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Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Quality Enhancement Research Initiative

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The Diabetes Mellitus (DM) QUERI Research Coordinating Center is co-located with the Ann Arbor HSR&D Center of Excellence .  The Clinical Coordinating Center is located at the VA New Jersey Healthcare System, along with a Co-Clinical Coordinating Site at the Louis Stokes VA Medical Center in Cleveland. 

The goal of the DM QUERI is to partner with stakeholders to implement strategies that efficiently deliver state-of-the-art evidence-based care to help veterans live longer and better lives.

Our current priority areas include:

  1. optimizing management of cardiovascular risk factors;
  2. decreasing rates of diabetes-related complications, including visual loss, lower-extremity ulcers and amputation and kidney disease;
  3. improving patient self-management;
  4. improving management of patients with diabetes and other chronic co-morbid conditions; and 5) advancing clinically meaningful quality/performance measurement as an important tool for promoting quality improvement and for assessing the results of quality improvement interventions.

Why is there a QUERI focused on Diabetes Mellitus?

Diabetes mellitus was selected as a focus for QUERI because Type 2 diabetes mellitus affects nearly 20% of veterans who use the VA health care system or more than 800,000 individuals at any given time. Diabetes is a leading cause of blindness, end stage renal disease, and amputation in the U.S. Up to 80% of patients with diabetes will develop macrovascular disease, such as heart attack and stroke. VA is the largest integrated health care system to provide care to people with diabetes.

While there is a growing array of therapeutic options and efficacious treatment strategies to prevent or delay some of the most severe diabetes-related complications and enhance quality of life, there remain significant gaps in the use of these treatments.  Consequently, the diabetes QUERI is committed to research and collaborations with key VA and non-VA partners to promote the use of effective care strategies that will decrease the number of patients who experience complications of diabetes and thereby help veterans with diabetes live longer and better lives.