mail Susan Cummings, (301) 837-1636

Questions and comments

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001 • Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272