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Tulane University

Grant Title: Maternal and Child Health Public Health Training Program

View Tulane University Project Web Site

Project Director(s):

Jeanette  H  Magnus, PhD
SL-29 Community Health Sciences
1440 Tulane Ave
New Orleans, LA 70112-2632
(504) 988-2181
Email: jmagnus@tulane.edu


The health status of women and children in Louisiana and the surrounding states is worse than in any area of the United States. Very few persons working in public health agencies in the region are trained in public health, and those trained in public health often lack leadership skills.

Goals and Objectives:

Goal 1: To provide leadership training to current and future public health practicioners Objective 1: Implement a new Executive Master of Public Health in MCH Leadership for current health professionals, with 8 graduates by 2010. Objective 2: Initiate a series of mini-seminars in basic leadership skills for students in the traditional MCH Master of Public Health program, with 50 participants by 2010. Goal 2: To enhance MCH training programs for public health students Objective 1: Intensify recruitment of students with the potential to become MCH leaders, enrolling at least ten students per year from underrepresented minority groups. Objective 2: Strengthen field practica ("capstone experiences") to provide MPH students practical experience in MCH and exposure to MCH leadership and the Title V program; 25 percent of students will work with Title V program staff in their practica by 2007. Goal 3: To enhance MCH research and research training Objective 1: Increase student involvement in MCH-relevant research; 30% of all MPH students will work on a faculty reserach project by 2010. Objective 2: Increase MCH-relevant research by faculty, producing a mean of 2 or more peer-reviewed publications per year per faculty FTE by 2010 Goal 4: To extend and strengthen partnerships with the community and with public health agencies Objective 1: Provide continuing education and short-term training to public health professionals in state and region; with several on-site short-term training to public health practitioners across Louisiana by 2010. Objective 2: Provide consultation and technical assistance to government and nonprofit public health agencies in MCH-relevant topics, with consultations/TA provided on at least 10 discrete issues per year by 2010.


The Tulane Leadership Education program will build on its uniquely close relationship to the Louisiana Office of Public Health Title V program (herein referred to as OH), its strong MCH curriculum, and its tradition of training minority public health professionals. We Will: Actively recruit mid-career MCH professionals with leadership potential by collaborating with key state OPH personnel; Provide training through on-line courses, short intensive courses, and other formats that fit the schedules of working professionals; Provide tuition support for current professionals; Work with local employees to identify basic leadership skills needed by graduates; Implement a seminar in basic leadership skills, such as administrative and managerial skills, for tradition MPH students; Aggressively recruit minority students; Provide mentoring workshops for field placement preceptors, particularly OPH program staff; Work closely with OPH to identify needs and opportunities of field placements; Encourage MPH students to work with faculty and provide support for students to present research results at national scientific meetings; Undertake faculty development in research skills; Establish a post-doctoral fellowship to increase MCH research activities; Work with OPH’s local and regional staff to determine continuing education needs and provide continuing education on-site; and Build on existing relationships with the OPH to provide consultation and technical assistance.


Louisiana Office of Public Health: Staff for leadership training; field placements for traditional MPH students; research projects; continuing education New Orleans Health Department: Field placements for traditional MPH students; research projects; continuing education Louisiana Public Health Institute: Field placements for traditional MPH students; research projects; continuing education


A complete evaluation plan will measure quantitatively all objectives. Data sources include: 1)a robust student database that tracks demographics, educational background, practicum location and progress, and advising, 2)surveys of entrants, graduates, and alumni to measure changes in self-efficacy in leadership skills and to document accomplishments of alumni, and 3)tracking reports to measure research and service to public health agencies by faculty.

Experience to Date:

Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast on Aug 29 2005. The subsequent levee breaches flooded 80% of New Orleans.The magnitude of population displacement, property damage and death associated with this hurricane is now recognized as the worst natural disaster in US history.If Louisiana and New Orleans are to rebuild strong and healthy communities, women’s, children’s and family health must take the lead as the most important issue.Hurricane Katrina greatly impacted our initial timetable, but the aftermath of the hurricanes have brought urgency and awareness to the necessity of high quality public health training and leadership.After this devastating disaster the Tulane MCHLT program reexamined our priorities to address the changing needs of the MCH population and public health professionals in Louisiana.Our MatCH Scholars program is an expanded MPH program including intensive mentoring and skill building workshops.We have hosted Leadership Seminars and invited local public health leaders to discuss leadership development and lessons learned during Hurricane Katrina.All lectures are digitally recorded and available via the new MCHLT website.A new faculty member was hired in April to focus on cultural competence in public health leadership training.We have a strong post-doctoral fellow starting in July. In collaboration with the Louisiana Office of Public Health Title V program, we will continue to participate in the rebuilding, and renewal of New Orleans and Louisiana.