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FY 2009 Grant Opportunities Are Now Available in the MCH Training Program
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Phase 6 - Grant Progress Reports Due (Spring)

Spring - During the Spring after the project is funded, the grantee will receive notification that a non-competing continuation application will be due within approximately 60 days. Grantees also receive non-competing continuation application guidance and deadlines. Grantees must submit non-competing continuation applications in a timely fashion, using Grants.gov and the Electronic Handbooks (EHB). MCHB program officials review these reports to determine whether or not the grantee is making satisfactory progress as outlined in the original application and to review performance measures and administrative data. Upon satisfactory review, a new notice of grant award is processed to provide funding for the next project year. Ninety (90) days after the end of their budget period, the grantee submits a Financial Status Report, which is the official notification from the university to the funding agency regarding the status of grant funds. One hundred and twenty (120) days after the end of the budget period, the grantee is required to go back into the EHB to finalize any data that may have changed in their non-competing continuation application.

Grant Life Cycle Phase 6
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